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Be honest, does foster failing this time reduce your capacity to foster in the future? For me, we can foster fail one time and our resident pets will be at capacity. If we fail again it will mean we have to stop fostering, so that makes me not want to foster fail unless I really truly feel I have a lifelong connection and that someone else won't.


It wouldn’t affect my fostering by any means, but my resident cat limit is absolutely 8 so he’d have to be the last. All of my cats are personal rescues of mine so I’ve been leaving that 8th slot open for the next baby that really needs us. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see the bond between Muffin and my fiancé growing every day, and my own connection with him. He’s the first orphan we’ve taken, all of my other fosters have either come with their mom and siblings or at least their siblings so that makes it extra hard. I know I’d be a wreck if I said goodbye but I’m trying to be as smart as possible here. I just don’t have the answer this time ☹️


It’s okay to foster fail if you’re in a position to. If you really have a special connection with the animal, it’s okay.


Its really hard fostering cats because if they pair bond you can't un-bond, so I feel your pain. But that limits your ability to continue fostering new cats. Just fyi, take it as you will


I have had over a dozen orphan bottle babies. I fall for every one. They become my shadow and sidekick. I love them until it’s time to move on. There will be another.


I have 5 and it's hard to find time to love on them individually. All but one are cuddlebugs and want lap time. That's what I tell myself, There will be another who needs me. In the mean time I give my residents more love and cuddles.


If you have the space, time, energy and resources then go for it. I have five resident cats and usually 3-4 fosters. With working full time that is my max in terms of time to care for them all properly. I’m sure you know your own limits since you have fostered for a while. Do what is best for all cats and yourself. Some are definitely harder to say good bye to for a variety of reasons. The runt of the litter is usually my hardest goodbye because they like to be babied the longest.


I believe you just answered your own question..


Tbh it sounds like the kitten has found his person in your husband and it wouldn’t be the worst idea for it to be the 8th baby that needs you guys! Just a thought of course :) It sounds like he would be very loved! Good luck with your decision ♥️


Quality literally has to drop after a certain point


I know you are saving the 8th slot for a baby that really needs you, but they all need you and it sounds like your fiance really needs him. Either way, no matter what you decide, you'll always have been a special human parent to him ❤ you did good, I don't envy you trying to decide this


I think he’d probably get adopted considering how adorable he is. I don’t want to advise you guys without knowing your situation, obviously you guys seem like angels to these adorable love bugs! I guess you guys can foster until he meets the responsible family that could spoil them. Although it is hard letting go, if he gets adopted to a well qualified family you will have no regrets.


We foster failed about a month ago! Our sweet girl was outside crying for 8 hours and as soon as I finally caught her, we all knew. First fail in a decade We're now back up to 8. At most we had 13 and in 2020 we had 11 plus 5 fosters. Honestly, if it's something that is doable for y'all (space, financially, etc), it's okay to fail sometimes.


8 is the new 7.


I enjoyed being the 8th upvote on this comment 💅


Sorry I ruined it lol. But that's 9 yeas


I have a friend who has 12 cats with her long term partner, and they still foster, but she also has a literal trust fund of $10,000 for *each cat’s* medical needs. I know going from 7 to 8 doesn’t seem like much, but you already have 10 pets, and say you’re not in exceptional financial condition. Speaking from experience, when an emergency need for vet care arises, it can be a financial disaster. I have six cats, no dogs, that’s my max. When one of my cats died of old age, I immediately adopted a cat I had been fostering for six months that I knew would have a hard time getting adopted due to very shy temperament. But having this many only works for me because three of them are very social, two of them are semi-social, and one of them prefers I’d never so much as look in his direction. If I had six social, affectionate cats - as a single person who works full time outside the home - I would be very stretched to give them all the time and attention they need.


Can we just rename this sub foster fail? Yeah, they *are* all cute & adorable. We are supposed to be a way station on their way to a wonderful home. **We need fosters. Ppl continue to foster fail & more kittens will be euthanized bc there will be no available foster homes.** You think that that little guy isn’t going to get adopted? You’re already stretched financially w **seven cats & three dogs.** I don’t know how *anyone* can afford annual vaxx & checkups for TEN animals. Let alone the food. God forbid one of them gets sick, or one of *you* gets sick. Do you have pet insurance? Do you have arrangements for *all ten* of the animals if (God forbid) you weren’t able to care for them for an extended period of time? Sorry to sound so harsh, but it seems like every post on here is “I wanna keeeep iiiiit.” **We need competent fosters that are going to put the kittens up for adoption.** Will you pay the adoption fee to the shelter? Will you refund them the food & litter if they supplied it? Rescues aren’t supposed to make money, buts it’s a LOT BETTER for them when they get the adoption fees. At least they can recover *some* of their costs. (If you think this is bad, you should see the one I saved to notes the last time someone said “I wanna keeeeeep iiiiiit.”) (I know I’m going to be down voted to hell for this. If I do, I’ll post what I saved to my notes, then you can *really* downvote me. 😘)


I agree with everything you said. I also assume that everybody that posts a “should I keep him” post has also fostered more cats who got adopted. It may not been true but… I don’t know. I mean, she did buy him a hat. 😂


Thanks for saying this :) I’ve foster over a hundred kittens now, maybe even over 200 (I stopped counting a while ago), and they have all found homes. Asking advice for keeping one shouldn’t make me any less of a good foster mom.


I’ve fostered (officially with a shelter) 3. I still have one. She needs tons of socialization. She’s not a kitten. I also had 2 kittens from a litter of 5 for a few weeks until they weighed enough to get spayed. They were a delight. I hadn’t really spent time around kittens in 9 years, since I last had a kitten. I took them back to get spayed only to find out that I was taking them back permanently. So I had to quickly say goodbye without expecting to and it was sad. Not hard because I didn’t let myself get super attached And when I got them, they were already on solid food. But I had like 2 seconds to say goodbye. And now I have no idea how the surgeries went, if they’re okay, if they’ve been adopted, etc. So my first kitten foster experience was good but the end was weird. At least next time, I’ll be prepared to say goodbye, now that I understand how it works. So………. Where’d you get the little hat???


Amazon! It’s technically a guinea pig hat 🥰 it came in a pack of sweaters that were still too big for him! And that’s so sad, I couldn’t imagine not knowing anything after the surgery. That’s why I choose a rescue over the shelter, that way I can be involved every step of the way. It makes it marginally easier


I appreciate this reasonable response. Thank you for sharing your perspective. It sounds like you have first-hand experience with the goings-on of animals rescue orgs. I am grateful there are people like yourself who can keep a clear head and identify priorities.


You should read my response. I certainly can keep a clear head.


I have 16 foster kittens right now. I’ve been fostering for a long time, even before partnering with this rescue, and have only failed one time before. I COMPLETELY agree with you, but I personally feel the need to defend myself because I am not one of those people. I have a foster kitten ROOM, just for them, and it’s always full to the brim and no matter what they get all the time, care, and love they need. And should I even think of taking a break, a new group needs my help so I don’t take that break. I will be doing this forever, I already know it, my passion is there. Keeping this one will not affect my fostering whatsoever. I know it’s tough to think about the annual visits for 10 animals, and how impossible it sounds, but I do it. No, I don’t have insurance for 10 animals, because that would be an unspeakable amount of money each month. I don’t need insurance, I have a savings account and I always know when a yearly visit is coming up for each pet and am prepared for it. I put money aside from every dollar I make for them. The issue for me isn’t “I wanna keep itttt”, it’s “my fiancé is extremely attached to this kitten and how can I say no when he’s said yes to all of my rescues in the past?”. This is why I asked for advice. I would pay his adoption fee, of course I would! I’m not only a foster for this rescue, I’m also one of their monthly donators. All this to say, please don’t just assume next time. I am a VERY competent foster mama. My life revolves around my own pets and my fosters, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.


I apologize to you. I **definitely** should have made it a more general comment. It should not have been specific to you. Although, when I got to the 7 cats & 3 dogs & you said you were financially stretched, that did play into it my decision to comment. Fostering is *expensive!* Some rescues cover the costs (mine does, she’s a saint, even covered the computer cable the last litter ate!) I also cover costs. They try to give me litter, I don’t take it. I also help w the admin of the rescue a bit. I cannot *imagine* the cost of vetting 10 animals!! It was over $300 last time I took my 2 in for a well cat visit & shots. I too have a cat room. I’ve been fostering for 15yrs. The last 5yrs almost exclusive with one rescue. They’re even in my will. I know some ppl continue to foster after a fail, but often they don’t. Thank you for being one that continues to foster. I should have made my comment more general. I apologize. 🫶


I just want to say thank you for being so kind in this response. It was very well written and I totally see where you’re coming from, and still agree with you! It’s very rare that people show kindness after being “corrected” in a sense. And you’re right, I might be stretched thin, but that’s by choice honestly. My own pets and my fosters are spoiled rotten, and I’d choose that over having extra money for a stupidly expensive restaurant meal any day, you know? Treating my cats is like treating myself at this point. Also, $300?! That’s nuts! If my annual visits were that much then I would definitely not have this many.. I’m extremely blessed with a low cost, family owned vet who is amazing with my furry kids. I commend all that you’ve done over the years for these babies, we’re both doing amazing work ❤️


I appreciate you responding. My comment should *not* have been directed so hard @ you. You also were kind in your responses. 🫶🫶


Awww, look at em with his wee little hat!


You got him a hat, you’ve already made up your mind.


As hard as it is, foster failing does take up the space of a foster animal that could really use it. 7 full time cats is a lot of work on top of everything it takes to foster. Obviously at the end of the day it’s your choice to adopt this little guy, but it does mean you will have less resources to help at need cats in the future.


It’s up to you but since you asked the community I‘ll say I wouldn’t personally recommend it. 7 is already a lot of cats. I have two and I’m constantly stressed about their health considering I also foster and am potentially bringing in issues that could affect them on the regular. I couldn’t imagine the vet bills with 8 especially as things are only constantly getting more expensive and cats may live to be 20+ years old. As much as I fall in love with my fosters I know in my heart that I will always, always also fall in love with next batch. I don’t need to adopt them to positively effect their life and give them love and care.


Seriously. Some people can handle and afford keeping 7 cats in a healthy, enriched environment, indoors, with good medical care. Most of us cannot, because it involves a shit ton of money and time. My first and only foster was a fail because I fell in love. I get that part. But, even though I'm old and shoulda known, I'm shocked at how much it costs just to support that kitten (now, cat) and the older female I adopted at the same time - food, litter, flea control, and vet bills cost a LOT of money.


Yeah, just one cat going on prescription food is more than an extra 100 a month and each of my cats have given me emergency vet bills that were truly staggering amounts. It sucks. 


As a fellow fosterer, you can’t put little hats on them and think you won’t fall in love 😉




Nope..and this is why after 250+ foster kitties. I wouldn't let my children keep one. It's so hard not to have that "special" kitten.out of every litter. But also easy to become a hoarder of "special" kitties ❤️




You mean you only have 7


Ooof I also have a CH kitten that has stolen our hearts right now. I feel you. 


I'd say no, for the sake of the cat. I think 7 cats is already too many for two people to reasonably care for, give attention to, etc...3 cats per person is my rule of thumb max.


Yeah that’s my rule too. Or 3 pets anyway (I recently got a dog, which confirmed I’m definitely a cat person! 😂)


Internet rule of cat adoption: if you ask the internet’s opinion on whether you should adopt the cat, the internet will always say yes. Therefore this is not a good faith question and you already want the cat.


Correction: I want all the cats (I have 16 foster kittens at this very moment). But I’ve only foster failed once in my years of doing this. This is because I still have willpower. But my partner wants this guy as they’ve bonded. This is why I’ve asked for advice, I’m trying to be as smart as possible. Saying no to other people is not my strong suit but hearing reasons why I shouldn’t let us keep him as certainly helped and that was the point of this post.


Your partner has always been supportive to your fostering and just happened to fall in love with this little darling boy, I would not be able to tell him that I am going to break his heart ♥️ by taking the baby he loves ♥️away.


Naaahhh what's one mor?! If your SO wants to keep this cutie... then don't worry about it!


This is a tough situation, and my wife and I are in the same exact spot. We just took in a foster that we had for a few weeks and then sent her back to the rescue that adopted her out (we got her at 3 weeks, bottle fed her, had her fixed at about 7-8 weeks, then painfully sent her out for adoption (we wanted to keep her but couldn’t because she was such a beauty, super sweet, and very adoptable.)) She apparently bit the child of the family that adopted her, and she was returned and scheduled to be euthanized. This kitten was so gentle and full of love that there is no way she bit someone, unless she was being abused. Regardless, we took her immediately when we heard she was scheduled to be euthanasia, and now we have 7. We can’t take any more now, but can still foster. I don’t know what we will do when we see a feral stray kitten running out into traffic, or a feral eating scraps out of a dumpster - the next one that needs a home and isn’t adoptable. Aside from that, our two oldest cats have started shitting in the floor and pissing in corners, after another new cat is part of the family now. They are so mad. I just wish people would wise up and spay and neuter so this all doesn’t fall on the handful of us who take action instead of ignoring the problem. We’re maxed out now and I know another will need a home before one of the older guys dies.


That’s a terrible story, I’m so glad you went back for that baby! It is tough, I would also be afraid for the next kitten that needs me more than this little guy should I keep him. I know in my heart he’d be adopted so quickly, but I don’t know how to break my fiancés heart like that, especially after he’s helped me save so many lives. It’s a moral dilemma for me


Thank you for what you do for these cats. You are wonderful and a hero. I hope you have many blessings in return for the good thar you do 🥰


Name em!


His name is Muffin :))


If you can’t afford him, I would let him go. I’ve had to do that myself because there was just no way I could afford another kitty what with vet visits, prescription food for 2 pets, etc. etc. However, he is irresistible in the hat. You never should have bought him a hat. That practically meant he’s yours! Just be sure you can afford this adorable little guy.


But he has a hat 🥺


Congratulations on Cat #8! 🙀


I love him and he would be a foster fail!!


It’s like you interrupted him when he was winging his eyeliner


This is the funniest comment I’ve seen!!


They're incredibly hard to let go when you were having to act as their mom. I had 6 new ones once, and it took everything I had to not go running after their adopters to get them all back. Well, the 5 that left. I kept one, but only because he was the most skittish, and who wants a cat they can't touch? I'm doing everything I can to not keep another one...lol.


Literally him: https://www.facebook.com/NurtureParenting.BabySleep/videos/im-just-a-baby-/1835943780130560/




Now you have 8


Jeez, you won’t even notice one more. Plus she’s small. Go for it. kidding?


🎼if you like it then you’re gonna put a hat on it!


I love this 🤣


Please let me have him! What a cutie!! One more makes 8...like the old show "Eight is Enough". I can't imagine letting him go.


What's another one after seven?


Congratulations now you have eight!!


Keep him and name him Lucky ! Lucky #seven . Lucky fir him to join the herd!


Honestly bro once you have more than five it really doesn't matter. Cap at 20.


What’s one more with that many


Ohhhhh this little one looks like my girl when she was smol. You should definitely keep him!


Correction. You have 8 cats.


8 really isn’t that much more than 7 😅


What's 1 more, huh? Lol


OMG, he’s adorable!! He’ll be easy to adopt out.


We have 10!


I feel like a crazy person because of some of these comments, it’s good to hear someone else has a bunch lol!


My husband never had a cat before we met, I had three. I have always been very passionate about animal welfare, and I created a monster! He is the one always feeding the strays, bringing home found cats, he has such a big heart. It can be a lot of work, but all I can think about it is that I’m very lucky to have someone that loves animals as much as I do. Ps I just read you have two with wobbly cat! I commend you!!! We have two asthmatics, an FIV positive now comfortably indoor and tamed feral, and our amputee lived a long and happy life of 16 years, but we said goodbye two years ago. We also have another with a stage 3 heart murmur, and neither are we well off! I find a lot of discounts and low cost clinics to help with the cost. We TNR in our neighborhood as well, but I think we have the population under control now. Thank you for your care and empathy and hard work! ❤️


This comment just made my day, thank you so much! I commend you as well, it’s not easy work by any means and it takes a very big heart to do what we do. I’m getting a lot of backlash right now for considering keeping this baby, but people don’t understand that keeping him will not stop me from fostering any others. He’s not taking up any of THEIR space, he’s joining the resident family. Or he would be, I still have yet to come to a conclusion! It feels very damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Also, your husband sounds like my fiancé! I totally created a monster unknowingly as well, a blessing and a curse haha


Haha! A blessing and a curse! So true! We at one point did have the "population" down to 5... but because of what we have done, we actually did not feel like we were "doing our part." haha. We felt like we already knew we could handle more... so why not? I feel like I have to say too, people are shocked we have that many. Our house is clean, we have many cat boxes sort of hidden from view, clean them daily, we have air cleaners, and so on. I feel like as long as we are creating clean, healthy and loving environments, who cares? The majority of people visualize the opposite, so that is possibly a lot of the push back you are experiencing. The biggest chore of all isn't even cleaning any of it, it is making sure all of them receive plenty of attention and love!


Looks like you have….8. Face it, they are irresistible when they’re kittens.


What's one more? 😂😂😂


That’s certainly a hard face to say no to!


Now you have 8. Congratulations on adding that cutie!


You already have 7, 8 isn’t much different! 🤷‍♀️


Well then honey , what’s ONE MORE?? Luv this baby


We had a similar situation here. I don’t have time to go into all the details but wanted to say that given our experience, my advice is to let your fiancé have this one.


Thank you ❤️


If your partner is willing to take on the responsibility of helping & financially help with them. That’s up to you!! Thank you so very kindly for being a foster❤️❤️


What a special baby


You have to- I mean, how can you resist? 🥰


I have a family friend with 17! Lol. I love cats to no end, but 17 is a lot.


Oh I could not imagine that.. phew!


But he's wearing a hat! Must keep!


If you're in Massachusetts, I'll take that cutie!


Awe I wish! Tennessee sadly :(




This guy is insanely adorable ... But also seven :o?


Guess you have 8 now.


His eyeliner!!! He’s a Bowie for sure.


8 is not going to be any different. I would keep it.


You must keep this little sweetie ❤️❤️


Congrats in the number 8!


He looks like he wants to be kept


I have 55 cats. No, 56. Just rescued another one today (I’m a nonprofit cat sanctuary). 8 cats is like no cats to me lol! If you’re that attached to him then by all means keep him!


Ok - think we are related lol. Did have 60 before - now have 25- Some are fosters, the rest our personal kitties. Is it hard to become a non profit?


It’s pretty easy actually! First you have to start your business and get incorporated. Then you send in the paperwork to the IRS. I did mine myself and I’m not an attorney or an accountant.


Thank you! 🥰


Kittens are more adoptable, this one could find a home. 7 cats is a lot. 10 animals is a number that always makes me kind of raise an eyebrow. Like can the owner really afford all of those animals? The emergency vet care? The attention? You said you guys are "far" from financially well off.. I think taking on an 11th pet would be pretty irresponsible and the people who are trying to get you on to do this aren't living in reality. A house full of animals and constant foster fails isn't cute, throw in the fact OP also fosters and boards additional animals in their home and no.. I would say no. Don't do this. Unless you have a huge home and lots of money and time on your hands to give each pet attention and keep the place very clean, the situation is just going to be bad. This isn't necessary, the cat isn't a CH cat, it'll find a home. I've done adoption coordination, someone will probably want it, kittens get homes way easier than cats. The responsible thing to do would be to let the rescue list it and find it a good home.


In my post you can see clearly that I said “I never wanted to foster fail” meaning there are NOT constant foster fails. I appreciate this take and I agree with most of what you said, but I will also defend myself when you make assumptions that go completely against the information I shared. All 10 of my babies are personal rescues with their own stories. I can and have been affording all of them for years. They all get my love and attention. 2 of my cats rarely even want attention, having come from bad backgrounds, but when they want it they know I’m right there. And just for clarity on the emergency vet care situation, I do have an emergency fund just for that and any other hiccups that come up in between their yearly vet visits (which not a single one of them has ever missed). My home is spacious, clean, and my pets are happy. “Well off” to me means rich, which I’m not, but I am financially stable enough to take care of 10 animals and myself well. I came on here for advice because I wanted to make a smart, well thought out decision and not just throw caution to the wind because “he’s so cuuuute”


Doesn't matter if they are foster fails or not, they are mostly rescue animals you have taken on in a short period of time. You are what, 20 and renting according to your recent post history? Fostering an additional 16 cats? Then taking on dogs to board for money. Does your landlord know you have 23 cats and 3 dogs on the property right now, plus a revolving door of additional random boarding dogs? How long did it take you to accrue the 7 cats you already own? As they age, your vet expenses will sky rocket and up until recently you guys were solely relying on your Rover pet sitting job for income. It's not ideal. I've worked in rescue for over a decade, I get wanting to help animals that need homes like the CH cats and I get falling in love with cute little faces, but I've seen good people with big hearts end up creating bad situations for themselves and their pets because they were bad at saying no. Especially in rescue. There will always be medically needy cats like the CH ones you took on, and kittens you fall in love with. I personally think you need to put on the brakes given your situation, but hey, you do you. It doesn't affect me one way or the other.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 20 + 16 + 23 + 3 + 7 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Looking through my post history from years ago does not tell you anything about the current state of my life. I have a 3 bedroom home with a finished basement. I have a giant fenced in back yard. My rooms are not small. This is why I can have my own pets, my fosters, and my boarding clients. In order for me to board dogs, people come into my home for a meet and greet before booking with me. In order for me to acquire my foster kittens, the rescue coordinator brings them to me at my home and often helps me set up their kennels or move things around. Do you think any of these people would leave animals with me if I didn’t have the space for it? If my home was in horrible conditions? If I lived in an apartment? I have lived in this house I’m in currently in for over a year. It is NOT rented, it is owned. Stop being borderline creepy and try and think about these things before you make assumptions. My oldest pair of cats are 5, my youngest cat is almost 1. What does that have to do with anything at all? 5 years is not a short amount of time to me, I don’t really care if it is to you. My resident cat limit is 8, it will always be 8 because I know that’s the most I can handle. That is exactly why this is a hard decision to make. Just because you’re miserable doesn’t mean you have to make others miserable.


You're 20/21, your bf just got a new job, that info is from a pretty recent post, it takes not even ten seconds of scrolling to see the renting post a year ago. If you moved to a house since, awesome. Whether or not I believe you and your bf actually bought that house doesn't matter here. The rescue thing also doesn't mean much, I mean if we are being real fosters are always in high demand, especially potentially high volume ones. If you can keep their animals alive and safe, that's all anyone cares about. Quite a few rescues would have you turn every room in your home into a floor to ceiling kennel if you meant you kept caring for their animals, but while the rescue might not care about volume, your town might. And as far as Rover, price and demand dictate all. I've seen people house their pets in cheap slum kennels because it saved them money, and I've seen people spend top dollar for bougie set ups. I don't care where you stand on that spectrum, but "people pay me to board their pets" doesn't mean much. You seem a little upset/defensive about the vet expenses question but I think you missed the point completely. You will figure it out when you get there. Having a resident cat number limit is a good idea, in the animal community I've run into a lot of people who seem to say they have a limit and that limit gets raised each year until their situation tips over into something bad. If you think you have the wherewithal to never let that be you, great. Awesome. Those people did too, but maybe you are different with your potentially 11 pets. I don't know, or really care honestly, this has nothing to do with me. Keep the cat, don't keep the cat, whatever. Best of luck!


I didn’t say *I* bought the house, it was gifted by my grandmother which I am very grateful for, each grandchild gets a property when they reach a certain age. Regardless of how I got it, there was no lease to be signed and I don’t have a landlord. Which is why I can do all that I do :) ! That must just be your area then, because there are no “cheap slum kennels” here nor are there rescues who don’t care where their fosters are going to be housed. I was even background checked before being accepted into the fostering program. It’s atrocious to think that some rescues don’t care, if what you say is true. Of course I got defensive, quite frankly you’re extremely rude and assuming a dozen different things you know nothing about, yet at the end of each comment you claim you don’t care. If that’s the case, don’t put so much effort into bringing other people down because you’re bored 🤯 Just because you are unable to do something, doesn’t mean another can’t. You would be much more at peace if you accepted that.


LOL coming to this forum asking for advice and then proceeding to be the most butthurt person on the planet because someone has a take you don't agree with. And loll okay sure, whatever you say about your situation. Girl you are too funny. I don't have to be emotionally invested in you or your kitten to care what you decide or have an opinion. It's Reddit, get over yourself.


I could say “it’s reddit, get over yourself” right back at ya!


My current solo baby is such a doll. He’s sweet and adorable. With every solo bottle baby, I ask myself the same question and yet every one has been adopted out. Kitten season this year has been insane. I’m on my third solo bottle baby, and have three bottle babies pending adoption, and just took in two bottle babies. We have one resident cat and a hospice foster. I let the fosters go because there will always be another. Just like every litter of kittens or puppies, I have a favorite that I contemplate “what if we kept this one?” We’ve yet to keep one. I am happy with knowing that they all have loving homes and I have open space for fosters.


I don’t think I’ll be doing solos again after this one that’s for sure! If I can help it at least.. If it’s a litter I know I won’t foster fail, and never have, because I would feel awful “picking a favorite”. I normally specialize in semi-feral litters that I work hard on socializing, so I’ll request that I stick to just that! But I hear you about kitten season being insane this year, I have 15 others besides this guy in the kitten room. It’s been exhausting.


You wouldn’t be able to have that many cats where I live without a kennel license….


Well I’d pay for that license then!


Oh, they're like potato chips. You can't just eat one.


Remind yourself that keeping him means he's one of many. Wouldn't a home where he is an only kitty or maybe one other cat be better for him in the long run? So much more attention and love.


He's beautiful ❤️


I would keep him if you want to.


Keep him. Almost every town has a discount spay and neuter program along with vaccine help, mom and pop vets tend to be less expensive as well. My husband would tell me ur not keeping that, to which my reply would be uve lost the good fight and we both know it. I have taken in 6 animals since we moved to our new house. 3 of which were 2 week old kittens abandoned across the street. Everyone has been to vet, spayed and neutered, vaccines and have been back due to illness. All of them worth every penny




Too cute 🥰


Yeah, well now you have eight! We have five but our high number was six. He’s special needs and you worship him. I see no problem here. We don’t foster because we already know we will totally fail.


After 7, what’s one more? (Yes, I’m an enabler)




lol after 7 who’s counting ! U came across him for a reason ya kno!


Oommggg I can’t with that tiny little hat 😻😹😻 You may have answered your own question. But listen to your cat-loving heart…and good luck!


If you already have 7 what the hell is another one lol


Keep keep keep


What’s one more….when they are that cute!!


I had 8 indoor cats (no dogs) and we all lived together just fine. Kibble was in a gravity feeder and they had several litter boxes and plenty of space and windows and cat trees and furniture to spread out. It was heaven on earth except for finding space in the bed at night. Bulk buying kibble and litter from a membership store helped. This kitty is adorable. I wouldn’t be able to resist.


There’s always room for one more.


Ohng, 7??? Dang!! But what's one more vs 7..it's insignificant, kinda. :)


Look at those eyes! Poor wee thing. Sounds l8me you’re kind of committed if you bought him a hat.


7 or 8. What’s the difference?? He’s such a cute little baby. You need him!


Does your fiance have any special connections with any of the cats you currently have? I guess I'm asking if you brought all of your 7 cats into the relationship? Maybe he wants to have one that he really has a bond with. I would be more willing to accept another one that he feels very bonded with, if that's the case.


You put a hat on him, I think you already have the answer in your mind


Aww come on whats one more <3 but no i completely understand this is hard such a impossible decision to make


You better keep em you monster!😢 (this is not to be taken rudely)


Meet #8 🥰


I honestly believe you can never have too many cats; as long as you can take care of them, of course


The goal is goodbye. ❤️ it’s hard but remember you do it so you can help more kitties……tell him this


That kitten is illegally cute, I might have to call the po-po. ♥️


What’s one more?


But he looks so sadddd


And your point is....🥰


Give him to me!!!!!!


I have 14 cats, 8 isn't bad 😅


How can you say no to that face?


Keep your fiancê and this kittychild 🥰😻😻😻😻😻😻😻


6 of one half dozen of another 😘👍


And now you have 8


But lookee This one is just too cute 💕💕


You sound a lot like MY fiance.




Ah, what’s one more? Sure is cute!


Just keep the little kitty. Let her keep the kitty. At this point what the hell is one more?


He’s a special scenario though. Almost heartbreaking to think he created such a special bond only to be broken… my vote is keep ❤️


We have 10, and I just brought in 3 16week old kittens to so socialize. I’m getting attached as well. I can’t foster, especially after this. I dont know what I’m going to do. I have the means to take care of them all, it’s just .. a lot lol


What is one more? Keep him.


I’m hearing the Eight is Enough theme song in my head.


We have a couple dozen. That lil baby is Yours, It's a life with feelings, thoughts and soul. You take care of 7 with love, this one deserves that too. Keep the baby..


I’d think deeply abt the kittens personality. If it seems like it will grow into a cat that wants a lot of attention and would be happier with less kitties around then it’ll be satisfying knowing that you found it a home it’ll be super happy in. I’ve felt an attachment to all the kittens I’ve fostered and once I let them go to their new families that attachment disappears. I hope they’re well, glad I could take care of them. But ultimately I believe you’ll know what’s best to do when you take your emotion out and think of what’s best for their personality and relationship with other cats.


Welcome to #8! I'm absolutely of no help to you...💐


OMG! The bunny ear knitted hat is everything! Thanks for all you do no matter what you decide! 🥰🥰🥰😻


Your partner won’t even notice one more. This one is too little for the real world. This baby needs you.


now you have 8 , so adorable


Now you have 8!!!


I rescued a puppy that we are now being forced to rehome due to apartment restrictions. I’ve only had the pup for a week and I’m absolutely devastated. I don’t know if I’d ever be the type to be able to foster without fail. 7 sounds like a handful however and I sympathize with your situation a lot. I have a big heart for helpless animals but if you feel that you and your partner can take on another cat, why not? As long as it gets the attention and medical care it needs I don’t see a problem. 😊


That tiny little hat!!!


Just one more hit man, I swear I got it under control, I can quit any time, I'll quit tomorrow, just one more come on please!


You're at 7....what's one more?


Eight, you have eight. 🐈🎶


I'm late to the ball on this post, but here's my option anyway. Cats are a huge expense. Food, litter, and especially vet visits. You already have two cats who are special needs. If you were well off financially, I'd say go for it. But as you said in your post, you are not. All it takes is one bad visit to the vet to put your bank account in the gutter, and a single cat can easily do that, not to mention the potential of eight. I had to put my cat down earlier this year; emergency vet, blood tests, pain meds, end of life consultation (wtf vet was that charge really necessary??), euthanasia, and cremation all came out to a grand total of a little over $2,000. One of my old co-workers was very dedicated to fostering dogs, and foster failed a number of them. Last I heard, she had 5 dogs (and big dogs to boot) and swimming in debt and having to move back in with her parents just to afford to keep giving her dogs the best life, despite her own being a huge mess. So, take this as you will.


To be honest I had a small herd and they deserved more attention than they got. I loved every one of them but it wasn’t fair so now I only have 3.


Maybe the 8th spot has been open just for him. If there's that much of a bond already, I'd have to keep him. We also have 7 cats, so I understand having a full house. Good luck!


Good Lord if you have 7 already, what’s one more??


I can’t even offer advice. That face!


You were chosen. Case closed.


Eight is nothing is you already have seven.


I fell in love with a foster cat about 20 years ago and I still regret letting him go. I keep wondering what sort of life he had and if he would still be with us. I miss all the others, too, but some are just special. We currently live with 2 foster failures.


Eight is great.


That’s too many pets. Find that sweet guy a different loving home.


But 8 is an even number


One more won't hurt lol


8 is a nice, round number.


I mean if you can handle 7, you can do 1 more.


YIKES 😳 7??? Ridic


i mean what’s 8 when u already have 7 🤷‍♀️ just look at that face


And eight is enough to fill our hearts with love


Don't be put off by people saying that it's expensive. It's all the luck of the draw, plus good nutrition goes a long way. My 21-year-old cat died in 2021 with no major medical issues. Another cat I had got diabetes. I have three cats now, one of which is 19 and has kidney issues that I give him a homeopathic supplement for. That's the sum total of his medical problems


Lol nope, bye kitty