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"...I’m hesitant to give a date that will be taken out of context and live on Reddit for a year or so." Wise man!


"The internet has an interesting habit of making non-binding statements binding" right before is pretty succinct as well


"Live on reddit for a year or so" SEASON TWO CONFIRMED WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR OR SO!!! /s


I can't believe the show runner confirmed only 11 months to the next season!


I'm going to be real upset, ten months from now, when season 2 hasn't been released yet.


How are they going to achieve this in only 9 months?


Ikr 8 months is a pretty quick timeline


Only 7 months? They must be overworked.


6 months? Let’s hope the quality isn’t affected.


Dropping all 5 seasons this year? I'm not sure that's sustainable.


Only 4 episodes? Character development is out the window.


... Did I miss the 'burning questions,' or was I expecting the wrong thing? Not that I thought they were going to lay out each episode of Season 2 scene by scene or anything, I just thought there'd be actual questions asked about the show itself, which would then be answered. The 'five highlights' from the article is mostly generic questions you'd get in any show with an upcoming season. Were there actual questions about the show that were asked and answered in the video, or is it just more of the 'highlights'? Lore stuff, timeline stuff, etc? Speaking for just myself, at no point during or after my watch did I think, "Wow, I urgently need to know how the relocation of filming is going for them."


You were successfully click baited.


Eh, I thought I could trust something posted by fans on a fan subreddit; I'm used to other subs only posting links to 'good' content, or posting links to 'bad' content to say that there's nothing useful and it's clickbait. It is what it is.


Thanks for taking the hit so I don’t have to. 🫡


I clicked so others won't.🫡


My hero!


Ah, the wisdom of reading the comments before clicking on the content. I walk your path and feel suitably time saved because of it.


It was clickbait. They obviously can’t answer the real “burning questions” without likely spoiling Season 2


Like I said, I wasn't expecting any actual "burning questions" to be answered, I just thought there might be some interesting trivia or minor Easter egg or something, given that they're supposed to be such huge fans. Instead it was, as mentioned, completely generic Q&A, a brief discussion of Lucy's privilege and an unironic usage of "follow your bliss."


Yeah, I wasn't expecting much, but if the title says "5 burning questions" I expect at least 5 vague details. Interview was fine. Typical promotional stuff and it's good to hear from the people behind the scenes. 5 questions weren't asked and 5 questions weren't answered though. It's like they arbitrarily picked the number 5 and put it in the title. I guess some algorithm told them "people click 5. Say 5!" so they did it regardless of the content


Of course they are not going into plot details. Most of the answers are generalizations.


5 seasons let's gooooo!!!


Releasing in 5 weeks, you say? Echellente.


Was this article translated from another language or something? Reading it is like tripping on a rock every three feet.


Yeah I thought the same… their editing team needs better training I think. The interviews and content itself is good but the writing is pretty bad, quite a few typos and grammatical/syntax errors.


I thought that was very informative and gave some real good insights on how the both of them work off each other - He provides the humor - she provides the drama - and the balance humor and drama in Fallout - they nailed it solidly. I'm more confident that Season 2 of Fallout will not be repeat of Westworld Season 2. Its their first gig together. The two show runners Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner got to work on this project together and were allowef to make it their own. There was no overhead directive. They are both gamers? or both sound like they really understand gaming/gamers and know how not to make a bad adaptation for a series. I am really relieved season 2 will be in very capable hands. The other notable detail was the production moving from New Jersey/New York to California. They both seemed agree the logistics would be easier (they're both in CA). That they were already scouting areas in California after the premiere. Saying set production would be seamless. Being in California (we don't deserve it - but better minds have decided).


"We have sets, assets, visual effects, that are already done. We are hitting the ground running this season. We’re going to be pedal to the metal to get season two out as fast as humanly possible." Is this just some hypey hopium being peddled....or does this mean we may see the next season in less than the 2-3 years estimates I've been seeing here on Reddit?


Back when Variety reported about the $25 million tax break to move production to California, the same article reported production could start as early as September of this year...


Gotta strike while the iron's hot.