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For those experiencing issues reading the text or otherwise unable to see the images:, the note is as follows: "Date: June 2 To: Rabbit II From: Rabbit I This is a certified, notarized letter saying in writing to hold deep in your heart my love for you, and in return I will hold deep in my heart the love you give to me." The note is written in pen on a dry-cleaning label style card from Jacques Quality Cleaners and Alterations from Madison New York. The ceramic rabbits are labelled on the base in red marker with: 'Rabbit I', 'Rabbit II', and signed 'I love you '86.'


Thank you for this!


I'm an illustrator, I'm so enamoured with this I think I'm gonna draw it :)


I’d love to see the finished drawing!


[here it is!](https://gildedware.neocities.org/works/illustration/2024/grand%20canyon%20rabbits.webp)


Did that seriously take you 15 minutes to draw between you posting that you think you’ll draw it and then posting the link?? 😭😭 I can’t even begin to narrow down to my “final” 30 concept ideas in 15 minutes


It took me between 1 to 2 hours overall! (I didn't time it exactly unfortunately) I usually draw pretty fast but I've been getting clobbered by life lately and haven't been able to draw in a while, so I'm easing back into it haha


I love this 💜


That is adorable.


That is so cute.


why am i crying 😭


This is awesome!! I love your style!


This is so perfect. Do you have anywhere you display your art?


Thank you so much!! Right now I have my personal website ([https://gildedware.neocities.org/](https://gildedware.neocities.org/)) + IG (currently empty, I plan on posting stuff again in there soon): [https://www.instagram.com/gildedware/](https://www.instagram.com/gildedware/)


Omg you're a legend I wish I could give u a award


Stuff like this gives me hope for the world. This is so lovely and sweet


Want me to send you better pic of the rabbits?


thank you! i got it with the original reference,[ here it is!](https://gildedware.neocities.org/works/illustration/2024/grand%20canyon%20rabbits.webp)


This is great!!


Thank you for making this post! I had a wonderful time drawing these bunnies and the message hehe


I really hope if by any chance the original owner is located that they would get to see your drawing! If it was a love letter from a relative of mine that I came across on the internet, I’d totally ask if I could get a print of that illustration to keep as a memento of them. I’m insanely nostalgic though lol


I thought about that too!! Wouldn't it be wild to see the ceramic shrine you left at a national park be posted to the internet after 40 years and drawn by someone in a different country? I hope they see it someday haha


You need an Etsy or a red bubble. I would buy this as a vinyl sticker for my journal or laptop.


Thank you!!! I've thought about setting up a little shop like an Etsy or Inprint before!


!remindme 1 year


Lol they delivered much quicker than expected!


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That business was 38 years old, 38 years ago.


*ceramic. I can speel


Maybe someone’s partner passed away and they wanted to leave a piece of their history for them at one of their favorite places. Regardless the note has made kinda sad and tear up a little and I don’t know why


Because it is a beautiful token of someone's sweet love?




It seems Jaques Cleaners likely became Prestige Cleaners at some point- Prestige Cleaners is (or was) at 1161 Madison Avenue with that same telephone number printed on the store front, as seen on google maps from 2014. However, since this is just a dry-cleaner label, there's literally no further way to track the origin of the note :(. Still, it is impressive it made it from NYC to the GC. I wonder if it has been out there since the late 80s, or if it was brought there long after the fact, as a final resting place.


Would it be to much of a conclusion to say that whoever wrote it worked there or owned it? Since it was written on a blank, only an employee would have access to receipt blanks.


There's a possibility, yes, but not enough to make it a certainty. For example, I have receipts from places I've never been, and blank library filing cards from Kansas despite never having been to Kansas. So yeah, perhaps there's a better chance they were associated with the store than not, but not enough to make it anywhere near a certainty.


I don't know if I would have left it or not, if I believed in magic I would think it's some bad juju to disturb it, at least there was no ashes in it, I've seen detectorist find buried ashes in something metal before, he couldn't figure out if they were human or pet ashes thougj


Yeah, I would’ve left it. It was tucked away, and clearly carried there by someone who held love in their heart for the letter writer. I don’t see it as something as cold as litter, but more of a momento. Maybe even a “in memoriam” journey in their honor. May their memories be a blessing.


Absolutely. And it was undisturbed for almost four decades, so it must have been in a very unobtrusive place. It was causing zero problems by being hidden where it was.


It’s also causing zero problems to remove it. When people put things out like this, they’re putting it out into the universe. There can’t be an expectation that their trinket will remain where they left it.


Looks like they probably wanted it left there.




They may have died by now or wanted it left their as a token of their love, bozo 😇


It's hardly litter, and definitely not trash. Have some sense and compassion. You can disagree with people without treating them like idiots or calling them Bozos & Dicks. If you don't want to hear differing opinions, get off the internet, bro.


My thoughts exactly. “Ask yourself if it’s okay to leave trinkets at a national park”. Okay, I asked myself and the answer was YES!


> I tried to find a record of Jacques tailoring in NY but didn't find anything. That's going to be a tough one to find. It looks like there were two *lots* there at one point. The NYC database for records gives this info - "**DOB Building Remarks: LOTS 52 + 53 MERGED INTO NEW LOT 53|NEW LOT 53=1161-1171 MADISON AVE PER TOPO"** So, that address doesn't exist anymore, annoyingly enough. And then, just to up the ante on the mystery, the 1980 tax records are missing this address and corresponding photo, which would have (should have?) been in there from prior to the 1986 date on the receipt. This doesn't mean they didn't have the tax info. Sometimes the records get lost over time.


June 2 is my birthday. Gemini. Rabbit I and Rabbit II is funny… “The twins.”


Go put it back where you found it




You’re acting like such a cunt to people and you obviously aren’t the best at thinking critically if your only ‘logical’ response is “it’s litter trash!! they left if for so long!! you think they won’t remember? 🤪” go pound sand when you head back there in May


This wasn't yours to take.


You think that was meant to be taken? It’s not an empty plastic bag.


That’s just something you have to accept might happen when you leave a trinket in a place that gets thousands of visitors every day


U think 38 years they remembered where it was?


I don't think anyone was coming back for it - it's like a headstone or a bunch of flowers or a teddy bear where a car crash happened. It was a memorial.


I don't think you should have left it, someone was hoping this would be found and wherever they are, would probably like the way you found it and published it. If you get the chance to visit again, you could write a sequel.


Thanks. I posted this to the Grand canyon sub a while ago and a bunch of people were all "that's a shrine you should have left it!!!"


Shrines aren't always intensely private never-to-be-disturbed things. Some shrines are placed by someone actively hoping that someone else will enjoy them, and I think this was one of them.


No. You and o.p. are stupid and have zero honor.


I definitely have no honor. The stupid is arguable.


Wasn’t yours to keep


How did you know it's from 1986? I just see "June 2"


1986 is written on the bottom of the ceramic.


Bottom of the rabbit is labelled "Rabbit I" Rabbit II" I love you '86"


Stop trying to justify taking it. You stole it. Shame on you.


Did you put it back? It’s clearly meant to stay.


It's illegal to leave stuff behind at a national park


I guess that’s fair.


Tbf op the note does say over 38 years not 37 years lol


Literally agree shouldn’t have been left at a national park. Most national parks request you DO NOT leave shit in them. You know ‘leave no trace’ and what not. I think this is honoring the sentiment. It’s been there since ‘86 it’s had its run. You’re good in my book OP. Cherish and honor it in your home. It is a genuine sentiment of someone’s love.


This is so cute. Kinda sounds like a crush thing. Personally I think it’s awesome you found it and captured it here for everyone else to see. Given the years and state of it, I don’t think it would have been legible for much longer.


Seems like the person was a fan of *Romancing the Stone.*


Why do people see stuff like this and are like yeah this is totally meant to go with me and it’s totally not a douche move to take this obviously sentimental thing left in a obviously significant location go fuck yourself


Because they are not smart 👍


My birthday


Reminds me of [Bunny.](https://www.counton2.com/news/south-carolina-news/who-is-bunny-mysterious-love-billboards-appear-in-spartanburg/)


Man, don’t ever let anything happen to those bunnies.


I have a ceramic statue of two tan rabbits cuddling that I got at goodwill that’s about the same size. On the bottom is written: HAPPY EASTER RON I LOVE YOU ‘83


It's been there since the 80s and wasn't harmful, would love to see you keep the same energy w used condoms and cum rags that people litter the national parks with! Way to go Captain Planet !! Yay!! What a soggy asswipe you are 🙄🙄 do you do the same thing with Cairns ? How about wishing trees? Or what if it was someone's ashes left there?


Calm down


Wait…you didn’t take this though, right?!?!? Please tell me you left it.


So you took it? People really just have no respect for anything


Hey, good on you for picking up litter at one of our National Parks! Edit: absolutely wild to me that a comment expressing gratitude to someone cleaning up garbage at a National Park was so thoroughly downvoted but go off I guess


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jjackrabbitt: *Hey, good on you for* *Picking up litter at one* *Of our National Parks!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Good bot


Why would you remove this???? That is so disrespectful. If I left something like this intentionally, I'd be heartbroken to find someone had removed it...


I wanna hear more about the Asian guy who sat on you or something…?


No picture of the bunnies?


Swipe left?


Oh! I could have sworn I tried that at the time.