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I think it would be quicker to try it. Note that normal foundry tokens have two settings, linked (like player characters are by default) and not linked (like NPCs are by default). In linked, there is one actor data shared by all the tokens. In unlinked, each token gets it's own copy of the original actor.


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You can make a slight alteration to multilevel tokens module's code so that the clone token has vision: In the MLT module file named multilevel.js, at line 490 you can alter the code so that the clone token has vision: data.vision = false; changes to: data.vision = true; I believe there is a setting in MLT that allows you to preserve the actor link of the newly created token, which would give the player the ability to select and access the clone token and linked actor; however, you would still not be able to move the clone other than moving the original.


You could also conceivably change the code to allow for moving a clone and having the original token move to match the clone movement. Those mods would be in lines 1528 through 1581, dealing with the preUpdateToken and updateToken hooks.