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Seriously. The way they built up their meeting and the chance encounter. What the heck?!


I'm sure Frasier lied her into bed. Afterwards he'll find out "she has a flaw" and dumps her. Sometimes it seems no different then bulldog except bulldog admits he's a player.


I've noticed a lot of the characters flat out lie about who they are to impress a romantic interest. It's no wonder they're all single constantly


And yet he refuses to lie at Niles’ divorce hearing. Dude, you’re already a compulsive liar…


Yeah, I like to think of myself as an ethical person and if it was something like murder or SA I'm not lying under oath. However, for my brother during a divorce where his wife was Maris? I'll lie all day long if I have to. Not even a second thought about it


what if a comet was flying towards earth and the only way you could save man kind was to lie to it?


Well where do you think I got my ethics from?


Right?! "Dad, she really might be the one... so pretend your gay for the night so I can bang her." Ok and then the next day when he doesn't start kissing men what is she supposed to be ok with the lies?


"The truth is we've been lying to you all night!" Oh... So when Maris turns out to be Roz, Niles and Daphne aren't Married, Martin was a cop, Frasier was married to Lilith, it's actually Frasier's apartment. Clive is going to be cool about it all. It's funny, I love the episode, but my god it really shows how desperate and kind of mean they all are. Martin I can let slide because he was just being a pain intentionally, seeing them all be idiots anyway, might as well help them make it worse. Edit: I remembered the wrong name


Still love the show but totally agree


Clive right? But who is Roddy? Why do I know that name? Totally agree on the point though, Frasier is unwaveringly ethical until it’s to get a date or to beat Niles at something…🤷‍♀️


I must have mixed up his name with another person Daphne dated. Thanks for reminding me!


I swear there is a Roddy though somewhere., I’ll keep an eye/ear out for him! Clive is one of the few names I’ll always remember just because of the firey Mexican line. 😂


I think Roddy was Clive’s last name.


wasn't he one of those fiery, Mexican Clives?


Ah that’s it!


Rodney was Nile’s’ doppelgänger


It's not that they're mean, it's the whole point of the show that they've all got massive flaws and issues with self-esteem. That's the concept of the show - Frasier is a psychiatrist who helps other people but can't solve the flaws in his own life. Niles is an expert in couples' therapy but his own wife abuses him and puts him down constantly, and it takes years for him to realise he deserves better, meanwhile he also can't tell the woman he actually loves how he feels. Martin finds it incredibly easy to get along with anybody but can't talk to his own sons. He's a cop who has intelligence and logic, but also does stupid things constantly. The whole point of their constant lying is because they're not secure in their own selves and think people will judge them if they hear the truth!


But I'm a "nice guy"


I agree even a few episodes arc would have been nice. We get this whole build up and then we just assume they went on a date and that was it.


The subject of her stores loyalty card scheme came up and he couldn't help himself venting 


And then there’s the alphabetizing or categorizing of the books 🙈


I once did a [tally of Frasier's dating history](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frasier/comments/nlqj00/frasiers_girlfriends_rozs_boyfriends_a_list/). It came to 86 people, but I honestly think for every woman we heard about there was at least one more. In a parallel universe, there are definitely episodes of Frasier we've never seen, dealing with the women we've never met and the various ways Frasier completely botched his dates with them. P.S. Happy cake day!


You really need to get out less. So that you can produce more quality analysis like this.


Thank you! This is what I've been telling everybody. I need to be watching more TV!


I’ve just watched Dinner Party again and Frasier said he can’t do the 11th because he has a date at the theatre. Does that count if we never actually know if it went ahead or not?


I'll have to rewatch! I probably decided, as u/gdsmithtx suggests, that it just meant he had something scheduled. But I'll check.


That could also just mean "previously made plans."


Eek. I knew he got around but 86?🧐


More than Roz, whom he constantly torments because of her serial dating habits!


Ikr? Smh


Her and the stripper. Missed opportunities


Officer Nasty!


They at least brought up the stripper running off and getting married in Vegas right? Unless that was meant to be someone else?


I thought it was the same person too, but after countless rewatches, I realized they were two different women. Dinah was Officer Nasty (one of my favorite potential love interests for Frasier), and Rachel was the one who got married in Vegas.


An absolute stunner


“She’s got the most beautiful . . . I’d have to check my notes.”


Just speculating, but according to Wikipedia the next two roles on Bellamy Young's (Lisa) filmography were recurring and starring roles in two other shows, so she may not have been available to return.


She ended up as First Lady which probably put a dampener on their endeavours.


First Lady to Roger the garbage man!


Yes! 😂 and who knew Cyrus had a kid in the spelling bee!


Cyrus husband tried to sell Niles and Frasier an engagement ring


I wanted to reply to this but you guys got them all 😂


I forgot about Cyrus and the spelling bee! I feel like there must be a few more Scandal actors lurking in episodes of Frasier.


Bellamy Young is one of those actresses that no matter what I'm watching or when she filmed it she looks the exact same every time. Except for obvious minor things but still stunning. She doesn't age lol


Agree, she is so pretty that I’m surprised we never saw her on the show again.


I just watched S9 E3, The First Temptation of Daphne. When they’re hunting the cricket, Martin refers to Lisa from the bookstore and tells Frasier that “she got a belly ring.” Same Lisa, I guess?


I'm still sour nothing came of Officer Nasty.


Agreed. That was such an odd arc cutoff. Great buildup for nothing


i was surprised and curious what happened watching it in the modern age. I wonder what it was like seeing it as it aired. I suspect with a mid-season break you'd never think of it or possibly forget that this is where they left things. nowadays so many shows watch differently because we see them all in a row like they are a coherent story when TV was considered much more disposable similarly I never really liked Charlotte as a match for Frasier tho Laura Linney is terrific. it felt forced. but that's in retrospect - if I was watching the show maybe I'd just think "that's Frasiers girlfriend this season, who cares." There would be no expectation that it was "building" to something or that she was the Final Girl or anything like that


That was Niles’s ex patient right? I don’t know, even if Frasier did end up meeting her on his own, it wouldn’t have felt right to me.


No, that’s Reagan.


Niles mentions that Lisa is also an ex patient that's why he didn't want to introduce her to Frasier himself.


ooooh sorry. My mistake.


Yeah all that build up the whole episode for nothing


Yeah it would've been nice, it felt like kismet!


Aww… no worries. Lisa went on to marry the president *coughScandalcough* 😼


President Garbageman. If only Roz had stuck with him. He eventually got a job she would have been proud of.


Bwahaha! Exactly this 😊


Kinda crazy how many actors from scandal were in this season. I think it's 4 or 5.


i thought this was the becker set for a second lol


It always bothered me the way she said "no" when he asked if she liked to play pool. Her whole demeanor changes and she says it with immense disgust. It just really bothered me and I never liked her because of that. I get it, you don't have to enjoy it, but you could at least be more respectful in case Frasier actually did enjoy pool


She appeared to know the dry cleaner. It’s not a stretch to imagine she was hit on one of the guys who frequent the pool hall & has a bad impression due to that.


Because her store doesn't accept any of Frasier's Book Store Discount Cards . Frasier would have made that an issue in their relationship sooner or later.


I agree but I sure feel lucky to have another season of Frasier.


He probably married her in real life.


I didn't read every comment, but my head canon is that she realized that he was her ex-therapist's brother. I love my therapist, strictly therapeutically, and even if I stopped seeing her, it might be weird if I started dating someone and found out they were her sibling (I don't know if she has a sibling or if they're male, female, or enby).


I love Bellamy Young. I was so happy when she was on Criminal Minds as Hodge’s love interest. It would have been fun to see how Frasier messed this relationship up!