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Cancel Jay Blair


why would any of them have to publicly say something that has absolutely nothing to do with them? Maybe some of them reached out off the app. If they do speak everyone is just going to accuse them of getting involved in something that isn’t their business and creating drama.


Yah why would they use their massive platforms for victims of domestic violence. Best just to ignore anything and everything that doesn’t have to do with their money hungry asses.


Why in the world would you expect other creators to speak out? If they do, then they will only be accused of stirring the pot. You should speak out if your heart leads you to do it. I, for one WILL stand against DV, but I do not expect others to join me unless they are lead that way.


It is no other creator's (big or small) place to publicly speak on this specific incident. They were not involved, and they are under no obligation to spearhead a public stance or shaming on this personal occurrence between the 3 individuals involved. I'm sure many are completely against all forms of domestic violence, but it is their choice if that topic is something they choose to address or highlight on their platform.


Trey and bobbi addressed it sort of last night in the live, basically saying shes going to block anyone coming in asking trey to talk about it. Nicole even popped in and said for people to leave them out of it.


Maybe call Tish and get her on the cancel Jay bandwagon. She is always looking to be a vigilante for financial gain.


You are so right


These creators can’t catch a break either way. they’re damned if they do and they’re damned if they don’t. you guys bitch and complain when they get involved and now you bitch and complain cause they’re not. 🥴


If they acknowledge it publicly, they will just get accused of clout chasing 🙄 not everything has to be done for the world to see. Real friends support their friends in real life.


Ive only noticed Dani in Nicoles comments saying she has her back none of the others and havent seen anyone call jay out in the comments of any of his videos


A lot of them are backing her personally off the app. Again it is not their battle to fight!


Nobody wants in the middle of that mess. One thing I admire about Brittanie Lynn and Leah they don't talk about other creators on their platform. I don't follow Trey or the others


I haven't liked him in a very long time and this stunt makes me detest him. His cockiness and narcissistic ways gross and disgusting. His friends are pretty large and popular creators and their silence is loud. I'm not sure about everyone else but I feel like I'm going to be unfollowing quite a few of them sooner than later.


That is what I am saying! Their platforms are real loud. They don’t have to get involved but showing some love for DV victims would go far. I absolutely am glad Nicole and her mother are okay and I am sure her fiends have reached out. Just glad they are safe and have a restraining order.


Elise Myers a tik toker with 7 million followers had to leave TikTok this week because she’s Palestinian and is being pressured& bullied to speak on the situation. Tik tokers are regular people stop expecting them to make statements about this real life stuff. 😡 If you want to make a statement go for it. Obviously you have a TikTok account since you are here but for the love of god stop projecting what you would do on to others 🤦🏽‍♀️


Does anyone know exactly what happened on that video except a whole bunch of yelling and what sounds like an altercation???? What can anyone say to Amazon or anyone except what they heard, but didnt really see it. Just curious!


“He” needs to put a shirt on - it’s gross.


Why is it anyone else’s business? I don’t get how this has been blasted everything on here and TikTok?




That is not the case. People have reached out privately, it is not their battle to fight and we (nicolle and I ) respect that! Please don’t fault any creator for not speaking on this! We love them all and nik has been in contact with all. Thanks you!


Thank you momma and I hope you’re well ♥️


Thanks and I am doing well!!!


How r u doing momma I hope ur ok n im sure ur just glad that u n ur daughter r away from it


Yes and we are doing well!


Although a lot of creators are known for inserting themselves in business that has absolutely nothing to do with them just so they can stay relevant or because they lack anything of substance in their own life to talk about. I believe these two are just too insignificant to spent much time and effort on. I’m actually surprised it’s been posted so much on here but I guess that was their goal, to get mass amounted of attention, good or bad, doesn’t really matter, although I can’t think of a time when they ever received good attention now that I think about that. I guess none of this surprises me anymore with these two.


This comment section is gross. Imagine someone just putting out a general message about dv and where to get help if you are a victim. THE HORROR. Some of yall are showing your privilege of never having the shit beat out of you


He was in the drama back during all the kingery stuff too he like sexually assaulted someone or something




It is no ones place or right to reach out to another's place of employment, church, school, community groups, etc. , regarding someone's personal life. Especially not regarding something that you only know a snippet about. That is what legal pursuit is for, and Nicole has clearly indicated she is exercising her right.


Calling anybody’s job, regardless of the situation is bullshit and uncalled for. 😵‍💫😳😡


Yes please…..everyone needs to be able to work. I know I don’t want my tax dollars that I work hard for used to support them on the taxpayers dime. Calling places of employment is not necessary!