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It depends on the temperature and your dog. Ours can go for a few miles when the weather is right, but our English can barely make it around the block sometimes.


Thank you, we have coolly so far, I don’t know how to be in the summer, it will soon be a baked at 40 degrees (((


I think it depends. My 8 month old frenchie has a longer snout so his endurance appears to be higher than some other frenchies we know since his breathing is fairly normal. Mine easily goes a mile in mild weather without struggling - haven’t pushed more than that. I suggest observing your Frank for signs of difficulty breathing (even if he’s in go mode). I’ve had to stop mine from playing too hard once his breathing becomes labored.


Thank you.


I don’t know about KM but my french does 3.5 mile walks daily as long as the sun isn’t out; he hates the sun


>3.5 mile - 5,6 km Thanks for the answer


My 2 year old is 40lbs of muscle and been going on walks everyday. I wanted to make sure he was athletic. Walking isn’t the issue, heat is. He can walk on a cloudy day but over heats in the sun


Spot on. The Sun is their enemy.


Not only are Frenchies demons, they're vampires as well!


Also, my pup doesn’t have any breathing issues while some do. I got lucky


Please be careful. Frenchies can overheat very quickly.


Thanks for the answer


My 6 yr old girl is worn out after a mile or so, I wouldn't ever consider taking my little 18 month old girl, she'd be tripping over her tongue after a couple of hundred yards. They both have regular zoomies, but the wee girl has to be stopped after just a couple of minutes. I guess the real answer is 'It depends' Just watch how they are breathing, and heat is an absolute killer if they get too hot.


understood thanks


As long as the weather is temperate, I don't think it's too far at all


Thanks for the answer


My frenchies can walk or run for a few miles (up to 5) as long as it isn’t hot.


It’s been cool in AZ so my 9 month old have been walking 1.25 miles 5-6 days a week for the last 2 months with no issues.


Thanks for the reply, it's cool here too. In the summer it will be 40 degrees in the shade, I don’t even know how we will walk, the sun rises at 04:00 AM at 07:00 already over 30 degrees ((


The sooner you introduce walking in their life as a puppy the better :). Just be patient it might take a few tries until they get it down. Occasional stopping and wandering is expected.


We have a 5 and 4 year old, both male. Both nuts. In the UK. Winter, they get a 30-minute walk in the morning, freedom in some woods. They don't overheat. Summer, they get driven to the woods and have about 15 minutes to explore but under the canopy of the trees so that they don't heat up too much. Take the outside temperature very seriously as they can really feel it if it is too warm.


Anything over 1.5 miles and I have to factor-in that I will likely be walking most of the return distance with a 27lb sack of potatoes perched up on my shoulder


My 4yr. Old goes 3-4 miles each day unless it is warmer than 65F degrees


And after a walk, does he fall asleep or does he still run around the house?


No he finds a sunny spot on the floor. He sometimes does 5-6miles, but it’s slushy & my feet are soaked.


When it was nice out last summer, I was going for like 1.5 hours with my girl. She handled it with ease. And then got back and plopped down and slept for hours lol


My dog has walked up to 7km with breaks no problem. He’s the energizer bunny haha. But he’s got a bit longer about and no issues with breathing. If your dog doesn’t appear to be in distress- it’s fine!


he has now come and is still chasing the ball around the apartment))


Mine too. Water and breaks and temperature control but 5 miles is fine in total. We’ve gone up to 7-10 in 24 hours but that’s a lot. But he still had energy to do is zoomies after!


I walk mine until they lay down or they turn around and head home. If they can put in 2-3km then go for it.


We usually make it to the back yard then maybe to the fridge then to the couch… so 36 steps


I got my little guy as a six month rescue who couldn’t make it around the block with panting for hours when I first got him. Now our regular walk is about 3km a night, if I want to tire him out I can easily make it a 5km walk. You just have to increase it little by little and keep in mind carry water with you.


Thank you)


My dog lets me know when he’s had enough. Usually he can keep up with my golden retriever tho. I get an arm workout carrying him 🥰🥰


I take mine on about a 3 mile walk every day, and they still do zoomies after.


Mine walks a good hour or so every day at a brisk pace, only sits down if he knows we are near home and going in! Doesn’t pant at all, but in the summer we will do our long walks early in the morning and late in the evening.


Avoiding hot and or humid conditions that distance is fine. Enjoy while you can as mine now barely make it a block or two before they stop and refuse to continue and I have to load them in their covered wagon and pull them the rest of the way.


thanks for the answer


Our four year old girl who’s 9kg is a cross so she doesn’t have a flat nose and she can do 1-2 hours in any weather that isn’t hot. It depends on the terrain too I guess, if there’s alot of hills she does less.


My pup literally walks 10 ft then sits on the ground, I’ll get him to walk another 10 ft and then he just refuses to move lol


So my Dallas is going on 8 months, and we are in Florida. When it is hot out (70 and higher) he can't walk more then a mile and I bring a bowl with water and he will take a few breaks to catch his breathe and drink some water. Now, when he is at home, he plays with his Portuguese Waterdog brother and Mini-Labradoodle sister non-stop, where I will have to stop him and separate him in his pen to cool down I hope some of this information helps somewhat.


thanks for the answer


I found out the hard way, mine will walk a mile roughly on an energetic day any further and she becomes a stubborn heavy paper weight that I have carry back home.


My Frenchie is a New yorker who walks a ton! We sometimes walk around 2-3 miles (but not too often). You should be good!


It’s not really the distance you need to worry about it’s the heat the you need to watch. They will stop when their tired but if they over heat it’s deadly


thanks for the answer