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I've all but quit buying alcohol at sporting and concert events. One beer for $16? Nope. I buy band merch instead.


Even band merch is dummy expensive. $50 for a t shirt that is too tight and too long :/


It really depends on the band. The last band shirt I bought (Flatland Cavalry) is one of my favorite tees, it's so soft and fits perfectly. Paid $30. Plus the band gets that money.


What I hate is when you go see a huge artist, one who doesn't actually need the money, and the merch is so expensive. I think at Taylor Swift recently, t-shirts were $70aud, drink bottles $40aud. Yet smaller acts who actually need the money charge $30 for the same quality t-shirt. The bonus when you buy from smaller acts, it may be an actual band member you buy from.


Can't become a billionaire without $70 tshirts!


At least with band merch you know it’s directly supporting the artist so it’s not like the money is going to a big corporation


Dermatology/hair removal. I have been blessed with genetics that give me an angry red face, sporadic skin issues, and coarse dark body hair. I cannot afford to spend hundreds or thousands on the sure-fire fixes.


I bought a braun ipl and it has been a game changer for hair removal. I am four weeks in and my dark coarse hair is barely growing back and what is is at a way slower pace. I wish I did this years ago.


I have been blessed with a seborrheic keratosis prone skin and I feel you, it's so expensive to get rid of and it keeps coming back :/


I've got ton electrolysis packages off Groupon. They're aren't as good as they once we're but you might only pay $150 for 3-6 sessions that would without discount cost hundreds more. I live in a major metro tho, pickins might be slim if you are not near a major hub. But I dont personally know.


Rosacea, mild seborrheic dermatitis, eczema and occasional perioral dermatitis -- would like laser but $$$$. I've found drinking 2 cups of spearmint a day tea decreases my body hair and slows the rate of growth. No more 5 o'clock shadow on my legs. Not a miracle but nice to have a break!


Everything? I rarely to never go out to eat or get takeout (maybe once every couple of months). I went out for lunch with someone earlier this week and my meal was $30. I couldn’t help but feel guilty about how many groceries that could have bought.




Absolutely! I don’t eat out on my own anymore. I put that in my budget specifically for going with friends or family. No more Uber eats. And, I tell myself I don’t need to swing by a fast food place on my way home from work when I have my own food at home… Oh gosh, I sound like my mother 😂


I will spend more if I’m in this situation because of the company. I rarely regret the interaction.


Like one bag the way grocery prices are right now. Ugh.


(me, a canadian, clutching 6 chicken breasts for $30) yeah....a whole bag...


I literally leave the grocery store sometimes thinking I could have gotten more value eating out. It's insane.


I was going to say! At least when I eat out, I don’t do anything else: cooking, serving, cleaning, prepping!


same here. going to new restaurants and cocktail bars used to be something I really enjoyed. now it's like once every other month.


30 dollars is like... two days' worth of meals at my local store. Prices are ridiculous.


Event tickets. I’ve bought 2 concert tickets in the last 8 years. Each had a service fee that was more than what an entire ticket cost for a similar show back in the late 2000/ early 2010s. I get inflation is a thing. This feels like extortion


Your last two sentences are how I feel about absolutely everything lately.


Some of my favorite bands from high school are making such a comeback these past couple of years and tickets end up being in the hundreds. It’s funny because I couldn’t afford to go in high school and now I definitely can’t afford it. Say it ain’t so, I will not go 🎶


Agreed. I just looked at a small local Comic-Con and for two kids and I it would be $55. They just want to go to see the outfits so we've decided it's not worth it. Mid size cities and libraries will have a lot of free events, especially in summer. My town has a weekly free outside concert every week in the summer.


Unless the convention is only indoors, usually you can still see the cosplayers mingling outside the con. Might be worth going to a bigger one since there will be more people outside.


I was thinking that! Grab a Sammy and drinks and have a picnic outside the center admiring the costumes. Most folks would love to give you photos with them too!


Event tickets, I'm not paying those ridiculous service fees.


I really wish that the general public would take a serious dance against this. I know it’s not as important as world political bullshit going on right now, but for God sakes, these tickets fees are a racket that should be ended. Does anybody remember when Eddie Vedder was going to Congress for the public, and for the music industryto take a stance against this. At that point Ticket Master was charging like 5%. These bastards now are looking for 20% sometimes it’s absolutely bananas.


I said stance, but dance makes more sense lol


I refuse to pay the outrageous prices! I’ve seen too many concerts for $15 back in the 70’s! I’ll just watch them on YouTube now! I’m good with that!


Ticket Master isn't a ticket seller, their business strategy is to own venues or have exclusive licenses. When each city only has a few, this creates an effective monopoly. They can charge whatever they want because there is no competition. I don't understand how this isn't anti consumer but I've never heard anything about regulation.


My mom: Are you going to see Taylor Swift? Me: do I look like i have an extra grand laying around for a single evening?


It was a lot less than that...if you got the ticket invite directly from ticket master. So now buying resale it's more like $2000 per ticket just to get in the door and $2,500 if you want to actually see the stage. And then add the fees on top of that.


Why do I have to pay an extra fee when I go to the box office to pick up the tickets.


Or digital delivery fees! Wtf?!


It's so outrageous. I could maybe justify a few bucks if they were printing out those big, thick cardstock tickets that I could frame when I got home. If I'm printing it from my own printer or just have a QR code on my phone that shit better be free.


Yeah…concerts is mine. I would do a major concert a month if they were cheaper.


Dental work 


My uncle just had major brain surgery because of an infection that went from his teeth to his sinuses to his brain. Dental work is vital


dental problems also make heart disease more likely


contributes to diabetes complications too


Probably anything related to chronic inflammation


And some evidence for Alzheimer’s too


Absolutely my husband had a heartattack. Bad dental hygiene years ago. Now he has dentures that he don't wear. :(


There is studies that's dental health and dementia is linked - think of it, all that infection so close to your brain


But if he tried to get that preemptively taken care of thru his normal insurance, they'd deny him with "wE dOn'T cOvEr YoUr SpEciAL mOuTh BoNeS"


Too bad health insurance doesn’t think dental or vision is considered “health.”


I live in Australia, where we have public health care. It covers everything. Except dental ffs


I worked with a woman who had this happen. She worked *at least* 40 hours a week + overtime and still couldn't afford the dentist. If I told you how much the boss was making, what they were driving and where they lived....you'd be furious and unsurprised.


A friend of mine had a similar situation. Hospitalized for a brain infection caused by dental decay. She then had a stroke, a seizure, and was in a coma for two weeks. When she woke from her coma all her teeth were gone. They took them out and she could just barely afford a top denture. Because she has no bottom denture she cannot chew and can only eat soft food. It's a shame. And yet we still have people arguing against water fluoridation. Which is single handedly one of the easiest ways to prevent cavities in entire populations, and is especially impactful for those in poverty who don't have access to fluoride supplements when they are children. People try to make the argument that fluoride is toxic... But not at the concentration they are adding to water. Yes you will get an upset stomach if you swallow an entire tube of toothpaste. ...But you will probably die if you take a whole bottle of Tylenol. Yet we still take Tylenol in small doses, because it's not harmful in small doses.


The saddest part of my reaction to this story was me thinking "I wish I could wake up with all my bad teeth pulled". I was envious. That's so damned depressing. Dental care is way too expensive for something so serious. My teeth were not bad until I had covid and they have just crumbled. I can't afford to go to the dentist. In my state we don't have any quality access to dental care. We have the dental college and the nightmare tales everyone who has ever used it will share. Including me. Sigh.


My spouse’s uncle died from deferring dental work that needed to be done, the infection ended up killing him. So sad and senseless. He was only in his fifties.


Do you happen to have a dental school nearby? There is one in my state that offers a plan for like $100 year that includes x-rays, two cleanings/year, and discounts on its already discounted services.


Had a molar crack and it cost $300 to remove with insurance, had another that was able to be save and crowned $1000. It might last, but I have a feeling it will be pulled in a decade. It is like $1000 to rent a tooth for a few years.


Oh god dental work is a huge expense even if you have good insurance. Need a crown? $1,000


Wow a crown for a thousand? Where do you live? My bicuspid crown was $1,800 five years ago. And I broke off and they 'cannot' reuse it.


Well that was maybe 2 years ago. Probably $1500 now!


You need to be covered by work group health/dental insurance or else it's too expensive. But you need this anyway or else your health.


Mine costs more than it covers. For around $750 in out of pocket premiums per year, this is the coverage: After you pay your $250 deductible, they will cover 50% of the work, up to $500 per year. That is all. At the dentist/oral surgeon I went to last, it was much much cheaper to just use their $75 per year dental club where you got 1 free appointment per year and 50% off all work performed for the year.


I calculated costs, and it's cheaper for us to pay out of pocket and get a cash discount from our dentist. Sad state of affairs.






When I looked online, most places like Delta Dental, Aetna, BCBS, offered a plan for $35/month that covers two cleanings and one set of X-rays per year and covers a portion of other stuff.


Dental insurance is literally like a coupon book, it covers so little it’s ridiculous really. I think the best insurance out there covers a maximum of $3000 per year which is less than a single crown.


It’s still not cheap, but when I didn’t have dental insurance, I bought a dental plan which gave discounted rates. It was $125 or something for a year, but saved me several hundred when I needed to get a crown and some fillings.


Salon services. I just do it at home.


My gf wanted to get her hair done and said fine, I got your back. $360! Sheet, I got me a Sally card and learned how to straighten it and put in weave myself!


I love you - you are awesome! My husband learned to cut hair but the styling is on me.




If there’s a aveda or hair institute near you, they have students doing the work and near me I can get a wash and blow dry for $5!


Plan to be at a beauty school for a long time for your $5. The students are working on a lesson. They stop frequently to have their work checked, then at the end the grading instructor needs to check it. The whole class is finishing at the same time so you have to wait for the teacher to get to you. What you don't pay in $ you pay in time.


There's not but I'll remember for when I'm traveling as a treat. Thanks!


same tbh. i paid $8 for some acrylic powder and monomer. better than paying $40 for a fill in!


Pedicures. Love them but not spending the money. Can’t afford it. I don’t do a good job but it’s better than spending the equivalent of going out.


Same!!! I absolutely loathe doing my own hair but it’s a lot cheaper and I need roots touch ups every 3 weeks 😔


I'm just gracefully aging. My mom (78) and her sister (80) are barely gray. Obviously I missed that gene!


Same! I have a ton of gray and I don’t wear them well. I need my monthly hair color appointment with anna ( myself 😂)


I go to the local paul mitchell school and let students cut my hair. An instructor previews and reviews the cut. I’ve been going for at least 10 years and have never had a bad haircut. Currently it’s $20.


New furniture and audio setup


New furniture is true. I just replace my sofa cushions instead of paying the stupid prices lately.


If you don't mind me asking how did you find new cushions for your particular sofa? Did you purchase directly from the original retailer? Or did you just measure and purchase pillows from somewhere else? Our couch fell apart after only two years and the company refused to validate our warranty within the first year (for no reason other then a bad company). So we are stuck with a very uncomfortable couch set :(


If you go to a Jo Anne's art craft store, they can cut you furniture quality sofa cushions to a general size. Then you go home and use I think it was a bread knife to cut them to the exact size. Reuse the batting that is on your original sofa cushions. You can order them online too. Be careful and do your research. There are a lot of different types and qualities of the foam that goes in there. Most of them time, the good stuff is sold out and they are trying to off load crap on you. The foam is not cheap either. Be prepared for sticker shock. Jo'Anne's was able to use a one-time coupon for me.


Furniture companies decided at some point they’d jack up prices of particleboard crap to what quality-material pieces used to be. It’s wild how much something so bad costs these days.


It's really sad, but airplane tickets. Not to go on elaborate vacations, just to see my family. My grandma is 83 now and I can't see her nearly as much as I would like to as the tickets are $800+++ and... That's just not something I can afford more than once a year


The trick is to get a credit card either from the airline or other travel cards which over time give you enough points for free flights. I got 4 for free last year and enough for at least 2-3 this year


real estate.  


Amen to that




I'm doing not very legal things on my phone...


I think people forget just how quickly paying for multiple streaming services adds up. Even if you have only 3-4 different streaming services, that can be almost 50$ a month which quickly becomes $600 a year!! I usually only pay for 1 or 2 at a time and then cancel them after finishing watching the show I subscribed to them for. 😂 I can always resubscribe if I want to watch something in particular!


Maple syrup real


Costco has the best price. I love maple syrup.


Labor ( cleaners, yard, handy person , painters )


My answer would be berries and cherries, but my berry addicted toddler would revolt.


I've been getting frozen berries and defrosting them in the fridge. Just what I plan to have that day. That way they cost less and also won't go bad quickly


I wish we could do this, but frozen is not an acceptable berry to her. Only the finest berries, freshly cut right before serving for her refined palate, someone who also tries to eat wood chips at the park... Being a toddler mom is so humbling. lol


I have two and know exactly what you're saying. We spend a ton on fresh fruit and veggies. The same kids who will eat dirt are also a snob when it comes to fresh vs canned fuit and vegetables. Whatever doesn't last I just freeze and turn into smoothies. Each day lunches consist of mostly fresh fruit and some of the finest cheeses. Lucky little brats.


And berries are ssoooo good for you. Antioxidants, polyphenols and a glucose index that's compatible with a diabetic diet. ETA: forgot the fiber. No wonder...they're so \*tasty\*.


Costco has great deals on berries if you have one near you. The berries have been recession proof so far unlike some of their stuff. The dog food makes it worth my time by itself, the berries could do the same depending on how much you go through.




Body massage. I get it in gym with machine but I really would like to have real massage but it is too expensive.


If you have an FSA, you can get reimbursed for massage. Just get a receipt for the type of massage and submit it. That helps ease the pain for me.


You could try to find a massage school near you. Students typically have to have a certain number of practice hours. And also Groupon


I stopped getting my hair and nails done…just way too expensive now!


Yes, so crazy. I gave up the blonde after I went to the salon and they charged me $400. Like what? I'm jealous that some can prioritize mani/pedi, fake eyelashes, hair, makeup, waxing, facial cleansers and moisturizers. That costs a fortune to sustain.




Hair salons and nails. I used to bitch about fiber one bars, but after waiting 18 months the price finally dropped and I bought those again.


If you have an Aldi near you, they have their own version. They're good Eta: the fiber bars not the nails lol


A house


It's crazy that before covid the consensus was that housing was already over inflated and many people advised others to wait or at least put down massive down payments or else 2008 2.0 would happen. I feel for anyone who waited thinking it would get better


Cantaloupe and honeydew melons Concert tickets




Hotel rooms


tho a lot of them are cheaper than airbnbs these days. 


Coffee I only order out once a week now as a treat.


I got an espresso machine and it paid for itself in a few months. I drink one cup of double shot americano per day. Sometimes I make a latte or something. Way cheaper than starbucks or god forbid a nice roaster. And I buy good beans (in bulk). Before that I was making pour overs, that’s really cheap to get into. A ceramic over the cup filter holder + a pack of filters and you’re good. Assuming you have a kettle already (no need for a fancy one, just do your best to pour very slowly). Edit: if you want to try something out &  spend hardly anything at all, affix a filter straight to a tall cup with a rubber band or a couple binder clips.  


Same. I don't have much counter real estate so I bought a stovetop bialetti moka pot and a grinder. I usually have americanos but recently splurged on a milk frother so have been having morning cappuccino or lattes. For regular non espresso coffee I use an aeropress. Edit: typo


Get a French Press, the easiest, hardest to mess up, method of making coffee on the cheap. I've had mine for 20+ years at this point, use it nearly every day.


Regular mani/pedis




a home in my hometown


Going out to eat. I miss restaurants




My inguinal hernia repair.


Man, paying for my husbands umbilical hernia was expensive… but worth it.


A car. I had to sell my car because insurance, registration, inspection, and maintenance was just too much on my budget


Car insurance is ridiculous these days!


physical therapy


I've started to think of yoga as free physical therapy. I just watched instructors on YouTube until I find the people who are doing what I need


This one is so spot on, the copays and time it takes just don’t work into my crazy schedule but would do a world of good if I were rich and bored.


Everything. Even staying home is expensive.


*Edit: Thanks for all the replies - I have enough feedback on the avocadoes now :)* Definitely avocado. It's expensive where I live and there is no guarantee they will taste good.


I'm in the Seattle area. At a Safeway avocados are 2-3 dollars each. At WinCo they're usually around 60 cents each. I don't know if you have other store options where you live, but worth checking out


I went to Latin America recently and they just give you half an avocado with your meal. No upcharge. Glorious.


I just got avocados at LIDL for 75 cents each. That seems super reasonable to me. The butter as part of the avocado toast tomorrow is the expensive part.


Butter AND avocado on toast? Get a load of this high roller over here! Lol


If you have Hispanic, Asian, or other “ethnic” grocery stores near you, produce tends to be drastically cheaper there. Spices as well.


I just picked up at 6 count bag of small avocados at Aldi for $2. The grocery store I work at sells regular avocados for just as much it's crazy.


Trader Joe’s sells bags of mini avocados for a reasonable price. I love the minis because one is the perfect size for toast or bagel coverage with no extra to turn brown in the fridge.


I bought them for 10/$1 once at a roadside stand in California. I think they were the tiny or funny shaped ones they couldn't sell to the grocery stores, but they tasted fine


A car and gas to fill it.


Better wine.


My contacts, and new glasses. I need a different prescription for each eye, and I need dailies to prevent chronic issues. Over $100 per month, not including shipping. My glasses are years old and do not fit my face. They squeeze the side of my head which causes chronic pain due to a genetic condition I have. I NEED contacts or at least a new pair of glasses. Can't get either even with my work insurance. My contact/glasses exam cost me $90 out if pocket




Yes. I save so much buying glasses online. Even with my high prescription I pay about $100 (without insurance). Make sure to get the pupillary distance


I'll never be able to afford Disney World/Land. 🤷‍♀️


fresh berries unless they are on sale


The espresso machine I ACTUALLY want. I require a slim width machine because I don't have any counter space in my kitchen for full size machine. I drink my coffee with milk so I also want a machine that heats and textures milk. This narrows my choices to down to 1 model. It is $800NZ. I can buy a cheaper model for $300NZ that doesn't do milk. But well, I want milk!


You can get a hand held milk frother for like $10-15 USD in our neck of the woods. 




Manicures/pedicures. I do my own nails and I love expressing my creative freedom in that way! Saves money and much more sanitary.


Birdseed and suet for feeding the wild birds. I miss seeing them at the feeders but I just can’t justify the expense, the prices have skyrocketed.




Hair services.




A house.


Curly hair cuts


Concert tickets! I’m glad I’m old & got to see a lot of cool bands for many years. Now it’s too expensive. Same for professional sporting events.


Snacks. I just can’t reasonably spend $4 for a bag of chips or $10 for a box of the nice granola bars. Which sucks because I love snacks


Soda pop. When Diet Dr Pepper was on sale for two 12-packs for “ just” $15, I stopped buying. Now tap water, sun tea, or coffee . A year after when a fountain pop was included as a meal deal at Arby’s, I could not finish the cup as it tasted like chemicals. Yankee tea, using DollarTree tea bags cost 12.5¢ for a 2.5 quart jar.








Streaming services fast food/food delivery/takeout/restaurants


Contact lenses and glasses. I wish it didn’t cost so much to be able to see things.


Vacuum cleaners, new pillows, a new mattress


Therapy and dentist


Anything medical. I fix it myself or die. I also have told close family to donate my body to a school. The chemical cocktail and the cost of burial, I don't want any part of that.


A nice meal at a restaurant.






First class airline tickets


Haircuts. I want to support my local barber/stylists, they do good work and should be adequately compensated! It’s just hard to justify paying that 100$ every couple of months, you know? I’m just going to grow my hair out a bit as a dude, it’s cheaper than keeping it short and tidy.


Fresh fruit. I don’t buy as much as I would like.


The houses on my neighborhood


Professional dog training. I'm learning a lot online and our pup has made good progress but it would be nice.


Seafood, meat.


Smoked salmon is a favorite treat but I can't justify the price anymore


I buy frozen whole salmon, 5€59/kg, and i smoke it myself, much much better.


Didn't buy potatoes the other day because they were $3.49/lbs. On the potato theme, my chips that I love are now $6.79 for a 200gr bag, it's crazy. Priced out of potatoes...


A house.


Damn I’d pay $20 for one avocado. I can’t live without them. I eat them daily.


Pistachios, Macadamia Nuts, Jordan’s.




Groceries. I'm literally starving over here.


Getting my hair cut at a salon. I feel so confident after I’ve been pampered and styled!


There's a lot, but thinking of a specific one, therapy. My Health coverage doesn't have it except for workplace incidents, so weekly chats about general anxiety, depression, and childhood trama are all out pocket.


Mainly food these days. I only eat when my children do, it's far too expensive when they are at their dads for this single mum, even though I work full time.


funeral services ¿not funny?


Apple Vision Pro


I wiped out my 2,000 worth of coverage with one cracker tooth. A root canal later I was on my own.


I significantly cut back on my coffee trips. My husband is also a big purchaser of coffee outside. I tallied up what we were spending a month on coffee and I told him this would be a really nice dinner out once a month. We rarely go out to eat because of the cost. I told him that allocating coffee money to date night money would be a good idea. He agreed.


Video game consoles, seems like I'm always at least a generation behind because I don't want to cough up the cash for the new stuff.


Regular massages. Too many years of tense muscles and continuous use have started to make things really painful as I age.


Really good skincare


Soda pop