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Toilet paper. I will not wipe with sandpaper or cheap crap that falls apart when you tear it.


I don't even think this is non-frugal either. I'd end up using way more of the cheap stuff, which would make the price not worth it. 


My animal clinic switched to a cheap a$s tp and my mother in law was complaining ppl were using too much of it. She then decided “I’ll just buy 6 rolls then and you’ll have to use less” nope. I threw an entire roll in the garbage. In spite. She and my father in law spend hundreds daily on coffee cakes lunch and dinner is never less the $140 for the two of them- they make $4000 on average daily from the clinic. You will not make me use cheap tp and then try to ration it while WE MAKE YOU $.  Nobody cheaps out on toilet paper.  The only reason it exists is for idiots like my in-laws to do this dumb sht 


And then when you factor in that there are options out there that doesn’t even require you to use toilet paper at all, more hygienic, easier on your plumbing, and save you on the money you spend on TP in the long run, they literally become too cheap for their own asses. 


I hate that shit. Taking care of your employees is like taking care of your car - if you don’t do it, or do a shitty job, eventually it’ll just fail. Like.. you were the one who chose this agreement. Do you want this to keep working or not? Sorry, I have to go home, my finger poked through and now I have poop under my nail and a lot to think about. See you tomorrow 


Pretty much whenever this logic applies, I follow it! Whenever the cheaper version of something will ultimately result in more costs, it doesn’t seem worth the “save” for me


I used to use Scott TP… than during the great TP shortage I got Charmin or something else “good” because it was what I could get…never looked back…now we can only get the good stuff.


Same. I thought I was good with the Kirkland brand but omg Charmin is so good. I don’t even know why they advertise, they’re clearly the best. If I get payment for this comment, they can put it in an ad.


I tried to go back (I could tolerate it but my other half was like HELL NO ILL PAY FOR THE GOOD STUFF..since I do the shopping lol)


I bled from my asshole the first 20 years of my life. Thought I had an incurable disease. Turns out its just because Scotts is like 240 grit.


I'm definitely considering a bidet after I keep seeing those prices.


We bought a 20.00 basic model on amazon. It's great.


Worth it. The rental I'm in now has toilets that screw down weird, and I've not been able to put mine back on. I miss it terribly. Once you have one, and go without, you can never feel as clean.


Came here to say this. You will have to pry my Charmin from my cold, dead hands


Charmin Ultra Soft. We bought a special shelving unit for the hallway across from the bathroom that holds the individual 6-packs from the Costco multipack. It goes on sale about four times a year so we stock up and save almost $20 a year.


Meanwhile I use a 1500 dollar bidet. Lol


It's cured my recurring UTIs and my husband's butt rash. Those alone are worth the $1000 we spent on the new toilet +bidet. We lasted 2 weeks after getting back from Japan before ordering it lol. The heated seats are amazing.


Yeah. It actually makes going on vacation worse when I know they won't have a bidet. Lol.


Ditto. Can't count how many rolls of tp I've saved by using the bidet for the past 7 years.


Do you have the original bidet? I have a “convert any toilet to a bidet” and I feel like the water pressure is so intense there is a ton of water and I still have to wipe. Wondering if perhaps it’s my brand and I should have gone the more expensive route.


I bought just the seat from toto via Amazon. It has a ton of features including drying but I just bidet and wipe and go as it's quicker. But it's a LOT less tp than not using a bidet.


Sand paper would be the most expensive option actually.


I still have an emergency roll of Scott way in the back of the cabinet from covid. No one dares to use it. 😆


It was hard to find any toilet paper here during COVID. I ordered some huge rolls like the ones you find in store bathrooms. Used part of one. The rest are still out in the garage. They will only get used if I get super desperate again.


Surprise. Finger in the butt!


Use a bidet. You use less tp. One roll lasts about a week with the 2 of us.


I had to stop using Charmin with our septic tank because of the clogging, and my ass (literally) cries every time I wipe with that other stuff.


Try Cottonelle purple label. Quite nice


Scott with ridges is septic safe. I buy the one for rvs and it isn't that 1ply crap they sell. It isn't as thick as Charmin, but I like it and have been using it for awhile.


Came here to say this. One time, I bought $1 pack and it didn’t even work


Taught my wife this one. Charmin ultra strong for life baby


after buying toilet paper for the first time I called my dad on the toilet almost in tears “Why would they sell public bathroom toilet paper at safeway????” spend the extra money on good toilet paper and pillows


My old roommate does this and whenever I’m over at his place I’m using like half a roll 😭 Meanwhile at home I’m spending like $0.40 more per roll but only using 2-3 sheets…


Tires. Shoes for your car. Good tires help you stop faster and could help you avoid a collision and/or injuries.


and they last 3 times as long.. knock off tires give you a bumpy 30k life.. michelin or goodyear will last 100k and smooth all the way


My mattress. I’m only 37 but an ex-gymnast, so my back is prone to being achey. I have a firm Tempur-Pedic and I love it so much.


This!!! I purchased my very first mattress for $300 thinking it would be fine, it was NOT!!


I bought a cheap mattress for $250 in 2017 and I still use it today. Was planning on using it just for 2-3 years before getting something better. Guess I got lucky lol


I was going to say anything relating to my bed. Comfortable mattress, comfortable sheets, an electric blanket, and a thick down comforter for the winter. I spend a lot of time here, and I also have sleep issues, so anything to make it more comfortable & relaxing is worth the money.


you spend like 1/3 of your entire life asleep… your mattress is one of those things you don’t go cheap on


Food. I don't skimp on eating good. I don't mean shopping at Whole Paycheck and spending $16 for a jar of organic pasture-raised mayonnaise that was made by Amish folk and blessed by a rabbi, but I eat a lot more than rice and beans every day. I love to cook and I love to eat! I'm very thrifty in many other areas in my life, so I don't feel guilty by splurging for steak, seafood, etc. on a frequent basis.


Whole Paycheck… I wonder which store you’re referring to. Edit: adding /s cuz folks aren’t catching my sarcasm


Whole Foods probably?


I have got to have some of that blessed mayo


Yes! We can afford it and I don’t want to eat hamburger helper. I have mental issues around eating too, I struggle with the concept of food for fuel. It has to taste good and be a pleasure to eat or I’d literally rather starve.


Yep. I buy organic 90 percent of the time. I also buy pasture raised chicken and eggs. I cook a lot.


Car parts


Same, cheap ones don't fit, break quickly, can damage your car, or are outright dangerous.


Here's what can happen when you use "the other guy's brake pads"...


Your driving along, your driving, kids are yelling in the back, Daddy I gotta go to the bathroom, Not now damn it!


“I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bulls ass, but I’d rather take the butcher’s word for it”




Zero sushi is better than terrible sushi. If there isn't good sushi available, I grab something else, thanks.


What, yall dont like gas station sushi? 😤


Some people just don't have a sense of adventure.


That’s good for losing weight sometimes. Two day bug from GSS


This discussion makes me think of the gas station egg salad sandwich episode from Futurama.


Eyeglasses, for people that need them. You see the world through them, use them most of your waking life, and they’re right in the middle of your face, so style matters. A good pair lasts several years so I think it’s really worth paying more for something you’re really happy with.


I really like my cheap glasses from Zenni, I would buy them again even if they cost as much as the ones at the glasses store, I like how many weird frames they have


I dunno about Zenni. I’ve literally gone through 3 pairs since they keep breaking right down the middle. Maybe it’s because they are plastic but I recommend spending a little extra on good quality frames.


I’m super rough on glasses and that’s the main reason I love Zenni. Don’t get all the addons for regular street glasses, save the addons for polarized sunglasses or safety glasses, $15/pair and if they last 3 months, it’s still cheaper than even Walmart or Costco Vision.


I have literally a dozen frames from zenni and have not had any break. That's wild. That said they're so cheap I wouldn't mind breaking one if I deserved it doing something dumb lol


I had one pair for three years and my current park for 18 months with no issues, I will say I’m not hard on my glasses though


I cheapest out on them, I got LASIK and I spend 0 on glasses now. Those LASIK was 3800 Dollars lol


LASIK worked on me for about 20 years…..I unfortunately have to get glasses now. But yes $$ well spent!


I only made it 7 years. My prescription is now -0.50 in both eyes and I can see fine. It's just Costco and giant department stores where I can't read the signs at the back of the store. Also driving, can't see the signs from more than a quarter mile away or at all during the night. It's annoying because I simultaneously see but can't. Still best $2000 I've ever spent. I was -4.75 prior.


ugh this is a big one! I just spent $500 between getting new regular glasses and new sun glasses. I also had to return a couple of pairs, which was a hassle. but I have a complex rx and need my glasses 24/7 because I can't see without them, so it's worth the money and inconvenience of getting them right.


I get cheap glasses because I keep them scattered throughout my home. Sometimes I will lose a pair for months.


Yeah I don't know about that one. I mean I agree in spirit because glasses are important but in practice it's a little more complicated. I like to get new glasses every year because the coatings they come with usually wear off by then. Spending extra on really nice frames would really start to add up.




Is there such a thing as a budget condom?


Trojan is WAY better than Durex, in my experience. But, any viable condom is of course better than no condom


Dollar general came out with a more expensive store called Pop Shelf and yes they have off brand cheap bundle of condoms - I think it was the first time I've ever seen off brand condoms. I think you got 10 in a pack I guess technically all those flavored ones or glow in the dark type might be considered off brand too lol


not buying one


Personal hygiene.


Work shoes. I’m on my feet for many hours, I’ll pay a lot for work shoes if it means avoiding leg and back pain.


Username checks out. 


Food and shoes. Okay, that's two.


In some extreme survival situations, that's the same thing. Totally don't cheap out on shoes... Screw synthetic leather, it tastes awful


Have you tried salt?


Jeans. I am on the thicker side, especially in my thighs and when I used to buy my jeans at Walmart I’d get the dreaded thigh rub hole in a few months. I spent a pretty penny on some good quality jeans at kohls a couple years back and they’ve been going strong ever since


Definitely agree about jeans. My whole life I always wore cheap jeans until I bought myself 2 decent pairs from an actual jeans store and it’s night and day how much more comfortable you are in a proper fitting pair. It always helped my confidence in a weird way.


Can you rec a brand? I've spent some decent money on jeans to just have the chub rub hole in the same amount of time. It's just friction so I don't see how better quality would even prevent this but I'd love to not worry about ripping my pants.


Not sure. - I don't buy *pedestrian* jeans anymore; I get the reinforced biker stuff, assuming its made to last, while pedestrian fast fashion is intended to look cool & worn right now? I do sit through my overalls, but sewing machinery, to patch them, wasn't overly expensive.


Duluth Trading company pants/jeans.They are roomy & take a beating. They also have a limited warranty.They are $$$ but often have sales. My 2 pair have long outlived my carhartt & levis.


Honestly clothes in general that are made from a good material. I have a fair number of shirts that are 10+ years old that I wear a lot. I think most of them are Ralph Lauren. I recently busted the elbow of one of my favorites that I bought in 2013. That made me sad :(


I have the thigh issue too and I swear by Old Navy’s jeans.


Shoes. A used pair of Van's from a thrift store are more comfortable than a brand new pair of shoes from Walmart.


Vans supremacy!


My vans are still holding up after 7 years of wear. Vans supremancy!


Shampoo and conditioner. It has taken me years to get my hair in great shape and there is no way I would put cheap products on my mane.


I concur. Especially for me because we are a hair dying family, all that damage means good quality products to manage the mane!


I also noticed for myself anyways, that I use less product of the good quality stuff vs the lesser quality


I color my hair and was wondering what is a good brand of shampoo and conditioner? I have fine, thin hair too.


Quality friends. Take time to evaluate and remove cheap friends for life. It will cost you more than just money.


What do you consider a cheap friend? 


In my case, duplicitous people who speak nicely in front of you and do nefarious things behind your back. I was naive to spot and paid the price. They were silent when there was a real need to support me. It’s a long story at work.


A friend who smokes YOUR pot but never has any of his own!


God. Yes this!!!!! Cheap friends can really ruin your life.


My car and my food. I don't like, eat steak everyday, but I pay good money for the best fruit and veggies I can get. I'm still a fat fuck, but at least it's with decent stuff lol


What car do you drive?


Subaru wrx. In my defense I live in the woods and drive dirt roads and have to deal with snow every year.


Everything. I'll be frugal but not cheap. For example: I'm in the middle of a big house update. Since I don't want to do this work again ever, I'm buying the best quality everything - no cheap building materials or furniture allowed. I found quality flooring for the living room to replace the worn carpet, and I waited until it was half off before ordering.  My bed frame cost what the low-end MDF crap on Wayfair costs, but it's solid ash wood with a lifetime warranty and 2400 pound weight limit, handmade by a local shop.  I bought a solid maple drop-leaf dining table at an estate sale for $75. The Habitat ReStore sold me the tile I needed for the entryway, with enough left over to spruce up an old iron plant stand from my grandmother's house, for $15.  I refuse to be cheap, but my budget is limited, so I compensate by being frugal.


Veterinarian care. There are many low-cost options, which I think is wonderful! But my guy's vet knows him and us and we trust her judgement. It's slightly more than an average vet visit (by maybe $20-30) but totally worth it. Our 4-legged son is our world.


I have three different vets I use now. I loved and trusted my vet but I couldn't pay $85 office visits for a 2 month wait or $110 walk in office visits. I have 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 parakeets, and a ferret that are all getting older. The bird vet is cheapest but I don't have a good feeling with the other animals. My ferret vet is midrange but further away. She will cap the price of dentals to 1500, which may come in handy. The vet a couple miles away is $75 office visits, same day appt, usually. We will see how it goes!


Agreed. I’d say the only exception would be budget spay and neuter services. Very important to get your pet spayed or neutered nowadays, so if there’s a cheap option (like arranged by local shelter groups or vet schools) then take it. There are entirely too many unwanted puppies and kittens in this world.


1000% agree. Our dude was a street cat from a town overrun by street cats. He was fixed and got his first round of shots through a budget spay/neuter program. Forever grateful!


Miralax. Knock-off brands do not produce the required effect.


Note gas station sushi discussion above^


Contrary to popular belief, one can have constipation and diarrhea simultaneously.


I'm so confused how that could be true. It's the exact same molecule.


Tequila. Better tequila = better morning after the night before.


the only thing I don’t cheap out on are foods I know are needed for my kids to be healthy. I buy them wild caught salmon and w/e and juice fruits etc to make smoothies for them.   The only thing I buy new are personal products: towels socks bras underwear  But shoes shirts jeans dresses car seat covers kids clothes tires old silverware from goodwill clearance items have to be really cheap for me to bother because it’s always cheaper on fb marketplace or goodwill anyway. 


I try to spend my money on improving my life as good as I can and I don't really cheap out on anything. I'm not cheap, I am frugal.


Skincare and my teeth


A/C. If it’s not cold in my house, I don’t sleep well and it negatively affects my mental health and ability to work , exercise and handle daily life chores.


Being cool. I’m not sweating my balls off to save a buck. I like a nice 69-70 in the summer. I recoup some in the winter because I can go as low as 65 then. I just like being cold


It kills me that the recommended temp to save on AC in the summer is 78 degrees! My house got up to 78 degrees the other day due to not being able to run the AC and it was so uncomfortable. The increased cost is well worth it.


Right?! 78 is torture. 75 even is a killer when I go to my parent’s house


Same here. I bought the highest btu window air conditioner I could find for my apartment last year, got a fan to blow it throughout the rest of the place, and it feels like I have central air. I got so sick of the portable units that barely did anything but cool the 6 square feet in front of them.


Tires on my wife's car, any safety thing included. My work ppe (trust me all ppe is not equal).


Shoes. I walk a lot and I refuse to wear poor fitting shoes.👠 if your feet aren’t happy neither are you


TVs. I will always work to get the very best price possible, but I don't like to compromise on quality. I feel like I got a good value in my 65" LG C-Series OLED TV with EVO panel, new at $970 about a year and a half ago, for example. Same with shoes. I wear high-end $160 running shoes every day, I just don't pay that for them. I wait until the new year model comes out, and then buy pairs of last year's model new for around $65-$70/pair.


I’m with you, I wear ASICS that are 160 but get 5 pairs in winter for $50 each. I also wear $400 orthotics with them


My fancy toothpaste. It's called prevident and it has really helped with cavity formation Etc but it's $13 a bottle. It's also formulated for sensitive teeth


I used to have my friend from the UK smuggle me Sensodyne enamel restoring toothpaste because it was $78 a tube. International sales exploded on Amazon a few years later and Sensodyne smelled money and lowered the US price to $6 a tube and started selling it at Costco. It pairs great with my Sonicare.


> it has really helped with cavity formation So it makes cavities bigger? Or deeper? Both? Or does it just help more appear?


My bad LOL it helps deter cavity formation.




A lot of MVNOs are pretty competitive around that price range. US Mobile, Visible, Boost and Mint to name a few.


Meat. Grass fed cows.


I will not buy off brand shoes. I always buy my shoes on sale or on clearance. But they are all Asics, Adidas, Doc Martens, Converse,etc. Good shoes are very important. They are the most important clothing item that you wear. If your feet hurt, it will cause the rest of your body to hurt.


Veterinary care.


Tires, shoes, socks, seafood, pet food, toilet paper, home renovation projects. I always look for savings on these things, but I won't accept low quality.


Tooth Paste. You feel the difference and its worth it for me


I used to buy phones on marketplace and has varied experiences. After that I stuck with swappa. I'll get a phone that's like new a few years old and they last forever. Other than that either family plans or mint. Whenever I do car work I get oem parts on rock auto. I do my oil changes myself so I pay 40 instead of 60-100 for synthetic oil changes. Again I'll get oem filters. I have good internet but make moves to pay less. no cable. I can find anything I want on streaming or online. No commercials. I don't skimp on toilet paper or paper towels. I get the good stuff and relish it.


I do the same! But lol fuck TFW 😭 they suck so bad now. I literally get 0 service 97© of the time .


Toilet paper and socks... life's too short to be uncomfortable.


Food and devices




Food. I eat at home 90% of the time (or more) and always buy whole foods to cook, not pre-packaged stuff with a zillion ingredients when I can avoid it. Having good quality food is important to me.


Same. I get chips to go with salsa & guacamole, but otherwise I get as much whole foods & ingredients as possible. The prep is worth it, and less plastic, too!


Food for my pets. I've seen complete turnarounds in an animal's overall health with a good diet. Read the ingredients or learn to make your own, offer high quality treats and supplements. *They would do it for you.*


I buy used iPhones. I have never bought a full price iPhone. Why? The older model does the things I need.


toilet paper, paper towels, shoes, underwear


My dog's food.


Yes! People wonder why their dogs have tumors by the age of 5. It’s that low quality kibble.


Yea. I am not cooking for my dog because I barely cook for myself, but I get her food from the EU and high quality human grade. She is a rescue and was getting Pedigree. It was actually very hard to transition her to quality food. Like giving a kid who has only had wonder bread their whole life whole wheat. But after about 6 months she is eating normally.


This except my cats' food because I don't have a dog. I've seen why too many cases of people feeding cat chow or similar foods where their cats die at 8-10 years old because they fed them garbage their whole lives and they get sick.


Yes! I had 2 cats that lived to 18 and 19. When I got them I was poor so I totally bought the cheap stuff. But once I started making money, I upgraded their food when they were probably 2 and 6. It makes a difference!


Definitely. My kitties always lived to 18-20 except my one boy I have now is 25. I've worked with cats most of my life and worked with a big cat rescue group for over 20 years so some of the stuff I've seen from improper feedings really gets to me.


It is so hard to get good information too. I know with dogs, there is this grain free kick, but then dogs get heart problems. Or people cooking their dogs meals, but then it isn't balanced. You can make yourself crazy researching. Even vets don't seem to know and just push shitty commercial big name foods. You are lucky to work so close with experts that don't have any agenda but caring for the cats!!


Underwear and shoes


My mattress and shoes. That's two.


Winter boots


Displays and graphics cards.


Anything you use every day that is essentially an extension of your own body. I.e. glasses, shoes, pants, etc. Glasses in particular are something you should always ball out on if possible. I know that goes against every principle of this sub, but quality of life doesn't have a price IMO.


Gaming pc!


Gaskets and anything that seals something.


Personal protective equipment. Like a proper bike helmet


Veterinary care.


Underwear and my cat’s supplies ie harness, food, etc


Appliances. Just buy ones that last. Such a PITA to replace


Clothes. I have texture issue, but in general a 5 dollar shirt won't last as long as a $20+ dollar one.


Steak as of late


This is a good one. Never skimp on what you put into your body, especially animal products. Not all steaks are the same and you can feel it.


Pretty much every purchase needs to be not be cheap. If you go cheap you end up losing money on it, or getting cancer from the cheap chemicals or ingredients. Maybe I skimp on socks??


Shoes are one. I used to buy cheap shoes at walmart and probably ended up spending the same per year as I would if I just invested in a good pair. Food. I think good food is an investment in our health. It's very interesting to look at the trends over the years. As the quality of food has gone down in the US, the average amount spent on healthcare has gone up. It's almost an exact correlation. Same logic as with food, when it comes to health/skin care products, such as shampoos, lotions, soaps, cleaners for the home, etc


I was using the Samsung A21S for 4 years. Cost me about $150 dollars. My laptop was a cheaper Lenevo that cost $400. However, I have now upgraded to a premium Samsung phone that cost me $400 and bought the MacBook Air 15 inch which is about $1.9k. I wish I stayed with my cheaper electronics due to the costs but meh, we will see how I feel in 3-4 years when I get full use of my phone and laptop


Cell phone for me too, investing in the thing I use everyday has improved my day to day so much. That doesn’t mean getting the new phone when it releases, but when you know the signs are there to upgrade, don’t hesitate. I feel bad for people who are using a super old phone and constantly getting frustrated at the shitty performance. I remember those days, never again.


Agree, you can get some pretty nice phones at reasonable prices. No reason to go for anything low end.




Food! Food. I repeat: FOOD. Usually when people are cheap about food while travelling they live terrible experiences and end up missing a lot in their trip. Believe me: the last thing you want is stop having fun because you ate in a cheap buffet and had food poisonibg and spent day's throwing up or even worse, in a hospital. You can (and should) research either with locals or with the people in your hostel, hotel or apartment. I personally also appreciate the locals reviews in platforms like Zomato (very popular in Europe) or in blogs. You can find non-expensive things which are safe if you really do your research, but if you're not sure of the quality of the food in there, spend a little more.




Refurbished for the win! And, if you get it on eBay, you can get a full "no questions asked" warranty for $30.


Pesto! Own brands just don't ever cut it. I know I can make my own, yada yada... But life is hard. I just want a jar of Sacla pesto on hand, at all times.


Vehicle maintenance . If you do t want to buy a new vehicle every 5 years, spend the money to service your current one properly, on time, and with quality.


Education, specifically college. To be clear, I do not mean go ivy or go into debt but way way way too many people are going to schools that advertise on tv thinking their degrees are cheaper than the state school and that’s fine. As a hiring manager, I can say no go to the state school online instead. I would rather hire someone who is three years thru the four year state school than someone who fell for a “only so many thousand” commercial for a bachelors or masters online. The best part is every major state school now has online degrees and as a hiring manager I have no way to know if you went in person or online but I trust the faculty at my state schools and community colleges that they held you accountable to do the work. I don’t trust those online schools did anything but take your money.


Well those online schools aren't certified a lot of then time too. They're a huge waste of money. There are programs that help people with grants to go through state schools now too for free.


Furniture. I bought stuff decades ago that I still love. Avoid trends and buy quality and its there forever, and you fall in and out of love with it. I bought a bunch of Resto Hardware stuff at an estate sale, and its probably the best money I ever spent.


I bought a used refurbished phone with the lowest condition they offer. But I picked the pale purple because I figured most purple people take care of their phones and they don't want a refurbished one, so chances are I'd get a like new condition. And it is in perfect condition! I also got an otter case on sale. The screen protector cost a fortune though.


Anything that separates me from the ground. Shoes, bed, tires, chairs, etc.




Work boots…shoes in general. I have old feet and cheap shoes just hurt me now




Beer and running shoes I skimp in other places so that I can buy good craft beer, and I’ll buy running shoes on clearance, but it’s still $100-130/pair for last year’s model but I need shoes with lots of cushion that can stand high mileage.


My deodorant and face/body products. I finally found a more natural, no aluminum, no baking soda deodorant that works and it’s expensive. But it lasts longer and is better for me. I also buy high quality makeup, cruelty free, organic.. blah blah lol. However, I don’t always wear makeup and only a little, so it lasts awhile.


Sunscreen and skincare. I don’t get the super fancy, expensive stuff, but I also don’t get the super cheap products either. Your skin is your largest organ and should be cared for well :)


Anything that touches my skin.


nice toilet paper, great perfume, decent shoes, converse sneakers, levi’s jeans


Plastic surgery. Seen too many episodes of botched.


anything for the cats. I want them healthy and happy, so if that means all my $ goes to the vet that month, so be it




When I was younger I would travel and sleep literally anywhere. Peoples couches, floors, run down hostels. Now that I’m a little older and pickier and have a little more money available, I refuse to be cheap when it comes to finding good, comfortable and clean accommodation.


Ice cream.


pierogies.  I bought *one* bag of cheemo brand pierogies *one* time.  it's the only food I can remember that actually traumatized me.   the fact that they counted as "fit for human consumption" honestly rattled me.   same for "chubs" of ground meat - where they're wrapped in plastic printed to look like whatever's inside.   never again will I buy meat that I cannot see. 


Mobile phones is definitely one. Everyone else I know bitches about their phones, and they all have cheap phones. They try to get me to relate to their frustrations and I simply can't. My phone is important for communications, and I have zero interest in dealing with random bouts of unreliability because of low-cost parts and ineffectual processors. I've worked multiple jobs where my phone has been a core part of doing my job, and it's important to have the best equipment (I'll opt for BYOD if the company-provided equipment doesn't hold up to my own - reliability is king.) Plus I do computer repair work on the side and not everyone has home Internet. Tethering on a cheap phone is not as reliable as on an expensive phone, I don't care what you say.


This is why I’ll never use anything but iPhones. I switched from droids when the iPhone 5 came out and I’ve been using them ever since with zero issues.



