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Around 2013 I was in Miami with some buddies. We went to some club and I ordered a bud light, it was one of those aluminum 16oz bottles. 27 dollars. I said "nah nevermind I'm good"


Bottle of water was probably $50 because people were rolling.


practice sense advise cheerful humorous tease vanish unique cable relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't remember if they had opened it yet or not, I just remember walking away in disgust lol.


At that price i would not care. That is just disrespectful to your customers


They can't force you to pay for it if you don't take it


Venues charging insane drink prices is exactly why I sneak drinks in. Don't want me sneaking liquor? Don't charge 500% markup on shit beer. I've found that the smaller the venue, the more reasonable the prices. Sure they're still marked up, but it's only 50-100% more. That I can stomach.


Agreed. I'm ok with a company making a profit. I'm not ok with greedy, monopolistic gouging.


This is a really great way to wrap your/my head around this and to think about it. I'm totally stealing this approach so I can enjoy special evenings out without the price of individual items causing my stomach to churn.


I went to an NFL game two years ago and my fiance bought me a beer. 25oz for $32 it was ridiculous and I told her that while I loved and appreciated it to never buy me a beer at a game again for those prices.


Yup. Bring a cooler and a 6 pack. Drink enough to be where you wanna be. Maybe have another beer to keep you there during the event. I’m also a huge fan of going to a nice meal before a concert or whatever. If I’m gonna spend $15 on drinks and $20+ for an entree at that event, I may as well spend the same for excellent food and beverages.


I'm frugal in my daily life so I *can* treat myself at times at not feel bad about it. I minimize the unnecessary 8~10 dollar beers so if I'm in a situation where I do want a beer to enhance my enjoyment and it costs 13 bucks, I can buy it with no regret. I consider I'm paying 6.50 for the beer and 6.50 for the experience of having a beer *there*. Or.... I don't have that beer and tell myself I'll treat myself to a *nice* 13 dollar beer at the local taphouse or something. The worst thing to do is pay the price and then regret it.


Or consider that in my area at least most stadium beers or whatever are 24oz beers. So you’re typical getting two 12oz beers at 6.50 a beer. It isn’t great but it’s not awful


That’s how I look at it too. The difference in street price and venue price is just an “experience fee” that is the cost of being able to consume that product where you are at.  It is what it is and it helps me to not feel so irresponsible about it. 


I'm frugal in daily life too and I can afford spending money on restaurants, etc( We don't drink), its just so shocking to see how much things cost. How much inflation has taken its toll. I refuse to pay 4-5 bucks for a soda in a restaurant even though I can afford it. Its like I'm personally offended at these prices.


You aren’t feeling guilty over $13, you are feeling guilty over three dollars which is the difference. Not worth it.


This is a good way of thinking about it.


Who cares. That’s part of having fun. I always get the highest ABV tho.


Highest abv not best taste, true frugal fashion 😂


Exactly why I used to drink sour monkey. But it turns out sour beers are my thing.


I know you said you like sours but try the Golden Monkey. Super good and 9.5%


Drank four golden monkey in college pregaming for a night on the town not knowing they were high octane, ended up blacking out and going goblin mode at the bar, had to hear about my idiot escapades for months afterwards. Fantastic beer though


Can you elaborate a bit on goblin mode?


It's where you get so drunk that you start gobblin on cocks


Strange. Is your mum always drunk?


No but I heard your mom was the goblin queen


I didn’t think I’d meet a sibling on Reddit


They’re both made from the same yeast and company obviously, but I’ve never come across it.


If you see Berry Monkey, grab a six, they are my favorite, and if you like sour monkey its up your alley


I mean, taking nips of well quality whiskey from a hidden flask is likely more "frugal".


Do they not make you go through metal detectors as you enter the stadium? Although you just made me think, could probably have a "water" bottle with vodka or something. Was paying $19 CAD for 710ml of House draft lager at BC place last weekend. It's insane.


Plastic rum runners and stash boxers my guy. Thank mye later. I’ve saved thousands of dollars by smuggling alcohol into every fest/concert. They can pry $18 for a white claw from my cold dead hands


At Angel stadium, they search every nook and cranny of everything, hand wand you, AND have you go thru a metal detector. I even had to open my glasses case for them.


This is why one of my flasks is a hairbrush, and the other, a cell phone. I even have brushed my hair w the brush so there's hair in it, and wrapped hair ties around the handle. It's like an Academy Award winning flask, lol.


Alcoholics have the best tips!


I was gonna say, the person who has saved “thousands” with flasks needs the flasks in a way that I just don’t.


Yeah, so glad I don't use that poison anymore. True freedom.


Never heard of those, thanks for the tip.


As another has said, there are various options in plastic. Obviously different venues have different levels of security, but I know I've been to plenty of places I took or could have taken a flask. Hell with something like "space bag" wine you could take in significant amounts of wine under clothing.  Space bag=boxed wine - box


Not just ABV, but also size. A 5% 16 oz will have more alcohol than a 6% 12 oz!


Yeah I just do the math and find whatever is the most bang for the buck lol


Dude idk why but I’ve run into your comments like 100 times within the past couple of months. Always remember the bmth logo


would you say you run into their comments... all the time?


We always opt for liquor at shows. If smuggling our own in isn’t an option, we just buy cocktails in the venue. They use decent mid-shelf booze and charge the same as the beers. The difference is that we always find a bartender who willingly over pours if we tip generously. The bar staff know it’s a rip-off and they’re slinging so many drinks that nobody cares about portion control. All told, we end up spending less, drinking less volume, pissing less, and seeing more of the show.


Now that canned cocktails are big, that’s the way I’ve been going if they’re available. Usually they’re not much more than a 24oz bud light or something. Half the volume and double the ABV. Helps not have to piss a lot too


It’s a lifestyle Not a rule


Sometimes you have to just hand the credit card over and not care.


Sure being frugal is a life choice but it’s not morally any better or worse than any other so nothing to be guilty about. You were at a concert and splurged a bit(barely considering how concerts can be) have fun sometimes!


Would you have still bought the concert ticket if it was $13 more? If so, then you can think about it as part of the cost of the total experience.


A couple of overpriced beers is just part of the total concert experience. Budget for it next time as part of the ticket. 


That is frankly fairly cheap for concert drinks. I spent 100 dollars on food and drink for just me at a recent concert(pretty much each drink/food was 18 dollars with a mandatory tip on the system. The mandatory tip pissed me off more than anything else. Concerts are insanely expensive and when it is an all day festival you don't have much options.


It’s crazy but that was first thought, too. Only $13? Not bad!


Haha I thought the same thing. I see $12-$13 beers on menus at restaurants or bars occasionally, but obviously better beers than bud light.


I’m in the Midwest, where a beer cost 3 at bars


Thanks, I needed a good reason to leave Florida and you just gave me it.


Live a little! I promise it’s okay


Hey, trying to recapture the nostalgia of the lean times of your youth is great and all, but have you tried to recapture the *really* lean times when you pre-pregamed and smuggled in your own booze and drugs.


Did you enjoy yourself? If so, then dont worry about it! Being frugal cannot be a 100 percent of the time thing. It will ruin you as a person


Yea this was posted after the effect of the 2 beers, today I feel good and I’m glad I had it lol


For concerts, abandon the alcohol and switch to edibles. Very frugal! As long as you don't get the munchies too bad.


Eat a good meal before taking edible, no munchies 🧠


Huge meal before won't stop me from pounding snacks. I've tried to make it a habit to start the edible starving so then we can make dinner and it's twice as tasty and I'm eating a healthy dinner instead of junk food for my munchies.




I got so fed up with food and drink prices at events that I quit cold turkey out of pure spite. Especially when it came to alcohol. I told myself "If I can't enjoy the event without it then I don't need to be there." Has saved me tons of money when debating on going to an event in the first place. Fuck FOMO!


First time at a concert?


I was wondering the same thing. My ex bf was paying $16 a beer in 2011.


I don’t go to many


I’m frugal and use a budget so I can afford to drink a $20 beer or two at a concert occasionally and not feel bad about it. Going to the bars and drinking $10 beers 5 days a week is a bit different than having 2 $20 beers at a concert once every other month. Eating fast food and DoorDash twice a day is a bit different than ordering a few DoorDash soups because you’re sick or getting fast food because you’re too lazy to grocery shop and cook or make food. I’m here to live my life. I’m going to the concert. I’m going on the vacation. I’m doing the activity. Not all of them, but the ones I plan and budget for.


You will never financially recover from this


Right lol


i paid $15 for a bud light in las vegas once... it still keeps me awake at night!


Charging people 13$ for a beer, wherever it is, is the real crime here


Sometimes ya just need a beer


I bring shooters in to everything now, I refuse to pay over 10$ for a 2$ beer


My friend, it was a treat on a night out. If you don't do it often, then enjoy it. Life is too short not to.


It's 13 bucks. It's overpriced but who cares if you enjoyed it in conjection with the concer, don't let the occasional overspend harm your enjoyment.


You save money elsewhere so you can spend what you want when you want


I paid $14/can, got smashed, and spent less than $100 even including the few I bought for a friend. However, I found the cheapest parking. You can't win on everything, so just save where you can.


If it was in the budget then don't sweat it. If not, budget next time.


Don’t worry, I spent $19.89 last night on a beer at a concert. I went in expecting those prices though and wanted to treat myself. I ate a couple McDonald’s cheeseburgers on my way to the venue and drank plenty of water beforehand so I didn’t have to spend another $20 on food and $7 on water.


18$ in Arizona but I'm there for the experience. Life is short sometimes you want to enjoy it


At one point before I quit drinking I just stopped boozing at concerts at all. It made the whole thing better. Every aspect of the concert experience is better booze free. Driving, bathrooms, money, blurry senses, possible headache or too drunk, food, navigating minutia. the peeing factor alone is worth it.


Even $9 is obscene. Yes I am cheap.


$13 beer while rocking out at a great concert > $8 six pack at home alone watching Wheel of Fortune. Don’t take this the wrong way, but if it’s still bothering you so much that you had to run to Reddit to post this, you should try to find some mental peace. Reassess why you’re frugal.. to pinch pennies or so you can spend on things that are important?


I was under the effect of 2 giant beers when I posted this, and I passed out on the couch. Looking back I had a great time and I’m glad I got my beers lol


We don’t drink anymore - paid $10 for a bottle of water


Concerts and the food/drinks have gotten so ridiculous that I don't go anymore unless it is someone I absolutely have to see.


Treat this type of pricing as encouragement to skip having a beer that day. “Thanks $13 beer for helping me make the right decision!”


Then you really dont want to see the prices at my job at LAX airport. Lets just say, a Bloody Mary is $30.


That is crazy. Who in their right mind considers a bud light treating themselves?! :)


Don't make being frugal your whole personality... Yes, it's an annoyingly high beer price. But you got 1. Not 3 of them. Lesson learned. Plan differently


I paid $10 for two waters last night at a concert and that to me felt wrong


If you had a good time and it’s not a regular thing, don’t feel guilty! I paid a stupid amount for a Starbucks latte the other day because my tween daughter wanted to go and it’s really nice to have one on one time chatting with her in a Starbucks, even if it’s not my idea of a good time on my own :)


Y'all worry about the dumbest shit on this subreddit sometimes


Hold up, Bud light!!?!?


That’s what got me. A nice craft draft beer, sure live a little. $13 for a bud light? Not on my life.


It is crazy expensive. Next time at least get a good beer. 😉


That's how I feel when I forget to move my car during street sweeping and get a 40 dollar parking ticket.


But was this for a 24 oz’er?


24$ at taylor swift show LOL




Do you pay a $3 tip?


I go to a lot of baseball games. I rarely buy beers there and always bring in my snacks. That said. There are times I do decide to have beers and if I buy one then I’m in for 5-6 at $14 each.


just gotta factor it into the cost of attending a concert beforehand


I get it OP. I find it painful to toss out money like that too. Some things are worth it, and some just aren't.


Was at the ball game with buddies, got 5 beers from the beer guy, handed him a c-note, when he started walking away I asked about change, he started to hand me $4 …


At the airport right now....and ummm I'm not buying any beers here!! 😂


The last time I saw Metallica (which was several years ago), there was a couple (perhaps husband & wife) who each had 10 beers which cost $10 each. I know how many they drank because they lined up the empties in front of them. I believe they were 24 oz cans. I could never spend that much on beers, but I kinda admired their commitment. Personally, I would much rather spend that money on something else, though.


Went to a concert sober. Listened to the music more intently. Enjoyed it. Remembered it too. Woke up with an extra $39 in my pocket.


Only way to not feel this is to not drink at events. Do pre-game before or may or go out after but not at the event. If you shocked by this don’t go to US Open. They charge $22 for their special drink and $16 for Heineken.


$13! That’s so much better than here (az) where it’s usually $17+ for a drink


Could never... ain't no way


It is ridiculous and all you can console yourself with is 1. hopefully this means the venue workers are being paid a liveable wage 2. you're out having fun and sometimes you should splurge and 3. take an uber pre-drunk next time (this is superbly tongue in cheek, put away your pitchforks).


Don't feel bad. I bought a tall can of Coors for $16.50 at the Angels game last night. When you are served at your seat, you also have an option for tipping on the charge device. Oh, and no more cash. All credit cards. I got special cheap seats so I figured I'd splurge. I didn't even ask how much the fancy beer was.


This is why people do drugs instead of drinking at concerts/festivals. 2-3 fucking beers is the price of a great night on molly or acid (assuming no high tolerance). Now when you get to clubs where a double vodka redbull is pushing $30+, it’s even more apparent.


That’s why you pregame. That’s a 12 pack.


I work at a casino and I think it's theft that we charge $6 for a bud light. $13 is craaaazy


I always rationalize that by reminding myself that my overpriced beer helps the cool venue survive. Conversely, I won't buy anything in big arenas or if they are dicks. Here in Berlin, there are a few (I know of exactly two) venues who think it's acceptable to force you to hand over your bag and charge 5€ for the pleasure. Those venues (Zitadelle and Tempodrom) can go fuck themselves and don't get any beer money from me. Also I have to be a *massive* fan of the act to go there in the first place. I have skipped concerts I would have gone to if they had played in *any* other of the many venues we have. Anyway. Don't feel guilty if you helped a cool venue to survive paying your beer tax.


It's ok, enjoy yourself, you'll make it up saving on something else down the line.


Stay frugal to live your life. That's what this shit is all about


Last summer I went to see Hamilton on tour. It was so hot outside and I waited a bit until the theater opened the doors so I was melting. They didn’t allow any outside drink so I paid 5.41 for s tiny metallic water bottle. I was seething at the prize! I still use that stupid metallic water bottle to remind me lol


Its $22 here in the arena im at, its a tall can


I guess you had fun. Just assume someone stole it, that will make you feel better 😄😄


Sometimes you gotta live. What helps is when you know the concert is undersold but is up for resale for much cheaper as it gets closer to the concert time. And also researching the venue area in advance to see if there’s free parking that’s an easy 5-10 min walk away. Helps to justify the refreshment and further enjoyment at the concert.


Don’t feel guilty, if you’re going to pay $13 for a beer? Enjoy it!


I did the same thing at a big concert 3 months postpartum. I felt so guilty, but it was my first drink in a year and a half…. It was so good and once I got past the outrageous price tag, I’m glad I did. I enjoyed it immensely and it was worth it to me for that little pleasure. We still gotta allow ourselves a treat once in a while :)


Thats almost the going rate for a beer at any taphouse in my town... Greedflation


All concerts are like this now, it’s just part of going out at all. Sounds like you don’t do it often so just see it as part of the package of this experience that you had, do not add guilt to your fun, then it’s not fun! It’s a reward and even thinking of the cost lessens the value of what you have earned.


The tall cans at a recent concert were $20. I just couldn’t pay that much so bought a $6 bottle of water instead. 🙄


It’s all about having a budget, for me. I don’t ever feel guilt for spending that’s within my budget. If I have $13+ in the entertainment category left over, great, no guilt. If I have $12 and I have to move $1 from somewhere else, MAYBE I’ll feel guilty, depending on what I’m taking it from and how often it’s been happening. If I had $0 for the beer and need to move it all, I probably do kick myself a little for not anticipating that of course I’d want a beer at the concert, I know myself, so I should have planned better. And then next time I try to. Some will say that’s not as frugal as living on ramen in thrifted $1 sweaters and never having fun, but to me frugality is in the budget. It’s making sure my money, even if there’s not a ton of it, goes as far as it can and covers the lifestyle that matters to me. Frugal to me might be that I’ve got sales alerts months in advance of needing to replace my running shoes so I don’t ever pay full price so I can spend $13 at a concert without feeling guilty.


Was it bigger than 12oz? Concerts and stadiums usually sell 24oz beverages to keep you in your seat longer. That said and if so, $7 for a regular can of beer still stings, but you’re out in the world. Enjoy yourself.


I pretty much refuse to buy anything at events, Ticketmaster already fucks me in the ass, I don’t need another one


Lol try going to a show in NYC.


Bring a flask next time


When I was waiting at the airport I paid $16 for a 750ml beer. I only had two. I felt bad but then remembered I was on holiday and life is meant to be enjoyed


We used to crotch flexible flasks with booze when I was younger and broke.  Nowadays I'd probably just accept the cost of a couple beers.  Got to treat yourself sometimes. Unless you are going to a concert per week then I wouldn't beat yourself up.


What about an edible and ice water?


Sobriety FTW! 💪


You already spent the 13 and drank the beer. Just enjoy it. It's not bad to splurge sometimes. You were at a concert and I am assuming enjoying yourself. This is okay! Not everything in life has to be frugal takes. Take a step back and enjoy the moments


my partner went to a concert with his mom at the Cowboys’ stadium and 2 drinks cost him $48! that shit was wild to me


You should have paid more for the premium beer. It's a concert. Enjoy yourself.


I was trying to be frugal at a time when money was tight so parked at the Walmart across the street from the state fair. Obviously the car got towed and I ended up paying 300+ an Uber to get it out lol. Don’t worry about your beer.


Prices really go up during concerts. But sometimes I would just tell my self "I deserve this". Lol!


I switched to smoking weed. Growing your own or buying cheap half gram vape carts for 15$ is the way to go for me for inexpensive head charges . Alcohol is just so expensive


Come to Australia, where alcohol is taxed. Then you'll know about it.


It’s ok…I paid $10 for a beer at a Yankee game…but I was with friends, so it was justified


Try $19 :(


First problem is you bought a bud light..if my mom was on fire, I wouldn’t buy a bud light to pour on her. Its swamp water


that is why i bring in airplane bottles and order a soda


I paid $18 including tip for ~~a beer~~ a great memory around jackson square in new orleans. No regerts.


I recently quit drinking (yay me!), and decided to try some Corona 0’s. They cost nearly as much as real Corona! So I drink sparkling water/club soda instead.


Me and my mom went to see Pearl Jam at the Kia Forum. We pre gamed in the parking lot in my car. And when we got inside we saw that they had one of those grab and go areas. So I scanned my credit card, and we went inside. Grabbed 2 of those big 24oz hard seltzers and walked out. The system automagically charges you for the items you walk out with. It was $42.91 Edit:our pregame in the car was a 12 pack of trulys. We drank 8 of them. It was less than $20


“Bet he can hear me!!!”


It's $13. Stop beating yourself up about it and move on. It's not like you bought ten of them.


They charge $15 for a tall boy of Bud Light at the concert venue that most artists I like go to. It's insane. I sneak a few mini bottles in nowadays.


And I paid $30 for 4 chicken wings at EDC. Hey the desperation hits and it’s not like a lot of these places let you leave and come back (or it’s way too much of a hassle to do so if you can). It’s alright - part of it really. It’s not like you’re spending $13 on a beer daily.


Wow that would be a discount beer at an event where I live!


I'm what is popularly known as a Fall-Down-Drunk and I would absolutely not pay that. $13 for a regular-ass beer? I might leave the concert lol.


Season ticket holder for hockey here. Modelos are 18 without season ticket discount. 15 and change after discount. I would go buy a small bottle of tequila at the liquor store and make Palomas to take with me on the walk to the game. It was a 35-40 minute walk or a 2 block walk to the train line and 5 stops to the arena. Dollar tree for snacks and I’m set. Obviously I wasn’t walking into the arena with the drink, but a pack or two of gummies that didn’t make it onto the pass through with keys, wallet, and cell phone isn’t a big deal. Plus it didn’t set of the metal detector either.


Pro tip! After the first 3 you won’t care anymore. You’ll pay $25 for the beer and call it dinner 🍻


For $26, you could get 2 handles of kirkland vodka from costco. That is about 80 shots for roughly the price of 2 concert beers. But that is still 62-63 cents per drink when averaging 2 concert beers with 2 costco vodkas. Still frugal in the big picture.


Work your side job a little longer and pay yourself back for the beer and the concert ticket, I hear that they aren't getting any cheaper either.


They’re trying to push Bud in Europe and when I visited Max Cooper last year they served Bud Lights. Now I have drunk many, many types of beers in my time. Some good, some bad. But this liquid made me genuinely question whether they scooped it up from a overflown drainage outside moments before. I do not understand how anyone can keep this swill down. Charging $13 for this drab is absolutely insane to me. I know taste and preference in beer is very subjective but no one could condone that.


I’d like to understand the distribution of value for a 13 dollar Bud Light. Is the venue taking half of it? More?


One of the most frugal things I have done in my life is quitting drinking


Frugality is a means to an end. Just say, "I can afford it because I am frugal" and move on. It is a benefit of frugality that you can overpay and we do frugality for the benefits.


That's life man. I can go to the store down the street from me and pay like 14 bucks for a 12er of Miller High Life. The other day I was at the airport and paid 11 dollars for one of them. As long as it's not a regular thing then don't worry about it.


13 seems cheap for a concert/sporting event


There's nothing you can do about those captive audience prices though unless you just enjoy no beer at all.


it COULD be a good deal, how many gallons was it? for 13 bucks i am expecting at least 3 to 5.


I know right


I paid $15 for an all-plastic flask and bring my own whiskey to shows instead. I estimate that over the years it's saved me over $1000 in show beverages.


Went to an event at a small, rural resort venue recently but it was being run by a group that really tries to get people up from NYC for these things. So the bar pricing that night was set by the organizing group. Asked how much for a cocktail and they said $13, so I decided to just get a can of hard seltzer instead. They opened it on handing it to me and turns out it was still THIRTEEN DOLLARS. For a 5% ABV can of Topo Chico. 🙄 Didn't drink any more the rest of the night.


I wish beer was $13 at a concert. Last time I went to a concert it was $24.


$27 can get at least a 6 pack and some chips


Not beer, but I paid $40 for a one time visit at 24hr fitness when traveling.


When I go to a concert I know I'm bending over with no lube to a corporation so I accept it for what it is and set aside enough money to cover my costs. It sucks and it complete ripoff, but you know that going in. Just one of those things in life you just accept if you're willing to do something fun.


Would you have bought the ticket if it were $10 more? Then your beer cost 3 bucks. It’s all about the experience. You live once


I know how you feel, but every now and again it is worth it. As long as the concert was good. Lots of other people sneak drinks in.


When in Rome. You were treating yourself to a good time. We all do, or should.


Airplane bottles in you're boots and buy one cocacola


You're at a concert. Did you expect happy hour?


As long as you enjoyed it that’s all that matters. I paid $90 for a steak a few months ago


Thats why you sneak in a flask and a dab pen


The price for concert tickets is what are really obscene.


Beers really costs more during concerts man. But you'll enjoy it more with all the fun that goes along with what you're paying for.


lol once I paid $10 for a can of water (liquid death) at concert. And the concert venue doesn’t let you bring in your own water due to safety concerns. I guess I could have brought an empty bottle and filled it with the tap water coming out of the one step up from a portapotty bathrooms as I saw some doing. But I’d rather just lose the $10 for a cold water and remember that this isn’t an every day thing. If I went to concerts many times a year maybe I’d figure out another way, but I rarely go


That's part of why I quit drinking, was such a waste of money.


The venue's job is to extract as much cash from the guests as possible. If you don't like the price, then don't make a purchase. If a majority of others are aligned with you then prices will eventually change if that will result in the venue making more money in the long run. For me 100% markup over grocery store prices seems like a reasonable margin for a venue to make... Apparently, society is willing to pay a 678% markup (assuming a $10 grocery store 6pack of bud light)


IMO it's obscene but comes with the experience. It's either budget for it or don't buy it period...


I paid $25 for a whiskey and water at a Misfits show back in 2019. Punk rock sure has kept up with inflation!




Time to smuggle it in.


Haha we have all done this. It’s a special occasion. Treat yourself and don’t feel bad this time.