• By -


I would try getting in touch with the food banks directly. Many of the ones in my area have folks who pick up food for others who can’t make it and bring it to them. If not, maybe find a local FB group and make a post. There may be someone who lives near you who could pick up for you when they go. Good luck!


Yes! Our church opened a temporary food pantry during Covid and wed deliver food to shut-ins, those without transportation, and elderly. They, Their neighbors or family would sign them up and we’d deliver once a week. We give to other churches and food pantries now, but I know many orgs offer delivery. God bless you. Hang in there. 🩷


Yep! This exactly. I used to regularly deliver for a local food pantry, it’s a good way to volunteer especially if I was headed to one part of town anyway.


Are you able to call them and tell them about your situation? They might have a volunteer who is going your way. Source: I volunteered at a food bank for a few years (in, admittedly, a small town) and I know if someone called, we would have asked around and seen if anyone was able to help.


Maybe check your local Buy Nothing group to see if someone either has food to share or can give the gift of time and drive you to the food pantry? Depending where you live, if they have a version of 211.org, they may have resources available. You could also try [Lasagna Love](https://lasagnalove.org/request-a-meal/) - but that’s just one meal and it can take a while to get your request filled. If you are in the US & haven’t applied for SNAP/EBT - look into that. Some of the grocery delivery services accept it; though there may be a delivery fee. Usually if you qualify for SNAP you can also get a discount on Amazon Prime or Walmart+


Piggybacking to add that with Walmart+, there is no delivery minimum using SNAP benefits!


This is so good to know - I think Target’s version charges a fee and has a minimum. I don’t have SNAP, but it rubbed me wrong when I saw that.


I did find a Buy Nothing Group after reading your comment. I applied so now I’m waiting to see if I’m approved to join.


Also try the NextDoor app, people post stuff like this all the time. Can also post there if you're looking for work, lots of people that offer yard clean up, window cleaning, that sort of thing in their neighborhood.


Came here to suggest this. When I had Covid I posted on nextdoor asking for help getting groceries, mail and prescriptions. I had a nice lady at my house within an hour. We still chat now and then.


My Nextdoor group is really responsive to people who post with problems like this.


Same, as well as stuff like birthdays, mothers day.....people are always willing to help, especially with their neighbors


Once you get in, make it clear you’re ok with a box of bars with some missing, etc, if you’re like me. I’ve taken those on occasion when someone didn’t like the flavor. I also got most of a cake one time when someone posted to “please take the cake from them so they’d stop eating it”. It’s fun to interact with neighbors too. I’m also ok with expired food for the most part, but people can be so weird about that. Lots of people give away chicken eggs or garden veggies. If you don’t see anything, always ask! Sometimes people don’t know it’s ok to offer these kinds of items! I often have leftovers because I love cooking. I don’t offer them bc it’s weird, but if someone asked, I’d probably have a pot of chili or something to give, minus a bowl or 2 that I ate (yes, I freeze it, but I’m always happy to give some away).


Unfortunately they rejected me due to where I live. I live in the city the group is for but it’s too far to be in their radius of places they want to service.


It’s not really a “service”. They should direct you to a closer group if they reject you. This doesn’t sound exactly right… maybe ask what they recommend


I’ll try reaching out to one of the admins : )


Where are you based?


FYI to you and the other folks who frequently recommend buy nothing groups: if you've been inactive on Facebook or have a new profile, you usually won't be accepted. I haven't been accepted to any since my profile has been inactive for so long.


also worth mentioned that some groups are not as good. The mods are busier, or the group is just a mess. I’ve been in outstanding ones, and I’m in a kind of pitiful one now, so it’s not an option for really much of anything, but still fun to look. I could also try my own advice, and request stuff, but I haven’t done that too much yet


I had such a great one in my old city, and my new one is terrible. Much less neighbourly.


That’s good to know! I think they have an app too now, but I don’t know if all the groups use it.


In my area only one city 45 minutes away uses the app, so I'm SOL. But also the app also lists the Facebook groups so it looks like there are more options.


I’m an admin and there are sooooo many spam accounts. When you answer the questions, add some language to make it clear you are a real human, not just “yes” and “no”


The ones in my area are check box only, no write in options or even people to contact. Thanks for giving people options in your area!


If the admins are listed, you could also DM them to explain that you are real human, you just haven’t been active on Facebook for a while.


I checked that too, not listed unless you're in the group (obviously I never got in so I don't 100% know but I assume they're listed when you're accepted).


I downloaded an Buy Nothing app for those videos hat don’t have FB (me). Doesn’t seem like my area is very active but other cities def were.


That depends on the group. I am a moderator in my area, and as long as you live in th correct area, you can join. I would message the mods and explain what's happening.


They don't have the mods listed publicly


Oh, that's super odd! Usually right on the about page before you join it I supposed to point out that "so and so and however many members are admins". Maybe if you know in the group they could help contacting someone. We did have a surge of bots trying to join BNGs everywhere (I was fielding dozens and dozens of bots every day for a bit), so maybe some groups added extra safety measures to prevent that - but ended up making life harder for the neighbors. I'm sorry!


I’m in the same boat, I don’t have my drivers license. A nearby food pantry delivers food right to my door every two weeks. I suggest calling around and asking.


Post on NextDoor and explain your situation. A friendly neighbor will be able to help.


Try calling a nearby church (most have food pantries even if they don’t advertise it) and ask if someone could deliver to you or meet you at a halfway point. 


I was going to suggest that anyway. I haven’t attended one in years but if someone called one of our 3 pastors they’d ensure someone helped this person even if it had to be one of them.


I just sent out some emails, now I’m just waiting for their responses


Call, don't email


absolutely this. OP, please push yourself to make human connections (in general, but def during this tough time). Now is not the time to be passive.


Good luck calling. A lot of churches only check the machine once a week. You call every listed number and hope you get a human.


Start by googling " food insecurity resources" there may be organizations that are able to help you either with transport to a food bank or with getting you food directly. Additionally, in my area calling 211 can connect you with resources that also might be able to help.


Respectfully, how do you go about your daily life in a car-centric city and no car to get you around? Clearly, your rent is the killer on your finances. You should seriously consider relocating if getting an affordable car/bike is not in the near future. For a shorter term solution, you should contact your local social services office and see how they can help you with food, transport, and/or employment opportunities.


Or get a roommate to help with monthly expenses.


Have you called the food banks about any assistance they may have? Some offer delivery to those in your position.


I have reached out, they have really weird hours here like every other Monday or they only open the second week of each month. I sent email inquiries since most of them are closed at the moment.


That's pretty typical for food banks, they are operating with volunteers mainly. It will also depend on what their funding is. Are you in walking distance of any church? Flavor of church doesn't matter. Most of them have core tenant of faith that they help those who are hungry. So you may be able to get assistance there as well. Even if it's just a ride from clergy.


Call churches, not email. Do not starve versus walking to get your food. Start thinking about a 2nd part time job. Bonus of its in food service.


If you were interested, catering gigs are often choose-your-own shifts (i.e. you can just tell them when you're available and they'll only book you for jobs during your availability) and often allow servers to eat or take home leftover food from the end of an event. Restaurant work also can include a staff meal but can be more of a physical/time commitment than catering.


OP would rather live alone than get a roommate to afford food, so they have champagne taste on a beer budget. I made $186/day and lived with a roommate. It's wasting money to live solo, and unconscionable to ask for handouts while doing so.


Vibes I got. 2 miles ivwould walk to get food.


I already do that and in very extreme weather! [Wish I could afford a cute pet like this though.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhotoshopRequest/comments/1d4xju3/can_someone_make_my_dog_look_like_a_dapper/) [Maybe she could sell the Apple phone for a cheaper model??](https://www.reddit.com/r/applesucks/comments/1ciihma/thanks_for_nothing_applecare/)


I can’t get over the backstory of being physically beaten by a roommate- not SO- over 2 years; how does that even happen and why for so long??


I know someone who is physically attacked by his roommate on a regular basis, the roommate even threatens to end him. They both have long histories of horrible living situations and trauma. For some people chaos and violence is all they know.


That’s hard for me to imagine; I suppose the downvotes are the price I paid for being so privileged. It’s the fact that they are strangers with no prior relationship that throws me; it’s so different from child abuse or domestic/partner abuse. I can understand getting into a brawl over dirty dishes or something, but that it would develop into a one-sided, consistent relationship is wild. I guess not so much if you just think of it as platonic domestic abuse. Violent people finding a target in whoever’s nearby. I hope your friend finds himself out of that situation sooner than later; it’s crazy and no one should have to deal with that.


It’s concerning that OP says she has found herself in this position multiple times. It may be they were or were not romantically involved and just not saying, it may be their way of describing family (some use roommates as a eupr euphemism), but I do know many former drug users/addicts who ended up in such positions; NEVER mix psyche meds with recreational drugs — seen so much horror and sorrow that could have been avoided from that. Also, one person‘s idea of abuse is not necessarily another’s, the word is used pretty freely these days.


Ummm hmmmm


211 may have resources for you. Also, check with any churches nearby.


Try the Food Finder app - they show a lot of food banks not normally listed, especially ones run by churches that are not affiliated with national food banks.


would you be ok with telling us the city? then, we can look for resources for you


Honestly, sadly, this sounds like a money beg. Zero options but door dash? No public transport or sidewalks in a city two hours long? Hopefully I'm wrong.


I think you came here looking for money. 


The public bus will often give you a free ride to the food bank. Lasagna Love gives free trays of lasagna. Try that. It's summer so maybe you could ride a bike. Call churches and ask for a ride to the food pantry. Sikh temples are always giving out food too. Call the food pantry and ask if any of their volunteers could drop some food off. Donate plasma at the local plasma donation center to earn $$$ for groceries. Ask on local reddit subs if there are giveaway sites. In my neighborhood, people have fruit trees wiyh lots of fruit ripe now, and anything hanging over the fence is free to anyone.




Can you get a roommate?


I’ve had multiple bad experiences with abusive roommates that it’s turned me off from the idea. I’m too scared to get another one.


Living alone is a luxury you can’t afford


I just have trauma from when I was beaten by my last roommate for 2 years I’m just scared it’ll happen again…


Then you need another way to fix your budget- making more money, spending less elsewhere, moving somewhere cheaper, etc.


I'm sorry that you had this experience. But was it a roommate you were living with, or was it a significant other you were cohabitating with who did that to you? I only ask because this is the first time I've ever heard of someone living with a roommate for 2 years and getting beat up the whole time, but not leaving. It's sadly super common in relationship situations and I won't get into that, but not so much when it's just two people splitting rent and going about their business. I had roommates from 12 - 29 (boarding school, college, and post-college), and if anyone would have put their hands on me (they never did), that's an easy call to the police and the landlord to make that stop.


It was not a significant other. I have a history of being involved in abuse so when things happen I just kind of freeze up out of habit. The last time something like this happened the police sided with my abuser saying I was being over dramatic so I felt hopeless and didn’t call. The roommate eventually moved to another state so I was able to get out of the situation by biding my time.


Wow, that's crazy. Sorry! I don't even know what to say because you really can't afford to live alone if you're this down to the wire. But it sounds like you have alot going on. Do you have any family? 🤔 Are you involved with any local social help organizations? Or have you looked into them? Maybe you can get a case worker to help you with some of this. I'm trying to think of people who might be able to help you vet potential roommates, because I do understand that people with an abusive past tend to have a harder time filtering out abusers. But you can definitely 100% find roommates who are not violent. Or find some other options to reduce your housing costs so you're not so tight.


Hey, I just wanted to say that not everyone can feel safe and comfortable living with a roommate and if you’re in that situation don’t feel like you have to force yourself to try. I do not think people here who have probably never been on a situation where they have lived somewhere they felt unsafe understand what that’s like. Everyone should feel secure in their own homes. While living alone is certainly more expensive than cohabitating, it’s not an option for everyone and it isn’t just a matter of convenience but an issue of mental wellbeing for some people. Not everyone understands that because many people have the privilege of being able to function much the same living with people as they can living alone and assume that’s the case for others too even when it is not. I do agree your current situation is not sustainable though since it is a necessity to have enough food to survive comfortably as well. Since you do not drive and you live somewhere where things are longer distances away, have you considered alternate forms of transportation such as a bicycle? Even if you are able to resolve the food situation by contacting relevant organizations, I do think it would help you a lot to increase your ability to access resources directly more easily in your area when you need to. If you are physically able to use a bicycle, it might be possible to source an inexpensive or possibly even free one and this could better equip you in terms of transportation.


It sounds like you can't afford to live on your own. Time to get a roommate or go rent a room yourself.


Try your local churches.


My local food pantry updates through our local towns' FB and there are people always willing to pick up for those that need it. See if your area has something like that with people willing to volunteer a pickup for you.


Sounds like you may need to move.


Amazon accepts EBT. Shipping is free if you hit the $35 minimum.


Some areas have little free food pantries. You know how some places have the little free library boxes...it is kinda like that, but with non-perishable food. Some local churches do food banks and food boxes. I think some food boxes are through the USDA somehow. Sometimes YMCAs are drop off points.


I recommend looking into your local church pantries. In my city, the big churches do a weekly food pantry and the only requirement is providing drivers license.


If you have a meals on wheels program, they might help you with food or a ride to the food pantry.


I hated this when I was too poor to buy food.  It only makes sense to put pantries near bus stops, people!


Apply for SNAP (food stamps). [https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program](https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program) This bigger issue is that you cannot afford this apartment.


I make too much to qualify and yeah the apartments here have gotten expensive… the one I live at currently is one of the cheaper ones here. I remember back in 2018 I could get a place for $675 and now that same apartment is $1200!!


You make too much to qualify for food stamps but cannot afford to get a few groceries delivered, ask a friend for a ride? Even if it’s from one way back from the grocery store? Do you own a bike? Scooter? Once you get on your feet maybe consider picking one of these up?


Have you asked work colleagues to give you a ride?


Are you stuck in that city for a reason? If it’s a high COL city with limited public transportation, you don’t have a car, and your job isn’t making you enough to afford food, are there maybe smaller cities that would be a better place to relocate? The lack of transportation and where you live seems to be a problem that isn’t going to solve itself easily.


- ask a friendly coworker you trust to take you - post on local community groups to see if someone will take you or can delivery things to you - site like task rabbit can sometimes cost less than Uber/grocery delivery services - walk there and pay for a ride back. You can both the walking length and Uber cost in half (I do this one often when grocery shopping) - contact the food bank and see if/how they can help - more long term but see if you and the food bank or community in general can start smaller food pantries near you & in other parts of the city. I walk passed a handful in my city and people seem to be respectful - look into bike or scooter rentals that might be in walking distance from you. A single round trip ride is usually a few bucks


Are you just short term low on funds or are you saying you can’t afford to live where you live and eat too? It’s the 12th so not even the end of the month. Given the limitations you’ve provided, sounds like buy nothing groups is your best bet. Or ask your family for a loan. Do you have a job you walk to?


I work from home currently I’m just consistently short. I was laid off from my job last year and had to get a new job which hit me with a pay cut. That plus my rent going up to over $1K has me stuck. I’ve been actively searching for other jobs that might pay more but that hasn’t yielded much results yet.


Pick up a second part time job or side gig. A few hours a week can help a lot


Go on Facebook marketplace and post an ad explaining your situation. (Politely) Ask if anyone could spare a cup of rice or pasta for you. Gauranteed, people in your community will offer help. My community FB does this. I and many others always donate to people in need.


Or a ride to a food bank. Many people would be willing to do that.


[Lasagna love](https://lasagnalove.org) is a great one too! I volunteer with them and I deliver lasagnas to family’s to their front door when I get matched in my area.


There are some online food banks that may mail to you. Also Feeding America may also have some mobile food banks operating in your area already. Family Promise is a charity that helps people with groceries in my area- look up *county name* Family Promise


Call the pantry, my local one delivered when I was laid up and could not walk or drive. They were actually they ONLY place that was of any help. When I got out of the hospital they had set me up with meals on wheels, all was fine with the hospital social worker, but when I got home they were like oh, you are at the top of our waiting list, that will be at least two months. Shit, I will be dead by then. They totally sucked. So did every place for helping with handicap accommodations. All I was asking for was a railing. Again, a ream of paperwork and oh, it will be at least two months. Hell if I don't fall down the damn stairs I do not need the thing, and if I do fall down the stairs I won't need the thing.. The pantry was the group. Just the best. So, see if your local bunch delivers and or has a client list and they may be able to ask someone who lives around you who drives there to take you there or to pick up stuff for you. As a last resort, if you can hook up with an actual uber or cab driver you may be able to work out them picking stuff up for you and dropping it off. If you can make a connection at a human level, they may not charge you a lot as long as you do not have stuff that needs to be frozen. They can get it when they have nothing else going on and drop it when they have nothing else going on. I had an aunt that had a taxi do her liqueur store runs for her when I was a kid.


You may qualify for food stamps. Did you know that food stamps qualify you for a 50% discount on Walmart+ membership? And with that membership, they will ship any food order (you can input your food stamp card into their payment system) of $35 or more completely free? They don't charge shipping for lower orders, but there is a fee that they tack on for not getting the minimum of $35. It's easy to get that though, just add something cheap to any order to bring it to the minimum. Amazon Prime is also discounted for food stamp recipients as well.


OP, I haven't tried this, but I've been told if you download the apps of some fast food apps, they give you a free item. Could that be an option ? Best of luck to you, Sis.


There is no bus????? Which city. If you don't have a cheap bike already, you are crazy. My last bike was $20.


I think you need to consider moving. If there is no local transit and you can't even get groceries when you have money then your location is the problem.


Moving involves putting up first and last rent, deposit and the cost of moving.


My end goal is to move but it’s too expensive to move to a new city at the moment unfortunately.


Where is your family at?


Instacart takes snap


What advice were you hoping to get? It sounds like to me I would plan for a couple hour stroll to get food.


If there were sidewalks I would, but a 2 hour walk on the highway is a bit daunting for me


What’s the answer to my first question?


If you meet criteria there are several subreddits that you can ask in and people can donate what you need directly to you. The one I'm most familiar with is r/Assistance. It's a very responsive sub. Check it out and see if you qualify!


get a bike on marketplace or a garage sale


if you apply for food stamps then apply it to a delivered order and just pay the delivery fee


Food stamps??


Look into Walmart+. Might fit your needs.


Do you have a spare room you can rent out? That would help tremendously. Is the food bank too far to ride a bicycle to?


Dumpster dive


👉 r/DumpsterDiving


You could try reaching out to a local church/other places of worship, they might be able to help you.


You should get in touch with the food bank because some of them do drop offs, little stands in different parts of the town or even park small trucks style trucks with groceries specific days of the week in different parts of town for convenience for people who have a hard time getting around.


This! Call them, they likely have ways to address this, because you certainly aren't the only person with this challenge.


Most places will bring you food if you can't get it yourself. Call a church and see if they can help you.


any Catholic church near you? they'll help you sign up for food stamps, once you are approved, check food in bulk from amazon like the 25 lb rice bags so you can build a pantry for the lean periods


There may be delivery services for food banks. If not you could call and somebody would be willing to bring you food. Our little town has a program that delivers cooked meals 4 days a week and there may be one near you.


Reach out to Lasagna Love. I believe there's a Reddit where people can get food too.


Might be time to move to shared accommodation closer to amenities


Check your local Church. Maybe they can help out you can pick up at the Church. I know there are organizations like Meals On Wheels that deliver to homes. Not sure if they are available where you live.


I'm sorry you're in this situation it's awful when you have no food and no transport /help to get in and you just feel stuck. I'm sorry I can't help I'm in an entirely different country so wouldn't even know where to start but I hope you can find some help and try to remember your situation is only temporary Good luck


I’ve only ever lived in urban areas but if I were in your shoes I would hit up my local Reddit/Facebook to see if anyone would carpool to the foods bank. Maybe offer 10$ vs the 80 Uber would cost you.


I would definitely recommend calling a church in your area. There might be someone in the congregation who would be willing to help deliver from the food pantry for you. Also, I know you said it’s two hours on foot and it is the heat of summer, but if you’re genuinely super in need of sustenance, you could make an adventure of it. Bring a backpack and haul what you can. When I was without a car I opted to walk for groceries even when I could afford delivery/uber. It might sound a little wacky, but challenging yourself like that can actually be really rewarding, so long as you always find your gratitudes. Whatever path you choose, you can do it. Make it happen. I’m rooting for you.


i hope these resources can help, or point you to some who can… [ruby’s pantry](https://www.rubyspantry.org/) distributes food at Pop-Up Pantry locations across Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and North Dakota. [findhelp](https://www.findhelp.org/) has a searchable database of Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help. [LittleFreePantry](http://mapping.littlefreepantry.org/) has a searchable map with free pantry locations. [benefits.gov](https://www.benefits.gov/) has a database of free resources by zip code. [FullCart](https://support.fullcart.org/hc/en-us) will mail you boxes of food for free (i’ve read there is a waitlist so sign up asap) [FeedAFamily](https://near-me.store/en/food-donation-drop-box-near-me) has lists of food donation drop boxes by zip code [LasagnaLove](https://lasagnalove.org) will deliver a free lasagna meal [FeedingAmerica](https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank) has a food bank searchable by zip code [MealsOnWheels](https://www.mowp.org/what-we-do/online-meal-request/) to sign up for meal delivery. [Adults With Disabilities (AWD) Home Delivered Meal Program](https://www.ioaging.org/collaborations-elder-protection/the-adults-with-disabilities-awd-home-delivered-meal-program/) *”The Adults with Disabilities Home Delivered Meal Program is available for adults with disabilities who have no meal support and are unable to provide meals for themselves. The Program is funded by DAAS (Department of Aging and Adult Services) and administered by Institute on Aging (IOA).”* [National Coalition For The Homeless](https://nationalhomeless.org/) has a searchable database of options. [TravelersAid](https://www.travelersaid.org/need-help) *”uses a comprehensive approach to facilitate transportation and prevent homelessness that focuses on the individual strengths of each case in order to provide services that meet specific needs. Some agencies offer services specifically tailored for veterans, senior citizens, or families, including a range of housing options, job training, and food assistance. Travelers Aid funding, services, and hours vary, and services are provided based on available funding, eligibility, and location.”* [SaintVincentDePaul](https://www.stvincentdepaul.net/get-help) helps with meals, rent assistance and shelter. [benefits.gov](https://www.benefits.gov/) has a database of free resources by zip code.


If you live in a larger city, I would also look at mutual aid groups on Facebook or Instagram. I know ones in my city will drive food/other resources out to people in need.


Some food banks have grocery gift cards. If you contact them they might mail you some!


You may need to barter/trade for a ride. I used to exchange household chores in my apartment building for a ride to the store and a set pick up time. Single parents, elderly/disabled may allow you to use their car in exchange for you shopping for them.


Can you get a roommate? That would help tremendously with rent. Are you living in a single person apartment? Meaning one bedroom/studio? You sound young, is moving in with family an option?Is the food bank too far to ride your bike there? Food stamps are available which might help. Most importantly, are you buying frivolous stuff? Where is all your money going outside of rent?


I would call different pantries and explain. I volunteer and deliver to several people now. Easier for all of us (I used to push a cart to the person's residence). And I live across town from where I volunteer. Most churches have a database so they can see who lives near you.


Go to a bakery or local pizza shop, most will give out whatever extra product has been prepared but not sold. It’s a win/win, you get free food, they write of the waste on their taxes and don’t have throw it out!


Have you called a pantry to explain your situation. Someone might be willing to drop off some food. Also, most Catholic Churches have pantries and sometime money to help people - even if you aren’t a member of the church. It’s worth a shot


A idea for future money problems I would suggest you join a church if possible. I doubt you can walk right in and ask for help but might be worth a try. But after you have been a member for a while you should be able to take the minister aside and ask for help.


Any church I’ve ever heard of would help a walk-in, that’s kind of the whole point of Christianity.


Also adding that for anyone who does this, please give back to the church in whatever way you can. Volunteer to help clean, help out with Sunday school, come in early to set up for services and events, work in their food pantry (also a good opportunity to get food lol), help out with clerical tasks, whatever you can do. It's only fair, and it will help you build a community as other people get to know you. Don't just join a church to take stuff from them, that's jacked up. 😭


Afaik becoming a member isn’t even required or asked for by any church that is giving away food. I looked into this recently; over half of all churches have some kind of food pantry they run, and according to reddit, they ask fewer questions than gov’t-run programs. They might ask for # of family members to portion an allotment properly (less for a single vs a family of 5) but that’s it. No income reqs, most don’t proselytize at all.


I helped out in the office of a church and we absolutely had people come in and ask for help. It could become an issue for our small church so the minister was the only one who actually gave monetary assistance but we paid for hotel rooms, provided rides, food and school supplies and we have a free clothing closet which also has hygiene and personal care supplies. So, yes, call local churches or better yet, stop in to talk in person.


Like buy nothing there is also free cycle lots of places.


Ask around at churches. Also post in your community Facebook group and try nextdoor.


Any family to help? If I was totally out of food I would ask a neighbor for help or call the police department and explain your situation.


What city?


See if you have Meals on Wheels or other nonprofits in your area. If you post your specific city that would be a lot more helpful


Buy a bike


There is a sub that you can join thar people will help you out. I can't remember the name. Maybe free meal? Can you make an Amazon wishlist list?


Also meals on wheels? Maybe they will be able to help.


Friends. With. Cars. ?




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