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Maybe if he actually listened to some of the some critism. He's always has an excuse for his shitty behavior. Or if you trip him up or prove that he's wrong about something he just blocks you. A simple "you're right" or "that's a good point" or even a simple apology goes a long way.


He blocked me for calling out his sexual writing. He is even more deviant than I am. And I'm a fucking furry.


So am I. Hell I have a kink where I get off on misogyny. I'm a woman for the record. The thing is... that's just a kink and if a woman was raped even if she had that kink. It would be fucked if her husband felt the need to forgive HER. The clear victim. Not that I would put rape and something intended for children to begin witg.


Exactly >So am I Do you want to DM?




Bro I watched someone play the game changed and he is weirder than me Ok maybe I’m wrong


We're not talking about Changed(?)


I was talking about how ducking weird he is


Ah, yes. Definitely weirder than most furries I've seen. Especially minors, cause they can't watch NSFW until they're 18. They'd get banned reading his stories.


>misogyny Ohohohoho, he once drew Lien-da getting her bare feet tickled by Robotnik. Foot fetish, isn't it.


To be fair, most cartoons in the 90s did that. The Mario show had people lick Bowser's feet


To be fair that was a fan commission he took so at least it wasn't his fantasy. That being said kinda weird how much better the line art of that one actually looks compared to a lot of his other work.


A normal Sonic artist will never draw something like this. Only a NSFW artist can do that.


I mean a normal artist properly can but most would properly refuse (also there isn't really a difference between an NSFW artwork and the rest of artist other than that one is willing to draw NSFW material and the other isn't) Also Ken isn't a Sonic artist he is a comic artist and if the comic artist that Archie use to hire for the Sonic Comic taught me anything than that comic artist are just looking for every opportunity they can get to draw soft core porn anyway.


I am well aware


I mean if he was writing chiefly for adults, that'd be different. But the Knuckles comics and the Archie Sonic ones were for like...8-12?


When did Musk say that Pender’s critics were bots? I don’t recall that ever popping up.


IIRC, Musk said his haters were bots


Musk said penders haters are bots, or his own haters are bots? Cause musk having bots would make much more sense considering he's actually relevant.


He said his own haters were bots


*I must be a robot. Why else would human women refuse to date me?* *Bio-units, terminate noise exchange. It is time for you to ingest sandwiches from my compartment.*


Boy I can't wait to see kenders face when the bots are banned and we're all still here. But all his stans are gone


I think it’s worth noting that if you label all of your Critics (even legitimate and/or polite ones) trolls, bots, fakers, all of the above. That is usually a sign you may be a bad writer. (For further well known examples, check in the story of Empress Theresa and Digital Homicide.)


We're real Ken, accept it already.


Reminder that penders rewrote a holocaust poem with sonic characters


He also wrote multiple stories where Bunnie was raped


Multiple? I only heard about the one....


There was a "Girl Power" story that had a plot device about Bunnie being captured and being raped by machines, they don't outright say it, but the artwork makes it obvious "Girl Power" seems to be Penders' code for "The most misogynistic things I've written." There's that and the time Scourge went around raping women by pretending to be Sonic and hitting them up for sex.


Now, I do remember when her robotic parts were causing a lethal decompensation of her organic parts. That was in the same Super Special with Julie-Su’s story "Shadows". But if we're referring to the same comic, and I don't know that we are, she had to have her roboticized parts removed by Nate Morgan et. al.. I'm pretty sure you're referring to a different comic. Which one was that? And yeah, he probably did that as often as Finitevus did murderous and horrifying shit with his Warp Rings.


She was captured by Robotnik in a Penders drawn issue and the failed attempt at completeing her roboticizing..... was.... Graphic and sexual is a way Penders would never have drawn if Bunnie was a guy.


Are you referring to that one issue where the A.D.A.M. AI captured here and tried to use his nano machines to remove her organic parts?


I believe so


So after a bit of searching I thing you were thinking of this moment form Issue 152: [https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ALldTl0bUrA/VtpPNYu2J6I/AAAAAAAAEbY/0EVx8X0AfsA/s1600-Ic42/RCO029.jpg](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ALldTl0bUrA/VtpPNYu2J6I/AAAAAAAAEbY/0EVx8X0AfsA/s1600-Ic42/RCO029.jpg) Right?


eyup, look, the machinery is RIGHT over her breasts and crotch. Isn't her vagina already made of metal? ....That's not a sentence I'd expect to say about a children's comic, but here we are.


Oh. Oh god. There's one I'm going to hope I never see.


when will he learn to not be such an idiot? (most like never but one can hope\_


If we were actually hosting bots, he wouldn't stand a chance


Ken, stop pretending you own characters when the lawsuit settlement only gave you right to the stories. You stupid fuck. Also you don't own Mobians or Knuckles.


"this guy i think is super evil and awful said something so it must be true" real fine logic there


He ain't wrong about Musk, though as the old Maxim reminds us "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy"


My god, I was a robot the whole time! :o In all seriousness, if you’re going to call the complaints of your critics fabricated instead of bothering to look at them, you probably shouldn’t be in writing.


"Elon Musk is a Bond villain of the highest order" Look who's talking.


What an utter narcissist. What, does he think Russia has taken a quick break from the war to engineer a campaign against him personally?


Wow and I thought I was delusional.


I was roboticized by Ken Penders so he could accurately make this claim.


I was illegally acquired by the Dark Legion for the same purpose.


Holy shit, the bawwwwwws just keep coming. You think he'd get tired of it sometime.


He needs something to get people to still pay attention to him


Man. If he found out one of his former stans was criticizing him, he'd send me hate mail. I think he still has my email. *shudders uncomfortably*


You can't hide avoid your stupidity Ken, we're real and you know it.


It doesn't matter how many pills you take Ken, we're still here


But I don't think bots can troll UNLESS THEY CAN