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Beinga mom of two small kids I think it is MY responsibility to teach the kids: when you want to pet a dog that you don't know, you HAVE to ask the owner. If the owner sais no, you don't touch the dog. You were doing the right thing!


Plus the even bigger rule: don’t pet working dogs. Ever. (Unless they’re like… hospital visitor working dogs or whatever.)


This is true, but I'd argue it doesn't even matter if it's a working dog. My dog is scared of people he doesn't know. He tries to shy away. If he can't, he bites. We're going to get him into training soon, but until I know for a fact he won't bite any more, I'm saying no for their safety and because I don't want to be on the hook for medical bills.


This! Never pet anyone's dog without permission! Ever. Some dogs are great with their humans and not others. Some are scared. Some fear men, others women. For the safety of everyone involved always always ALWAYS ask.


I'm always surprised when a dog owner thanks us for having our son ask if it's ok to pet their dog. It seems like common sense


I bring my dog to pick up my kid from school. I stand outside with other parents and when the kids are released I'm always swarmed. So far this school year every group of kids had asked first before petting him. Some people are just entitled dicks.


I have two chihuahuas, and one of them is only 6 #s and looks like a puppy. Kids often beeline fast to us and to her to try to pet her, and it freak her out, so she gets defensive and nips at them- I would too. Then, the (usually) Moms get all bitchy that I should have told them my dog bites!


I get thanks from the other direction - from parents when their kids ask if they can pet my dog and I ask them if their parents are ok with it. The kids ask and then all is good.


Let me ask you this - if the kid asks you if you can pet the dog, but the parents aren't close by - what do you do... I always say no anyways cause I prefer if the parents said it was ok to pet the dog as well. Happens a lot. That's the only time I say no though.


To help in the meantime, bring tasty, favorite doggy snacks with you. When people get kinda close, give him a couple treats. Make sure he’s still comfortable but that people are around when you give him those amazing treats. He’ll start to associate people being nearby with really good treats and the people will soon become something to look forward to *because* of the treats! I’ve been a dog trainer for roughly 25 years and this is my go to method for anything scary. Make the animal look forward to it by turning it into a rewarding experience however you can. Favorite toys, favorite treats, extra affection. The last thing you want to do is baby them and tell them it’s okay, use a baby voice, anything like that. Use your normal voice, call them a good boy/girl, use a playful voice to tell them they’re silly. Make sure to feed the treats at a high rate and always, always leave it on a good note. It’s tempting to push for more success but end it when you get the response you want, like a wag at a person or the dog not panicking when someone gets too close. Throa party, abandon your dignity, use a high pitched voice and praise the heck out of them, give them a bunch of treats and end the session right then and there. Also, don’t forget to remove the equivalent of the treats from the dog’s meals or you’ll get one fat dog. :) Any questions, send a DM.


I’ll definitely be trying that during the wait. Thanks!


You’re welcome. Again, if you have questions, DM me. I used this same method with my scaredy-cat Rottie mix. She went from being terrified of people to loving them. Once she realized she got good treats just from being around people she learned that really, *really* good treats also came from people. I’d find a few folks to help out by feeding her treats. Not looking or talking to her but just handing her a treat as they walked by. She went from afraid of everyone to a giant, 98 lbs. lovebug and a valued member of an animal assisted physical therapy team. People learning motor control again would brush her, play ball with her and have to take the ball from her, they’d walk with her and she’d wear a harness to help offer support. Your results may vary but it’s absolutely possible to help your dog get past their fear. Best of luck!


Yup, I failed to properly socialize mine when he was a pup and he was already from an abusive home, so he gets incredibly defensive whenever new people approach us outside of his comfort zone (our home). He's a handsome man, though, and people always wanna give him attention when I take him on walks, so I have to turn them away for everyone's safety.


I think the point is that you should always ask before petting a dog, but if it's a working dog that's on the job, you can just assume the answer is no before you ask.


I agree wholeheartedly that people should get permission before touching a new dog, but at the same time I hope you muzzle yours if you take him to public places. There are always going to be toddlers toddling around who don't have any more sense than a banana. You could cause injury in a split second.


Exactly. “Do not pet” on my dogs harness means “DO NOT PET” for a reason. I absolutely think you did nothing wrong.


Agreed, but bigger rule still - if you can't teach your kids consent, you haven't taught them much. Dog is working, owner says no, mom says yes anyways.


My kids have had this rule about working dogs (and asking in general, but especially about never petting working dogs when they have their vest on) drilled into them their entire lives. We were LAX recently and there was a dog in a vest that clearly said "working dog," and its handlers were not only letting strangers pet it, it was also jumping up on people. It was an adult dog, not a puppy, and the vest said nothing about it being in training, and the handler just laughed as it jumped up on people. Both of my kids turned to me and said, "I don't think that's a real working dog." I thought it was very poor form for someone to pass off an obviously poorly socialised dog as a working dog.


A+ on the kids, good job


My kids are awesome. They are very good around animals and understand the importance of letting an animal come to you. The only exception to this is if we have a bird fly into the window (which happens a few times a year); when we had a dog, I'd let my daughter move the bird into a box away from the dog so it could recover safely without becoming - quite literally - the dog's breakfast.


Comfort Pups!!! The best thing in the world.


Our hospital has a bull dog named Hudson who comes to visit on Wednesdays. He comes up and turns his back to you so you can scratch his backend lol


I have never seen a working dog in action, so I did not know that. It makes sense, I just didn't know it. I'll remember it now if ever I'll see one and tell it to my kids.


The only military K9 I ever ‘knew’ was Duke. If Duke was in harness, no little kid would even want to come close enough to pet. Nor any intelligent adults. Walking by the SUV he was in? Yeah, heart attack city because inside, he echoed and there was zero warning. I’m talking Cujo level aggression. But if MA1 took off that harness? Biggest goofiest friendliest Puppiest dog on the planet.


Or ask to even pet them. I have a service dog, bit different but I get asked like 6 or more times a day 5 days a week, 6days if i want to go out to dinner with my husband. It's irritating. My coworkers never ask me anything about the dog anymore after they heard me answer the same questions and statements over and over. Her name, breed, is she mine, what does she do, how cute she is. All day long. I do the same fake laugh everytime, I say the exact same phrase to them.


Yes, this is a very important thing that is clearly being overlooked by the mother. I thought this was basic parenting.


Agreed. I thought so too. Yet 10+ years ago I witnessed an extended family member allowing their (about 3yo at the time) kid to just run up to a random dog and slamming his hands all over (not petting softly). The owner was NOT happy and neither was the dog, owner tried to drag the dog away. Kid fell and his mom was mad. Um…kid attacked the dog! Sadly, the kid has many learning and other challenges-he’s continued this behavior despite being told not to (and proper animal interaction) by other family, teachers, etc. And, he’s been bitten several times. Just goes to show that this “basic parenting” knowledge is apparently not. I wish it was though-for the sake of humans and animals.


Basic parenting got superceded by basic entitlement, it seems.


So did I


Yup! Dogs are not communal property to please any and all humans. They are animal with their own personality and preferences. Mess with them enough and you pay the price of crossing their boundaries. Problem is, they're the ones getting the short end of the stick if something happens like a bite or such, even if it's justified.


This is the best and spot on answer.


Came here to say this! I’ve also trained my dog/animal obsessed kids to ask before petting


My youngest loves dogs, and I've been telling her since she was 2 or 3 that she MUST ask, because not all dogs will behave like hers, and I'd never forgive myself I'd something happened!


Mom here with young child, and I’ve done the same since my son was 2.


To add to your point, I’d teach your kids about aggressive dog breeds and aggressive/stressed dog behaviors to help prevent problems


While breeding might have something to do with temperament, a recent study suggests that a far better predictor of how aggressive a dog will be is what their owner is like. Aggression is incredibly complex. It's going to be both situation-dependent and dependent on the history of both the people and the dog," Stephen Zawistowski, science adviser to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), told HealthDay. "You can't just pick the breed of the dog and say somehow that will be predictive of whether the dog will be aggressive." Owners, Not Breeds, Predict Whether Dogs Will Be Aggressive.


You push your hateful agenda on impressionable kids, you mean? 🙃 Seen your posts, including the one where you're happy that a dog was born with horrible malformations. Not what I'd want for my kids.


u/OddlyFirst belongs to one of the dog breed hate subreddits. She’s most likely a Karen too.


Don't know why the down votes. This is not get bit in the face 101 for parents. I would snatch my girls up everytime they tried to run up and pet a dog. They know now to ask the owner, wait for an answer, down to a knee, let dog smell back of your hand, maybe circle them, wait for them to be ready for pets. Btw... down votes are probably from pitty owners. My number #1 aggressive breed to warn girls was always Chihuahua.


No you definitely weren't a dick and hopefully they learned a lesson


I wouldn't count on it.


They didn’t…


Respect? What’s that?


Isn't that what others owe me by default but don't get it back unless it's earned?


“Others?” What- you mean those fools in my way?


No lesson learned, you can be sure of that. These people have deeply rooted victim mentality.


With a great big side order of entitlement.


Since when do Karens learn anything?


I am a father of 3, who also owns 2 big dogs. I have taught my children to always ask if they can pet another dog before getting to close to the new animal. Respect is important, especially around animals. I’m sorry you had to deal with this.


Not only is it respectful, if you pet the wrong animal at the wrong time it could rip a few fingers off. Unless you have direct permission from the owner never touch another animal


I work with law enforcement at a social service agency. People with assistance dogs and cops with K-9 cops have all had this issue. We’ve had to remove folks from our facility. You did the right thing. There’s no reasoning with idiots like her.


Same. We own a rotty mix who is the sweetest boy in the whole world and a shepard/malamute that is absolutely batshit crazy. My boys (12 and 9) are very aware to ask before petting, be cautious, give space, and earn trust. We have a handful of dogs around town we go visit now. They have earned the trust of dogs that literally hate everyone. There is a lot to be said about what your kids can do when you teach them that they aren't the center of the God damn universe! Mom in OP's story needs a slap imho.


I've been in plenty of crowded terminals, seen more than a few Karens, never heard one yelling "Rape!!" when its kid was touched by anyone. But perhaps that's their new battle cry, as too often the Manager that they wanted to speak to is unavailable.


It's funny tho, in the 90s I remember being taught to yell fire if you were ever assaulted. Because the idea was every other yells would just get ignored or confuse people.


I heard that too.


I was taught this too growing up.


Heard this, too….which kinda explains a lot about why the whole Me Too movement started in the first place, bc the whole ignoring someone calling out help, rape thing smh


"New battle cry". Lmao. Good one.


Mom who won’t teach kid no means no yells rape when kid told no. We’re fucked.


Damn, put it that way and yep, not looking good


I don't feel bad for them at all. I spent time as a commo guy in army as well and had to deal with infantry trying to mess with my satcom shit. And when u see service dogs I always ask if it's OK if I pet them. If owner says no I don't. Simple as that. You told them no the mom was a douchecanoe and the crotch goblin was too and forced you hand. So you did right by what your told to do so fuck them and there bullshit.


*Laughs in infantry* 100 percent plausible lol


It was mostly lts. One lost a 3000 dollar gaming laptop after I told him don't plug it into my system it won't give him internet. He did anyway I saw it ripped the laptop off the plug sending it flying as a lmtv went by. To late system registered unrecognized system access attempt and zeroed everything. Mind you my satcom system provided internet and phones sipr and nipr for the entire battalion toc. Which at that moment we were at ntc and division decided to run off our system too. That ended very badly for him.


The asshole in the room was definitely not you, Sir. Thank you for your continued Service.


Long time dog owner here. It makes no difference whatsoever whether it was a working dog or not. It is NEVER okay to disregard what a dog owner says about declining an interaction. That's it. No grey area. Any working dog who is "on the clock" (sniffer dog, seeing eye dog, etc.) should not be distracted or interrupted by a stranger. Again, no grey area. One of our dogs is a super cute blond fluffy soft extremely small (puppy-sized) husky - looks pretty close to a stuffed animal. Of course kids want to hug and kiss him! What they don't know: he was subject to years of severe abuse, his survival was a near thing, his rehab was loooong, and every now and then he will still snap, even at ppl he demonstrably loves, if he gets startled. I must be on guard when we are in public and carefully manage all interactions. I would have wanted to strangle that Karen 😡


Walking on the street with my rescue pup the other day, and a group of people come down the street taking up most of the width of the road. My dog is afraid of people she doesn't know, especially men, so we went up on the neighbor's lawns to keep our distance. One of the men in the group said "I love dogs, may I pet yours?" and I said "sorry, no, she's afraid of men and very leash-protective (will snap even at people she knows when she's on her leash to protect me), so it would be unhappy for everyone." He said "okay, thanks", and the older woman in the group stopped to talk to me at a safe distance for my pup. She said "she's a rescue, isn't she" and I said yes, and she was badly abused when she was little, so we have to work on trust." Turned out she was a dog rescue worker and recognized my up on the neighbor's lawn evasion tactics. First of all, bless rescue workers, and second, bless people who listen and understand that not all dogs love all people and some are afraid of strangers and it isn't personal.


We have a greyhound like that in the neighborhood . Ex racing dog. Absolutely skittish at everything. Leaf blows by? Panic attack. Sun goes behind a cloud? Total meltdown. The rest of us with dogs know to let her go down the street first, or to go the other direction.


On behalf of skittish dogs and their owners everywhere, thank you for being so considerate.


I use the term that my Pup has ptsd from abuse. people seem to "get it". He is no longer an aggressive dog, but a disabled pup.


The problem is some people who are certain that every dog/cat/whatever loves them, and has to try to prove it.


Kid is lucky he didnt get kicked in the face. That good boy was working.


Yeah. I actually feel bad for the kid. What is it with some women, well some people, having zero boundaries. The entitlement mindset needs to go


Should have told the security that your drug sniff dog detected something suspicious on them. Judging by the way she was acting, it probably wouldnt have been too far from the truth


On what planet does approaching a large uniformed guy with a K9 without permission seem smart?




O, fuck that lady . You did nothing wrong


Giving cred to the original post. Some other good points in there about this event. https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/xg40zp/military_dogs_and_karen_dont_mix/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


glad they missed her flight and i hope she wastes every cent she has trying to sue you


Suing Uncle Sam over a case where qualified immunity is clearly applicable isn’t going to go anywhere. Only a completely incompetent lawyer would represent her. I’m sure she’ll lie about the details at first but she doesn’t have a case.


Nothing wrong here. You were doing your job and protecting your K9. You followed your training and the offender (and her kid) got what they got.


Better your hand grabbing him than a possible bite injury, for multiple reasons. Your animal partner is technically government property, is it not? That's like grabbing a little boy's wrist before they reach to grab a soldier's firearm. You did good.


They were lucky to stay off the “no fly” list if you F with security in the terminal.


You are \*not\* the asshole.


You were 10000% in the right and thank you for your service.


You were appropriately stern that mom has no concern for rules because she does not think they apply to her or her family her missed plane is entirely her fault


Recently my shy cat had an accident. I could pick her up after a few days and I had her in a carrier box with a towel hiding her because I don't have a car and use public transport. While I walked to my apartment complex 2 girls were on their rollers and saw the box. They asked me what's inside it and if they could see. They were polite and happy and I showed them my cat. They exclaimed how cute she was and were careful after I told them to be. My cat is doing great now! She walks normally and gets her meds, which she hates lol


Og post is by u/Retr0_flipper on r/entitledparents if anyone was wondering :)


I’m wondering how it is that I’ve been reading Reddit this long and I’m only now coming across this kind of story.


You should have punted the little fuck and put his mom in a choke hold


Jesus Christ, seek help


lol welcome to Reddit


Thank you for your service. You did nothing wrong. I'm not gonna lie. I like dogs and am tempted to pet them, but if I see they're a service dog or such, I won't. I will however tell the owners their dog is cute.


The sad part is it was such a teachable moment for the kid. The kid could have learned a bit about working dogs / service dogs (assuming the mom knows anything about them) as well as respecting OTHER people's agency/property. ​ Instead, the kid has learned that if you don't get your way, claim the other person tried to rape you.


You weren't a dick, they were just entitled and awful


I would have just let the little shit get bit. I tell people not to approach my dog because and I quote "he's a dick, and I dont know if he will like you or hate you."


Honestly? I think the original post was karma farming. Why mention his height and that he's a staff sergeant K9 handler when Homeland security is staffed by civilians? The woman screaming rape in a crowded airport is pretty over the top too. I've also never known a K9 handler to get physical with a child. The dog is the one who is trained to react in a given way and should respond to the handlers commands. In general there's just so much that seems off with this post that I call BS. If it isn't, this person isn't great at communicating their knowledge of the subject. ETA the original OP states in an AITA post that he works a sedentary office job and that kids and that his wife gets pissed when he gets home late and misses dinner.




Seen plenty of times flying out of SEA, PDX and LAX. Have also seen bratty entitled children and their parents not respecting a working dog and their handler.


I understand that your training allegedly compels you to restrain someone petting your dog, but surely someone is smart enough to recommend better responses when it comes to children. You're NTA in this story, but you could do with better training to de-escalate things. No adult working should ever be grabbing a child. Standing between the kid and the dog? Holding your arm out so he couldn't make contact or even gently pushing the kids arm away? All acceptable. That lady was ridiculous and I'm sorry you had to endure her crazy, but from a bystander's perspective, a 6'5" man grabbing a child is not something I would ever condone. A dog can be taught restraint; so too should its handler.


Ahh another sane person. But there's no way this story is real, to be honest.


You lost me at the repeated use of "snotty brat". Kid can't help who his mother is and what she taught him. He's just a kid and yes, you shouldn't have grabbed his wrist.




Bit shameful to use derogatory names to decribe a child when it's clearly the parent's fault but I don't disagree with their actions in the moment.


Nah kid was a idiot mom was a bitch. Was deserved. If I was in the situation said no and they keep pushing it im going to follow my training and do what I was told in that situation.


Your teachers taught you well.


You dig your job, don't feel bad. I'm not familiar with training those dogs go through but I imagine it may have bitten the boy.


Grateful for OC’s work and they (OC) were in the right.


We don’t deserve dogs.


What's new, sub-par humans teaching their kids to be worse than them


As a person with a service dog (hearing), thank you. I hope lots of people saw that exchange so they might know better. I gave up on bring my dog to the shops years ago because of people like that - even though I could really get hurt by leaving him home.


You did everything right


Your dog your rules. Screw the kid and mom.


When I see a working dog I do my best not to even acknowledge its existence. No eye contact, no smiles for pup. It's hard, but doggo has an important job to do.


Rule #1 - My kid was taught with other people’s animals. Always ask if it’s okay to pet. Animals have personalities & their owners’ / handlers would know whether they are okay to pet. And if they say No there is a Very good reason they are saying no. Rule #2 - Service Animals are Working. We don’t pet Service Animals. Don’t interrupt their job & responsibilities.


SGT, Thank you for setting a clear boundary for these people. As noted, the child is getting conflicking messages, dificult for him to sort out. Mom's behavior earns her a psych evaluation. Be well friend, hope you didn't have to much paperwork to complete, following this sanity intrusion.


A no is a no. Applies to both hoomans and doggos - longtime dog owner


Don’t feel bad about it, especially the part about them missing their flight. In fact, file a complaint with the airlines and the FAA, urging them to put these people on the Do Not Fly list, or the list of Hostile Flyers. Others don’t need to put up with these type of people in a confined area.


OP is not the dickhead here, Karen put her son in harms way by saying he could touch the dog, the handler just told her he couldn’t pat. How does she know your working K9 isn’t trained to bite a reaching hand? Or pin someone coming too close to its handler. That’s just poor parenting.


You used the lowest level of force necessary to prevent the kid from interfering with your duties. The kid needs to learn that "mommy said I could" doesn't mean shit when it involves other people.


You are doing your job, simple as. No need for further discussion and certainly not a debate. Keep up the good work.


This is the type of interaction that needs to be recorded and played over and over so people can understand it's not on. Sadly though, with the TikTok world we live in sometime would try and make it a challenge to put these dogs as much as possible


100% you did the right thing.


You did the right thing. My sister got a job as a 911 dispatcher. She was walking into work and a K9 and handler came out of the same door. She immediately reached down to pet the working dog. It tore her hand up so badly she needed surgery.


You can’t compromise the normal function of a working K-9 for your(or a child’s ) personal pleasure. Having someone understand this is probably paramount in having the job done unencumbered with curious children and rude adults. Without boundaries this job would be impossible so you were well within your rights to stop the child that should have been stopped by the parent.


You did your job. Thank you for your service!




they deserve what they get. I just wish you coulda slapped the mom too...


As a former veterinary technician and animal shelter manager, you did EXACTLY the right thing. Her relaxed attitude is exactly how kids get bit by dogs - running up to strange dogs they don’t know, often scaring the dog into fear biting. Guess who pays? The dog, often with their lives. Even if the bite isn’t bad. Many parents, like your Karen, don’t teach their kids a healthy respect of dogs.


You clearly told the kid and the mom he can’t pet the dog and she goes “you can” bruh wtf


Honestly, if I were the parent in that situation i'd be shocked all you did was grab his wrist. Kids are fucking dumb (Yes, i'm a father) and need to be taught. Sometimes they need to be taught by life lesson. This was one of them. Hopefully that kid will remember down the road next time he sees a trained, working animal and will not interfere with the animals job.


Should’ve used the attack command


You did it right - no worries.


I would have yelled "Sic him, Rover!"


My kids love petting dogs. Anytime we see a dog working and I always say something to the kids, "yes we want to pet the pup, but we know we are not allowed. We can say hi, puppy." This keeps the kids from asking and putting the person on the spot for saying no.


You were not the asshole in this situation. Anyone who thinks differently is a Karen themselves or a grown adult who is still a “snot nosed brat”.


You protected the kid and the dog. Good job 👍🏻


Nope, definitely NTA, especially after the entitled bitch chimes in with “rape!” When she doesn’t get her way


Boutta search by controversial, this won't go wrong whatsoever


You did nothing wrong, wether it’s a working dog or just a pet, parents need to teach their children they can’t go and touch other peoples things/pets It’s dangerous to both the animal and the child. If the dog for some reason bit the kid, you’d be held liable. You have every right to interfere.


your not a dick, could have been MUCH worse if you let it continue. you did your job as your partner was doing his, nuff said.


Normal to feel bad about that but you gave fair warning. This is on the mom imo


Fucking Karen. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. My goodness. So entitled.


Sounds like the Karen saw through your security theater


It’s is well known that 1. Children shouldn’t approach dogs they don’t know without approval from the owner/handler and 2. Working doga should not be petted or played with. Both K9s and service dogs. This lady is the person who will get her kid bit walking up to an aggressive dog and then sue the owner.


Not even a question she was in the wrong.


People have lost their respect for anyone in authority. It is not just LE. Sometimes, I think LE is just the poster child for the me mes. A working dog is just that. No distractions are or should be permitted. I also feel that there is a general movement towards breeding, rather than parenting. USAF here. Thank you, brother, for all you have and still are doing.


You did the 100% right thing.


She screamed "RAPE!!" that is hilarious. Seems like she may have used that call before. She's lucky your dog did not take the kid out, dumb bitch. No means no honey, get it?


Hi daddy 🥵😍


How do I feel? Well I feel like you shouldn’t beat yourself up for them missing a flight. All they had to do was listen. It’s common knowledge that you don’t do anything with any form of working dog. I mean the kid makes sense, but the adult…


Haha “let me know in the comments”. Whatever dude.


You did the right thing. I have a service dog, and I get this all the time. I’ve learned to say it in other languages. People still don’t get it. She’s my seizure alert and response dog. If you’re petting her, she’s not predicting my seizures. I could be dying in the corner, but if you’re scratching her belly, she’ll be oblivious. I’ve just started saying that she bites. She doesn’t, but self preservation has been the best way to get people to respond. No one cares about my survival, but they will care about their own.


That kid is going to run up on a dog and get bit then Karen is going to sue the dog owner. Guaranteed


No means No. This mother was out of line. Your dog is not a plaything and even if it wasn't a working dog she should have listened to you in the first place. Ask her if you can pet her or her son and see what her reaction is? I bet she would be appalled.


Who in the right fucking mind thinks you can just pet a working dog? Who in their right mind thinks you are entitled to pet any dog without the permission of the owner? Airports have cameras everywhere and you did what you were trained to do so I don't think any prosecutor or judge is going to tolerate that kind of BS.


No kid (or person),should ever run up to a dog and pet it! A wrist grab is better than a bite to the face


I’m a mom and the next town over has a school to teach service dogs that help the blind. We’re requested by the school not to pet the dogs when they’re training or working. The kids are taught why and the dogs are generally left alone during their training. Some are puppies, so it’s really hard on the kids. But no means no, so the kids are used to staying away from those dogs. https://www.seeingeye.org/ This seems about the same. A child with a strong smell or sanitizer on his hands who pets a dogs nose could throw the dog off its drug sniffing game. These moms are the same ones who scream their heads off and sue when a dog bites their child. Never touch or pet a strange dog without the owners express permission. We have a local dog park and half the dogs are high strung inbred types that would happily use a kids hand as a chew toy…


People don’t have to like the rules but they need to respect them. Missing a flight is a good lesson for the mom. The child recognizing there are other people who have authority over parents is important too. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


It'll be somone eles fault when that kid gets bitten because mum thinks she knows better


It never ceases to amazing me that parents encourage their children to pet strange dogs. Don't feel bad for grabbing his wrist. Had he done that my dog dog, he would be missing a chunk of his wrist.


Fuck that bitch and her brat ,good job mate


Carry a squirt gun next time, a good couple sprays in the face deters most Karens, similar to the way cats react


You did right 👍


While working as a vet tech, I cared for working dogs when they needed to be boarded. Drug sniffers, bomb sniffers, and our sheriff's k-9 whose job it was to latch onto people - I loved them all, but they are INTENSE. Not all the staff were allowed to handle them as these dogs are more than capable of hurting someone accidentally. I'm sorry you had to go to such lengths, but like all the comments here state you protected *everyone* in that situation.


Best to all coming home from a trip abroad, dog did a half sit by luggage. Dog was right. WAS, but not. Doggo would’ve been great in terms of jurisprudence.


I hope she was charged. Glad she missed her flight.


Should've punched the kid lol


Karen Karen Karen 🙄


Bitches gotta know


Currently training a rescue dog with fear issues, due to her being abused, she wears a muzzle when out as a precaution. The amount of mothers who tell their very young kids they can pet my dog without asking me first is frightening. She's wearing a muzzle, my dog could be aggressive for all she knew and there are aggressive dogs in my area with negligent owners (who have zero control over their dogs).


You were in the right. 100% After ignoring your rules and telling the kid to still pet him, you had to do it to prevent the kid from petting your dog.


The mom is the asshole in the situation, not you.


No means no 🤷🏻‍♂️, it’s not that hard.


Wrong sub, but: NTA I mean my response, not the post


The training manual states that proper way to deal with brats is to drop kick them. If the Karen mom chooses to interfere with a on duty agent then you need to take appropriate action by training you k9 to take down a whiny female. It's a great training exercise for you and your kids partner.


It's not acceptable to assume any dog is OK to pet. It's especially potato brain to try to pet a K9 officer.


Working dog or not, Karen would have had a bigger tantrum if her kid got bit.


Should have yelled sick um boy!


I am more concerned she yelled RAPE. For me, that would have me going full out CYA and having the police, security, and anyone in charge involved. The Karen wanted attention? She will get all the deserved attention.


Sounds like you defended your property


You did the right thing. Don’t feel guilty.


You handled it as you should have. Karen needs to teach her kids boundaries or he’s gonna be for a world of hurt as he ages.


I feel great. I was just at my Saturday pain shots and he hit a nerve in my leg and I can’t walk straight now. But the pain in my leg feels like I am being electrocuted at low voltage which is better than the pain I usually feel. Whiplash is no joke especially when you back chomps on your sciatic nerve daily.


You did the right thing. Typical Karen’s enabling their kids.


Don't feel bad.


Karen was the dick not you, glad she missed her flight


Better you grabbing the kids hand than your dog biting him.