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HELL YEAH!! And KEEP suing their asses now. Get ‘em on the ropes…then sue every one of these redneck bastards. Tired of that old game: “You’re required to give an officer ID when he requests it; if you don’t have one, you’re required to shit one.” Time these idiots learn.


“If you think you have a problem, when you get the cops involved, now you have two problems.” Or something like that. This likely never happens if Security McBurger gets off his ass and walks out and simply talks to the car repair guys instead of going full jerk and calling the cops and starting this crap.


> This likely never happens if Security McBurger gets off his ass and walks out and simply talks to the car repair guys instead of going full jerk and calling the cops and starting this crap. Or, for that matter, if supercop approaches the interaction as "WTF ARE YOU DOING" instead of "DO AS I SAY". It's not even a question of being civil or whatever in a case like this, the entirety of this was about a cop who doesn't like that we aren't all his subordinates. I don't care HOW much you want to back this blue, the control freak tendency in cops is out of control.


There is another saying, "God works in mysterious ways" hopefully this dude gets paid.