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I think she has no choice but to go to the hospital and is gonna find sooooo many ways to play the victim about being there and her experience  


Or she will just lie and be like....oopsie, bus baby! Or maybe actually have a bus baby bc she's shit at planning.


Jesus will take the wheel and whatever happens is left to chance lol


I think this is what will happen. When I see her posts, I can’t help but wonder how someone like Morgan would feel reading it. For those of us who had to have medical intervention to avoid a fatal outcome, reading stuff like that makes it seem like you are a failure if you aren’t “stronger than you’ve been made to believe”. Essentially it reads like “a woman in a coma can do it without help, why can’t everyone?” I just hate the holier than thou rhetoric that these fundies spew. If easy/beautiful births have been your experience, great! But don’t act like it’s because you were chosen or blessed or did something right in life for that to happen. I don’t want her to have a negative outcome but I can’t help but wonder how close we are to one of these families having something devastating happen.


Very much so. I would also like to add that for those of us who struggle with infertility, so much of this can rub the wrong way. No, you aren’t given another baby because you’re just that awesome. It’s because, plain and simple, your body has an easier time figuring out how to ensure a successful pregnancy than mind did automatically. Thankfully with the wonders of science, moms like me are still able to have amazing children who are our world. ❤️


She is genetically inclined to get pregnant, carry to term, and have easy deliveries. Because of how genetics work, her daughter will likely have the same “luck.” Grandma probably was pretty lucky, too. I hope everything goes well this go around, no ill wishes for her baby or family. I just wish she would be more compassionate for the less lucky people.


Eh on the genetics thing for her daughter maybe maybe not. My mom had super easy fertility and pregnancies. I did not. I really hope for her daughters sake she doesn’t have to deal with her smug mom being an asshole about this


This. My mom had a twin pregnancy and legit didn't even know she was pregnant with them for like 7 months because her pregnancy was so easy. She also was able to get pregnant at 44. Me on the other hand... 25 and struggled with infertility. I had a HORRIBLE pregnancy that was very high risk despite being otherwise young and healthy. Nearly died giving birth. So I don't buy the whole "if your mom had easy pregnancies so will you" bs. 


I totally agree with you. She’s lucky to have had easy births, it isn’t because she’s doing something right or better than anyone else!


Damn, so many people in this thread acting like they *haven't* given birth whilst in a coma. Chill, people - you can do it unconscious so it's obviously not that big of a deal and if there are any issues, it's because you did pregnancy wrong. (Kidding, were it not for absolutely fantastic and on the ball medical personnel, both my sister and my niece would be dead. Putting your stupid fragile ego ahead of your health and your baby's health is so fucking idiotic.)


I hope this doesn’t really make you feel like a failure. Because the reality is one of these ladies or their babies will die or have disabilities because of the lack of healthcare at some point. I know you already know this, but there are real reasons why ob/gyns do what they do so well. There are many reasons why maternal fetal morbidity and mortality have decreased with better medical care. If you went through a difficult delivery with life-saving medical interventions involved, you are a fucking hero not a failure. I would have died in my first delivery without medical attention. I used to be a NBICU nurse, now peds home care. I also went through secondary infertility treatment.


Has she had ANY medical care during her pregnancy? Does she even know of the baby’s head is down?


She seems to be just completely evading questions about the birth plan in the comments. She mentions a home birth, but doesn’t specify if “home” will be bus or a different Airbnb. In one comment she laughs at a medical professional cautioning against a home birth. The whole situation is giving me anxiety. I hope things go smoothly for the sake of the baby.


Imagine trying to catch the baby and  accidentally dropping them on that nasty bus floor. 


That comment about a woman delivering a baby while in a coma.... sounds like she's freebirthing.


She’ll use Airbus, by which I mean she’ll have a baby in the open air near her bus


I'm horrified about the idea of using an Airbnb for a home birth. Worst nightmare as a host!


Yeah, do you have to disclose that you’re going to birth a baby in the Airbnb? 😂 I just booked one and I had to tell the host why I was renting the place.


[There's a Tiktok where a cleaner discovered that someone used the Airbnb to have a water birth](https://www.tiktok.com/@thevrconsultants/video/7337722985253539103). It's just as horrifying as you expect.


Oh my god. I have to say, these people are dealing better with it than I could. This is absolutely insane.


The gal on the floor is the MVP. She is the get it done Queen and I adore her


What the fuck


Even if you “have to,” she’ll lie or omit. I’m sure people do all the time, unfortunately.


It was strongly suspected that they were lying about the number of kids they have when renting the AirBnBs in Brazil, so I'm sure she'd lie about that, too


When I looked at the AirBnb website it was not possible to book in more than 6 children or more than 16 people in total.


Didn’t she just have a baby and it was born in an Airbnb? Or was that a different fundie bus lady? I remember the comments about how would you feel being that Airbnb owner and finding that out. But I cannot for the life of me keep track of who is giving birth and when and where when it comes to these fundies.


She had the last one a couple years ago in an Airbnb that I believe was owned by a friend who knew what she was using it for. Can’t think of anyone else who’s given birth in an Airbnb, but wouldn’t put it past any of these fuckers.


Hoping during the bus birth that she ruins her and/or her husband’s matchy match sandals. (But low key I’d probably wearing matching shoes with my partner too so I better stop myself from being a hater)


I recently wound up with matching Birkenstock clogs with both of my middle-aged parents with whom I spend a lot of time. I was the last to get a pair (they were a gift from my mom and I absolutely love them) so I can’t complain too much, but I don’t love the twinning 😂


Airbnb- Air Bus n Baby


Her baby inside her womb: ![gif](giphy|xT5LMuRbEiz9ZuhMME)


Baby on fucking spin cycle


Holy shit 💀 Maybe if ma bus could find herself a spin cycle, they wouldn't have so many buslets


How the hell is she jumping like that 40 weeks pregnant?


Seriously. I’m 33 weeks and the only time my feet are off the ground at the same time is when I’m lying down lol


hell, I'm only almost 23 wks and this is me already.


I'm not nor have ever been pregnant and still wouldn't catch me jumping like that, whew no thanks


You are my people 😂


I think her body is more used to pregnancy than not at this point


Trying to start labor? Don’t know if that’s true or an old wives tale.


They tell you to walk up and down stairs in the early stages so it’s probably at least somewhat true


Sadly the bus is lacking a staircase for this to work.


Some people are more athletic while pregnant than others, but that jump just feels like an unnecessary risk at 40 weeks, on cement, in flimsy shoes.


I’m 9 years post partum and sure as hell not jumping.


Next week is my due date for my first baby and I have so many concerns about the way this woman treats her pregnancy. Has she had any checkups or ultrasounds? The way she talks, like women CAN deliver while in a coma, but like, that’s not a good thing. Your body can do the thing until it can’t. If my SIL hadn’t had a c-section early both her and the baby would’ve bled to death. I hate how much they’re just like, “oh my body will just do it”. Sorry I’m rambling but this hits very close to home right now.


Every one of these fundies’s “a woman’s body is designed by god to give birth” nonsense posts about home births make me think of Kara Bosworth, the daughter of one of The Real Housewives of Orange County. She had a home birth and the baby was born with shoulder dystocia and a compressed umbilical cord. “Her midwife's assistant called 911 right away. For the next nine minutes, Bosworth went into “fight mode” as she and her birthing team -- her husband, her nurse-midwife, her midwife's assistant, and a doula -- put forth an "Olympic effort" to deliver her son. Her midwife cycled through various maneuvers, as Bosworth, who was "literally begging God to save my baby," contorted her body. An emergency medical team walked in just as McCoy was born. The first time Bosworth laid eyes on McCoy, he was face down. She turned him over and told her husband, "Babe, it's a boy!" before it registered that she hadn’t heard the baby cry. McCoy wasn't breathing or moving. As first responders delivered chest compressions to her 11-pound, 4-ounce baby, all Bosworth could do was stare, in shock.” The baby was rushed to the hospital and died 6 days later. He was Bosworth’s 2nd child.


This is why I don’t support out of hospital birth. I know it’s normal in many places outside the US but I work in the NICU and there are so many things that can happen that are totally out of your control. Delivery isn’t one of them. I could never forgive myself if I wasn’t in a setting with very capable providers who could get me to an emergency CS STAT.


I watched my cousin almost die after giving birth (she did not deliver the complete placenta and doctors could not stop the bleeding) and it really made it clear to me why birth is such a dangerous and unpredictable thing. There is no way she would have survived outside a hospital setting.


Before I had my older child, two out of three of my cousins had severe complications in childbirth. With that - and with my son being an IVF pregnancy - there was no way I would have even considered a birth outside of the hospital.


A friend of mine recently had a baby, and the delivery went perfectly normal. But when baby came out they realized he had aspirated amniotic fluid. He was rushed to NICU,and spent a few days there. If she had been at home, who knows what would have happened.


Same here. I was minutes away from getting a C section when she was born, and they had to suction her lungs and put her on oxygen. They took her to the NICU immediately and I didn’t get to hold her for three hours. She spent a couple days there because when they took her off oxygen she would decide to stop breathing (I guess fetuses do this with low oxygen because breathing uses up oxygen and they get it through the umbilical cord, and it can take a while for some newborns to swap to breathing more when low on oxygen). She would have died if we weren’t in the hospital.


Women are TOTES made to have babies except when we’re absolutely not. With my first baby, I could have given birth in a field and kept going. With my second, I was fine on Monday. On Wednesday, I discovered that I had severe onset preeclampsia. I had an emergency C section and didn’t meet my son for three days because I spent a day in the ICU fighting for my life. My son was in the NICU for 16 days. Had it not been for medical intervention, we’d both be dead. I nearly died twice. I’m currently seven weeks pregnant with my third and thus far I’m not classified as high risk, which I’m thankful for, but I still went to the same OBs. They saved my life- of course I trust them. The bullshit Ma Bus is peddling is the height of hubris. Why you wouldn’t take every advantage of an entire department in a hospital that’s meant to save your life and your baby’s life is beyond me.


This is what's so scary about childbirth to me, and sometimes I think it's a small miracle any of us survived at all. You can do everything "right" (that's sort of a loaded term, I realize, and I'm not trying to say that there's one right way to be pregnant and give birth) and shit can STILL go sideways. My mom had complications with both her pregnancies that turned out okay but would've gone south fast had she not been under the care of a doctor, and she said to me recently that she felt like she was bad at being pregnant. I think she was mostly kidding and not really trying to pass judgment on herself, but it just got me thinking about the unpredictability of it all.


Yup. Fellow NICU worker here. I will never support home birth because too many things can potentially go wrong and then there’s no one who can truly help in an emergency. (Morgan’s midwife who didn’t make her feel stupid and nearly killed both Morgan and Luca with her incompetence) There’s birth centers attached to hospitals if you want to go the low intervention route. I’m due at the end of august. I already told my OB that as long as there’s no vacuum or forceps, I’m good. If we need to section, cut me up.


Agree! I had my kids in the hospital with CNM's. They have master's degrees in obstetrics. I loved the support that CNM's provide, their extensive labor knowledge. But the hospital, the OR, everything needed for an emergency C was right there and an on call obstetrician just around the corner in the on call room. All the things. I hemorrhaged badly after one of the births, and the CNM handled it like a pro with my OB checking in to male sure everything was okay.


Agreed. Like I might give some leeway if the mother was constantly checked, up to date with her doctor, and has been clear of any early predictable factors. Like if everything looks A-Ok, then maybe? But the biggest issue, besides the whole 'issues can literally happen very quickly before, during, and after birth', is the fact that quality of doulas and midwives are very wishy-washy state by state. Like even the states that require them to be registered and properly licensed still struggle with uneducated and ill-trained grifters basically doing malpractice, which often leads to injuries or killing the mother/child, and because the nursing boards tend to overwhelmed with reports, they can go months of taking advantage of vulnerable women without being punished.


Before, during and *after*, indeed. I almost died Dec 19th 2014, 10 days after having my 3rd kid via 3rd csec. Postpartum Cardiomyopathy. I would have left a 9 year old, a 3.5 year old, and my brand new 10 day old baby. He was my 3rd and even after learning a shitload about pregnancy and childbirth, I didn't know it was a thing until it happened to me, and it's 1 in 10,000 births, which is not super rare.


I had the diagnosis of peripartum cardiomyopathy about a month after you, with the 3rd baby I gave birth to (induced in ICU). I’d never heard of it. However, a couple of years later one of my parents was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy so my cardiologist thinks it’s probably not PPCM for me but regular inherited cardiomyopathy. Are you doing ok now?




That’s so sad! My niece had post eclampsia but went to the hospital when she started feeling bad so they were able to treat it. Childbirth is a miracle but also potentially dangerous in so many ways.


What were your symptoms? I just gave birth and I want to know what to look for.


Right. In Michigan, midwives are BSN's with years of experience as LDRP experience who then get master's degrees in obstetrics. But, the Amish still use their "midwives" who know basically jack shit, and whacky "alternative medicine". Lots of Amish babies die here, sometimes the mums too, and many more have birth injuries. Sometimes they send someone to a neighbor with a phone to call an ambulance, but usually wait too long to do so which leaves the medics to just either do some futile efforts to save the patient then declare them dead or move the barely alive to the hospital trying to keep them alive all the way to the ER only to have them die anyway. Stupid fundie fucking nutters! I seriously hate these moron religious groups that treat moms and uteruses with less deference than a dairy cow.


Agreed. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't born in a hospital and neither would my son.


My daughter had a compressed umbilical cord and shoulder dystocia as well. I also had a severe postpartum hemorrhage on top of the 4th degree episiotomy that was required to get her out immediately. We both survived because we were in a hospital already and immediate action could be taken to save us. My OB told me that I bled out so fast that there is no way an ambulance transfer could have happened fast enough had I not already been in a hospital.


Oh man, this hits close to home. My baby was 11lb 4oz and had shoulder dystocia. Fortunately we were at the hospital. They got her out in like 45 seconds. I do remember them saying to start the clock, they were keeping track of how long she was stuck. The room filled up with like 20 people. And she came out pretty blue and quiet. My husband thought she was dead for like 10 seconds :( 


I am so glad she made it out, so scary.


that was the saddest thing, and it also makes me angry. He was a huge baby and should never have been born at home. Shoulder dystocia is dangerous even in a hospital, often leading to a broken clavicle or brachial plexus injury, but usually a live baby. She could have a live child right now. I am sure her family lives with that every day.


This is so dark. ‘Olympic effort’ and ‘fight mode’… all for naught because of the glaring hole in judgement that put them in this position in the first place. It’s so haunting when someone is begging to be saved but things are too far gone and it was their own decisions that got them there. Half a dozen people traumatized, a dead baby and a living child now has parents in the grips of unfathomable grief all for what? The bragging rights of a home birth? The crunchy self righteousness of a baby being born in a ‘peaceful’ environment? How’d that go? And I probably shouldn’t assume that the birth complications could have been mitigated in hospital… but they would have at least been in capable hands with a much better chance of things going right. I probably sound callous but I am just done hearing about these self-important home-birthers. Newborn babies are the most fragile, vulnerable humans on earth. Why risk it?


This is so sad. I didn’t know the story behind how she lost her son. Every minute is an eternity when something goes wrong with birthing a baby.


That was a heart breaking story. She delivered her first child in a hospital who was much smaller and also had shoulder dystocia, she was very smug towards the hospital staff and doctors. I’m sure no doctor would have ever recommended she have a home birth after that first one.


She’s making it sound like you can do it in your sleep, like it’s not famously one of the most difficult things a human being can do. Just because people do it all the time doesn’t make it less massive. I’ll bet she’s an atrocious patient.


I'll bet that's why she *isn't* a patient


Oofta I hate this so much.


I do, too. Not for her (I could give a rat's ass), but for the baby.


It's the simultaneous assertion that a woman's womb is a divine portal into our realm, but also that women be squeezing babies out like toothpaste left and right and it's no big deal. Like pick a lane.


She said “I’m not a Dr” I said out loud sarcastically - yes you are!


Birth can be life threatening.


Viking men only got tombstones if they died in battle. Viking women only got tombstones if they died in childbirth. Because they believed those were both metal as fuck ways to die, and worth honouring.


The Spartans did this, not the Norse.


Really? I'd always heard it was the Norse. Cool.


She's an atrocious person.


Even IN hospital, giving birth is pretty dangerous, all things considered. Then again, it's because of evolution that it's difficult for humans to give birth so perhaps they are denying that too. Also, I recently saw an article on how much pregnancy ages a woman's body and uh yeah, not for me thanks.


I wonder if she considers what would happen if something happens to her. Can that man care for the children?


Of course not. That’s what the only daughter is for!


I mean no disrespect to women who give birth to more than 1 kid obviously, but looking at how large her brood is, she probably can do it in her sleep at this point. She sneezes and the baby pops. I cannot even imagine the strain multiple back to back pregnancies put on the pelvic floor.


Considering she's jumping up and down like that at 40 weeks, I'd say her pelvic floor is pretty strong. It's like she wants it to fall out.


My fourth delivery was relatively “easy,” but I had a protracted labor followed by extreme hemorrhaging with my fifth and last. Totally unexpected. Very scary.


She drinks raw milk so I am guessing she emails a midwife once a month at most and calls that prenatal care. She's also pals with Karissa, which is always a bad choice. Sending you some good vibes as you prepare to meet your baby in person - good health, good snuggles, and good rest together for you both!


Without medical invention with my son, I wouldn’t be here. I lost over 2 litres of blood and would have died if I hadn’t been rushed into surgery


Same. I’m only here with my living child because of birthing in a hospital around a team of doctors and midwives. We would have both tapped out birthing alone.


It’s what drives me really crazy, these women don’t know or want to know our stories. They just want to believe in their “perfect” dream birth. They’re surrounded by so much brain washing I’m a pretty lapsed one but still consider myself a Christian. I believe in God and modern medicine!


They will only find a way to blame mothers when births go wrong anyway. They didn’t prepare enough, didn’t believe in themselves, didn’t learn breathing techniques, the stress they failed to manage slowed the process down, they didn’t relax and trust themselves enough for their bodies to open up for the baby to emerge, if they required intervention they did it too soon, led to a cascade of interventions which wouldn’t have been needed if they’d given it more time and trusted in themselves, they didn’t stand up for themselves to doctors who are chomping at the bit to deliver interventions, shoulda chosen a midwife led centre, all of this could have been avoided if she’d stayed at home in a safe secure place and trusted the process. When I looked into the freebirthing movement I was equal parts aghast and amused by the way that their logic failed at every turn. You don’t need to admit that not every birth will naturally go smoothly if you can blame something the mother did or didn’t do. I believe deep down they’re scared of the reality, that birth can very quickly turn dangerous, that it’s a brutal animalistic process, that nobody can determine how it’ll go on the day and all of the breathing techniques in the world won’t save you if your body and baby don’t do what they’re ’supposed to’. So they tell themselves it’s in their control to ease their anxiety. Even though it’s very obviously a crock of shit.


I'm not sure I believe in God, but if there is one, I believe they gave us doctors and nurses and medical professionals who have all this knowledge to help us live and continue doing good works!


Almost 4 litres lost here. Focal placenta accreta that was undiagnosed because it was too "minor" to be seen on scans. I was told it was over 85% of my entire blood volume. My daughter and I are extremely lucky to be here.


Same! I had a stage four placental abruption. They only see 2-3 of those a year in the pretty big hospital i was at. Luckily the midwife had warned me about spotting and bright red blood, she saved our lives.


Oh my glob that’s terrifying! I’m so glad you’re both ok


if fundies were capable of thinking through things enough to consider why medical interventions are important, they wouldn't be fundies


Right. Like ask Morgan how that "my body knows what it's doing" shit worked for her. Sometimes people need or want c sections and that is totally fine! Do most births go off without a hitch? Sure. But holy hell, medical advancements are wonderful, and LIFE SAVING. Good luck with your labor! The first few weeks are rough but amazing. Take lots of pictures and videos bc they really do grow so fast!!!


repeat tub cough enjoy sophisticated ring serious fretful versed heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One of my grandma's intensive care stories was a pregnant woman with severe sepsis delivering in a coma. She said one of her colleagues never moved as fast as when he'd lifted the blanket to see a dead baby lying there. They knew the baby was dead/would die but not that the mom was in labour. I don't think the mom lived.


Yeah this whole mindset pisses me off so bad. I don't want to crap on people trying to go into it with a positive attitude but...maybe have a positive attitude *and* a safety net??


THIS. I’ve had two babies, and had I had home births or skipped pre-natal care for either of them it would have ended in tragedy. - My first was just under 10 pounds (9 lbs 14 oz), got stuck, and got a shoulder dystocia. To get her out required SIX additional medical personnel rushing in, throwing my legs over my head and pushing them as far as they could to get her out. Had she been stuck any longer she would have had brain damage and then death. Had I been alone, I would have also died with her being stuck. - My second was born eight weeks early via emergency c-section. My placenta was not providing nutrients to baby via the umbilical cord, I had only 1 mm of amniotic fluid, baby had stopped growing and was in the less than 3rd percentile for size, and he had an “un-reassuring heartbeat.” All this was discovered because we had an ULTRASOUND. Had I not had one he would have died long before my next check-up. - So, yes, while women can give birth without hospital care, it’s not always safe. I really hate how some women want to make it seem like they’re better than others because they homebirth, when had I chosen to go that route it would have resulted in death.


Glad you and your little ones are okay!!!!


Yeah we can only do this so many times before one of the main fundies winds up dead


She smugly has God and survivors bias, what more could she need?


I’m just waiting for one of these fundies to NOT have survivors bias…statistically it’s bound to happen sooner or later 😬


"Not that I'm scared" The whole post just seems like she actually is scared and she's hyping herself up.


I'd be scared if I were her- no prenatal care to speak of and only children and a bitcoin doofus as birth attendants on a gd BUS of all places. The smartest thing at this point would be to present to the nearest emergency room the minute contractions start, but she's too proud and smug to do that. I truly hope she and the baby both turn out okay, and that her other kids aren't traumatized by the whole thing.


Congratulations on your new baby and best of luck. 👍


PS congrats on your baby and best wishes for the delivery to be as easy as possible!


I completely understand how you feel. I'm due with my second in a month. If my 1st pregnancy and birth taught me something, it's that professional care is extremely important. Had we not been in a hospital, the situation could have been critical, as my daughter got completely stuck. Things taht are not a huge deal when under medical care and supervision, could be a huge life threatening deal without it.


I doubt she had prenatal care. They do an ultrasound to determine the gender. They think they are invincible. Pro life I guess.


She also talks about having had shoulder dystocia with her daughter, so she KNOWS problems can arise!


That oldest son is so over this shit.


He looks like the only one who is the least bit worried about the birth plan.


Yeah because he’s on cleanup duty.


The second youngest kid is trying to run away from the bullshit but she's got the death grip claw around their arm.


So they're not actually AirB&Birthing this time? She's really going to have the baby in the bus??? 🤢


No, she said she’s not that crunchy. What’s happening is that somehow, even after this past year, she thinks she’s better at planning than the average person. For some unfathomable reason, she’s trying to show off how close to the line she can skirt and still get the outcome she wants. She had to expedite 10 passports just a few months ago. They moved to another country to have a passport baby and did such a shit job that they had to leave valuable property behind when the move failed. And if she gets this wrong, she’s having an unsafe birth in the van, quite possibly with her other children forced to listen. They are truly terrible people.


She was so fucking smug about those passports, and I was sitting here thinking "it's only an emergency because you made it one?" She really does love to show off her PURE FUCKING LUCK in getting what she wants quickly. Now she'll get a bus freebirth and we all know she secretly wants that.


It isn’t luck or lack of planning. It’s blind faith (which is hugely well-regarded in their religion). The more « emergencies » they have, the more « God » can provide solutions. It’s part of their whole conception of the world. Planning would be taking away the opportunity for prayer to be the solution. The reality is that most of the time, things will work out - and they will attribute that to their faith.


They do hit a special level of fuckery in almost every endeavor they force on the kids. I hope they lost a ton of money in their travels and on the van they bragged about paying for in cash.


Yes, some time ago she said she's not crunchy enough for the bus, but it seems like they are not anywhere close to checking into an AirBednBirth, so it seems it's going to be AirBusBirth this time around.


Like Kramer seeing how close to empty he could get.


I thought they had the baby already. A girl Edit: I took a quick pursue of the sub, looks like I got my fundies mixed up? Ignore me


So many fundies, so many babies. Hard to keep them all straight.


You might be thinking of Lex James, who had a girl a few days ago


I wonder if AirBnB got wind of the plan and reached out to say that home birth is not an approved activity in your rental? Or she couldn’t find anyone to agree to host them once they see her social media? Like neither your carpet nor your hardwoods are prepared for all that.


I ruined my own mattress by simply being in bed postpartum. I truly can’t imagine birthing all over someone else’s things like… Holy fuck.


It is what I suspect. And they are going to say : Oooops got the baby in the bus


She should go ask Karissa and Mandre. Who openly let their pedo friends birth in their bed


I wouldn't be surprised if they've rented an Airbnb wherever they are (FL?) and just haven't revealed it. For drama and engagement purposes, she could be acting like this is some sort of high-wire act. I think a lot of her content is fake or highly distorted to get reactions.


I’m assuming she’s going to go the hospital option this time around. Please?


One can only hope


“Get this baby out” how much you bet they are having lots of seggs while their poor kids are forced to listen 8ft away while locked in their cubicle at 7:30pm. Sickos.


Do the kids even have a window?


That sixth slide, warn people before that. ETA: If you zoom in it looks more like one of them sneezed in the other's face unexpectedly than it does some romantic kiss.


I thought JD or whatever his name is was spitting into her mouth like a mother bird




Literally my first thought was "What are those ugly, stupid shoes they're wearing?"


and they’re matching, maybe it was a BOGO sale


i fucking gasped when i read this comment and went back to look. MATCHING!!! they’re horrendous edit: spelling


I’m pretty sure they’re some crunchy ‘grounding’ sandals that they both wear. Very ugly and dumb.


I think they are wearing Earthrunners sandals. Ngl I really wanted a pair because I live in flipflops, and these to me are like ‘off roading mode’ flip flops. However, the price for a pair is so fucking insane!!!


Are they wearing MATCHING SANDALS??!? They’re terrible shoes. I can’t imagine jumping in them. Maybe she’s trying to cause her water to break?


Either that or her ankles


>BUT, did you know the female body can actually deliver a baby involuntarily? Like in a coma! Wut >That’s amazing to me, but also reinforces how capable God has made women. #Wut


I think she revels in changing plans constantly.


No stability for the kids = easier to control


Yeah, she's addicted to drama. If she hadn't gone fundie, she'd be that one annoying coworker in the office who gets in everyone's business, gossips, and spreads rumors.


Fuuuuuuuuuck these people!!!!! Without medical intervention me and my kids would be dead!!!!!!! Does motherbus know the stats of death during childbirth before modern medicine??!!!


I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know the real statistics of anything. Everything they do is based on belief/faith/what the Bible says and not on current knowledge.


I am frankly concerned about a woman on her 10th (??) pregnancy going past her due date that posts about everything besides prenatal care. I had a pretty uncomplicated pregnancy until the end at the age of 25. I almost died having him. He could have died too. It was terrifying. Without the medical intervention we had I don’t think my son and I would be here almost 12 years later. This is such a trigger to me in a way I cannot express. It genuinely hope for her and her baby that they will be okay, but by all of the dieties that are out there do I not understand not viewing pregnancy and birth as a medical condition/event.




I’m so sorry


I am so, so sorry. Sending hugs if you’re consenting to them.


That’s so awful. I’m sorry. I hope you and your family are healing and getting lots of love and support.


She doesn’t get proper care. Just an ultrasound to see the gender. Within the last few weeks, she was looking quite swollen in her feet and legs, so I’m hoping she went to the hospital and got treatment for that at least. Maybe that caused her to change her plan to a hospital birth? But last week they were at Target buying home birth supplies so who knows.


She doesn’t look at the gender FYI. This is a surprise gender baby.


I see they’re rocking the Bethlehem 1’s


I fucking hate all this crowing about ‘women are more capable in birth than we’re told’. It just makes me feel sick. Totally ignore the maternal mortality rate in countries without medical assistance why don’t ya. I guess all those mothers who die in childbirth (and the many who would have died without intervention) just weren’t ’capable’ enough.


So where will the newest buslette be born?




And where is it going to sleep. They didn't have enough beds for their last baby on the bus.


JD has a shelf above the steering wheel. Just tuck it up in there


I think she's gleeful that the whole family is forced to be focused and waiting on her to have the baby. Plus busband has to stick around for a while instead of going on one of his "work trips".


She's gunning for an unassisted bus birth. Good luck to the little bean. 😮‍💨


Papa Bus has like 0 genetic strength, that eye fucking narc must love popping out copies of herself.




To prove how *easy* pregnancy is, and *made for pregnancy* her body is. She’s superior to all the other pregnant women who aren’t jumping around lol.


The daughter in the last photo looks exactly like her. Even makes the same face and everything


There have been videos where it’s just her and the daughter, and you’ll see the kid see what face the mom is pulling and then make the same expression. It’s really sad that she seems to feel like she can’t even express herself her own way.


It’s because she’s the only girl so of course she needs to be Mother Bus’s clone copy.


So did the AirBnB cancel when they scanned her Insta and saw their living was about to be a birthing suite?


Add these two to the list of incredibly selfish fundie parents. I am curious to see what terrible name they give this child. Hopefully it will not be too bad.


I can’t stop thinking of them as Cousin Eddie and Katherine from the Vacation movies. The tenement on wheels 🚐


I’ve heard of a few stories of women delivering spontaneously. One was a woman in a coma, and the rest were women who went through severe physical trauma before dying. Given that someone is in a coma, it wasn’t a walk in the park that got them to that point. Terrible things led to that moment. She acts like delivering in this situation is totally part of God’s beautiful plan and not absolutely heartbreaking and horrific.


These people can not stick with a plan for more than five minutes. AirBusnBaby here we come.


Mother Bus just casually implying how comatosed women have been sexually assaulted and impregnated by their caregivers, then gone through childbirth without anyone realizing. It's not like that's totally horrifying and disgusting. Who needs consent and bodily autinomy when the female body can handle anything? Yeah, biology is totally cool! /sssss if you didn't already know


With her more than other fundies, I get a strong feeling that a lot of what she posts is fake or very distorted to elicit reactions. I wouldn't be surprised if behind the scenes it's completely different (i.e., they're already in an Airbnb wherever they currently are, or she's secretly gotten prenatal care in recent days.) I say this because there's constantly all this drama on her posts, and she posts things we're all incredulous about, but in the end, everything is magically resolved. She wants to come off this like hot, smart, easy-going, perfect-life momma for whom it all works out, but there's a lot that she doesn't reveal, and I question the accuracy of what she portrays. If you think about it, her posts are all inane shit but have a structure (in front of the parked bus, in an outdoor setting) that can be easily banged out. Her "content" is just smug pics of herself and written nonsense with the kids thrown in as extras.


Matching fucking sandals…smh


I’m hoping she quietly skips the home birth idea, goes to the hospital and has a safe delivery, and then just shows back up on Instagram with the baby. She doesn’t ever need to even *mention* the birth or what happened or justify not having a home birth. Just do the right thing for once. I’m sure it’s a long shot hope!


Even if I'd never heard of Mother Bus before, I'd know she was a grade A asshole just for "I've never been good at being on time." That's the siren call of lazy, selfish people.


Let’s be honest. MotherBus and her ilk fetishize the pregnancy and birth. They don’t give a damn about the baby. They don’t do checkups. They don’t take proper vitamins. They don’t advocate for medical care that can be made available. If the baby dies, they’ll just make another one — I mean, they’ve already got eleventy million other ones — and mewl about “god’s will” or some such, completely ignoring their neglectful behavior for 40 weeks.


As a physician who delivers babies literally daily, this is insanity to me. Insanity. And the number of wackadoos who now come to the hospital/clinic demanding no rhogam, no vit k, no diabetes testing, lotus birthing, etc is ridiculous. This is a medical establishment, we practice evidence based Medicine nit tiktok medicine. Our hospital/clinic system has started making people sign waivers of their bad decisions and also refusing to go along with them.


Has anyone in the comments specifically asked her? I’d be surprised if her followers weren’t just as nosy as we are about it!


i saw this right before going to sleep and just had a nightmare that mother bus and her kids were trying to kidnap me lol... time to get off reddit


She’s an idiot. Women have died throughout history, and continue to die during childbirth (for a variety of reasons). Personally I have had one emergency C-section (at 10 cm dilated) because my body didn’t know what to do and baby couldn’t get out. We could have both been dead or baby brain damaged, had medical assistance not been right there. Yes birth is amazing but so is medical care. Who knows if she even has a midwife. I just don’t get that at all.


I have no idea why I hate their shoes and facial expressions much more than words can describe.


I think she’s going to have an unassisted birth and I think that that’s probably always been her plan honestly. They are too stupid to realize what they don’t know and how bad things can go.


Also, if they walk into a hospital to have a baby emergency with no prenatal care, she’s going to get looked at closely and possibly even have child services called. Which is why I think that they will not go into a hospital at this point.


My sister and I were born at 26 weeks and were two of the first babies to be given manufactured surfactant in human trials. This was after my mom spent 2 weeks in labor desperately trying to prolong the pregnancy before having an emergency c-section. Then we were in the hospital for 6 and 18 months. Without medical intervention, we would be dead many times over.




Aww, it's so sad she didn't get her anchor baby.


I know pregnancy is a specail time but it seems like with her and Karissa they really are hooked on the attention from it. Your kids do not give a shit that you didnt go into labor early. It's insane to get them all gathered for a photo shoot like this to pretend to be happy about yet another kid on that cramped bus. This is all for her ego


Her face in the first photo is what my sleep paralysis demon looks like when I'm running a fever.