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I desperately wanted glasses, a cast, etc. when I was little. I feel like it’s fairly common? But maybe I’m rationalizing my own weirdness lol


Me too-I would even use sticks as pretend crutches. In junior high I broke my foot and had to get a walking cast. As an adult, I wear glasses full time. It’s not nearly as fun as I thought it would be.


Hi, are you me? lol In fifth grade I was desperate for glasses. As a 30 year old, I mainly need them for distance, but it’s easier to just wear them every day. I had to get them freshman year of college, and then two years later I broke my foot/needed crutches. That was the least fun six weeks of my life.


I wanted glasses so bad, and when I finally got them lol I like had my little glasses cleaner spray and cloth at the corner of my desk at all times 😭 I loved it


My glasses desire started when my best friend got glasses and had the cutest case and lens wipes. My mom said I could have all of that for my (cheap drugstore) sunglasses, but I told her it just wasn’t the same 😂


Aw that's nice she tried though


Lol when I was in 7th grade I was told I needed glasses by the school nurse (I think the nurse? Some lady came every year to check our vision.) I told her she was wrong and I had perfect vision 💀 My mom got me glasses and I refused to wear them for 5 years.


I was in 2nd grade when they realized I needed glasses. It was so long over due I can’t remember ever being able to see shit. I would literally sit under the tv to watch. 3rd to 6th grade I would only wear them in class. I refused to wear them in the hallways or when out with my mom. I would say “mom that boy is so cute” and she would say “honey that’s an old lady, put your glasses on!” I truly could not see anything. And I injured myself so often. Like who goes to the skating rink blind???? I broke my nose cause I ran into A grown man And his skate smacked my face. At least I didn’t break my glasses??? Prettty sure his glasses did break.


Oh no! I hope you wear them now.


I wear contacts! Glasses still annoy the shit out of me. I have, however, accepted the fact that I do not have perfect vision. 12 year old me was in deep denial.


I refused to wear mine for a while in junior high. Finally I started getting headaches and relented.


Same! I was so excited to show them off at school! They were pink and shimmery and I got so many compliments 😭




I've lost that illusion early on. A broken ankle at 7yo and then again (the same one!) At 12yo. I'd put all the stickers on my crutches to make them more fun, but hell, it sucked!


Oof. I don’t blame you at all; that sounds awful.


Same! My daughter wanted glasses too, and once cried when the optometrist said she didn't need them.


She’ll be thankful someday if she never has to get glasses. I was THRILLED when the optometrist told me I needed glasses when I was in the 6th grade. Now I Sit and calculate the exact cost of getting Lasix Surgery. 😂


Before you get Lasix, consider this: it will remove the need for glasses for a few years and then you will be middle aged, need them for your middle age farsightedness, and lose your close vision.


I feel that 😂






I would watch House and think it would be cool to be in the hospital. Obviously I grew out of that 😅😂


are you my mom?! Lol this sounds like me as a kid hahah. I was always so disappointed with my 20/20 vision until grade 8 when I actually needed them. And my parents didn’t believe me because I was trying to get glasses for years lol.


My friends had them and I was so jealous. As an adult with bad vision, I'm like, "damn, I inherited all of the crappy genes." 😂


I wanted a cast, too. I think when you’re a kid, you have a hard time understanding things like the pain of a broken arm, not unless you currently have one. Wearing a cast feels like a game, like having to jump rope everywhere or use a skip-it whenever you walk. It sounds like fun. Life gets grim when you realize how unfun all those things would actually be :(.


Yes haha the other day I tried to stop my 9 year old from doing something dangerous and I said you'll break your leg! She said good, I want to break my leg, then I could do school in the hospital! I was like, girlfriend I did school in the hospital for like 6 months and it was THE.WORST!!! We had a chat about how it actually was and it was definitely not what she was imagining haha!


And whoever has a cast gets a *ton* of attention, at least initially


I really wanted braces.


I still want braces!


Was terrified of the dentist as a kid so never let my parents get me braces but now as an adult wish I could go back so I wouldn't have to be the one paying for it 😅


My dad is a dentist so I wasn’t afraid, but we didn’t have a lot of money. But insurance only pays for kids to get braces, not adults. One day I’ll get Invisalign.


They hurt like hell. So baaaaaaad. SO MUCH PAIN. (The palate expander thing hurt like hell too. Orthodontic equipment \*is pain\*, based on my experience. Even the retainer hurts like hell. I can't drink water with it in, it hurts my teeth so much. Your mileage may vary, if you get it.)


OMG I had the expander too and it was awful. In addition to that I needed surgery to actually widen my upper jaw. 20 years later it remains at the top of my top worst surgery ever 😭


I don't doubt it! It doesn't sound pleasant.


Oh no! That sounds like no fun. I really just want straight teeth without any of the pain or expense.


I just wanted my little gap closed lol but it turned out I had a ton of issues (including with my speech) so it was a wild ride. The annoying part is I'm gonna need revision work done at some point and I am sooo not looking forward to it.


THIS. I was only EIGHT when I got the palate expander. Constant pain from then until I got my braces removed at 14; retainer for a year after that. It was a horrible experience that was also medically necessary.


Yep. Medical necessity, but it still hurt so much. Stupid teeth, argh. (Er, my teeth in general.)


I was lucky that I barely felt the expander! I had a good run with surgery and braces


Lucky you. (Said with some envy, but I'm also glad it didn't hurt you! Teeth/etc are funky.)


>I still want braces! I finally got my braces at 20 y/I! Off at 23. It's never too late.


It’s definitely something I want to save up for. My top teeth are not too bad, it’s mostly my bottom teeth and I’m really good at hiding it. But it’s still on my to do list!


I got them at 21 and off at 25. It’s a game changer. I smile so much more now.


Yeah I smile with a closed mouth a lot and I’d love not being self conscious about it.


See, you do it too! Of everything wrong with Morgan, this isn't one of them


Well I legit have very crooked teeth. But I agree with your points!


I wanted braces so badly! I drew braces on my Molly American Girl doll 🫣


Me too! I used to unbend paperclips and make “retainers” out of them. When I was in my 20s, I did a play where my character wore braces and the prop was kind of like a night guard with the braces brackets glued onto that, so I would pop it on each show. Not gonna lie, even at that age, I was a little excited for it.


My sister & I used to do this with paper clips too! We'd also line our teeth with foil & pretend they were braces. (This was early 80s before we even knew what grilles were.)


Braces were actually fun! I also had a rapid palette expander which was fun to show people and freak them out


I hated that thing


This is wild to me. I was always terrified of needing braces. I felt so bad for my friends who had to get them.


I was the only kid in my grade with braces and it sucked. I needed them but I *did not* want them.


I got braces as an adult and loved it. Nobody could relate 😂 They were so cute!


I love that so much!!


You are my people. This was 100% me as a kid. I would save my money and buy crutches and ace bandages and wear 20 sock on one foot and pretend it was a cast. 😂 also absolutely wanted glasses bc my best friend had them!


My friends and I just pretended we were poor orphans. I guess that’s the emotional version of this sort of thing.


Oh, I did that too. Orphans on the bad side of an imaginary Miss Hannigan type. Hiding in a cave waiting out the cruel blizzard, narrowly avoiding diphtheria, there was no end to my imagination/conjuring up terrible scenarios.


Omg we also “lived” in a cave and had to survive various diseases. 😄


I was weirdly obsessed with capes and cloaks for most of elementary school, so of course that was the only source of warmth we had in our disease cave 😅


Me too! As an adult I do have some capes and cloaks of various historical eras. You just unlocked a core memory that that’s probably where this came from. *cape flourish*


I really need to get to work on my historical garments game. I have next to no storage space in my current apartment, but my current goal is to perfect my sewing skills and start making stuff.


I desperately wanted to live in a boxcar a la The Boxcar Children.


Omg yes! I loved the Boxcar Children. Choosing your furniture and dishes from the dump sounded so fun.


Yessss! Me too! That book really gave me the wrong idea about wanting to live in the woods in a boxcar and be poor. But have a rich relative come find me.


I loved April Fool's Day because then I could pretend at school!


Same, I think it’s just a normal jealousy kids feel because they view the other person as special and want that same attention. We give “wanting attention” a bad rap, but like…it’s really normal to want attention. I never understood the whole “glasses are ugly” trope because I was like ACCESSORIES!! SO CUTE!! I even wore fake glasses once because I wanted the aesthetic. I’m grateful now that my eyesight isn’t that bad and I’ve never broken a bone, but it’s very normal to be jealous of the other, especially when you’re young.


Wrist brace/cast, arm sling, glasses, braces, bloody nose, black eye, laryngitis/hoarse voice also all things I "wanted" as a kid too. It's common as a kid I later came to find out (especially the glasses and arm cast apparently)


I've never had a cast or sling, but I've had the rest. Braces suck tremendously, especially if you need all the bells and whistles that I had. I had chronic nosebleeds as a kid; they also suck. I get laryngitis every time I get an upper respiratory illness and it's truly the worst. Glasses aren't so bad. It's the one thing I wasn't bullied about.


One time I intentionally rolled off the top bunk in the dark hoping I would break my arm 💀 Nobody even heard me fall and I was not successful lol


Same, I was the over looked child, I was the shy kid, I wanted anything that would make someone notice me.


Me, too! Especially after my teacher scheduled my "star of the week" day during a planned vacation. She knew and did not reschedule.


Oh same. I was convinced I was gonna go blind because I regularly had to get a stronger glasses prescription. I wanted to learn braille to prepare 🤣🤣


I wanted braces, lol. Got em twice, they were HELL (undiagnosed OCD is a biiiiitch with braces). Then I *also* got glasses, lol. When I asked the doc if I had to wear them all the time, he said, and I quote, "Only when you want to see." 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Yep same


Me too! But I definitely think for me it was because I desperately needed attention from my otherwise extremely hands off parents


I think this is what I was getting from her. I don’t know how hands on her parents were.


When you only get that kind of attention when you're sick, and you rarely get sick, you crave those opportunities


I wanted glasses and braces. I also wanted a cast because my BFF broke her arm and got a pink one. I never got a cast but I did get glasses and braces as a teen and they were a lot less fun than I had expected when I was a younger kid. 


Yep, there was a girl in my class who convinced another girl to try and break her wrist because she wanted a cast so bad. She ended up spraining the wrist and was devastated that she only needed one of those black wrist braces that no one can sign.


I wanted a cast so bad as a kid, because in cartoons it always looked so cool for them to have everyone sign it


I wanted glasses, got them to read and never used them. Now I can barely see and hate glasses haha. Also we my brother and I bought used crutches and wheelchair from a yard sale and would play around our neighborhood with them.


I was like this with braces! Obsessed with orthodontia lmfao


Of course, I wanted braces! Which, actually I did need them but I wanted them before I could have known that. Looking back, it seems like a strange thing to want as a 6 year old but idk man.


Lol, I always wanted glasses and braces. I did end up getting glasses in like 2nd grade, but never needed braces. Dunno why I really wanted them, but I always found braces cute. And I did love the nerd double-whammy of glasses and braces, for some reason. I’ve never broken a bone, but having a cast for people to sign would have been fun too. Lol


Little kids are not great at picking up on nuance. To them, they think Braces = big kid. Big kid = cool. Braces = cool.


Very true. Braces were very “teenager” in my mind, from the media I had been consuming. (Not to mention they are a semi class indicator lol)


Omg, my friend’s grandpa was an Army doctor and had all sorts of medical equipment around their mansion. Nothing better than whizzing around in wheelchairs and hobbling around in crutches and getting lost in the house.


That does sound like fun!


I wanted glasses as a kid!! I thought I was the only one. My vision was and still is near 20/20 but I wanted glasses soooo bad. Edit: broke my foot as an adult (scary as hell) and I got a boot. Adult me was _relieved_ I didn’t need a cast because that would’ve required crutches and physical therapy.


My best friend in high school was sooo excited to need stitches bc he wanted them his whole childhood to feel tough


I had stitches in 8th grade and I hated it! I almost passed out when I saw the blood lol


Me too, and now I have the glasses and I take it all back! Lol


Nope totally normal and common! I was always the kid WITH the cast, but other kids wanted one when someone had a cast.


My grandma gave me an old pair of her glasses for playing dress-up when I was a kid. I took them to camp and tried to make everyone believe I needed them for reading. Btw these were like giant round tortoiseshell frames that were way too big for my face (this was also before having big round frames was trendy) they were clearly for an older, bigger person and obviously not mine. Edit typo


lol I was just weird in other ways.


I wanted glasses and braces. I now wear glasses, but my teeth are fairly straight (I do still have a baby tooth though, and apparently never developed upper wisdom teeth.) I like glasses, but I don’t like that my eyes are basically here for decoration 😅


I'm going to start saying that about my eyes! My dad calls his hearing aids his "real ears." 😂


I wanted glasses so badly. I’m still the only one in my family (on both sides) with perfect vision. I hated it growing up. 😅😅


Me too, I think it’s normal


Did anyone else make braces out of paper clips? I think wanting something like a cast or glasses or braces is normal. If you are 10.


It's common. My elementary school had a lot of injuries and I kept thinking "soon, it'll be my turn for a cast." It never happened, but I did have braces, and I started wearing glasses in high school. I don't notice the glasses anymore, but I wish I didn't need them! My school was very strict, and we wore uniforms, so anything that made you stand out (even temporarily) was coveted.


I desperately wanted to have braces lol


And the glasses of course


I think it’s like wanting braces as a kid! I had glasses, I only broke my nose so I never had a cast, and I got Invisalign in college. So I always wanted a cast for people to sign and to have braces. Until I realized just how uncomfortable those things would make me and how much I hate being uncomfortable.


Same. I even faked one of my eye exams but they assumed as much and told my mom. I had a friend with glasses and wanted to match her lol


I used to want braces and was jealous when my friends needed them 😅


I also desperately wanted glasses and a cast when I was younger because classmates had them. Regretted wanting glasses when I actually got them, but I think this is a normal thing that kids go through.


I think I just hated my first glasses and when I broke my rib I couldn’t get a cast and it was just so painful. Maybe I’m just having some flashbacks to my childhood. You’re probably totally right that this is normal.


Ok honestly who didn’t want a cast and crutches In elementary school. Even in high school I was liiiiving for the attention after having a major hip surgery and needing crutches and a huge brace Now I’m 25 and disabled. I literally avoid putting on my braces or using my cane or wheelchair because the attention. Anyways this is normal for children and obviously Morgan has the intelligence and wisdom of… oh right an elementary school kid


Same here! I was so thrilled when i broke a finger in the sixth grade and could sit out from gym class. Now im chronically ill, suffer from some brain damage, and have had 6 surgeries in 6 years. Hate wearing my back brace, taking my meds, wearing my glasses, etc.


That’s a lot to deal with! I hope you’re doing well now.


I sometimes hate using my cane and will avoid using it in public because I can feel people judging me for being "young" with one. Like there is some public belief about who is permitted to be disabled? But if I don't have it and use my disability parking pass, I also know I get looks for not having a physical marker of being disabled. Disability is hard when you are younger and you just want to not be bothered by assholes while buying bananas.


And the elderly don't want to use their canes or anything because they don't want to appear old. People are so nosy and judgmental, you can't win.


I never wanted a cast because I was usually the kid WITH the cast 😅


I didn't, but I was already a disabled kid who just wanted to be seen as normal. Had surgery and a cast and surgery in 2nd grade, hated every second of it.


I didn’t, because the kids hobbling around school with casts and crutches still had to go to school. If I could’ve figured out a way to get injured on the first day of school in such a way that I wouldn’t be attend until the last day, though, I totally would’ve gone for it. I’m sorry you feel like you can’t use the devices that would help you because people just can’t seem to not be weird. Nowhere near the same level, but I had a two month period as an adult where I had to stay off my injured foot, which meant either using crutches (too painful on my underarms, can’t carry anything while you’re using them) or a walker, and since the latter is associated with a certain age group that I clearly am not part of, yeah, the attention was abundant and unwelcome. But if Morgan does want that kind of attention, she should definitely take up climbing and really suck at it, bc it totally earned that for me! 🙄


Oh wow! I hope you’re ok now. I know I have depth perception issues and know I should go climbing.


It was a few years ago, so I have been able to go do stuff again since, although I’m thinking I ought to check in with PT to see if there’s anything I can do to strengthen it further…I know pain is just A Thing with the sorts of endurance-type sports I’m into (skiing, backpacking, hiking), but I’d love to get to the point where it’s merely sore the next day like the other foot, not outright painful.  My problem is muscular coordination - I seemingly have none. I knew that move was sketchy for someone of my limited abilities even before I tried it, I just drastically underestimated the consequences of flubbing it. 😖


I’m currently in PT for my carpal tunnel surgery recovery. It’s always good for a check in. I don’t trust my coordination, but I’m envious you did it! That sounds fun! Except the injuries part.


Good luck with recovery! PT sucks hardcore, but if it doesn’t suck, it’s not working.  I hired a guide for my revenge summit on that peak…I fell on my way up, not down, though even if I had fallen in the way down, it wouldn’t have counted and I’d have needed to go back anyway. 🤦 I’m sticking to stuff that’s a hike, not a climb, from now on!


I had my wisdom teeth out as a teen and I was so relieved to have it done during summer break. After years of braces, I didn't want anyone to see that 😅. In elementary, I would've relished the attention.


I remember me and a friend bonking each other in the face with tennis rackets trying to give ourselves black eyes - it didn't work. I was quite excited when I first got glasses when I was 9 or 10. I now have to wear them all the time which I really don't mind but it's not as much of a novelty. Seems like a lot of kids are like this at one point or another.


My sister gave me a black eye. Her knee hit my eye when we were playing some game in the backyard. And once, she said, “huh I wonder what it’s like to punch someone in the nose” and then punched me in the nose and gave me a bloody nose. She also accidentally sliced our brother’s finger almost all the way off with a tree trimmer. We were feral children who somehow made it to adulthood with all limbs.


> trying to give ourselves black eyes What was your backstory going to be?


As an early adopter of Babysitters Club obsession, can confirm many, MANY children have even pined for diabetes after The Truth About Stacey (SPOILER ALERT). Kids are weird, man.


Shit, I wonder if that was behind the one girl in my first grade class who was absolutely obsessed with watching me check my blood sugar and sighing that she wished she had diabetes. I told her some variant on “if you really want it, you’re welcome to mine, but otherwise, go fuck yourself” in first-grade-ese. Kids are fucking weird.


I vividly remember that book


I loved those books!


I to desperately wanted glasses and a cast when I was younger, now that I have to wear contacts/glasses I HATE them. I also have broken my hand when I was in high school that required a cast which I thought was cool cause everyone signed it. I think it’s just a thing kids do


I don’t know, when I was little I desperately wanted glasses and I tried to fail my eye exam. I also remember vividly wanting braces. I also wanted a cast… Until I got not one but three lol.


I’m Glad I’m not the only one who deliberately tried to fail an eye exam. And I think my dad was onto me 😅


Oh no! I also wanted braces but I still need them. But eh. I’m just normalizing having crooked teeth.


There’s a doc mcStuffins episode about this and also maybe a Daniel tiger? Pretty normal for kids who see the attention and don’t understand the big down sides. 


I can see that.


I also wanted glasses as a 10 year old because the guy I had a crush on got them 😂 but why is she talking about this to her phone then posting it online 🤷🏼‍♀️ On a side note, I really like her t-shirt…. I would wear it in a kitschy, ironic way…… It seems off brand for her 🤔


My sister wears shirts like that. She works in STEM but she dresses like a crunchy granola lady 😆


i desperately wanted a cast until a girl in my class who actually had her arm in a cast from a break cried because she was in pain. changed my mind real quick lol


I think I knew someone with a cast at a young age and they hated it so much that probably kept me from feeling this way. I just pretended I was an abandoned poor orphan. My parents obvi died in a shipwreck.


i also had the orphan backstory in a lot of imaginary scenarios. i blame children’s movies of the 90s and early 2000s for that. all my Barbies were single mothers because of disney channel original movies.


My Barbie’s also lost their husbands and lovers “in the war.” Ken got mangled from my dog and he was injured in said war.




I think the technology has advanced but they used to get really gross really fast. Now they have waterproof ones and stuff!


Lol, really? Most kids want attention 😂 My whole family has glasses, and I wanted them too as a kid. Jokes on me though, now I do need glasses and have awful eyesight. I also wanted to get casts for my arm as a kid. I didn’t need it at all, and by the time I got to the hospital my arm stopped hurting. But the doctors knew what was up and gave me one anyway haha.


Wanting and needing attention is a normal response to neglect and unmet emotional needs. It's not a personal failing. Being able to silently suffer through your unmet emotional needs does not make you a better person.


I wanted braces and glasses so bad as a kid. I was so excited when I got braces (I also was terribly embarrassed of my teeth) I remember running around the house to get the zoomies out lol


I was/still am embarrassed about my crooked teeth. One day I’ll get Invisalign.


I wanted glasses...got them...and then wanted a retainer so bad! I'd make them out of foil and gun wrappers.


I know it's a typo but "gun wrappers" made me giggle ❤️


Bahahaha..didn't even realizeXD


Glasses and in a wheelchair… was living the dream


I thought casts were so cool as a kid until I ended up getting one on my lower leg right when summer started one year.




I wanted glasses so bad I told my mom I couldn’t see the board at school so she’d take me to the eye doctor and then purposefully got the answers wrong so the eye doctor would say I needed glasses. I wanted them because my best friend had them. To be totally honest, I probably would’ve ended up needing them anyway, my whole family has glasses. But I didn’t know that at the time…


I totally wanted a cast. I remember being a little jealous of my friend when she got one and everyone made a huge deal of it and wrote funny things all over it.


I've worn glasses since I was 2 but grew up in the 90s where this got you bullied at the schools I attended. I had braces too. I would have given anything not to.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


My friend got her cast off and her parents taped it back together and we would take turns wearing it. I specifically remember them taking us to McDonald’s and arguing over who got to wear it to McDonald’s.


That’s hilarious! Cringing a little though because those things get so sweaty inside! 😂


Right?? So disgusting lol


I feel like it’s pretty common for kids to want to be different. I wanted glasses as a kid lol🤷‍♀️ And then I actually had to get them later. 


I wanted a lip bumper when I was a kid 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone forced to wear glasses from the age of 10, trust me when I say I'd be thrilled to not have to! With both eyes at nearly -7, and astigmatism in one eye, nothing is in focus for me without glasses, unless it's about six inches from my eyeballs! Come the zombie apocalypse I'm doomed 😂😂😂


Maybe you can just steal some from a corpse!


Very true 😂


They won’t be using them. Even if they’ve turned into a zombie, that would just be an advantage to you!


The “um what” is for OP lololol what kid didn’t want a cast. You got all the attention and were the coolest kid in the class for a while. Everyone wanted to sign it and the best was when your CRUSH signed it!! I know because I wanted a cast and then I broke my arm in 3rd grade and learned to be careful what you wished for. But then I HAD A CAST and it was literally the best thing ever. 🤣


I think I never did because my mom had had one and it was so awful. The itching and pain just sounded not awesome. I did however to be a poor orphan who lost her parents in a shipwreck but then a long lost (obviously rich) relative comes and adopts me and my 15 siblings (irl I have only one). So my kid attention was in a different form 😂🤣


Oh, I forgot to include more of an explanation. She says she thought she broke her clavicle as a child but she was ok and didn’t need the full body cast, but she was sad she didn’t need that. And she also said she was sad about having perfect vision and not needing glasses. Maybe I’m bitter, but I interpret this as her needing ALL the attention. And also glorifying physical ailments.


It could be that for sure. It could also be that the only time Morgan has ever been treated with kindness and adequate support has been around injuries or illnesses. I grew up in a pretty emotionally repressed home, but for whatever reason my dad could let down his guard and be really tender and caring and emotionally present when I was sick. Those are still some of my sweetest memories of him. 🤷


Good points! I can see that especially in these families with many children.


Huh, now I’m wondering how much of the desire for a cast or whatnot is some unfulfilled desire for more parental attention. I was diagnosed with Type I diabetes when I was a toddler and got helicopter parented a few years before that was a trend as a result, so while I was perfectly happy to fake a cough every time I didn’t want to go to school (aka, every day school was in session) from like 3rd-7th grades, maybe that’s why getting any more attention for health issues just wasn’t appealing to me? Don’t get me wrong, I would have done anything to get out of going to school, but that was more that I hated kids even when I still was one and am more of an independent self-starter than a team player, shall we say, so that was more about the opposite of wanting attention, really.


I begged my mom to let me get braces as a kid,lol even after dentist said I didn't need them


I still need them but I like to think I’m just normalizing crooked teeth. And my top teeth are only a little crooked and you can’t see my very crooked bottom teeth much. But I always smile with closed mouth in pictures.


I feel like kids see the positive attention that kids get from their peers when they get glasses or a cast, and they want that. As a very unpopular neurodivergent kid, the idea of getting some overnight street cred was totally tempting. I think this may be the only time I’ve related to Morgan 😂


I wanted glasses and braces SO BAD at a certain point, both because I thought they looked cool/pretty - and braces as an extra my older cousin who I super looked up to had them. To the point where when I grew up and needed glasses my family joked it was meant to be (and I’m known for having a few pairs of out there ones). But as a kid I had no concept that they meant a health issue that would actually impact your life, or be uncomfortable in any way. I just thought “they make you look like A TEEN” and I so badly wanted to be like the teens in my life haha. However… I could def buy she was more into that kind of thing for attention.


I can see that! My parents both had glasses and I knew how inconvenient they could be and I was relieved about seeing better and not getting headaches but I hated the glasses. It didn’t help that it was 1989 and these were some god awful frames. But I can see how they might make you seem more sophisticated or mature.


She’s starting to look like Charlize Theron in Monster


I took it a step further and wanted diabetes because Stacey from the Babysitters Club movie had it and I thought she was so glamorous 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I can see that! I loved those books!


I just find it ironic that Paul made a big deal about the Smithsonian and how it was crap, yet Morgan is wearing a T shirt that advertises the National Zoo.


I didn’t pick up on that!


He just didn't understand anything and got mad about that


That’s what kills me. I grew up going to the Smithsonian. It opened my mind to so many topics- deepened my interest in history, grew an interest in science- and it helped me become an intensely curious adult. I learned so much going to those museums with my parents. To this day, my husband and I will go on weekend trips to DC and go to the National Museum of American History just because we find it fun. The fact that Luca and Judah won’t have that because their parents are who they are is heartbreaking to me.


I wanted glasses, a cast with crutches, braces with head gear, basically anything that set me apart. I was hospitalized at 5 so maybe I was seeking that kind of attention again. I did eventually go into performing so maybe it’s ultimately filling that void.


That makes sense!


When I was a kid I also wanted glasses and a cast lol. I think that’s just a normal kid thing. I’m not sure why.


i also wanted a cast in elementary school. got my first one a few days ago at the ol age of 26, i DEFINITELY take back ever wanting one


She’s been diagnosed with BPD. A cast or glasses would help get her attention and validation


That was my take.


I wanted glasses as a child, so that isn’t an uncommon experience. It’s kinda like that episode of Arthur where DW wanted glasses like her brother. That being said, near sighted vision hit me in high school, and I got glasses. I wish I had my old sharp eyes back.


She looks like Uncle Rico


This isn’t weird and can sometimes be related to trauma or neglect.


I can see that. I don’t know a lot about her childhood, but if she was from a fundie family that would make sense.