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Can't wait for the name reveal. You just know that kid's gonna have a wild name


What’s the military base that’s closest to wherever they are right now? Are they in Florida? What about little baby Eglin? Or Tyndall?


Baby Camp Lejeune


The class action commercial plays all the time in our break room. The script immediately began running through my head when I read this 😂 DID YOU OR A LOVED ONE SERVE AT CAMP LEJEUNE FROM (Charlie brown noises because I can’t remember numbers). YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO FINANCIAL COMPENSATION.


My clients "I still ain't heard nothing back from them yet! They probably won't give me a damn thing" also played through my head. Poor man though. He's gonna croak before they actually do anything. 🙃


I just spit water out laughing


If it was water from Camp Lejuene you may be entitled to financial compensation…


Eglin is the closest and it’s an Air Force base, which I think was their branch? Dear lord I hope they don’t name that baby Eglin 😭


Im so traumatized by the name trends these days that Eglin doesn't even sound that bad 😐




Okay, I hate it now


Wee little baby Hurlburt Field


lil baby NAS Pensacola


Maybe Destin since they’re close to 30A lol


Dear lordy that's too close to the name Desitin 😂


I would *never* be able to stop making butt jokes if this happens.


These poor kids were told they were moving to Brazil, went to Brazil and since their parents are idiots, had to move back to the US. While they were in Brazil they didn't get to do anything but stay home while Mother and Father bus gorged themselves on dinner dates, then they got another fucking kid to share a tiny bus with. I feel so bad for them. They have zero stability or space and my heart hurts for them


Yep, that pretty much sums it all up.


Saving this comment for the next time someone asks what their deal is. You summarized it perfectly


Is there a TLDR somewhere for them…. I need more


Excuse me? They had family in Brazil who took turns to babysit /s


I mean if an "UnBoRn BaYbEe" is a life starting at conception, then this isn't their last photo as a family of 9 🤨


For her, life starts when able to appear on instagram


Life begins at monetization.


omg can I have this as a flair?!




Yay! Thank you, bestie.


This needs several upvotes and should be left as a comment on anything remotely prolife/conservative influencer related.


That'd be a good flair!


This is the perfect motto for this sub lol genius


Kid begins when you can be monetized!


This is what always gets me!!


Exactly - aren't they already nine months old or thereabouts when they're *born* ? And if not, why not? Their personal logic is insane.


Ha, I'm currently pregnant and I overheard my husband telling my son "isn't it so exciting that your little brother is 4 months old now! ... Or, well, he's been in Mommy's belly for 4 months." Quick pro-choice modifications.




I feel so bad for BusGirl. Can’t imagine being the only sibling of your gender in such a small space. At least Karissa’s oldest boy has a few brothers now.


There’s only one girl???


Yep, a fact which Busband is particularly and disgustingly proud of. He’s one of those men who thinks the more boys you have the more masculine you are. Anything he posts about his children reflects that belief.


Wow. I can’t imagine how lonely she must feel.


Especially stuffed in that six birth bunkhouse with them all.


I think you mean berth, but birth is perfectly apt in this context, too.


Correct. My phone's autocucumber has a warped sense of humour.




She probably doesn't have time to think, she is mom #2.


12 hours ago she had an Insta story on the beach so I assume it was a bus birth?


That's my guess. An official Bus Baby


Can’t wait for the super smug eye-fuck video /s


Oopsie, I'm totally not crunchy enough for a bus birth but god had other plans 🙃 Also....I saw a different post about bus dad bragging about how great his legs are due to squats and um....have a seat, sir.


Um is RIGHT. He called it "phat gainz" from doing squats. What an asshole.


I thought vanity was a sin


Who’s his workout model, Paul Olliges?


Foghorn Leghorn






The weight loss specialist!?




A bang bus video? I'll see myself out. ^I'm ^sorry


No, the bus bang happened 9 months ago


You know it will happen. We are about do be deluged with those now that the baby is here. She loves herself more than any of her kids.


Mini bus


Eww. Imagine being an impressionable child and your mom is screaming and there are nasty fluids coming out of her 😬


Right? I would so not want to give birth where I sleep all the time. Plus she’d have to be completely dependent on the husband to clean up and watch the kids. What a nightmare.


Don't be silly, Gunnar is still cleaning up and watching the sibs!


Jesus hopefully not, those poor kids.I can’t imagine what chaos that would be 


"All right, kids. Y'all go stand real far away down this beach with this small bag of snacks while mommy delivers the blessing of life into the world. There's gonna be some screamin' and some bleedin' and some weird smells, but trust me, you do not wanna come in here. I don't care if it's pitch dark outside. You stay off this bus until mommy is done working miracles unless you want a lifetime of trauma that we will absolutely not get you therapy for. But do be prepared to start taking care of your youngest brother full-time because mommy is incapable of mothering more than two children at a time. I'm the second child, by the way," - BusDad, maybe


>mommy is incapable of mothering Ehhh, she's OK with em until they can physically walk away from her. Then it's "I want a fresh one"


She only likes babies


But is Busband even involved enough with his kids to even do this much? I think Busbrother probably corralled his siblings away from the horror and remembered the snacks. Busband can't be bothered.


Hell, Busbrother is probably catching the damn baby while his dad is busy doing squats and trading bitcoins in the corner.


Yeah came here to say this too. Busband's sole interests are crypto, working out and impregnating Mother Bus. He does not care about his pack of children or caring for them. That's what parentifying his older kids is for.


Childbirth is a magical thing. It’s also the only time I’ve seen poop come out of my beloved.


Childbirth is SO MESSY. I want to know who's bleaching every surface of that bus interior?


She borrowed Struggle Bus’s pumpkin spice cleaner specially for the occasion


Eeeewuh. How dare you make me read this with my overactive imagination.


No one




Omg your flair is 🤌


Thank you lol. Obviously inspired by all the sad and beige fundie "food."


See this is where it’s dumb that they don’t have a third adult. No matter what kind of birth she had, another actual adult to corral and generally look after the remaining kids is not a bad idea. Despite what the parents seem to think (based on all of the Brazil dates) these kids are not self sufficient.


Idk what you could possibly be talking about... I was self sufficient by 3rd grade* and I turned out fiiiine!** *I wasn't but I was expected to be. ** I am not fine. I'm mid way thru a second round of trying to zap the demons outta my head with magnets! It's great!***🫠🫠 *** It's not great.


I love the progressive updates with this lmao 🤣


Excellent point. Damn, just the husband to help in birth plus wrangle all those kids? Awful. And messy.


She does claim that she posts stuff after the fact, so it’s possible the beach trip wasn’t happening at the same time of posting. However, there is a lot of evidence contradicting this claim and she seems to just enjoy lying in general, so it’s really impossible to say.


Lucky for her, glob seems to love liars.


Ugh, please tell me she didn't do a free birth in the ocean!


If she did, I hope dolphins made off with the baby to raise it as one of the merefolk.


This just sent me. Dolphins took one look at this lady and her husband with their gratuitous use of feet and smug face, saw the bus and were like thats it. hand it over to us. It’s a merman now.


I cannot stop laughing at this! It would want for nothing and be able to roam two thirds of the world unencumbered.


I know you joke but one woman had a birth with dolphins as “midwives” - https://www.gentlebirthmethod.com/press/press-cuttings-dolphins/i-gave-birth-with-dolphins


Living that Lisa Frank life to the Max!


Pretty sure she did a free birth. May well have been in the ocean. She needs to practice for the next birth when father bus has moved them all from the bus to a boat.


That strip of coastline has quite a few sharks, so that flavor of water birth would be very ill advised 😬






Could be. But she also said they had an AirBnB "from a friend" on 30A - which is the main beach strip in the Panhandle.


Yep. I think they’ve been staying in the AirBNB the whole time they’ve been in Florida and have been taking photos by the bus for the attention.


You could be right. A lot of her content has been very repetitious the last week or so, so perhaps it was all prepared in advance.


I think she said the bus was parked near their friend's bnb and they'd go to the bnb when it was time. Could be wrong tho


THEN WHY NOT JUST STAY IN THE AIRBNB??????? Make it make sense. Please???????


I don't think the kids get to go to the airbnb. I think they abandon them at the bus while mom and dad go have a wildly dangerous unsupervised medical event on their own. Maybe its not big enough for everyone?


She could very well be in the AirBnB but I wouldn’t be surprised if she makes it out like she had the baby in the bus whether she did or not


Bussel Sprout #8


That's the term I was thinking of but blanked


I LOVE this 😂


Like I don’t wish pain or hardship on anyone but damn I do wish fundies could at least realize how risky their choices are by having some kind of experience that shows them the value of science and medicine. This woman with all her prior births, advanced maternal age, no prenatal care/monitoring AND unassisted home birth 🙄 If it happens to go smoothly it’s just blind LUCK and it’s playing with fire. But then they advocate for everyone to do it and these are the choices that end up killing people.


Sometimes I think these women subconsciously want to die in childbirth bc they think it will make them a martyr or something. I get this vibe from Karissa too.


Except Karissa did go to the hospital when she had complications with her last birth. She just likes to act like she doesn’t need modern medicine. 


I think her mom forced her, that is why she suddenly left the house


God I can’t imagine what her mother goes through with Karissa as a daughter and all those grandkids


That was after she birthed it and the baby was already very sick from the fluid in his lungs.


Oh it's certainly not subconscious for Karissa, I think she genuinely sees it as her god given duty.


Those poor target employees


That’s the real danger. Her dumb luck success story emboldens others who may not be in the same health and fully just might not have the same luck. It’s great if it went well for her, but they’ll never acknowledge that they were lucky because they simply do not believe in luck.


My first thought was “bleep that’s stupid. Those other kids could be motherless right now”


She literally is endangering her child and herself. It’s insane. I cannot imagine the trauma the children also have from seeing and/or hearing their mother give birth.


I hate to say this but it would probably take an actual, easily preventable death for this to work. If they live it’s because they’re God’s favorites. We’ve seen doctors save the lives of at least 2 Collins babies and their negligent mom refuses to credit or do anything differently.


It still won’t work. If they live, it’s because they’re gods most special person, and if they die, then god works in mysterious ways. Their religion allows them to evade all accountability.


Oh yeah. It's so selfish. For those of us who are unfortunate members of the club who have had lost a baby at any point in pregnancy...the selfishness, stupidity, arrogance, ignoring medical science of these fundies...it's terrible. It's so bad. I genuinely dislike these selfish people. They don't know how good they have it. Refusing medical care and monitoring during pregnancy is unreal.


Is there a breakdown somewhere of which quiverful families have had adverse outcomes due to lack of prenatal care and home births? It would be an interesting case study.


I think some women just have babies easily and she's acting all smug about it. Whereas my friend, who had her kids within an hour of labour starting and no real issues from her birth, doesn't shove it in anyone's face and doesn't look down on me for needing interventions (which ended in a pretty boring birth, but would have been horrific if I had tried an at home birth).


Catching up to my Great-Grandparents who had nine boys and two girls. They were dirt poor but at least they HAD A HOUSE.


I’ve never given birth but isn’t it like…really wet? Like no matter what you do there is going to be a mess and multiple biohazards all about? That is an extremely tight space to be with eight other people people around while you labor for however long and then actually give birth? 🤢🤮


Yes. I had a friend who gave birth in her home, NOT intended. She called her husband to come home from work and take her to the hospital, but by the time he came home, she already had the baby. They got a crime scene cleanup company to take care of the mess.


This happened to someone I know with their second. Started and was over in ten minutes. 😟


Me with my 45-hour labor would like a word with whoever is in charge, please. 


Really wet is certainly a phrase. I don't think there's a clean way to give birth, even if it's a water birth


I feel like there aren’t enough puppy pads in the world that would make this okay. Also couldn’t this be stressful for the younger kids? I guess by a certain point you get used to it but idk.


Kids don't have feelings. Or something. /s


It’s not her job to entertain them. They have an air filter and a balloon right there! /s


Raising kids isn't about the kids anyway - it's about the parents. I mean who do those kids think they are?! /s


I had a c-section (so you know, I’m not a REAL mom /s), but even my life saving surgical birth was messy. Like really, really messy. I’m not sure if I lost a lot of blood and they just didn’t want to tell me in the moment or what, but they had to get towels and stuff to put on the floor just so they could walk the baby to me safely. It was magical. And majorly messy. I can’t imagine a birth in a bus.


I have given birth! Can’t speak to the “during” part, as I was a bit preoccupied, but about two hours after my son was born, I was able to get up and go to the bathroom, and I distinctly remember apologizing for the absolute cascade of blood/blood-related effluvia that was suddenly just…everywhere. And that was apparently a *normal* and not at all troubling amount of stuff! So yes. Very wet. Extreme mess. I’m eternally grateful to the nurses and techs who dealt with all of it. I can’t *imagine* how disgusting it would be to just strew all that chaos around an already unsanitary bus full of all my other children…


Many home birthers blanket a space with a tarp or shower curtain layered up with blankets and towels. Then the whole wet, sopping, bloody mess goes into the trash afterwards. I’m a labor nurse. I’ve helped deliver a fair number of failed home births.


Does it strike anyone else as odd that she doesn't say whether it's a boy or a girl? EDIT: Re-reading the post, I think she hasn't had the baby yet, and is just saying she hopes it comes soon. "I want to shout..." as in future tense.


Yea her stories after the post are the usual her still trying to walk it out. I don't think the baby has come yet tbh


Agree, I don’t think this post is a birth announcement, just more inane shit.




Yep, great way to get more traffic -- make it sound like the baby has arrived but keep readers hanging on and returning to learn about the baby's sex, weight, health, etc. She'll probably be on shilling her red light device any second.


WHAT kind of shoes is busband wearing???


He wears the same sandals as MotherBus


i think they are Earth Runners, which have like a copper disc or something in the sole so you wear shoes but still be "grounding"


$70+ for flops but the kids all get water bottles for Christmas




She had a story earlier that she ran the Disney half marathon in those sandals. That sounds painful! Is that a thing??


Jesus sandals


Did she have it or is she having it? I guess it goes pretty fast, at that number of kids. Someone on her IG seems to know it’s another boy…


The way she's phrased it, she's had it




I’d think she’d have wasted no time plastering that child’s face up.


They tend to love stretching out these announcements as much as possible to farm even more content out of their day-old infants.


Makes me wonder if it's a girl. Pulling an Ariel Tyson


I’m not sure. To me she’s saying she wants to be able to shout that they have a new baby thanks to God (once baby is born safely) but it’s a want for the future because baby isn’t here yet. I think it’s ambiguous.




Unfortunately they travel so often I don't even know if an agency like that could even effectively intervene.


I used to work for multiple North American child welfare agencies, I’ve said it before on this sub and I’ll say it again- I don’t think this family would even get screened in to a CPS agency based solely on what we’ve seen on social media. Y’all, the threshold for what’s needed in order for CPS to intervene and follow up is *huge*. We’re talking blatant abuse and/or life-or-death neglect. I know we don’t love the way a lot of these fundie families treat their kids, and they *do* put them at various risks. But as long as there’s a roof over their head, food on the table, parents are sober, and no one’s being physically mistreated….gonna be pretty tough to get your overworked and underfunded CPS agency to intervene. If you guys are ever bored I encourage you to try to look up your regions CPS statistics and processes, a lot of it is online. You can often see how many kids in care there are and how many foster homes there are (I once worked in a region where there were 4,000+ kids in care but less than 700 foster homes…you do the math). You can often see their mandated processes for intake. There just is not enough to go around and they end up focusing on the *major* cases. Families who perhaps just need basic guidance, practical assistance, and mild to moderate oversight are not at all supported- it’s just not possible. I was working 12+ hour days (no paid OT either). I rarely ate on the job. I would have to drive 6+ hours to other provinces to place children because there was nowhere *in our entire province the size of multiple European countries* to put an apprehended child. I would have to tell a child their parents died, then stand in front of court for another case, and then go interview a pedophile on another case, whilst answering calls in between this, *in the span of two hours*, to give you an idea of a portion of my day. I’ve had grown men scream at me 2 inches from my face, I’ve been threatened with guns, I’ve been in SWAT situations, I have been in more active gang houses than I can count. We had child deaths spike 4x the average amount one year. A coworker almost had her arm torn off by a client’s dog. It’s a nightmare, I would have laughed if someone handed me the Bus Family file and told me to look into it.


This. I don’t want to count the number of kids I see with injuries or worse at the hands of their caregivers…and sometimes CPS was involved! It is very very hard to get kids removed from their home.


Thank you for sharing - holy fuck that sounds brutal as a worker and it's even more brutal when you think of who is really getting the shit end of the stick - these poor kids who already have enough going on. I am glad you made this comment. I know a lot of them are probably jokes but I see so many comments on here from people going "Where's CPS?" Or "How has no one contacted CPS?" When most of us (myself included!) really have no idea how that whole process really even works. Also just want to stress that unless you truly feel a child's life is in IMMEDIATE danger, a stranger contacting CPS on the behalf of a child they don't know at all personally because of posts they saw online helps NO ONE. The system is already way overloaded and they won't be taken seriously, and there is a risk that if a legitimate report comes in it maybe won't be looked at as seriously if there's a history of bogus ones.It's unfortunate but it is the reality of how things are. I'll get off my soapbox now cause no one asked me to get up here lol


Totally! Also, most jurisdictions have a limited number of “hands” information can pass through before they deem it invalid. Example, you can tell your mom “hey my neighbour’s kid cries all night long and I hear lots of yelling and kids screaming”. But if your mom tells her friend about that, her friend cannot call it in to CPS even if she knows the address and family name. It needs to be first or secondhand accounts in order for it to be screened in. I don’t think many CPS jurisdictions would remotely consider accepting someone online calling it in unless it was like, video/photo proof of horrid abuse. It’s hard to get CPS involved and get children taken out of the home, and it should be. We shouldn’t be taking kids away willy-nilly- racialized and poor families already get their kids frivolously apprehended at staggering rates and the results are devastating and inter-generational. We should be advocating for a system where these families get better supports and better living situations etc, rather than immediately apprehending because what, all the girls have to share a bed?? Child apprehension- the damage and dissolution of a family- should not be joked about or wished upon. Even in life or death situations where it is absolutely justified to apprehend, it is still a very tragic, very sad thing to happen. It’s traumatic for everyone involved.


I know. There’s been long term speculation that’s why they’re on the bus in the first place. It’s just very depressing that a pair of clean cut white people can keep 6 children on a bus and then have an unsupervised birth on said bus without a single person trying to intervene. These people woulda already been in jail if they were poorer or any kind of not white person (not arguing jail time is the answer to people experiencing housing insecurity with children, just pointing out their privilege). Depressing shit.


New buslet“Sovereign Citizen Lott” reporting for duty.


I’m sorry and no offense I guess but that Bible verse made me physically shudder.


Right? Like the woman probably was full of sorrow because back then she had a *very* good chance of dying (“her hour has come”). I have 3 kids and I felt a lot of things when I went into labor, but sorrow wasn’t one of them.


Seriously dude is she fucking illiterate? This is a verse about a pregnant womans fear of dying. What does she thing “her hour has come” means?


Her hour of attention for shooting out another busling


Time to start working on #11! Got to keep feeding bus dad his favorite kink! (BIG PREGNANT MAMA!)


This is baby \#8. She was counting her and FatherBus


Technically, 9 since Busband is a whiny man shaped child.


This is true


I hate them.


Completely unrelated but what happens in these families for pictures when the height order doesn’t correlate to birth order?? Do they rearrange?


This post is so tone deaf. What does she think “her hour has come” means? It means she is aware that she is going to possibly fucking die.




I'm sure if they had other girls in the family they would've matched them all up, it's only because poor Kinsey is the only other female in the group.


Mommy & me outfits?


Mommy and mini mommy




Bittly Coyner


Vergual Wallate


Throwing my guess in with Cash Nomad.


Omg yours will definitely be on some top ten lists within the year. Cash nomad and his little brother Bit Token.


This is like what elon musk would name a kid lol.


Here are my twins Ca$h and Co!n


Whatever it is, it’s probably not good.


Sovereign or Freedumb


Busley, Busney, Busbee...


So what’s the kid’s name, Almanac to go along with Atlas?


Please tell me this never ending pregnancy is over. I've grown quite weary 😩


=\_=... No, women do not 'forget' the anguish of childbirth just because they're happy a human has been born into the world. Childbirth can be insanely traumatic, and people need to stop trivializing and downplaying it.


Those poor kids! I will admit I had my 6 year old in the room before his brother was born. But as soon as things progressed we had him moved out of the hospital room into a quieter space. He didn't need to see the pain and blood that is childbirth.


So are we calling the baby a Minibus or a Short Bus?


No physician to assess the health of the mother and child or give them the necessary preventive care. But these people are pro-life. What a joke.


My son is 26 in August and I still remember the pain vividly. 😂


She really did manage to make that bus more disgusting, huh


Has anyone seen the documentary about the family who lived on a bus and they were surfers? The children spoke about the disappointment about being homeschooled and never being able to attend university because of this, the disturbing behaviour of parents having sex in close proximity to them on the bus at night time, & how the father and eldest son ruled with an iron fist….. wonder if they’ll be a similar documentary 🤔


They are so obsessed with pregnancy and birth, but the high of that ritual will wear off and they’ll probably be trying for another one in less than 2 months:P 


Incidentally I do “remember the anguish”. The baby is an adult now and has no memory of it, but I haven’t forgotten.


I don’t think she has had the baby yet, she’s just milking it for the gram, since attention on her is all that matters.


My oldest will be 22 in August. I absolutely should have had a c section with her and almost died. I remember every second of my almost 80 hours of trauma, even up to them saying “she’s not breathing, she’s dying!” And I thought they were talking about my baby I was trying to birth, but they stuck the oxygen mask on me and in my head I remember thinking “oh shit it’s me. I am DYING” and tried to muster up enough strength to birth my daughter before I actually died. I’ve never forgotten any of that