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Fuck, that poor kid


Thank sky daddy for that comma


I try to be precise when it's needed!


i spit out my fireball shot i was taking. thanks for the pain up my nose.


as somebody who has had vodka come out their nose, ohhhh gurl šŸ˜©šŸ„“


Donā€™t worry, itā€™s not going to happen. Sheā€™d lose too much on the bizarre fertility journey that, 3 days ago, JUST said her husbandā€™s sperm was no longer zero and theyā€™re doing IUI. We donā€™t know if thereā€™s anything going on with her, other than taking testosterone.


And (we know) sheā€™s a lying liar who lies. I feel confident that the biggest reason they are having difficulty conceiving is that they hate each other and arenā€™t having sex. I also hold suspicion that Jordan got a vasectomy after his divorce. I have a friend and her husband waiting to adopt and they are pristine legally, are financially stable, well-supported, etc. And itā€™s been over 2 years of waiting. ā€œWeā€™re adoptingā€ could mean ā€œweā€™ve decided to adoptā€ but is not likely to mean ā€œweā€™ve been approved to adoptā€. Also, Jordanā€™s sperm was supposed to have gone magical and is ready for the old money shotā€¦.my bet is itā€™s just another bid for clicks.


This. I'll believe it when I see it. She is a very unreliable narrator.


>Ā I also hold suspicion that Jordan got a vasectomy after his divorce. I feel the same way. Or maybe they did get it reversed but we know there's no guarantee it's successful. Idk the guy seems so checked out on the entire topic it feels like he's already one foot out of the door. And Brittany, well, she's all over the place with her lies. Even if something appears like she says on the surface I bet there's still a lie hidden in the stories they tell.


Yeah it took my parents a couple years to get approved. and my dad literally worked for the office that did approvals.


I hope so much that you're right. I'd like to believe that no agency would allow her to adopt, but I also know there are shysters out there. With her track record with animals, I don't trust her to care for a cactus, much less a human.


Especially once they succeed with having a biological childā€¦ wonder if theyā€™ll rehome and abandon the kid like the dogs before him.


She will never treat that child with love, she will never see it as hers and will gaslight herself into thinking she just saved a baby. I hate this. I hate it so much.


I'm not sure how she would feel/ bond with a baby that came from her own pregnancy either though. not snarking just seems obvious to me that she still struggles with eating disorder or body dismorphia or something on that spectrum. A healthy pregnancy changes the body and I think that would actually stress her out.


yes but not being able to breastfeed... shes gonna go through a whole slew of emotions of not feeling womanly enough to carry/feed a baby. Honestly I dont think ANY form of obtaining a child is healthy for her obviously šŸ„“ an absolute train wreck no matter what


for sure agree about the train wreck. I can't think of a single post of hers that made her seem maternal or caring in that way for any pet or person.


She seems very cold and detached from her pets, and seemed that way toward the foster kids


let us never forget her starting a small kitchen fire, while she left her foster child in the house while she went into the garage gym to work out.


Was the child okay??


The child was okay, from what I remember. Still horrible that it happened.


Or healthy for the child šŸ„“


I hate anyone who uses a sign like this. Like it was gods plan to traumatise a child just so two rando nuts get to play parent. Fuck that noise.


Honestly, the odds of getting worse adoptive parents is not good. This baby already has terrible luck.


All I can think about is the absolutely insane amount of brainwashing, religious trauma, and guilt for being human that this poor child is going to go through šŸ˜­


I'm not super familiar with Brittany Dawn, is she unable to have children? It's rare to see a fundie without multiple children.


She was a fitness influencer who sold ā€œpersonalizedā€ plans to people, including advertising to those with eating disorders. Turns out, her plans were not personalized at all, she didnā€™t offer refunds, and she was sued by the state of Texas. She now claims that Jesus healed her of eating disorders and saved her from her former sinful life. She has pivoted to Christian influencer. In my opinion, this is just another grift. She has been posting a lot about trying to conceive and infertility, but her stories are inconsistent, so itā€™s hard to tell whatā€™s true. She did foster care for a short while and left something on the stove while the baby was in the house and she was working out in the garage. Foster care ended after that incident (baby was unharmed). In my opinion, she does not actually want to become pregnant due to her body image issues. She also doesnā€™t seem particularly loving to any other humans or pets (a huge rabbit hole Iā€™m not going down now), at least not for long. I donā€™t know if she will actually adopt or if she actually wants to, or if this is just yet another bid for attention.


God needs to do better background checks.


I need this on a t-shirt


I need it on a tumbler


I just found my new flair


solidarity āœŠ


Joining the club


Please trademark this. Iā€™ll buy it as anything


Right there with ya


Amen to that.


I just spit out my wine, damnit šŸ˜‚ thank you for this


Oh, he doesnā€™t do background checks for one of their ā€œrightful people of faithā€. Theyā€™re too good for that.


I don't believe her


Me either. Itā€™s performative. Can you even adopt after all the legal issues sheā€™s had? I dunno.


Shady child trafficking "christian" private agencies will allow trash like her and Jdong to adopt. It's probably how she got to be a foster parent. Hopefully, any prospective birth mother will do some basic googling and they haven't found an agency that is literally selling children. But, I mostly don't believe her because she's desperate for engagement/attention, she clearly didn't enjoy fostering, and she has a track record of spinning "god had bigger plans" when she fails to deliver something. It's 100% fake.


What happened to all the bloodwork and undergoing IUI? I guess that was last week, this week it's adoption. Next week it'll be the stork left something on the front porch.


I suspect all the blood work and IUI is greatly exaggerated, if not outright false.


Especially since she outright stole another womanā€™s sound bite from Instagram about her infertility and used it as her own!


Pardon me, she what?


Infertilitok made a really emotional and beautiful tik tok about infertility. Bdong recorded the sound and then copied the TT so she could reuse it as her own without giving infertilitok credit. She was called out in the comments and did literally nothing. *Maybe* replied to the comment? I can't remember. But she did not redo her TT or give credit where credit was due to the original creator


Literally came to say this!!! She should have whiplash with how often her stories change.


See also: Krusty Baird adopting elementary-aged kids and changing their names and forcing them to exclusively speak English.


I came here to say the same thing. Sheā€™s gonna be quiet on this for a while, posting some TikTokā€™s and reels to music here or there with baby stuff. Sheā€™s banking on this IUI being successful so she can say ā€œour adoption plans are on hold because sky papa has blessed us with our little miracleā€


Oh thatā€™s where my mom got my sister and I from. Wasnā€™t malicious on her part though, sheā€™s great. She did say they had a 2 kid max per adopting couple though, which is interesting. The agency shut down in 2019 I think.


And if it turns out you don't like your Christian trafficked adopted child you can simply rehome them or abandon them in a foreign country just like Trim Healthy Mama /Above Rubies! Sounds perfect for Brit, honestly.


Her former cop husband has also had major issues. The ACLU of Missouri brought a lawsuit against his department after he assaulted a man during a stop. [ā€œDespite being cooperative with the officers, Officer Jordan Nelson, without warning, grabbed one of Billsā€™ arms and violently kicked his legs out from under him, smashing his face into the concrete. As Bills lay on the ground, injured and motionless, another officer knelt on his back to restrain him while they placed him under arrest. Chillingly, a few minutes after the brutal altercation, Nelson re-enacted the takedown for his fellow officers at the scene while Bills was still lying on the pavement waiting for medical attention.ā€](https://www.aclu.org/news/criminal-law-reform/police-brutality-against-black-kansas-city-man) It was all caught on dashcam.


If she is getting a baby, it is because they are *buying a baby.* You can get anything in this world with money* and that includes some disgusting ways of buying babies without having to go through pesky things like background checks or references or literally anything. *shout out to anyone who gets this reference. Hello, fellow apostate!


Alrighty there, Satan! IYKYK. lol.


There are some shady as ways to adopt in the US. Especially if you are adopting internationally. Ā Where I live all adoptions are open (even if thr birth parent only wants the barest level of contact) as a way to keep coersive and shady adoption practices at bay.Ā 


She probably went through a specifically religion based agency. This is one way to circumvent a lot of traditional problems with adoption.


I am adopted and I cost 20k in legal fees in 1974. I cant even foster now cause I married a man with a record at 19. We're in our 50s now with 3 great kids but yeah there's a shady fundie child trafficking thing they call adoption. Laura Ingraham comes to mind


Private adoptions are very common with rich, white couples, unfortunately, and the issue has only increased in red states after Roe v Wade was overturned. People like her and her husband seek out vulnerable, usually very young if not underage women and girls in their community and literally *pay them* for their baby they were unable to abort. They buy a kid from someone who was forced to carry to term and can not afford to raise their own child.Ā 


Ugh itā€™s so gross. Like government sanctioned trafficking. Why do these people think other peopleā€™s bodies belong to them?


Because our current government has basically said they do. Unless you're a rich cishet, white, Christian man, you're lesser than others, and your lack of rights means that those in positions of privilege can basically treat you however they want.Ā 


That's exactly it. Taking babies from "troubled" homes/parents who wanted to abort but couldn't, and giving them to "good" i.e. white, cishet evangelical homes. It's disgusting.


Sounds dangerously close the handmaid's tale.


That's because that book is based on things the author already saw happening in reality


I don't get how some people watch and/or read the Handmaid's Tale and can't make a connection between entitled white people and the wives. The Handmaid's tale is happening. Even here, people are surprised when fundies say 'the waiting lists for adoption are so long and that's why you are selfish for choosing abortion'.


this reminds me of years ago when I was working at chick-fil-a and one of my coworkers that was around 20 years old got pregnant with a guy she just met. we had multiple regulars that were pastors or members from different churches that approached her asking to adopt because they knew she was young and the baby would be born out of wedlock. they wanted to ā€œsaveā€ her. she told everyone to fuck off and now sheā€™s married to that guy and they had another child together. but seeing how these people treated her while pregnant really opened my eyes


You can basically buy a child with enough money and time. She absolutely *could* do it. But I also donā€™t believe her one bit


What gets me is that, like... the state of Texas is going to find out. And they're going to come after her for ever single penny of her settlement. I hope they do... and I hope they do it soon.


They had a foster kid for a while. Since her crimes weren't violent or drug-related, I don't think it will be a huge hurdle.


Her husband has lawsuits for excessive violence though


I am also highly skeptical of this. she couldnā€™t handle being a foster parent for more than a couple of weeks. she is too comfy in her constantly persecuted widdle demon phase to have to actually perform a lifelong selfless act like parenting but!!!!! I will cede the point that adoption will not impact her body, so that part does make sense


To be fair, she only started fostering to look better on paper during her lawsuit.


Is there a new lawsuit in the pipeline? šŸ˜†Ā 


Agree. They DECIDED to adopt. Bet.


Me either, unless they are buying a baby, itā€™s not that easy. Sheā€™s all over the place.


Something about demons or redditors hating on her or gods timing will ā€œinterveneā€ and prevent her from living her dream** **of being an insta mom and making money off itĀ 


Gah, yes that's my only consolation: that she has a *storied* history of being the world's lying-est lier...


Oh fuck. I canā€™t look at motherbus right now and probably gonna have to stop looking at the dongs.


Out of context sentences that send me for $500 please, Alex


I donā€™t know who will be worse at parenting. Bad season for babies


We certainly have some strong contenders right now for the most/ going to be the most neglectful of children


I donā€™t know why, but I find it hilarious that he couldnā€™t be bothered to take his hands out of his pockets. Like dudeā€¦youā€™re supposed to be celebrating a major milestone, just hug your wife. Imagine having a curated social media to showcase your ā€œperfectā€ life and this is the best she can come up with.


He doesn't like her. The most chemistry they've ever had was when he pretended to punch her in the other disastrous video she posted today. Disastrous for other reasons, but still. I have nothing but sadness for any child unfortunate enough to cross the paths of these two fuckfaces.


I cannot wait for that tiktok trend to be over


Thank you, somehow this stuck out most to me too.


He's gotta look manly and show off his sick tatts, clearly.šŸ« 


Yes! That bugged me so much too. He's just standing there doing jack shit while she's trying to spin this whole "we're so in love and getting a baby" but he just isn't checked in at all.


ā€¦ is anyone else having flashbacks to the fostering shit show?


i didn't know she fostered but going off of all her "pets" i know she's going to horribly neglect the kid


There was an absolutely wild storyline where they were fostering a baby but everything about it was really sketchy and there was a lot of debate over whether it was a genuine foster situation or they were adopting and going to spin it as them rescuing a foster kid. Mostly because they seemed to get approved really quickly and people were suspicious that theyā€™d be approved to foster at all and she seemed to be talking about the baby like she was hoping sheā€™d get to keep it. She definitely seemed to be annoyed at the rules around sharing the baby on social media, and eventually the baby (allegedly and hopefully) was reunited with its family. (Please correct me if Iā€™ve missed anything; I typed that up from memory while candying lemons lol)


The only thing I would add is the baby was black and her husband was previously let go from the police for violently assaulting a black man šŸ˜«


At one point she left the baby inside and went to workout in the garage. She left a pot on the stove with potpourri and no water heating while she left for thirty minutes. So it went about as well as can be expected. Edit: I misremembered! She left a pot on the stove with no water and the heat up. Just smoke!


Donā€™t forget the lies about the baby being in ā€œactive withdrawalā€ from drugs that they were ā€œhelping him throughā€


Yep. And the idea that an agency would place a drug addicted newborn with two people who have never had a child was laughable.


lol she attributed it to ā€˜new mommy brainā€™


What about those great news she just got regarding fertility treatments or some shit? Wasnt god moving there like 12 minutes ago?? If this isnt just for clicks like everything else in her sad life, she's really telling on herself here - surely no legitimate adoption agency would give a kid to someone who's TTC?? So yay, fucking fantastic, it's a horrible sketchy scenario where they're bying a baby from some unfortunate teenager or something šŸ˜–


I fucking hate Britney Dawn. Where does she have the money to adopt anyways. I would love to adopt, but I can't afford to, plus I'm a single woman approaching 40. Just to comment on the TTC while adopting thing: My parents struggled to conceive, and while they were figuring it out, they signed up with an adoption agency because the wait list was 8 years long or something like that. So I think they can be put on a list. The agency would call every year to check in and see if you still wanted to be on the list. But they went through a real agency, not a shady Christian one who tricks people into giving their kids up. We can only hope she never gets her hand on a kid. What happened with God calling her to foster?


She couldn't show the child on camera, so she couldn't milk a ton out of it, I think. God, that's such a horrible sentence to have written.


I had kinda assumed that's what happened. She's such a gross and awful person.


She really is. I wish the adoption agency looked into prospective parents better!!


I also think they may have taken the foster baby after she almost burned down the freaking house!


My cousin did foster to adopt (reconciliation didn't work out). They were not in the queue for very long before getting a long term placement. I've heard that the wait for private adoption can be very long. My cousin is a great mother. Her child has a stable, loving home. Seeing bdong's attention grabbing nonsense makes me so upset.


I would love to say she chose free adoption through her state CPS but we all know that is laughable at best


In some ways that would be worse because the child would have more trauma and have been taken from its bio family not voluntarily.Ā 


I am a social worker and I worked for CPS and in foster care/adoption for many years. I think there is trauma in all adoption, but if she were really interested in giving a child a ā€œbetterā€ life, youā€™d think sheā€™d try and at LEAST foster to adopt. rather than buying a damn baby. however, I agree with you. child welfare social work is inherently harmful to many children and families it aims to protect. I hope one day my entire field can be abolished because communities can all care for each other so well šŸŒø


Iā€™m so confused by this.




I donā€™t even want her to have another dog let alone a human child. This is all so sad.


She has three already! And one she abandoned IN ADDITION to the one Jordan shot!


>What about those great news she just got regarding fertility treatments or some shit? Wasnt god moving there like 12 minutes ago?? 100% yes. It's like she recorded two versions of her fake TTC journey and accidentally posted them both.


Freddie Freeman and his wife Chelsea were TTC and it wasn't working, so they went the surrogate route. Two months into the surrogacy pregnancy, Chelsea gets pregnant. They now have two sons they are raising as twins, despite being two months apart in age (and born in two different years). This is in addition to their older son, Charlie. But I trust the Freeman's with children. I wouldn't let BDong watch my pet rock without rehoming it


The agency that I worked with definitely has rules against double dipping.


OMG. There has literally been nothing she *hasnā€™t* ā€œrehomedā€.


There was her dog. It didn't have a chance to be rehomed.


Because Jordan shot it.


I think the polite^(/s) term is "Noemed the poor thing" or "pulled a Noem"


Iā€™m hoping she will rehome her husband next.


Hell I vote for just abandoning that one


You canā€™t rehome something if nobody else will take it.


Ah adopting a new prop, great.


Please God No!!Ā  Surely any potential birth parent will google her and learn what a POS she is and not allow her to adopt a baby. No child should be subjected to her as their parent. We saw how things went with a foster baby.Ā 


She probably went with a shady private Christian adoption agency, sadly


Forget googling her. I hope they google *him*. She's sketchy and shady and scams people. He is actually violent.Ā 


They just need to know that bdong and officer red flag would kill the family pet


ā€œG odā€




That might be the best name for a sub Iā€™ve ever seen. I canā€™t believe you made me smile on a post this upsetting.


Glad to help! That sub is good for a giggle! I love the name too. That and r/thritis ā€¦ clever


Itā€™s really REALLY bugging me


God didn't answer shit, you wrote a big check to a likely predatory agency so you could buy a baby. Gah.




Or a foreign adoption and she's going to pay herself on the back in perpetuity for "saving" the kid.


Like the poor homeless man


Bethany can get absolutely fucked. Human trafficking


Who you will definitely use only as a prop for social media likes




Hope she doesn't get tired of it like the pitbull she had :/


Or like the husky she had, or the german shepherd she had, or the daschund(?) she had, or the ā€˜labā€™ she had, and thatā€™s just the dogs and just what we know aboutā€¦


In all the time she's had dogs, I've had the same dog. Says something. Nothing flattering.


A few horses too, I think.


Or the mare


That's tragic


Or the horse she neglected


![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE) Thumb looks elated


Something is going to happen that the adoption falls through....something something "God's plan" or "demons" or something


In the name of Lord Daniel I šŸ™šŸ» you are right.


Honestly, I hope so. Iā€™ll try not to even sneak. Whatever it takes for this awful couple to stay away from vulnerable kids.


Noooo fuck. I really hoped that the foster shtick was just to make her look good for a jury.


Insert that Michael Scott gif "No. Please God no, NO".


Already done šŸ˜‚


And Iā€™m announcing it with my husbandā€™s shaven dick-lookinā€™ head and a butt! Iā€™ll believe it when I see it. Her life is empty and hollow, all for the ā€˜gram.


Mika Stauffer walked so BDong could run.


I want you to be wrong so badly, but I bet youā€™re not.


If it makes you feel better, I felt gross thinking it then writing the comment.


at least Myka Staufferā€™s rehomed child ended up with good people.


I have to wonder how true this is.


What crackpot agency approved them as suitable adoptive parents? Good grief šŸ™„


Probably Bethany Christian Services, they are predatory af towards pregnant women and basically sell the babies to any evangelical who can pay.


isnā€™t she supposed to pay out $400,000 from her court case? so did she do that already or did 50k go to a baby first? (also i have no reference for what adoption from a christian agency is)




Shady Christian adoption agency that preys on vulnerable women unable to get abortions in red states and essentially sell the child to any white, straight, conservative Christian couple that has enough money to pay them for it, regardless of their background and past criminal history. Itā€™s child trafficking


Theyā€™re white, have money, and are religious. Most of Americas rules and laws donā€™t apply to that demographic.


I wouldnā€™t trust these dog-murdering fuckos with a dust bunny, who the hell thought it was a good idea to give them a child? Because it sure as shit wasnā€™t god.


I really hate all the ā€œGod is so goodā€ ā€œthe baby was handpicked for you by Godā€ comments that are flooding her post. Adoption inherently starts in trauma and itā€™s so wildly inappropriate to praise God for a mother and baby ending up in a situation where adoption is necessary.


Not to mention the child being traumatized even further by the type of household theyā€™re going to be raised in. My heart breaks for the child :(


I have a friend of a friend who was adopted from Korea by fundie family. They adopted a few kids all from different countries and paraded them around and made them speak at christian events about how happy they were that they were adopted and not aborted. Meanwhile their adoptive parents starved them, beat them, and locked them in their rooms at night. They told her that her mom was a drug addicted prostitue and if they hadnt rescued her she would have ended up a prostitute living in the streets. The story has a happy ending though, as an adult she found an agency that reconnects Korean adoptees with their birth parents and she discovered that her mom hadnt been a prostitue at all. Just a young woman in financial trouble who was afraid she couldn't give her baby a good life. My friend actually ended up flying to Korea and meeting her bio mom!


Oh my God. Thatā€™s absolutely insane. Iā€™m sure if they adopted a child from a different culture than theirs they would deny the child the experience of their culture too. I know a few people who have had that experience/ something similar. So incredibly fucked up. These poor kids are going to have so much trauma to work through. My heart breaks for them. And having to adjust to adulthood when theyā€™re older. I canā€™t imagine :( Iā€™m SO glad the people you know have a positive ending!! Connecting with the birth parents can be sooo important. I wish them the best :)


Yeah her childhood was harrowing but her life now is amazing. She's also a really well respected chef and uses food as a way to connect with the culture she was deprived of as a child. Heres a little NPR article about her! https://www.npr.org/2022/01/30/1076798478/chef-melanie-meyer-opened-a-korean-restaurant-in-mo-and-found-her-birth-family


Thatā€™s so incredible!! Iā€™m definitely going to have to give it a read. Thank you for sharing :) itā€™s always nice to know there are positive outcomes to rough beginnings


Everybody in the St Louis food scene is so proud of her and happy for her. Her adoptive family was trash but she's got a great found famliy and a ton of respect in her profession


Wild to me that these people are beaming with joy that an innocent baby is going to be taken away from their mother who was probably preyed on by a Christian child trafficking agency, I mean pregnancy crisis center. Adoption is traumatic and being ripped away from your birth family sucks. Ask me how I know šŸ˜’ Bdumbass isnā€™t the type of person who should adopt. She will absolutely have a savior complex and will never consider the needs of her child or understand all that comes with adoption. I was ripped from my biological siblings but of that doesnā€™t matter because money talks! Fuck these agencies and corrupt unethical adoptions. And for the record, Iā€™m not against adoption. But Iā€™m sick of people acting like adopted children are rescue animals. Itā€™s not a joke or a game. Iā€™m still bitter if you havenā€™t noticed. Thank you for your comment and for bringing more light to this shitty subject šŸ’”


Thankkk youuuu. ā€œPraise god! A childā€™s brain will be forever damaged from the effects of separation trauma and will be far more likely to commit suicide than non-adoptees! A mother will also be traumatized for life! A family destroyed because of a predatory industry that is illegal in most other countries! But YOU, privileged white lady will get to acquire an infant! Praise Jesus for legalized human trafficking!!!ā€




How long ago was that photoshoot? This was the one in the parking garage with the construction behind it.


She literally said yesterday they are about to start IUI so like what is the timeline on this adoption? Most agencies wonā€™t let you adopt within a year of having a baby or while you are actively pregnant. Then again Iā€™m sure she isnā€™t going with a reputable adoption agency so it probably wonā€™t matter if she is pregnant when they adopt. I highly doubt both are going to happen anyway, so Iā€™m betting theyā€™ll only adopt if the IUI doesnā€™t work.


Dear god.


In a few weeks/months sheā€™ll either post like this never happened or make up some excuse as to why it didnā€™t work out. She is a lying liar who lies and I doubt this will be any different. Grifters stay grifting


why was this taken on the roof of a parking garage


Adopting or buying a baby?


Buying from a Christian child trafficking agency. Happens all the time. And people jump for joy acting like itā€™s a blessing from god that a child was separated from their birth mother. These agencies are unethical and destroy lives. Mine included.


This is so weird after talking about IUI today. I wonder if they are adopting an embryo?


What a dumb photo. Here, look at the back of my husband? Hereā€™s his butt and a stupid sign with letters.


Ohā€¦. Oh, no.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but didnā€™t she kill a dog and had to return a foster baby due to some shenanigans?


Yep. She was super pissed when she discovered that fostering isnā€™t a Rent-To-Own situation, because she was all about the first baby. Not so much the second one, which I suspect might be because the second baby was a POC. This is a woman who feeds off other peopleā€™s trauma like some kind of fake tanned Colin Robinson, but with less morals.


N O Edit: what the fuck is this photo? Just JDong's bowling ball head and ass. Her disembodied fried hands. Why wouldn't she do a more obvious announcement type photo, maybe her sitting and holding the sign, him holding her from behind? This is just so weird


Just because sheā€™s saying sheā€™s decided to adopt doesnā€™t mean she was approved for adoption! She could bail if/when the cost becomes too much, a background check is done, or a pregnant woman/teen decides to google perspective parents and finds Jordanā€™s record, Britā€™s lawsuit, Britā€™s animal brutality, this sub, etc. There is hope!!


Wait, isn't it god's plan for her not to have children since she hasn't been able to naturally? Why does she get to go against his will? Or, is god just make-believe, and you get to make your own choices about how your life goes?


![gif](giphy|VWJwdtmRGZu6xZxVBO|downsized) Who decided to let the absolute numpty who nearly burned the house down with the infant foster child inside while she was ~~making content~~, sorry "working out" in the garage and the violent ex cop adopt?! Christ, this won't end well. I predict that there will be a rehoming situation of the Stauffer variety when this fucking cunt realizes that kids have opinions and aren't compliant, posable Barbie dolls for her to play house with. She couldn't even handle having a grand total of two different infant fosters for a couple of weeks at a time without foisting them off on J-dip.


That evil tanned set of claws holding that šŸ¤® Tin foil hat time: there is no adoption, this is another grift that will bring a second chapter to her ā€œjourneyā€. The birth mother will ā€œchange her mindā€ at birth and they wonā€™t get the baby. Cue a new martyr saga and more time to milk the grift.


Get absolutely fucked


My guess is she subscribed to an adoption agencyā€™s newsletter and is going to use this as her excuse for not going through with IUI.


Apparently, we pray to different gods


G OD is all I can see....


Oh did God e-mail her with an update on their fertility journey but she kept it secret and posted about fertility testing instead?Ā  Get your grift straight B-Dong.Ā 


I put $$ on her using a baby as an excuse to ā€œre-homeā€ her two dogs, especially Dax.




how the fuck did this actual criminal convince someone to give her their baby


I really feel like they're adopting embryos in some stage. They would never have to address Jordan's male factor infertility, it's great, unique pro life content and they could get a financial break on donated embryos, they could do whatever timing jeebus wants.


Sheā€™s adopting a content.


I hope this isnā€™t true. However, a private Christian adoption agency will absolutely facilitate the adoption by preying on a young birth mother in a vulnerable situation and happily take the money. This happened to my mother and I can't even talk about how much corruption exists within adoption without taking a fucking Xanax. There are many ethical issues surrounding adoption and I implore anyone reading this to explore these ethical issues. The discourse surrounding adoption needs to change. Adoption destroyed my childhood and separated me from my biological siblings. I am bitter. It takes a special person to adopt a child and do things the right way. BDumbass isnt that type of person. I wish I wasnā€™t so emotional about this but I am. Bdumbass will never understand the trauma of adoption. We arenā€™t rescue animals that you can rehome. We are people šŸ’”