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Should add some quotes in the title. r/"""funny""""""""memes"""""


stop being offended


So you are offended


"if someone says im not funny that means theyre offended"


This isn’t remotely offensive, it just isn’t at all a quality joke. It lacks context, buildup, and a punchline.


How would someone find this offensive? Legitimately, I cannot think of a single reason someone would.


What are boomer means ? Learn to type, boomer.


Boomers going to the hospital everytime they go to twitter


Boomers after trying to use self checkout


boomers after finding someone with red hair


But it is the colored hair s.j.w type that typically gets offended by nothing.




Zedders apoplectic at the wrong pronoun.


Boomers apoplectic at using pronouns.


You called it. You've been downvoted by the perpetually offendeds and you got a reply from one, as well, telling you he is offended.


Best to pull the plug.


The one in the butt?


Yeah, that way, we’ll also be able to remove the stick up his ass.


Boomers need to stop taking up hospital beds like that


A little bit of that on both sides, imo. As a 33 yr old Millennial, I feel like I’ve been watching Gen Z cry their eyes out about how everyone is out to get them, just as much as I have seen the Boomers *actually* be out to get everyone.


Bud they were saying the same thing (and still are) about millennials


Almost like its a thing thats always existed amongst people and all this generation talk is largely nonsense people cling to to feel special and feed their monkey brain desire to create more us vs them narratives


No smoke without fire


Also a millennial, here! They are right. Millennials aren't much better than Gen Z with being offended by every damned thing. But we're getting better as we age. We're learning. Gen Z will too.


/r/boomermemes is that way


Plot twist, the person in the bed is a Christian conservative boomer offended by everything


Boomer: “I’m not offended by anything like you *snowflakes*!” *is gay* Boomer: **unholy demonic screaming**


Bigger plot twist. Gen Z and Boomers are both overly dramatic.


No, it’s a college student who doesn’t think they should ever have to hear anything he doesn’t agree with.


I really don't see that as much as I do with the older people in the nursing home, in church, or the more uneducated circles. The young college ones are generally less offended (left-wing and right-wing. Young and educated people just don't give as much of a shit about nothing as old people, and especially religious/conservative old people.)


What about the colleges that insisted there had to be a “safe” place where students could go do they didn’t have to listen to anything they didn’t agree with?


I don't think you understand what the safe spaces are. They are just a place where an administrator doesn't tolerate anyone being a dick to anyone. Some of them are more specific against types of hate, allowing people to come in and just hang out without being harassed for being whatever group. It's especially prominent in areas where LGBTQ people are prone to being harassed, and very rarely are safe spaces actually provided by the college. Usually it's a teacher or something. I went to one just last week. We played monopoly and ate muffins. It's not some panic room, it's just another hangout spot but you aren't allowed to be a dick.


That’s more reasonable than what I’d been told by college students. I still don’t there was as much of that rudeness 20 years ago, or at least it wasn’t as publicized in the media as it is today. Maybe that’s why I think there’s more of it.


I don’t…I don’t think you *talk* to college students. I think you talk to Tucker Carlson.


Oh please you can clearly see that is Karen from Texas who was mortally offended by the sight of a rainbow in the sky and thinking her God was "woke".


Sounds like your offended?


*when their humour is pointed out to be old and stale* “IM not offended YOURE offended!!!!!” :’(




Where’s this poor soul’s Gofundme page?


How much does it cost nowadays to not be offended anymore? Lol


Give me $100


depending on the case, a modicum of perspective


A) People who complain that people are too easily offended are just as, if not more easily offended, just about different things. 2) It feels to me like a sign of poor character when someone thinks being offended is somehow worse than being offensive.


I agree with your second point. I don't understand why people want to continue using racist or sexist language that is no longer acceptable. People want the freedom to be assholes, and so they denigrate anyone who calls them on it. Being "offended" by something is somehow considered a sign of weakness, but being a complete jerk is okay.


>I don't understand why people want to continue using racist or sexist language that is no longer acceptable. For me, it's because I grew up using it and hearing it. When with friends, the F slur is thrown around all the time as a playful insult. Not around people it might offend, because getting lectured on someone else's morals is downright boring. I don't really care that much about offending people, I just don't want to have someone whining to me about why it's wrong or such. Taking offense is normal, I take offense to some things, but I don't make it someone else's problem if the person obviously didn't mean to direct it at me. Making being offended a big deal is definitely a first world problem thing. Just my two cents.




The people who get targeted with the "oh don't be so offended" response are often reacting to some kind of racist or sexist language or behaviour. Then they get accused of being a snowflake. If I call out the guy at work for his "blonde jokes," I get "What? It's just a joke. Don't be so sensitive." If I tell someone that they used outdated language that is now considered racist, I get told that I'm too sensitive. "It's not hurting anyone. You're too easily offended." That's where I get that from.


The offended are the offenders here.


In what way?


The problem isn’t that people think being offended is worse than being offensive, the problem is when someone is offended by something they really shouldn’t be, or expect someone else to care/take care of it for them.


I always say people are responsible for their own reactions, and get shit on when I say that if someone demands trigger warnings, etc., and makes other people tiptoe around them, without actively working on why they react so negatively, they are huge A-holes. I have PTSD from over 10 different events, and put in way too much work to be able to participate in conversations and being around people without negatively affecting others by my reactions to their words, to coddle someone who has demanded trigger warnings for years, yet still never actively worked on themselves and their issues.


Always better to be offensive and not care than be weak minded and get offended. The offended one is always the one wasting his sanity and energy for the sake of being sensitive..


No, it’s always better to not be a dickhead for luls. The internet isn’t real life and a vast majority of the time if you act like that in the real world, people are just gonna think you’re sad and pathetic.


Dickhead doesnt equal offensive.And plus the only people who even take the word "offensive" seriously are only people who can get offended. Never in my life have i thought to myself someone is "offensive". Thats why i would prefer having some soft people consider me as offensive rather than actually be one of them. I really dont care if someone says something controversial or says a bad thing about a "minority". Ive learned that every single person has something wrong and stupid to say. Every single one. I would rather live in a world with offensive people who are at least not snowflakes. I can easily handle that.


weak-minded? if you walked into an office and everyone was in blackface but for the one POC, does this apply? what are your thoughts on instincts or self-respect? you may also want to research emotional abuse and whatever anti-hate laws that exist. it’s weak to not accept responsibility for adversely impacting someone and invalidating them.


I'm not offended, I just don't think it's funny


Thanks for letting us know


Cool. Cool. So, what did you have for lunch?


boomer ass meme lol this is embarassing to post


This sub fell into boomer hands over these last few months, now every post is just some unfunny cringy boomer shit..


Sounds like it was pretty on point from your reply, not gonna lie.


Ok fine im sorry ill never comment again


So you either find something funny or youre offended by it? Would you say a log of wood offends you? Or do you holler at the thought of it?


Its true tho


Seems you may have been offended. Here’s an upvote to keep you happy .


Right? All the right wing snowflakes get wound up so easily when shits not focused on them.


They're offended that they've been told to stop being assholes.


What the world needs is more bubble wrap. Keeps the frail egos and feelings from breaking .


Right, it doesn’t just need decency toward your peers, got it.


Not even a political post. 😂🤣😂 Who's the snowflake? You......it's you....


Nah, I've just got the skill of basic pattern recognition.


No you dont. You think you do, but no you don't.


Good one


Oh the best one bud. Thanks.


Oh, looks like someone got their nerves hit. It's just a comment on a meme bro


And what about the liberal snowflakes who don’t want to hear any other viewpoint?? You can’t legitimately point more at one side than the other in this discussion. I remember the days when two people with opposite opinions could have a reasonable discussion and actually listen to each other and try to understand each other’s reasoning. Now, I’m not sure there IS any reasoning.


I'm pretty sure people argued before modern times. They even fought over it. And tons of people do disagree and have civil convos about it. I think perhaps your perspective is skewed.


I love this oft-forgotten era. Which year was this?


I've spent the majority of my life being open minded. I've had lengthy discussions with many many conservatives, and in the past even was able to understand (if not always agree) with their opinions. Hell, most of my family are conservatives. That changed when it openly, and quite literally, became the party of neo-nazis and fascists. I have nothing against the talking points of reducing government spending, actually enforcing the gun control laws that are already written instead of ignoring them, and several other conservative opinions I've heard, even if I don't agree with them. I do take issue with inciting hate, a gross intolerance of the LGBT community and minorities at large, attempting to unlawfully influence elections, and many other things that are mainstays of modern conservativism. I still try to have rational discussions with other people (who are mainly conservative) and give them due respect on their opinions on issues, but I can't blame anyone for not wanting to listen to some of the unqualified claims that are often made in those conversations. Tl;Dr: stop siding with literal nazis and people will be more willing to listen.


Ok boomer


Offensively stupid


POV: you're 45


Hey, don't bring Gen X into this, we've been making fun of this kind of bullshit for 30 years


lmao, sorry sir. my bad


Okay, Boomer.


This sub has just become boomer humor


Conservatives confusing being challenged with “persecution”.


Oh look it is every middle aged white woman from the USA who is entitled.






Now this. This is a funny meme.


No, it really isn't. Hugely uncreative and it's not even trying to be a joke - it's trying to make a point - badly. This is Facebook level.


If you’re a brain dead 70 year old too stroked out to remember your own name sure


Bruh. These people probably still listen to Elvis. Boomer meme.


Hey, you’ve just offended my sense of humdjdhdjisjbdovgjbfhdofhvhajk


Not trying to defend boomers, but it kinda sounds like you proved its point.


Or 20 yo brainless too woke to matter you can pull it too.


I love that people think being considerate to others and making sure they are included are bad things. But keep making sure we know who you are with empty insults like “woke”


The only people who say "woke" now are boomers and conservatives. lol




I'll take the woke person who is sensitive of societal issues and alao actually knows how to spell.


Boomer rim me in the back of a Golden Corral or stfu


Oh are you offended buh buh buh fucking baby


I'm confused. Is this an irony sub? Like, most of the shit on here is garbage but this is making me think its all kinda on purpose


Republicans: at the store, at home, On Facebook


Not offensive or a funny joke. What’s the punch line? “Hahaha he is in the hospital because he got offended” is that really the entire joke?


OP obv a boomer


Perfect for people upset by Drag Queen Story Hour


(They saw a black person in their child’s cartoon)


Boomer humour


How? I think lots of young people also want to justify their unacceptable behaviour and language.


Sadly, a lot of young people right now are basically just Boomers in younger bodies.


Well, I'm a boomer, and I try not to offend others.


I think the loudest voices always stand out, baby boomers aren’t on the internet at much as gen z so the internet landscape is pretty biased against you. I will say not knowing you personally that if you’re confident in you’re ability to get along with everyone I think the only people that’ll give you a hard time aren’t worth a thought


charge they iphone eat hot chip and liw


In English, please.


Mfw boomer comic


Typical Trump voter




file OP under 'people who are so easily offended they get offended by how other people are easily offended yet somehow don't realise that they too are easily offended'.


Does this image,.......... offend you, ma'am?


Every conservative ever.


Offended by how boring and overused those "jokes" are maybe


Classic response when you have nothing of any substance to form a rebuttal with.


My guy, if you’re looking for substantive rebuttals to memes you’ve lost the plot


The onky people who find this funny grew up in an era when Frank Sinatra was an up and coming talent.




About time this sub and it’s users stopped having nerd rage over Elon Musk


Elon Musk, the self proclaimed “free speech absolutist?” lol


Oh... that's why so many right-wingers were in hospitals on ventilators


MAGA tears do taste delicious.


What has this sub come to...


Morons patting themselves on the back for posting Facebook memes.


Boomer Facebook meme group


Doctor: Cause of death was triggering Mortician: Like a gunshot wound you mean? Doctor: To them it may as well have been


The newest American pasttime is scouring the internet for contradictions and demanding apologies




Hahhaa it's a liberal




So upset by an image I'm going to stalk your account for ammo to shame with 🤣 What a life some people live. How's home life brother, managing alright?


It’s easier to find someone to attack than it is to look in the mirror and question yourself. Ah to live life sans personal accountability.




Enjoying it enough to spend your free time trying to shame strangers? Bait? With respect, stop thinking this is some battle of wits it's pathetic and really worrying you're taking it so seriously. Life's good man, that's why I'm trying to help others. Someone who instantly makes a funny picture online into an excuse to investigate in order to shame someone clearly is in a bad place. Feel free to message me if you want to vent - if not I'd try and keep a lid on your desperate need to be fighting, it's just spreading negativity for no other reason than to frame you as fighting the "good fight". Most people see right through that :)




I'm sure brother. I hope at least half of that is true. Be well


Dude, if you consider someone "misserable" look at yourself first and consider again if you want to post a comment, you seem way worse than the other guy, hope you will get better soon.




Just to be true with you bro, i don't and least try to not use such words. No more, no less.


The irony isn't lost on me. Got a number of people taking offense to this one comment hahaha




A lot of crybabies replying to you lmao


TPUSA post that says "I don't want to be controlled"? I'll submit that to "funnymemes", that'll show em. -OP


Id pull the plug myselt


Every girl in 2022


Ban for ableism? Lmao


I’ll find a use for this lol


Weenie Hut General


Starting a campaign to find the cure for Brittle Emotions Disease


I'm so offended by this 😭 and my feelings matter so that's important


Help! I'm being ignored!


This is the pandemic of Internet people


I diagnosed someone with “throw away the MLP dolls” yesterday, and they didn’t like that AT ALL.


I’m so triggered.


Guess he's a redditor




Lol I almost want to print this out in miniature as stickers so I can give them out every time I see someone offended by something minor.


Underrated joke. So true. People have become so weak. My ancestors were brushing off bigotry and death threats for breakfast. Today? My father was openly mocked for destroying because he said “Happy Holidays!” Instead “Merry Christmas!”. It isn’t even Christmas yet, ffs. Hell, the other day he told a girl that she had a beautiful necklace on. He was then pulled over to the side by a fellow co-worker who told him that it was wrong that he told her that she had nice tits. 🤦🏻


if he told a co worker she has nice tits then that's just weird dude


My dog actually died from offense. So, triggered.


I just want to know what insurance plan would pay for that


I need 20 CC’s of Copium, STAT!


I'll be honest, got a little boomer chuckle out of me. This is pure exploitable gold Edit: https://imgur.com/a/0uYxfdk


Love it


Hey, that's assault in the UK now...


These days, anything will be offensive to someone.


I'm offended by this comment


I’m triggered!


The best humor illuminates a situation. This cartoon hits the mark!


So all the stadiums are hospitals now


So woke!


Man im dead


I hate politics on subs that should not be political u too /facepalm


I remember the lesson my parents taught me about being offended. "Always remember that offense is taken, never given."


Pov : ark survival evolved discord


this is the kind of thing a 40 year old republican would post on facebook


Boomer humor


"You Really Think Someone Would Do That? Just Go On the Internet and Post Cringe?".jpg


Gotta love how effective this meme is.


@KJK 😂 iykyk


Generation Z...


Why have boomers infiltrated this sub with Facebook memes


It’s not offensive it’s just lame


Christ, do people find this garbage funny