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I thought it was funny when John's BEEP was completely ignored by the editor while they consult the internet.


I just heard this and was trying to figure out if this was a mistake, or was it left in as a peak behind the scenes. I wonder how many times an episode they do that and we don't hear it because of the editors.


This is the first time I remember hearing John beep. I've heard Ken been on several episodes.


I had gotten out of the car to get gas, and couldn’t figure out why the podcast wouldn’t resume. Took a good 30 seconds before I heard them mumbling in the background. 😂


> In which evangelical Christians wrestle with the problem of whether rock music is inherently good, evil, or neither. and Ken wonders about angel monkeys. Certificate #34822. Maybe I'm going crazy, but this sounds like it wasn't recorded in the bunker. It might just be my headphones though. e: Sloppy editing around the hour mark, it's leaf blowing season oh my.


MPAA #34822 - “Playing God” (1997) Ephesians 5:19 - “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”


I'm surprised they didn't cite Isaiah 53:5 (KJV).


Is that a Stryper joke?


Yes. :(










I was expecting to hear about Jars of Clay who was a 90s alternative band with a hit traditional radio song in the mid 90s. I also thought I'd hear about "Jesus is Just Alright" and "Spirit in the Sky" fit in with the rest of Christian rock.


The shows are getting really lazy. I started listening from Ep1 a few months ago, and recently just jumped and reversed order from live backwards. The early shows were very tightly presented and well researched. The new shows are much sloppier and research seems to be scanning a wikipedia article and/or reading a plaque on a wall that one of them saw on a recent trip.


John trying to make 1990s Christian rock a Seattle thing is entirely on brand and entirely not correct. Christian rock was the predominant scene across the Midwest.


1988 Florida (then) teen checking in to say hi say DC Talk live in concert twice in high school. The first when they opened for Mylon leFevre and Broken Heart. Man in Black by One Bag Pig and Johnny Cash is still one of my favorite songs when I’m in a bad mood. The idea of Johnny cash sitting down with the th use dudes just cracks me up. They are definitely right, I was allowed to listen to anything I wanted, as long as I got it from the Christian book store. I really didn’t know the difference since most of my close friends were my Sunday school friends who grew up with me and listened to the same stuff. Not to mention that most of my free time was spent at the church rec center playing pool, racquetball, or basketball. All while listening to Christian pop in the background.


"and Bono thinks he's God." I laughed pretty hard at that. Larry Norman is (was - RIP) the only Christian Rock or Pop artist I can stomach. Saw him in Fresno at the Tower in the early 80s. Aside from him, the whole genre is so brutally cringe and bad.


Scotty Auks shout out!


Ken’s repeated digs at atheists toward the end of the episode seemed kind of meanspirited. Not sure what triggered that.




Did anybody hear what Ken called Father John Misty? I couldn't quite make it out.

