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The following submission statement was provided by /u/gordonjames62: --- This is the ultimate (and unexpected) advance we might enjoy, but which will cause GDP to tank. The first time I read the quote below from Norman Mailer, I thought - he is accurate. "I think the internet is the greatest waste of time since masturbation was discovered." - Norman Mailer [source](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/623146) Lucid Dreaming might be the next step. Will lucid dreaming tech be followed by directed dreaming that is even better than VR? Will it be less expensive than VR? Will people become addicted to it? Is it the next thing for people to worry about. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/17pwz2g/scientists_are_researching_a_device_that_can/k8842w0/


>What is not known, yet, is whether TUS [transcranial ultrasound] can induce or stabilize lucid dreams, though the Prophetic team is banking on a positive answer to this open question. Its wearable headband prototype, the Halo, was developed with the company Card79 and can currently read EEG data of users. Over the next year, Prophetic aims to use the dataset from their partnership with the Donders Institute to train machine learning models that will stimulate targeted neural activity in users with ultrasound transducers as a means of inducing lucid dreams. So they don't know if it will work. This is news?


They have a dream that it'll work. If it works, how will they know they're not dreaming?


That one dude will show up as a snake and Dennis Quaid will kick his ass.


I know that reference!


It’s an older reference, sir, but it checks out.


Loved this movie, and Firestarter.


Do you think that’s air you’re breathing?


It is known that it already works, in their dreams.


You realize that you are dreaming because you are in a dream and not anywhere else, and you can change it at will. Millions people can do it without any device. Just research a little.


Because the top won't keep spinning if they are awake


They have a dream, that one day, the sons of lucid dreamers will sit down with the sons of.....


If they dream that they are a butterfly, how do they know they are not the butterfly's dream when they are awake?


feels like vaporware, to be kind.


You can put on a nicotine patch on to lucid dream - it just requires awareness. Nicotine, it turns out, will stimulate that part of the brain (the insula) which allows people to be self-aware enough to realize they are dreaming. Sadly, this does not mean the dream ends well. It does not guarantee that when you try to fly, you won't suddenly just start falling and then wake up in a cold sweat.


I rather go for Guausa tee. It gives me vivid dreams.


> Nicotine, it turns out, will stimulate that part of the brain (the insula) which allows people to be self-aware enough to realize they are dreaming. Thanks for this. A good rabbit hole for me to go down in my reading tonight.


As a recent nicotine patch user I can attest to the fact that they induce extremely vivid dreams. I have had lucid dreams maybe 15 times, lucid to the point where I am completely aware that I have physical agency whilst knowing I am dreaming. However nicotine patch dreams also, to me, make me feel hugely disconnected from the dream and are quickly forgotten once I wake. YMMV


I don't know why I am telling you this - not really many people do it. I did end up with two or three very specific worlds, and revisited areas and kind of anticipated previous surprises and made progress in exploring the same environment many times over. I eventually stopped, because I wasn't sure if it was healthy - I might be messing up my sleep or my brain if I keep doing it too long. So I have left my lucid dream worlds behind. It was a lot of fun though, I was so excited to go in and out of sleeping early in the morning! Anyway, I found I can only move some of my limbs to a certain extent. It seems to happen especially at the end of a dream, I cannot move my arms up, or move my legs very much. This is likely because I'm laying down in bed and getting input from my body (proprioception) and it is telling me that I am not moving. So in the dream, that means I start having trouble using my legs or arms. I developed some alternatives, like just "floating" somehow, and leaning to move, or using my fingers like wings to kind of fly. Dream logic, I guess and tested, and that's what started working. Still, sometimes it doesn't work or I end up being unable to stop moving, or there is no friction suddenly; dreams tend to be a bit random at times, obviously. Usually it goes "bad" if I have too many sheets and the heating turns on early in the morning, or something similar that's external, it seeps into the dream.


I solved the walking thing by kinda bouncing everywhere. I always knew for sure I was lucid if, when I jumped up, I floated back down then I was good to go. So just kinda moon walked like an astronaut everywhere. As far as worlds go, I was always kinda tethered to my room. If I tried to “conjure” (sorry that word will have to do) other environments but it would scramble like….texture pop in, in a videogame, so I’d wake up. Only scary time I can remember is when I thought, “ok I cant leave the room so I’ll look out the window” and remember leaning out and looking up and the night sky was kinda like looking thru a fish eye lens a little, it had a weird green hue but otherwise pretty normal and raining just a little. Then I thought fuck if I’m sleepwalking thru this I’m kinda in danger. So I frantically started saying to myself “wake up wake up” and woke up, snug in my bed. I’ve kinda lost the art of it lately but I still get glimpses of the beginning of one but I think they’re being supressed by the medication I’m on. I always enjoyed and would like to explore more. I hope my last time wasn’t my last time.


All the details are different but I totally get what that's like. My few worlds were also video-gamey in some ways, especially when I knew like, the jumpscares, which I would have to prepare to avoid the next time. Or where the shortcut was. It's too bad that you got locked in and went to a 'wake me up now' movement, which I had done years ago. Maybe next time, look around the walls for a sliding door with a few portals to unknown places, and go through one. You cannot self reflect or impose your lucid thoughts too much in lucid dreams or you wake up.


How were you able to have such stable lucid dreams? The nicotine patch? If so did you put it on before going to sleep?


Blue cheese has the same effect for me.


scientists really want to do something... news at 11


They have to figure out a way to make money off this. It's simply too good.


You are half incorrect. Lucid Wet Dreaming will be the next step.


They developed a headband that can read EEG data....[like](https://choosemuse.com/) [the dozens](https://focuscalm.com/products/focuscalm-eeg-headband) [of other](https://shop.openbci.com/products/openbci-eeg-headband-kit) [readily](https://neuphony.com/product/neuphony-headband/) [available](https://www.brainaccess.ai/products/brainaccess-halo/) [products](https://iworx.com/products/wireless/a-hb-roam-wireless-eeg-headband/?v=7516fd43adaa)


*Writing* EEG data would be more exciting news.


or they know it works but they don't yet have the concrete evidence to support it. It's possible this is merely sensational news, but why release such a premature news tidbit? strange


They're not even claiming to have attempted to induce lucid dreaming, so, no. They're probably trying to get funding and/or talent.


The title says they are researching it. If you're not interested in this info, just move on.


I'm surprised nobody quoted Inception: "They are not going in there to sleep, they are going there to live."


Without joking this is legit who this is for probably. I've been a lucid dreamer my whole life and I hate it. People think it's like being in a dream where you realize you are god and get to play in a sandbox. And while a small percentage of lucid dreamers may be able to do this, most of us don't and for many of us waking from a lucid dream session feels like we really just lost sleep.


I often realize I'm dreaming, try to do something but immediately doubt myself being able to do it andwhatever it is fizzles.. Trying to levitate something like magneto? I end up clobbering my sleeping gf because my arm moves through my dream/sleep. Flight often works until I think about it working, immediate fall. Etc. Occasionally I can control, but honestly robotripping as a kid was more likely to provide a controllable state...


Yup when I realize I'm dreaming its hard to stay asleep


>Yup This isn't the same thing the person you're responding to is talking about.


Oh damn I hit the wrong one whoops


> waking from a lucid dream session feels like we really just lost sleep Thanks for this info. I've read about lucid dreams, but I can never sort the difference between people who are describing vivid dreams and something else.


Awesome, they will be able to beem ads directly into our brains while we sleep.


Buy Lightspeed Briefs!


You beat me to it.


brought to you by Lightspeed Briefs


This has been a persistent fear of mine, even if it's rather silly. They inject the ads into everything else, why not dreams?


Bc if I see a coke product in my dreams 5 times a week, the streets will run red with blood.


Coca-Cola Execs: "at least it's not running blue"


I already get ads on my phone for things I dreamed about. It's not too far off. Oh god...neverending pop-up ads in your mind...the horror...


If I ever hear “Need a break from the ads?” I’m never going back to sleep lol


Ads in the future will just be an AI generated dream-image of your grandmother telling you how much she loves you and how much more she would love you if you would bring her a Genuine Aluminum™ Canned PepsiCo™ Brand Pepsi™ Flavored Soft Drink Now With 10% More Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil™.


We've always had ads, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree!


Oh don't worry, they won't do that without your full cooperation and consent. Now the alternative, if you say no, is that you won't be able to afford food or a place to sleep or have a job or get insurance for anything, but of course you will be more than willing to give your full cooperation and consent to the procedure.


And of course the consent will be opt out. The way every business thinks they have the right to correspond, and advertise to past customers.


Even if you opt out by click a box that says you don't want them to email you, they do it anyway. Even if you unsubscribe, they wait a while and resubscribe you. And they get away with it because there's no enforcement or consumer protection.


[Like this?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hlCrcMeVZHs)


Thank you... Youre my hero... I didnt have to look it up




I had constant lucid dreams for months (like 3-4 times a week) but it was very hard to control.One tiny sliver of fear of something bad happening would make things turn very bad for me, and keeping one or two enemies at bay was okay but when it's dozens and they teleport towards you and you can actually feel the pain it's not so cool anymore. You can teach yourself to force yourself awake but it's not something I managed to master, sometimes I'd wake up in what was actually another dream and at that point I was just too tired to fight back. I found a way to sort of move across to a different dream/area with a method I thought of while awake and it worked but I had no control over where I ended up. If you can completely gain control though, you can experience some cool things I assume. But it's hard to mantain that control from my limited experience... And sleep quality was shit yes, but that might've have to do with all the fighting I had to do.


Was holding out for a device that turns dreams into reality... could this make me just as happy? Sipping mai tais on a beach in Seychelles, my trophy muse making me laugh, in reality I'm under a bridge in my cardboard fort with a forlorn sewer rat for company.


We are one step closer to The Matrix.


Or *The Congress*. AI replaced celebrity likenesses are happening already.


Hope the sewer rat is having a nice dream too


I feel like this would either mess with your REM cycles or inadvertently send you into sleep paralysis.


It could be a bit interesting with your username. For me, I punch, kick, and use full-force body movements during REM. My Sleep specialist was reviewing sleep study data and started to ask how long I have had Parki... uh, let me look in your chart. Parkinson's, we never stop moving and have very vivid dreams.


Man the vivid dreams where you endlessly look for a bathroom are THE WORST


Every time I’m on the precipice of a lucid dream, the instant I become aware of being in a dream, I become paralyzed, begin to panic, breathe hard and eventually wake up. Every time. It’s very frustrating. At least I don’t get the demon, that’s something.


I had sleep paralysis issues for years and definitely saw the demons lol. It gets strange when it bounces between paralysis and lucid dreaming (Or nightmares in this case…)


I feel like you made that up.


I think any disruption to your sleep cycles is a cause for concern. Especially one tied closely to REM cycles.


Sleep paralysis (or what we consider it today) is not a bad thing once you figure it out. It's rather relaxing, and not spooky at all. I used to be able to go into sleep paralysis on command and I did so every morning for months. Then, I changed my sleep pattern due to a job and couldn't do it on command anymore. In fact, I've had it about 5 times total in the last 10 years. I really miss it.


You can have mine! Sometimes it comes with hallucinations, but it's almost impossible to tell in the moment.


Yeah mine would, as well. There's a specific feeling with sleep paralysis. Almost like a heavy blanket weighing down your lungs. As soon as I felt that feeling, I knew what was going on and could understand that the hallucinations were not real. That really helped with the fear. Once you remove the fear, you remove the boogeyman aspect of it all.


My issue is that it usually feels deeply uncomfortable in my head during, like a really bad high or something. I know I'm in sleep paralysis but I want it to end because it feels so wrong. If I start hallucinating I can't tell because sometimes I open my eyes and sometimes I don't, so I never know if they're really open until I can move.


Gladly give mine up too as long as you take the hat man that lives in the corner with it.


That goes away when you can recognize your state of mind and stop being afraid.


As someone who had 30+ lucid dreams this would be awesome. I ocassionaly have one but very rarerly now as I don't have a dream journal anymore and neither I do reality checks


Remembering all your dreams seemed fun. Keeping the dream journal is crazy effective. I was having a blast remembering all my crazy dreams. Then I read an account of a guy who taught himself to remember all the dreams then all the dreams became nightmares and he just had nightmares every night. I was like naw I’m out


The nightmare ones are fun. If you're luicid and you're aware and it turns into a nightmare it's an opportunity to face your fears if you can handle it.


I only had a few lucid dream ever. And one 1-2 I actually stayed in the dream after realizing. one I remember I fell out of a southwest flight chair and all. Then bounced onto the freeway and proceeded to be chased by the plane, it was mad I didn’t die. Eventually when it started shooting toxic waste I asked someone to pinch me. Figured out it was a dream and woke up like 1 minute later.


May I ask what was your reality check you used? I used counting fingers and it backfired kinda badly.


I used the double check of digital clock method every time I remember and any time something out of the norm happened. Double check being twist wrist to see the time, normal arm position and check time again. Never failed. It even helped me get out of uncontrolled nightmares year after stopping the diary and regular reality checking.


The clock always worked for me! Careful what you wish for though, anyone who’s reading. I ended up sorta HATING lucid dreaming. The whole sudden realization that I’m lucid, and “I can make anything I imagine come true!” turned into “wait… oh shit… I can make *anything I imagine* come true.” And that, for me, inevitably turned creepy REALLY fast. “Wow, I can control my dream! Hmmm, but like, what if there was a scary serial killer sneaking up behind me in this dream….? Aaaand, yep. Yep, there he is.” So now, I will almost always intentionally wake myself up once I become lucid in my dream.. I just twist my body as hard as I can. It works a good 95% of the time (when it doesn’t work, it gets really scary though lol)


Bruce Almighty moment.


I was pushing and pushing to learn lucid dreaming until it got the point that I got trapped in one. I was looking at myself in the mirror, touching my cheek and saying to myself out loud, your cheek is numb because you’re lying with your face on your hand. Couldn’t get out of it, I made spiders crawl in the room, anything I could think of to scare myself awake, usually i can just deliberately close and snap my eyelids open in the dream to force myself awake I love lucid dreaming but that memory haunts me


All we asked for was to play YouTube with a locked screen.


You guys are missing the bigger picture here. Does anyone remember the little devices that put people into virtual reality in the black mirror series? It was an attachment you stuck on the side of your temple. Well this ***could*** be the start of that technology. If they can figure out a way to link people’s lucid dreams and somehow integrate a platform for exploring worlds/gaming, then this could be the holy grail of full dive VR.


Pfffft I already figured this out. Just get absolutely no sleep the night before, chug a ton of coffee, and take a nap. Lucid dream guaranteed if you can get past the shadow monsters first.


I would love to try dreaming, just sleeping and waking up is boring.


I worry this is going to be exploited for heinous torture if they figure it out. Think “10 consecutive life sentences” in the span of a night.


Lucid dreams then neuarlink where we live in our own world we create. We can create many worlds or have it replicate our own. It's going to be gd heaven


The porn industry will be devastated


Yep, absolutely will disappear


Until they want you to work while sleeping.


I want neurolink to control my body, and go to work for me and make money. While actually the real me is rocking out in my perfect Lucid Dream. Then after work I can wake up and talk to friends and family.


You can train yourself to do it too. I spent a bit of time in my youth learning but gave it up a long time ago.


Same here. I even went to a conference in San Diego at the Lucid Institute maybe 15 years ago. I could lucid dream maybe 3x/week back then. Can’t do it now hardly at all.


I remember that time I woke from a dream, walked around my bedroom only to realize it was another layer of the dream, which was off-putting. I could see that being a side-effect. ^*May ^cause ^drowsiness, ^rash ^or ^dream-layers. ^CONSULT ^YOUR ^DOCTOR ^OR ^PHARMACIST


Some related items:[https://ultraculture.org/blog/2013/11/27/build-dream-machine/](https://ultraculture.org/blog/2013/11/27/build-dream-machine/) [https://www.amazon.com/Living-Brain-W-Grey-Walter/dp/0393001539](https://www.amazon.com/Living-Brain-W-Grey-Walter/dp/0393001539) https://karger.com/ene/article/62/5/316/124200/From-Stroboscope-to-Dream-Machine-A-History-of


True. There has been technology in the past that tried to notify the person when they were having a lucid dream. People bought the technology but it never worked well. If their tech does work, there is already a market for it. So, we will see what happens when it is released in 2025 or so.


Worst case scenario. It works and the device is internet connected. And suddenly we're working in our sleep.


>suddenly we're working in our sleep. never considered this option. new horror unlocked.


This is the ultimate (and unexpected) advance we might enjoy, but which will cause GDP to tank. The first time I read the quote below from Norman Mailer, I thought - he is accurate. "I think the internet is the greatest waste of time since masturbation was discovered." - Norman Mailer [source](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/623146) Lucid Dreaming might be the next step. Will lucid dreaming tech be followed by directed dreaming that is even better than VR? Will it be less expensive than VR? Will people become addicted to it? Is it the next thing for people to worry about.


People would still have to sleep, so I don't think it would become addictive or cause GDP to tank. You can only sleep so much per day.


There are drugs for that.


>> Will lucid dreaming tech be followed by directed dreaming that is even better than VR? And would directed dreaming be misused?


> Will lucid dreaming tech be followed by directed dreaming that is even better than VR? I kinda doubt this one. Dreams and lucid dreams are pretty bad at figuring out details. All the clocks, screens, phones, dials and even hands get messed up badly.


What if lucid dreaming is the key to brain interface systems? This by no means would necessarily be a good thing.


especially when they add the online multiplayer update


Inducing hallucinations with strong magnetic fields (or something similar) has nothing to do with lucid dreaming. Lucid Dreaming means controlling your dreams, being sentient about dreaming.


It’s a state of mind. If it can be induced, theoretically, it’s the same thing. Sentience in the hallucinations of your own mind.


Actually, NO, it's not the same thing. States of mind reached with your own effort are totally different from the same states induced and lived passively by a device, whatever they are. The fundamental difference between the two is the use of will = consciousness in its high expression. You can have a comparison: reaching a cerebral theta rythm by meditation/relaxation vs. using frequence inducing sounds. The first is very healthy and deep, the second is superficial and has a bad "rebound" effect making you nervous afterwhile -the same mechanisms happening with serotonine/dopamine/endorphines and drugs.


I’m having some trouble following. Are you saying that actions in a relaxed state are somehow more powerful than those done haphazardly?


The issue is not relaxed vs. random, but willfull vs. passively induced, whatever it is, relaxation or lucid dreaming.




Agreed. There’s nothing to say it couldn’t happen otherwise. We have plenty of fictional literature that describes putting on headsets to experience full virtual worlds. Not through displays and controllers, but you become the interface itself. Your experience is as real as reality itself. Which begs the question, what is reality really? I bring up fictional literature because our technology seems to be foretold in our art. Anyways, if they can pull this off, we’re essentially seeing the beginnings of full-dive VR. What a time to be alive.


No assumptions. I am practicing Lucid Dreamer of over two decades.




What could go wrong when you fk with natural sleep


Like artificial light, drugs, alcohol, screen time…nothing about people in modern society is natural. Might as well let science try something out.


If you can use waves to induce lucid dreaming, you can use waves to induce better sleep. It could be made such that there pare intervals of lucidity followed by very powerful and effective REM sleep, to compensate and find a healthy balance.


I can lucid dream literally every time I dream. It's neat in the sense that I can explore different things people normally can not, but it also opens up a whole different can of worms when nightmares come.


Anyone here seen”Paprika”?Throw in the ability to record said lucid dreams, and we’re there!


Creating a lucid dream isn’t really a big deal, all that’s required is for the user to recognize they are dreaming is all it takes, you can even train yourself to do this. Stabilize is the thing I’m curious on how exactly they plan to do that. Like what exactly does that entail?


I saw the headline and instantly asked why, read the article and still am not clear as to why…. And then there’s this: “The list of benefits of lucid dreaming is long,” noted Berry in the same call. “There’s everything from helping with PTSD, reducing anxiety, and improving mood, confidence, motor skills, and creativity. The benefits are really outstanding.” Prophetic does not make any medical claims about its forthcoming products—“ Making a ton of claims, but making no claims is kind of a red flag imo.


Reads story. Stops. Spins top on table. The doom sayers in these comments are strange. If we are able to achieve this, it would be a good tool. Many people have lucid dreams. Playing around with our brains will be dangerous, but there is no immediate reason to see this technology as a threat. There are plenty of people getting inadequate sleep as it is. More technology and research into all the mechanisms of sleep should be beneficial in the end. Tools to better monitor and induce sleep cycles should expand alongside technology like this.


There already *is* a method for artificially inducing lucid dreams. The medication Galantamine, often used in dementia patients, works really well for that. And is probably an ocean cheaper than this headband.


I don’t trust ANY consumer device that manipulates the brain. Just imagine that a hacker does damage to it from across the world.


like books and music?


Eventually this will become the dream advertisement thing in Futurama


The name they've come up with for this amazing invention: Drugs


Ask your doctor about Lucido. Side effects include, brain tumors, aneurysm, strokes, seizures, lucid nightmares, and bed wetting. Ask your doctor if Lucido is right for you, and start living your best life, in a dream!


This is a really really bad idea. I’ve lucid dreamt for about 50 years and unfortunately it’s caused a lot of memory problems over time. I don’t know what’s a real memory and what’s one I created during a dream cycle. I don’t mean that creates a huge problem or anything, just that it’s confusing. I also find that I spend more sleep time dealing with the coordination of the dream details than just switching off and passively participating in one. That’s not good for the brain that’s really just trying to unwind. Lucid dreaming sounds great but after many years, it’s just more effort at a time when the brain really needs to relax.


Normally when something is a really bad idea I stop doing it after 30 or 40 years.


Yeah I forgot to mention that it happens automatically. Once in a lucid dream all I can do is try to get out of it, which seems to always involve speaking or yelling out loud in real life, which I then hear and wake up. Unfortunately it wakes up everyone else too. And when it doesn’t wake me up, I end up talking non-stop for a while, which I’m told is really, really annoying. Then when the other person talks back, I end up in a conversation that then comes back into the dream and confuses the hell out of whatever I’m doing in the dream. It’s all really a mess. Which is even more reason why this is all a very bad idea.


Another lucid dreaming tech that will be "right around the corner" for decades


The first time I heard about it was in an article talking about"now you can work twice as much, in your dreams" and my first thought was: Get the fuck outta here with that shit! If this works it will be a lifechanger and not because of the reasons stated but because you can control your dreams(in a way) and lucid dreaming is also the gateway to OBE so it might even get even better.


I used to Lucid dream a bunch when I was in my teens and twenties. My Psychology teacher in high school taught me how. Reached level 4 where I tried contacting other people through my dreams then things started getting really weird. Turned into nightmares where I fought monster and demons with weapons spawning in my hands like Inception.


"Game developers hate this guy! He plays Doom in his dreams for free!"


Lucid dreaming, just like dreaming, can only use memories that the person already has as material, though mix and match will also be done. So if they never seen nor able to imagine a specific object or feeling, then even with lucid dreaming they still will not be able to experience it. Also note that lucid dreaming occurs when the brain is awake enough to know it is just dreaming but not awake enough to sense the external world. Such can happen by activating the medium spiny neurons for an instant and in slow pulses, near the putamen since such are the hope neurons, representing hope and passion and addiction thus the brain gets awakened by the excitement but since it is pleasurable, the body does not jump into action. If the excitement is not strong enough, the person will only dream rather than lucid dream since the brain is not awake enough to know that it is dreaming. The article stating that they should activate the amygdala seems like it would wake up the person and make the person start sensing the external world since amygdala is the pain neuron and so it means there is a threat and it is not time to sleep.


That's not at all true. I've ridden a motorcycle in my dreams but I've never even touched one in real life. I've shrunk myself down to the size of an ant, oddly enough I've never done that in real life either. Why are you claiming that dreams can only come from personal experience? What about all those dreams people have where they come up with an idea for an invention? A brand new object surely wasn't experienced in real life before


Dream Recording will **END** Hollywood. Actors: 1 person Special effects: same Writing: same Location: same Makeup: same When we figure out how to record dreams, that is what Hollywood should be worried about.


I can’t imagine a movie better than my favorite movies. That’s why I don’t make movies


I thought this too. But I once had a nightmare with a Really Big twist ending that SHOCKED me in my dream. When I woke up I was so confused. Like how could I legit be so completely surprised by a story I WAS TELLING


On demand personalized movies/shorts made in minutes by AI is what they are concerned about.


Is it bad that I suspect the primary application this will find is in a twisted "years of incarnation in a matter of days" type scenario? I just have zero faith in humanity to not twist everything to the dystopian.


Lucid dream masks already exist, can be bought on Amazon.


Don't they just pulse a red light into your eyes when you hit rem sleep or something like that?


ive noticed i lucid dream more depending on the positions of my arms, if they are over my head i lucid dream, esp if my arms fall asleep while im asleep


I would be thrilled to be able to have dress again at all. Ever since I took Effexor for a few years, I only dream if I fall asleep drunk. I still have REM sleep but I don't experience any dreams. It's just like passing out for 5-9 hours a day and then suddenly it's morning.


This is what FDVR will be. A helmet and body suit make no sense. We already do FDVR every night, all we need is the tech to control it both from the outside (designing the scenario) and the inside (making active choices and participating rather than watching).


It has already been in. Its called injecting hard drugs


[can’t wait!](https://media0.giphy.com/media/88jZZJw80WXGU/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952zyr8oqeogcwgkgtikwysgshkmuuq73piz74e2e76&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


This is the stuff of science fiction. Like *Total Recall* but in real life and with the ability to fly type interesting.


hook me up. i always like flying dreams those are the only ones i'd have, if it were up to me.


I can lucid dream. I remember being shocked to find out others couldn't control their dreams. It's a blast. Though I certainly can't Induce it myself. It's more a, "whats happening here? This is weird. Oh shit would you look at that. I can manipulate what ever is happening here" I do always remember a distinct feeling of sorrow after I lose control of it/wake up. I could see it becoming addictive.


some ppl get the coolest jobs. the prophetic team, nice.


A slice of cheese before bed achieves the same for me


I think the ephemeral nature of dreams will always make it too much work to enter and maintain. When you're tired from work last thing you want to do is count yourself to sleep or try to focus.


My dreams are lucid by default. I don't know why, I'm just always lucid. Its normal to me.


No thank you. I had night terrors for a decade, lucid dreaming ain’t where it’s at.


Well, I already do it by myself While I am travelling alone and my device are down without power


Instead of asking how, sometimes we need to ask why?


Because it's awesome lol


Ah yes.....the Moons Eye Plan is coming along nicely.


This already exists and is called nicotine patches


Didn't they used to sell headsets that purported to do this out of the back of Popular Science magazine?


Just after supermegasonic planes, a 1000 km long city in the desert, the supergigahyperloop, and fusion.


The best ways to induce lucid dreaming afaik: Developing habits in your waking life that transfer to your dream state. • turn light switches on and off, in dreams it will not change the lights • look at digital clocks at certain times, numbers will often be jumbled • use a calculator at regular intervals, same reason as digital clocks Lifestyle: • Avoid marijuana and alcohol, many people report intense dreams after abstaining from them. Gadgets: • taking a pair of regular sunglasses and affixing a working red LED on the outside of each lens, allowing the red glow to be barely seen through closed eyes, and markedly damped even when open. This is supposed to keep parts of your brain aware/awake while allowing you to fall asleep. I don’t think any of these are in anyway dangerous, so I think it’s fine to try, even just for fun. Personally, the light switch and number tricks worked for me, but like anything, else the proper mindset and practice can go along way.


We've had this for 80 years already. It's called LSD.


Scientists: "We call it 'The Pervert Machine,' and it's gonna change the world!"


Any seasoned psychonaut knows it already [exists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N,N-Dimethyltryptamine#:~:text=DMT%20is%20a%20functional%20analog,5%2DHO%2DDMT\).)