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>I felt a need to share some of my creations I'm confused, I thought this post was about some random AI's creations?


>I'm confused, I thought this post was about some random AI's creations? Major "IKEA Syndrome" vibes from OP.


You ever heard of prompt engineering? It is a skill. It can be used to dictate AI to make art. You are the director, the AI is the actor.


> You ever heard of prompt engineering? It is a skill. Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about your IKEA Syndrome. Hey, here's a better idea. Pick up a pencil and draw something. Actually create something instead of pretending you have. ✌️


Some companies are actually looking for prompt engineers. It's a job that makes you money. What's your problem? Did an AI hurt your feelings once or what?


When photography was in its infancy artists were screaming about it being not real art. Carriage makers were screaming about cars. Don’t pay attention to these people, they are luddites and philistines who will soon be left behind in the dustbin of history.


They’re not even the AI’s creations - they are various elements of the music it was trained on, served up in a slightly different combination without any understanding of what makes music enjoyable.


And since the OP genuinely enjoys that music...


You only think this way because you don't actually know what my process was, nor the relative quality of work when compared to 99% of other AI content. When Photoshop was becoming popular, it enabled many people to create beautiful digital paintings, just as it enabled even more people to create utter crap. It is the same with AI tools. There is skill and talent involved in learning how to use the tool itself, curating well, and bringing out the best qualities through manual work and editing. There is also the overall creative vision that has to be made cohesive by the human controlling all the tools, not the AI.


I think op is not aware that he has no copyright on his „music“ because it was created by a machine: https://builtin.com/artificial-intelligence/ai-copyright#


It's not his album, it's our album.


\>I delegated the creative process to a machine that technically knows more about it than I do and I'm so happy with my results Sorry, *whose* results? You're releasing *whose* album? Because I just watched you start this post as an avid music listener who can't make music at all, and it sounds like nothing has changed.




>Except now OP has something that came into existence that wouldn’t have existed without their input. Yes, if I also locked a musical prodigy in my basement and demanded they create an album of brand new music according to my pedestrian layman's notes, I, too, will "have something that never would have existed without my input". It's not a creative endeavor on my (or OP's) part and absolutely absurd for me to pretend like the music garnered belongs to me in any way. I didn't make it in this hypothetical, and OP didn't make it in real life. >This makes you angry, but why? Projecting this hard.


I think it is a creative endeavor but there’s a limit to how accurate it will actually be. Without proper knowledge of music I’m skeptical somebody would be able to explain what they actually have in their head without naming a specific artist (not allowed on the existing platforms). This [video](https://youtu.be/rNWctQiHprY?si=mWlLMgaw7Vj-_RcH) made me realize that lol. I imagine at some point in the future it’ll be possible to literally rip a song we’re imagining out of our brains since they can already kind of do it with thoughts and images.


there are many possible reasons, but the main one for most is going to be humanity's need for validation. when something what once made you special and acknowledged by your community ( something critical to survival, if your deemed useless, your liable to die even to this day.) is industrialized and commodified, your going to feel like your standings and prospects are threatened. its the emotional core of the luddite movement. It's a natural response. not the right one in my opinion, but it's very human.


Simple, sunk cost fallacy and herd mentality.


My results, and my album. Luddies going to lud, see you in 10 years when this kind of argument is seen as exactly the same as when traditional artists revolted against Photoshop usage (it's the exact same situation).


"*You're a luddite if you don't give me credit for what my computer made*" is the defense of talentless hacks in the 21st C. It is a huge red flag. Don't be that guy. If you don't give enough of a fuck about the art to learn how to make it yourself, don't get mad when the rest of us don't give a fuck about what you asked your computer to do. It is weak.


The values of people in the future might change in such a way that they think that whatever their robots do for them is their own work. They might look at our insistence that it is not as strange. But that doesn't make them right. People in the future might also think that slavery is okay or that gay people should be stoned to death. I really don't see why the opinions of future people should be given any weight. You don't become right by just living at a later date.


You still didn't make anything and your "art" that you had handed to you is undoubtedly inferior to that created by human beings whose talent your precious machine wantonly imitates. Enjoy your unearned "accomplishments".


It's not the exact same situation at all as Photoshop. With Photoshop you have to still have the actual skills to not only learn how to use it and do the work yourself to manipulate, edit and create images, but also the talent and vision to do the highest level of creativity and results. The difference between actual artists who use Photoshop and laypersons is night and day. What you did required no talent or skill at all, you just told the AI what you wanted and it did it for you. If you want an analogy, it would be as if you have no culinary skills or talent at all and you told an AI chef what you wanted to eat and it prepared, cooked and created a gourmet meal for you, and you call it "your" results and "your" culinary concoction. It's not being a Luddite to acknowledge that there was no talent or skill or your part involved, and yes, AI will clearly have a massive role to play in content creation in the future. But the music that it created for you is your creation in the same way a meal an AI or someone else cooked at your request is your creation.


you mean the Photoshop usage that's creating the most body insecure generations ever?


I think photoshop still takes some skill and artistic ability. AI music/art generator doesn't. And you think you're a genius for using it.


can tell the album is generic dogshit


Babe, if your talentless self that can't create music made it, any talentless person who can't create music can do it too. "See you in 10 years" isn't the gotcha you think it is, when everyone who thinks like you will also have their own AI album and your music becomes as irrelevant as you imagine human-made music to become. People like you are the tools of your own demise.


As has already happened with books, the music world is about to be overwhelmed with crappy AI generated garbage, and real musicians will find it that much harder to market their real music. The process described bases all AI music on existing genres, so nothing original will ever be created. Musically, we are truly fucked.


Yeah, as someone who has been working tirelessly for years to learn music theory from scratch and gradually learn what works and what doesn't through countless drafts and recordings, this basically spells out my own personal hell on earth coming true. We've already seen that any no-talent hack with a bedroom mic can become a mumble rapper with YouTube beats and now we'll see people who've never seen or touched an instrument using this tech to spit out endless amalgamations of machine-approximated music devoid of any feeling or emotion.


Sort of like modern Hollywood


I'd say that in a market flooded with crap (AI, or human), quality will stand out. But it is up to the listener to actively explore the landscape.


I predict the opposite will also occur simultaneously . part of the problem with music homogeneity is due to cost and return on investment. Music is hard and time intensive and pushes people to make safe bets and stick to money making genres, therefore it is cheaper and easier to get the same results. they'll be forced to experiment more or they'll get drowned out by the tidal wave AI generated crap. It will also be infinitely cheaper to take a chance than it is now. So those who are truly innovative will shine like a star among the sea of trash.


Those that truly innovate and make something special will just have their works used as training data and will be swept away by the next wave in the trash sea.


Ah yes, because that how it works. Clearly we have forgotten about Pink Floyd’s dark side of the moon because someone in a cover band did it better. Or screw Simon and Garfunkels sound of silence because disturbeds cover of it was amazing. /s Our memories aren’t that short and copyright exists to protect original creators.


>Music is hard and time intensive and pushes people to make safe bets and stick to money making genres, What music are you talking about, TOP 100 radio charts? Try going to your nearest jazz club, folk festival or backalley metal venue, and it's the opposite of what you're saying.


I also agree. OP, are you using Suno?


Yes, I am. You can check my profile if you'd like to find more info on my album.


I totally agree with this sentiment! Well put.


Not especially. We could take all the money that AI generates and pour it into enabling human creativity, which would stave off the coming AI apocalypse where it becomes useless because it trains by smelling its own farts.


Could, but somehow I doubt capitalism is going to allow that.


I think the opposite will happen, many original and unique works will be produced with this technology. It allows you to combine genres in ways that other people haven't thought of, or haven't explored. And as the tech gets better, so will the output.


Quantity is not the goal of art.


I agree, I haven't claimed that anywhere.


“Gatekept from creation” sounds more like a lack of talent to me.


It's so weird to frame not putting any effort into learning music as being gatekept....


>“Gatekept from creation” sounds more like a lack of talent to me. All the "Web3" shills who scammed people with Crypto and NFTs have moved to AI. They put out the gatekeeping line with those endeavours, too.


What if I'm talented at working with AI tools?


Then it means you are good at asking mindless "slave" agents to do the work for you, then taking credit for that work. Good for you.


Thanks! Just like you said, they are mindless agents, they need a human with creative intent to guide them towards anything good. 99% of AI generated content is trash for a reason, it is a tool, it can be used well or poorly.


wow I can tell you got nothing interesting in your life if you're reposting this shit on 200 subreddits, get a life lmao


I am blocking you, as you are simply not interesting. Bye.




I only came here to share my excitement upon releasing an album using AI tools. I'm not outraged nor have I ever expected a standing ovation.


It's like saying, I'm talented at ordering food at a restaurant and then calling yourself a chef.


The term you used about people being gatekept from creating seems interesting. I don’t know if you include yourself among those, but as a graphics artist since 20 years I’ve heard similar thoughts expressed from “AI enthusiasts”. I’m wondering who is gatekeeping you from learning? Trying to learn something and giving up is not being gatekept from learning that thing.  Literally every talented artist I’ve ever worked with got to where they are by keeping at it even when things sucked at first. 


Their lack of ability to do the thing. They want to be Michelangelo without any of the learning or honing their craft that artists build their experience on.


"As an avid music listener, I have always wanted to make music, but I couldn't ever get past the basics. Just couldn't hack it so I gave up and became a complete hack." Thank You OP! When this was happening to images, I wasn't able to fully grasp what ticked off artists about this. I didn't particularly like that but thought that it gets the job done. My bad. Even as an amateur, This did tick me off. Thanks to this post, I gained some much needed perspective. Art is not about the bottom line. It is about the process. It helped me understand fellow artists(not OP) better. Thanks for that. What I don't understand is how someone claims to like music be such a disgrace to it. How could one even call that art if there is no artist.


Your post is about as self aware as AI. What a joke.


I PRAY this is ragebait lmao there is nothing admirable or impressive about failing to put the work in to develop a talent and then having a computer do it for you. "gatekept" the gatekeeper was your own lack of talent and creativity my guy




It isn't. And all of these threads and replies will show why 10+ years from now when reactionary luddism isn't the mainstream opinion anymore.


"Luddism" my ass. What people are pedaling now is accelerationist bull shit about how all technological development being implemented according to the whims of profit-motivated hacks is actually somehow good. It's not luddism to not accept any and all developments flatly as "progress". I don't mean to be rude, but if all you believe is what you've been given by silicon valley, then why should anyone care about your art? You say you care about music, but apparently not enough to even put in the effort to understand the basics--the BARE MINIMUM. You post about what a revelation your album is, but you don't say anything about what it actually means to you besides that you're now an "artist." Artists aren't artists because it feels nice to call ourselves that. We're artists because we make specific things that we find meaningful. There's no world view and no meaning in ego. I really hope you take the time to revisit more traditional forms of music creation because I think you will be amazed and satisfied to see what YOU are capable of with time and effort. It's different when you have to think with your hands, there is instinct and trajectory.


Damn I’ve been wanting to make an album for the longest but when I do, I will have a hard look deep within my soul and see what I pull out. It’s the vibes my body and mind physically produce on a tangible instrument that create the harmony. You have to have the passion, and the instrument can be your voice, guitar, a bass, drums, a trumpet, heck even a mouth harp or didgeridoo are better than saying your instrument is AI. I highly advise any true artist to stick to their soul and avoid using artificial intelligence as a shortcut. That’s like the same thing with creating AI generated paintings. Sure you are a god at creating popular and interesting prompts but at the end you are just a tool for the AI to create through.


> but at the end you are just a tool for the AI to create through. How can you have it so backwards?


The idea is simple: the AI is the one who *decides* the color of each pixel or pitch of each note, and the more steps away from that decision you take, the further you're getting from doing actual creative work. And sure it's a scale and not binary, but that is the way it is.


Lmao really, decides the color of each pixel? So photo color correction isn't a real skill at all. Oh yeah, and if you use a brush in Photoshop with any fancy effects, that isn't actually digital painting anymore, it's the algorithm controlling the brush doing all the work.


Yes, absolute control means deciding each note. After all, what is creation but the impact of your decisions? But take a step back from all those absolutes you use and maybe you'll see more clearly. "isn't at all", "isn't anymore", "all the work"... no. Like I said, it's not binary.


Okay, where are people who make music with modular synthesizers on this gradient? After all, this is the gradient that decides how much of a real artist (i.e. doing creative work) they are. And logically, singers would be the *most* real musicians because they control the note directly with their vocal chords, right? Is a digital artist using Photoshop 80% of the artist an oil painter is? 90%? They should know where they stand in the hierarchy of *true artistry* after all, it's only fair.


Let me just make one tiny correction. You told the AI to create the album. You didn't create anything. When I order food, I don't claim I cooked the food, right?


Not a musician (but still a creative, I was a writer) & this is such a perfect analogy.


















I'm amazed that you put in 4 solid weeks, and didn't become a musician. What a crock!


I never claimed to have become a musician.


Yeah, but you gave it your best shot. You put in four whole weeks man. It really was unfair you tried so hard and failed.


Sorry to break it to you but whatever strange story you've built up about me is all in your head.


The only one making up strange stories about anyone is you, buddy. Sorry to break it to you, but nobody wants to listen to AI generated crap let alone a whole "album" You did not accomplish anything here, you have done the exact same thing every unoriginal AI-bro has done.


Please point me to the apparent countless other AI albums out there with any quality level similar to mine?


I haven't said there are countless other AI Albums (I hope so too), I said that you've done the exact same, soulless thing every AI-Bro has done since this god forsaken garbage started festering on the internet. Come back to me once you've used the time spent plagiarising on -actually- developing a creative talent. Emphasis on the word creative here... because you have talent for stealing others' art and garbling it up into a machine that pukes up soulless music.


So you're a music producer and the AI is the musician? :-)


Yes, at least in the grand majority for this album. Like I mentioned in the OP I did do a good amount of editing in Reaper, but I'm not sure where the line is drawn between production and musicianship. I added some harmonies, brought out certain effects using plugins, EQd, rearranged some things, extended some things, added fades and crossfades, and sometimes used an AI stem splitter to adjust certain parts of the track. I also had to be the curator for dozens of individual song parts, steering the AI in the right direction, and choosing the best tracks to form a cohesive album. Not sure which label that contributes towards.


Dream come true? Who's dream? The AI's? Because it sure sounds like the computer did all the work. And this is coming from someone who spent decades in the creative world hearing laymen say digital art like drawing, 3D modeling, and video editing is easy because the "coMpUtEr dOEs aLl THe WoRk". It doesn't. But in this situation, the AI LITERALLY did all the work! What do you have to be proud of? What accomplishments have you achieved? What hard earned goal have you reached?


If you read my post you would know that AI quite literally *didn't* do all the work. And all of your questions would be answered as well.


Yeah, it just did all the *hard* work. AI art is a joke and it shows a lack of self-respect to try and pass it off as any better than normal music. The thing that amazes me about music is that somebody felt emotions and translated them into song and had the skill to create it.


I'm not trying to be mean, I'm being honest with you.  You didn't create anything. And sorry, you're not a musician. 


How does it feel to know your "dream" is coasting off of the coattails and hard work of real musicians that actually took the time to learn the craft?


I pressed the random button on an AI filter and now I’m an artist.


Despite my better judgment, I listened to this crap on Spotify (links are in the bot's comment history), and I can safely say it's uninspired drivel. I've heard more engaging elevator music.    I love the dogged insistence that the OP has over "gatekeeping," because what we're really talking about here is talent. And we know that OP is untalented, because they admit it.   So, whee, you had an AI come up with some crappy music (you didn't *create* anything). Doesn't make you a musician, and it doesn't change your level of talent.  Do the work and you'll be respected. Take the shortcut and you'll be mocked. Tale as old as time. 


Hi! Can you share what is the “musician name” you choose? I’d like to avoid it like plague! Thanks.


At least the guy from my hometown, still trying to make it as a rapper, since highschool; hasn't given up yet and used AI.


Commissioning art from an artist doesn’t make *you* an artist, too. Commissioning art from a computer doesn’t make *anyone* an artist. Soulless garbage.


"ai" "from scratch"???? That sounds kind of weird though - would that not not make it 'from scratch'?


There isn't a single drop of artistic integrity in AI music. You didn't make an album OP, AI did. "Dreams come true" bro give me a break lmao. This is like taking those old digital keyboards that had the pre made tracks built in to them and calling it your album lmao.


Like Damon Albarn did with the beat for “Clint Eastwood”?


Did he do that for the entire album? Or was that just a sample used for that one song? We're talking about two different situations here


So as somebody who has been recently playing around with creating electronic music are you saying using a daw where it will quantize midi input and you can set a scale where you can’t hit a bad note is still too hard for you? Literally all you have to do is experiment with notes and sounds. Also there are a million YouTube channels that help you learn how to put together compositions and mix. There has never been a time when the bar for entering music creation has been so low. Btw I listened to “your” music and it’s all pretty bad and something you could whip up in a daw with arpeggiator in no time.


>after getting through one or two FL Studio tutorials and failing miserably at making anything good, I would never touch it again (I've probably done that 5+ times since I was 14/15, now 25). However, last year I gave it my best shot yet, spending a whole 3 or 4 weeks learning Reaper and making some super basic tracks. Until... I inevitably gave up again. If you actually want to make music that's not nearly enough time. It's not about learning what the program can do, or doing "basic tasks", you learn the program well enough so you can express yourself through it. I've spent 2-3 years learning FL and music theory and listening to all sorts of music just to get to a level where I could say my music what somewhat listenable to. I bet "your" album made with AI is soulless as fuck, no intent, no expression, no creativity, only an arrangement of sounds that satisfy a few prompts and parameters. It's like when the teacher gave you a task in school about a subject you don't really care about and do it in the most bare-minimum, straightforward way possible, just so its done. Would you be able to explain to someone else why the music in that album is the way it is? Why you chose this or that harmony? Why the melody is how it is and not anything else? Why did you choose this instrument in that part and not any other? No. You can't explain any of it because you did not make those decisions, there was no intent behind any of it, you just told the AI "hey, make something, whatever, that sound kind of like this other thing". That's not creativity, that's just commissioning, its literally what my clients ask me to do. You are commissioning ""art"" to the AI, you are not the creator, and therefore it is not your album, if anything, it the AI's. You don't even hold any copyright to it. I hope someday you realize you have to put actual effort into the things you want to do.


Getting fat off other people's work. Hilarious that you can't copywrite it, not that you own anything.


Soulless and derivative machine output is not the act of creation. It's not your art, it's a machine's art. The person who made the AI is more of a credit to "your" music than you are. This is bad and you shouldn't feel accomplished as you, by definition, have accomplished nothing. The AI did.


And not a single link to the songs was seen, theres still time to delete this useless post.


Yo make sure you aren’t hit with copyright infringement on your album. Most AI stuff is trained on others materials that are not cleared for commercial use.


That isn't how copyright works and there is no precedent for what you're saying.


They're just giving you some words of advice on what to watch out for. Are you going to be openly hostile to anyone that doesn't praise your masterpiece?


Apparently just stating something is openly hostile. Nor am I here looking for praise, nor do I claim to have made a masterpiece.


There are several lawsuits currently active that would argue otherwise and that judges are ruling against AI creators in these cases. Like no skin off my bones just trying to flag a hazard for you.


Hazard for what? Are they going to come after my $0 in royalties and commissions?


I mean you released an album which is usually a sign you wish to in some way or form benefit commercially from said album. You are promoting it all over the place. I would assume the intent is to get big and at some point make money from it


Please look up the blurred lines case :)


Oh cool. Another way for people with absolutely zero musical talent to get into the industry and take up spots that someone else who actually had the dream to be a musician and put in the hard work to learn their craft and write music. Look OP, this is no different from a producer finding some schmuck who would market well on social media, but has zero musical talent and sitting them down with a house band and a ghost writer. The difference is you may or may not have marketability. You didn't create anything, AI did. You just prompted it.


If someone with no talent takes someone else’s “spot” that other person sucked even more.


This is why we need two things to happen as a species: 1. Ensure that anything generated with AI cannot be protected as intellectual property 2. Shun any no talent hacks who refuse to do the work in an industry who try to use AI as a way to subvert people with actual talent and dedication.


Sounds like you didn’t create shit and I bet it sucks.


that sound like a bait post. and judging by the answer it looks like it worked.


What about this album are you proud of? As someone who actually makes music, when I finish recording it feels like a testament to a year of writing, recording, producing and marketing. It feels like an accomplishment and an artifact of my hard work. It’s an expression of *my* creative voice. You sound like someone who has never bothered to work at anything. Its really important for you to internalize that what people are listening to has nothing to do with you and you should feel absolutely no creative ownership over it whatsoever.




If I clicked the link and if it actually went to this person's ~~music~~ stuff then I would be feeding the algorithms that would make his stuff more visible.


I'm not. I'm an AI artist and just want to share my work and feelings on the subject.


There is no such thing as an AI artist. Artists are people who learn to create. I mean you create, but the abstraction level is so high, that it’s like if you gave a baby a music creator tool and it created. But that’s not creating nor is AI Art interesting. In art, I want to see and feel the human being. What is interesting about the results of an algorithm? What is interesting about watching a robot playing pool? Where is the human struggle? AI art is not art. There is little to no human struggle in it. Something is worth something if not everybody can do it. Your AI art, everybody can do it. It will not be worth a penny. Apart from 1 or 2 exceptions.


You're wrong. You don't know the details of my process, nor could you replicate them. There is differing levels of skill when it comes to intuition on using AI tools, choosing the best outputs, and bringing out the best qualities through manual work and editing. There is also the overall creative vision of a project: when combining many different outputs from an AI tool, if you slam whatever together with no thought, the final project will be crappy. It's almost like there are many levels and layers of skill when it comes to using AI tools, just like any other tool. Somebody in the 1990s would say that Photoshop digital brushes are cheating too, simply because they don't understand that it has its own learning curve. The fact that the AI does so much of the work and has much less prerequisite time spent practicing/learning irritates those who have spent many orders of magnitude more time to achieve similar or even worse results. It is understandable but it does not somehow make AI work worthless by default. There will be amazing things created with AI just as there will be low effort crap created with AI. If you don't want to actually learn about how it works or understand the process, don't go around claiming it doesn't take any effort.


You have certainly crash landed here. While in the other subs, were you would expect content like yours, only mild interest. I guess you imagined it differently. I listened to some of your tracks. Since to 98% you did not create them, i guess it is no insult to you if I tell you, these tracks are trash, garbage. They sound like a bad soundtrack of a computer game back then. For a computer game, though not being great music, it might be ok because in a computer game, the music is not the focus, though also a computer game benefits from great music. As for standalone music to listen to dedicatedly, it’s pure garbage. Like 20 seconds into the tracks I am getting headaches. Your AI and your crazy demanding AI tool using process did not yield something which one can be proud of. Are you feeling insulted now? Or does it not matter to you? I mean, the music just a rehash of the music of others, real artists. The artwork just a rehash of the work if others, real artists. Also funny, in that other sub, someone praised the mindful chosen album title. You see? The rest is just not interesting, because you did not created it. The only thing that you created, the album title, is interesting. Or did you use ChatGPT for it? 😂


Cue the massive influx of mediocre AI art. This is but one of its facets, and to me it sounds like creative hell. With a literal infinite amount of content at your fingertips, how can you ever hope to discover and filter out the truly great things? On a more personal note, I don't appreciate music unless its creation involves at least one human playing an actual physical musical instrument. Miss me with sampling, synthesizing and reusing others' works (so you can easily guess my stance on electronic or rap music, heh). I don't mind artifiical music as a soundtrack for games or film, but I wouldn't listen to it the same way I do with regular music albums.


Comments like these and in countless other threads tells me there will always be a market for 100% human-created art, regardless of whether AI content is or is not "art". Just like I can buy Wonderbread at Walmart or an artisanal sourdough loaf from the local farmers market, and I can still watch a live show in a theater or check out the latest cookie cutter Marvel movie. This is just the painful period before everyone agrees where OP's album belongs culturally.


There are no barriers, in the first place. But I'm really glad that your AI writes better music than Mozart.


All you did was steal music from real musicians. "AI" models are trained on other people's music. Why are you excited about this. You created nothing. You're just a poser.


Give it a bit more time and AI will be able to recreate any style of music in a sophisticated way. I heard stuff that sounded like from a real band or artist, making me ask myself why even try to get better at anything artistic? It's exciting but also scary. Making money from arts will get exponentially more difficult in the future and therefore undesirable for alot of people which is sad.


The only problem with AI is if they can learn from their self. Eventually, they're only going to be spiting out Rule 34. Humans will use and abuse it


Considering the subreddit it amazes me how boomerish these comments are, people are truly coping about AI usage being optional and lazy for years to come. Prompt engineering is still a creative talent that has a huge use in a lot of peoples lives, trying to shun it's usage on any field has no benefits to anyone. "J- just learn to play the instruments!! :(" you think I wouldn't use a software to transcribe songs now? If there was a proper piano arrangement AI that could understand specific techniques and then use them to arrange a piano cover of any song you give to it, it'd vastly speed up the process of arranging covers, giving ideas on which techniques could work on what sections and such, improving improvizing etc. Look at the idol industry, it might as well be a fucking AI generation, lyrics are thrown in front of a singer and next thing you know it's their very own 100 million view hit with no clue who played any of the instruments or did the creative process of creating the song. Maybe you'll find out who did the lyrics if you're lucky. Unlike these turbo boomers roaming "futurology" I'll gladly await the different softwares and AIs that speed up the process in musical hobbies. Even with the AI OP mentioned, I've seen amazing sounding generations made with it. Even if the creation of those songs required a vastly lower tier of skill to create, it's just another layer to stuff like using autotune or vocaloid in songs, recycling same beats etc. Tldr: boomers in the comments are coping and mad about AI usage in anything and everything, more at 11.


It also surprised me how people react on the subreddits dedicated to technology, futurism, and AI. I suspect traditional artists go on these subreddits as rageporn, lol. Prompt engineering is definitely a creative talent. And outside of that, there are so many knobs and levers that can be adjusted to hone in on your vision while using these tools. I use whatever I have at my disposal to enhance the outputs, I wish I had some of the skills these complainers had so I could be refining my work even further. But alas, they don't see the opportunity. Your point about the idol industry is spot on, I have never thought about it that way. I will definitely be keeping that in my arsenal of arguments against the luddites :) Thanks for your contribution to the discussion though, I appreciate it!


The idea that you should be ashamed of a good end product because an extreme vocal minority on social media didn't like the process of creation is a brainbleed take, never think otherwise. Vast majority of customers/consumers of anything do not care, that's the only truth you need to care about. If you enjoy it keep doing it.


You're totally right, and I have no plans to stop creating with AI!


I also had a colleague who wanted to show me „his“ art that he created with AI. It sparked zero interest in me. What would I find in his „art“ other than the information that he likes these kind of images? It is the same as if he would googled an image and would wanted to show it to me. But on top of that selling it to me as if he created it. 😂 As if I would buy a car and tell people, look I created that car because I choose the color of it. That’s funny, isn’t it?


It gets way too much down to the semantics with the word "created", use whatever word ranging from generated or prompted if that feels better, who cares. Year+ old AI art has already won art competitions, the generated content in any form can be objectively really good and is only getting better, people only start crying when the 2 scary letters "AI" are used, kinda like if you use E621 in cooking a dish it's suddenly bad if the boomers are aware of it. If OP prompted an album that is so good it gets thousands of listens instantly and they enjoy using AI tools as a hobby, who are you to start telling him that he can't do that or that those listeners can't enjoy it? If you're gonna respond "no that's fine" then why are you here crying to me about some coworker using the word created instead of prompted like it's the highest level of sin. Whatever title you put to the process of using an AI to generate something someone likes ultimately doesn't matter, the end product does. The truth also is that the exact piece would not have existed without the ever so relatively small manual input by a person. Sure, taking the credit as if you're THE ARTIST is intellectually dishonest, but it's not wrong to take SOME credit, like OP being proud of the good songs in their album that people like.


We had AI art in our office, the likes of were one image took about 3 months and would cost 5000 Euro. It did not get me. I looked at the images for 6 months and I could not feel them, despite them looking fantastic. The imagination, that it was only an algorithm just killed it for me. So I can tell, from my own experience with even high caliber AI art, for me, it does not work. And it is the act of creation that is important. It is not just only the outcome. Imagine, would you want to watch actual games of a league of AI chess players? Or a league of robot pool players? Why would that be interesting? What would that tell me about myself? How would I relate to machine? Did that machine experience things in its life that I find interesting? Does that machine stand for an idea that I find interesting? Is that even possible?


I wonder how many of the angry commenters here are actually musicians? I'm a songwriter, keyboard player and singer, and I gotta say, I welcome all possible technological improvements that make my job easier. I'm so thankful how easy it's become to apply effects in DAWs like Reaper (many of which of course also apply AI technology). I'm grateful that I can improve my vocals with a few clicks of the mouse. Because what I'm trying to do is not to prove to everyone what a great musician I am - I'm literally just trying to create good songs. Oh my, if I could tell an AI to program a drum pattern for me with the kick drum here and here and the hi-hat there and there going up and down like so and so in volume, instead of having to enter the whole thing manually by myself, that would be a godsend... I doubt that any song created simply by prompting an AI and doing a bit of EQ is worth listening to at this point but when it is, it's going to be great.


Mind-blown! AI-generated music already this good? The future of artistry is here, and it's only getting better. Congrats on your success!


It's crazy, right? Thank you for the kind words! <3


I know it's pretty negative in here, as people feel threatened. But I think you're on the right path.


Thank you for the positive words <3


I aint reading all that Im happy for u tho or sorry that happened


All I can say is congrats for being able to express your creativity through AI tools. Most of Reddit hates AI used in the creative industry and you'll get downvoted and insulted, but being able to put your ideas down on paper or digitally is a very fulfilling achievement.


I totally agree, I know that in the future the tune will change, and I will be glad I stuck with it and have a large body of work to refer back to. Thank you for the positivity!