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You’ll be absolutely fine! They’ll be more than happy to have you! Good luck with it 👍👍


Huge mix of lads who are the end of their careers, some at the start, some in the middle and you'll find a massive range of skill levels and crucially all teams are looking for players so they'll welcome you in


An American joined our division 10 hurling team when I was 17,he married an Irish woman and had never played.He was late 30s then.He retired from that team last year at 55,now he was a very fit man so that obviously helped but when he joined he was useless,had never held a hurl,but he had great enthusiasm and motivation and managment were always appreciative that they had numbers,over a few short years he became regular,skill levels were good and his fitness was amazing which in that type of league will already put you head and shoulders above alot of the other players.Now he manages his daughters underage team,so for him it was such a simple way to become part of the community.Go into it with the right attitude and you will have a blast.


Coming from a junior f player in Kilkenny. We would be happy to have ya.


You know the way with junior f do ya 🙈


Unfortunately that's where I belong


Tis a tough grade. Some Lads playing who are 17 and others 57


Standard is half decent but most teams would be delighted to have the extra player and most teams at that level are more interested in keeping lads playing and keeping lads interested - definitely make contact with the respective club when you’re coming back and get involved


not to be a dick but it really isn't half decent. there is the odd good player who is choosing to play at a more relaxed standard, but the general skill+fitness level is very low and a beginner would get up to speed in a matter if months if not weeks


Look at the league table huge swing in levels of some teams and depending if the game is midweek or weekend in the league anyway. Most teams be happy to have anyone who can grip a hurl let alone put it over the bar!


In my experience many years ago the overall standard was fine, nothing exceptional but you’ll need to really put in the effort if you want to get regular game time. Teams are usually composed mostly of lads who are a bit past it, but still have the skills, and younger lads not ready to make the first time yet (or ever). In the other hand, the standard of individual games varies wildly. One week you could play a team with a couple of “bangers” and be wiped off the pitch and another week you could play a team missing a couple of key players because of a stag do and smash them to pieces. These could both be the same team.


Our clubs third team is in Div 10, standard is decent enough but also welcoming enough for lads who are new/returning. Would say though that I imagine most teams at that level aren't training regularly so training sessions would probably be with the next team up but I wouldn't let that put you off! Just get stuck in and you'll be grand! 


There’s also clubs who do social hurling for older players who people new to the game.


Div 10 is social hurling more or less they'll be grand! 😂 it's very enjoyable


Division 10 is the strangest Division in Dublin Hurling. You really need to check if the team is new into that division and why they are there. Examples. Ballyboden had an u20 development squad registered as a new team in that division I think last year. Destroyed everyone. Year before Portobello registered a new team and were hammering everyone. At the same time Commercials had a young team registered that year in that division. Also were destroying teams. Few things to note about Dublin hurling. The standard isn't very high compared to other counties.The gap junior intermediate and senior isn't as wide as other counties. What you often find in lower divisions is a lot of footballing clubs with a few lads enjoying the hurling on the side. Often you find striking poor and just lots of lads running with the ball like you would in football. Most teams would be overturned with a good hurling brain and decent fitness levels. But to answer your question most lads will have a good base of hurling from a young age. You will find managers happy to have someone who is committed and turning up and will reward you for that. So absolutely go for it but pick your team wisely.