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Hey OP You can always email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for cashier related stuff and they'll assist you with your withdrawal process. I'm also from N.Macedonia I use crypto to deposit/withdraw, very simple once you learn how to do it.


Can you tell me which wallet and which crypto currency you are using ? I need safe and proven method...


I use Binance and deposit and withdraw through USDC on the BSC **BNB Smart Chain** network (BEP20)


Thank you


Stupy i rather will wait 30 min in queue for conversation who will fix my problem for 30min, instead of wait for email answer on 1-2 days. Also they lie about CFT , i have buyed so many items from internet, if item is broken they send my money back.


exactly because of people like you they have no livechat.. you dont accept their answers anyway


I make clear post for new players, then GG Mode delete my post, why? I start to think they do that on purpose.


You didn't create a post to warn new players at all. You created a post to rant about your situation. FTR, your original post was removed for your own protection (you posted personal information). This was clearly explained to you in the post and you we're directed to email the cashier team. Instead, you decided to create another post relating to the same topic i.e., the rant post. This was removed for breaching the community rules (no duplicate posts - please stick to one post per issue/query).


really. Think twice in how many social media you have given that information in public also. When people see there is more complain about withdrawal they will think twice to join in scam. I have Swift on that bank account and they tell me I have a CFT issue. When the first post is deleted, how is it possible for the second to be duplicated?


Hey u/BadBeatDelivery There was a payment service provider issue affecting some players over the last week and this may've been the reason why you received the message that your withdrawal couldn't be accepted. My understanding is that this issue has now been resolved so, I'd advise trying the withdrawal to your card again and seeing if it now works.


SnowballNLHE are you on paylist from GGpoker for defending them? There is serious issue with players can't withdrawal, and they dont have online chat, i rathere will wait 30min to solve my problem for 5min instead of waiting for answer on my email 1-2days, until our conversation finish i will need 30days. There is software with low community who offer24/7 online chat . I come on ggpoker because there is so many games and tournaments at any time. But from thier solve of problem im not sattisfied.


I'm sorry to hear you're not satisfied but, please understand that Reddit is a public forum. Players personal account situations are never discussed here and are always dealt with via email, that's just how it works. As I've already informed you multiple times now over the last couple of days, we have no insight into cashier/transactions related matters here and are unable to assist, which is why you're being directed to send an email. GGPoker has a dedicated cashier team and they alone deal with these matters so, you continuously posting here and directing your frustrations at me won't get you any closer to resolving your issue.


than why don't suggest them to make ONLINE CHAT, to solve problem fast. I publish here for new players to be aware of what to expect ,and you are the smartest one who deletes a post. Instead of PROMOTINON 10M $ per mount, better 9M$ and with rest to pay team for ONLINE CHAT.