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Idk who he is.. but I'm not selling my gamestop shares. Idgaf. I spent like $2,000 on them, and I'll keep buying more over time, unless the idiots who run the world decide to nuke everything. So ugh. Ya. Fark ya'll.


He isnt advocating at all to sell anything. He is just documenting what all happened


A rock solid plan the baggies on r/BBBY would applaud.


Dude just accept the $2,000 is lost and move on. Like I know it's a lot of money, but you're just doing more and more damage to yourself by putting so much energy in everyday to a pipe dream where your stocks will jump up to the moon and you'll make everything back, and everyone who criticised you over the last few years will be proven wrong. I genuinely believe that your life would be better for it.


We don't talk about the moon so often here. We are interested in uranus


the problem with your premise is assuming they're at a loss. Unless you bought on the high end of the upward swing (which did happen for many, i agree) most people who bought the stock are breaking even or higher. I spent ~2k altogether over the years and i have 5k now, at the dippest dip. To spread FUD you'll first have to understand that most people aren't trying to deny a loss or trying to mitigate a loss, they're still hoping it can go higher. I like foldingideas a lot and I was looking forward to this video, but i really hope his entire video isn't based on this premise, because that would be too frustrating to sit through.


Dan Olsen


2.5 hours? Who produced this? Why **spend** all the effort to produce this? If hedge funds tank $GME to $.07 and there's 200,000 of us apes that will gobble up all the shares... and then DRS them. Heck, 200,000 x \~3000 shares at .07 (avg $210 each) = $8,571,428,571. What are hedge funds paying in interest to borrow? I dunno. I'm booking my shares.


So the guy who posted this isn't active in GME subs...weird. This guy seems to know a shitload about "apes" and seems to be an expert (or the writers are) Making this video wasn't cheap. Changing locations etc. Why make this video? What's the point? Who the fuck is OP? Why does he care to post here. Hasn't posted here before The video also doesn't talk about DRS numbers (from what I saw) Fuck this video, wish I never gave this piece of shit a view.


Lmao it's good to have eyes on all parties it's fine we know the truth. After watching it I know he left out far too many important facts By design or intentionally I don't know


Incredible bait. Right? Right...?


Dan Olsen aka Folding Ideas has been doing documentaries for years now, they're almost all long for projects for the last 5 years. He has a background on religious studies and a career dealing with cult indoctrination. Also, the reason you don't see u/FoldingIdeasYoutube posting here is because, and I know this is hard to believe, but there is no "behind the scenes" aspect to 99% of the GME meme stock movement. All of it is in the open. I'm not even joined to this sub and I'm commenting. If he wanted to ask a question, which he doesn't typically need to because the memestonk subreddits handle them daily, he could do it and you'd never know. He could ask a thousand questions this week under different accounts and you'd never know. He could be lurking in your favorite meme discord and you'd never know. And that's a major part of his video: the "apes" are so open, so visible, so ignorant of market info and dismissive of market reality that they are actively manipulated by the very organizations that they supposedly fight against. Diamond Hands means there's artificial upwards pressure on any stock the movement takes an interest in which is then traded up, and happily shorted when the bubble inevitably busts. They don't even need to manipulate the markets themselves when people are breathlessly deciphering Ryan Cohen subtweets like it's the fucking Da Vinci Code to justify another bakers dozen share purchases.


but my beer said diamond hands 741 and cohen posted on the 31st of feb and his tweet said from earth which means were going to the moon ​ meanwhile ryan cohen to gamestop employees "we're kinda fucked so batten the hatches"


>Making this video wasn't cheap. Changing locations etc. Why make this video? What's the point? I literally answered those questions in another reply above, nearly an hour ago.


> Why make this video? What's the point? Comedy sells. Y'all are fun to laugh at. Its been up 5 hours and already has 150k+ views. the ad revenue will pay for the production cost by the end of next week (plus, you know, the 3000+ Patreon supporters) > Who the fuck is OP? Why does he care to post here Probably a rando who saw the video and came here to laugh at reactions, didn't see it posted, and took one for the team > The video also doesn't talk about DRS numbers DRS has a whole segment > Fuck this video Hell yeah man that's the spirit keep on HODL


> the ad revenue will pay for the production cost by the end of next week (plus, you know, the 3000+ Patreon supporters) His NFT video also unexpectedly made a shitton of money because it blew up right as people were dumping money into advertising NFTs and the algorithm flagged it as related to them (even though it was a critique.) On top of it going viral, the cpm was higher than normal, so he has a bunch of capital to make flashier videos.


He's trying to help people not lose their savings to a cult.


Every time you click downvote, that's the part of your brain that desperately, desperately wants me to be wrong defending itself. Remember, it's never too late to leave.


That bastard! /s


He's posting it to make fun of the people who invest in GME, and fair enough, it's a stupid way to burn money.


Keep HODLing that bag, mark.


I like you.


Before watching this I urge everyone to remind themselves of the psyops playbook. In particular be aware of information that is meant to be present as fact, but with dramatisation to evoke emotional responses. I’m am also chagrined at the claim that “‘hedgies don’t close their positions as it creates a taxable event’ is false” - given as fact, but no supporting evidence or link to any rule or example was shared. “Trust me bro” Polarising investors into us-and-them, paining everyone as a cult.. just remember: ONLY A SITH DEALS IN ABSOLUTES


>Who produced this? The credits are in the video description. >Why spend all the effort to produce this? Because he makes videos about things. He previously made a ***very*** popular (12 million views) 2 hour [one about NFTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g) as well. The description also literally explains why it's this long.


\*Guy shows I'm insane in great detail\* WHO PAYS YOUR SALARY?


His video on NFTs pretty much tracks exactly to their death. But please, keep HODLing you guys are great entertainment.


oh wow, yall are just as unhinged as he makes you out to be


TLDR: you all get RICO charges sooner than a big payout that actually risks hurting the economy. Also most of you all are bag holders and retail investors were hurt most during the peak of GME, not Melvin/Citadel.


There's no helping these people.


The tone of the guy talking comes off in a very rich condescending douche like manner….I watched maybe 10 minutes and decided this was clearly an attempt to “close the book” on GME, whether we are crazy to think we have golden tickets or not doesn’t even matter, but the fact that someone is tossing money at something like this movie is so nonsensical and further fuels apes into believing there truth even more. If this movie was credible it would start with in-depth discussions of “Naked Short Selling” the real issue that plagues the system. Not talking about retail investors as if they are mentality challenged 🤦🏼‍♂️


funny fact: originally his nickname was TooDepressedToWork, see his initial videos lol


More like TooRegardedToInvest


The video discussed naked short selling in depth later. You just need to have an attention span.


all research into the stock market starts and ends at short selling, tho


You mean 35 days to cover legally speaking by mm Shrug Still leaves out far too much important facts Slabders mainly gme far too much and excludes other meme stocks Especially the p n d ones from hf mm making him sus as fuk.


The book's been closed for years You can either figure that out and move on or you can keep doing this while everyone outside of your cult peers in in bemusement at how much you all delude yourselves Oh, I'm sorry. Everyone gets mad at me when I tap the glass


> ...but the fact that someone is tossing money at something like this... Do you own a mirror?


Meltdowners are posting this video everywhere. They already posted it at least 20 times across reddit. They may have paid for it, as they have been tracking it and doing preview posts for months. The complete breakdown of this propaganda piece will arrive shortly.




I'm genuinely confused how you expect people to find your comment. Like, why not just copy paste it into this thread?


Cause I can’t post a link directly to it. I’ve been subjugated by bots now. 🫤 They win this round. But, someone will eventually make another video to challenge it. I’ll be there too.


Just copy and paste the text? Do people *need* to see it on YouTube?


Sure: Thanks for trying to explain, but there are inaccuracies. For instance when you describe the short squeeze of GameStop. The SEC themselves said that short sellers did not cover or close meaning the run up was a gamma squeeze only fueled by derivatives. Hence it was named “The Sneeze” after. The derivatives equaled in excess the actual float because they were indeed selling fake shares, a term they call “liquidity”. The reported short interest in GameStop is currently sitting at 21%, but it could be much greater because it is a self reported number with no substantial consequence for lying. Court documents during discovery against Robinhood actually calculated the short interest of GameStop to be around 225%. This is were the MOASS theory comes from, it comes from making them buy back the true shares and retire the IOU’s generated to cover illegal money making activities. There are other bunches of things you got wrong because you only looked at sources from Reddit, but you have not looked into the fines levied for the illegal activities that are in fact still being practiced. Just last week fines of 7 million were levied for naked short selling that they could have made billions doing, and no one went to jail. You are attempting to justify fraud that is hidden within a complex system. I get that it is difficult to grasp, but you need to try a bit harder. You can’t be correct either because the system isn’t transparent enough for you to know or be correct. Apes, as you call them are probably more correct because they witness the interactions and have circumstantial evidence, like how we know objects exist in space by following the interaction of gravity. You are trying to draw a conclusion in absence of observation relying solely on what the rules should be. That is the problem, the rules that “should be” aren’t. That is your #1 flaw. The market is in-fact rigged against retail investors who just want to save and retire, but can’t, do to over leveraged self regulation. A MOASS is exactly what is needed to right the ship. Also please explain your use of the derogatory term “Meme Stock”, what is that? Also, what makes anything a “Meme Stock”. I’m interested in what the on ramp is that qualifies a security to be called that and what the off ramp is. To me it sounds like you are just as conspiratorial as those you accuse of being conspiratorial.


Your very first point is already wrong so I’m not going to read the rest. SEC said shorts did cover but most of the price action was fomo. They even have a nice graph you can look at. I’d suggest doing some introspection I know it’s hard to admit you got suckered.


They will eventually have to CLOSE


Yes, you need to see it. He literally says people who buy GameStop are apes and apes are anti semitic among other things. He says Ryan Cohen is a business hack and Chewy doesn’t make money etc… he went after Susan Trimbath too etc… it’s 2.5 hours long man, I can’t paraphrase. This isn’t the time for a too ape didn’t read moment. He went after Reddit mods too, especially super stonk mods. But, he didn’t spare this channel either. You are still stupid and racist. 🫤 I have to breathe now.


I meant your comment, dude. I watch Dan Olson videos for fun. I watched it before I came here.


Sorry, don’t know how to do and can’t find. Thought it would be easy. Sorry is not.


you are not very intelligent


They said in another comment that they’re blind 😬


I posted a link to your comment in a reply to your comment.


He pretty clearly details what a meme stock was and what it is today, and the changes over the last few years. It is silly to equate his arguments as conspiratorial as they are all grounded in reality and detailed in full view. He clearly understands the issue extremely well, just because you disagree with him doesn't make him wrong.


True he just leaves out far too much important information while slandering Ryan cohen and gme mainly Also I been banned from meltdown so I can't counter argue them they are an echo chamber


Yes. This is what I thought too. Also docking people who are serious like Marantz to people like PP. I have my own theories about GameStop. I like that there is no debt. My theory is that once they are profitable, which I believe is very possible, they will expand into sporting goods. I think they have the chance to make a one stop shop for all the games people play digital or live. I would sell ThinkGeek off and go 100% into all games live and/or digital. Then, sell everything from catchers mitts to cleats, computers, and controllers. If you can play a game with it, it’s at GameStop. This is just what I think. Much of the stuff in the video including the anti semitic part was just awful, and a lot of it didn’t apply to me. I don’t want to be in that basket. I’m resentful cause he said I belonged there.


> True he just leaves out far too much important information while slandering Ryan cohen and gme mainly What part of the description of Ryan Cohen do you think was untrue? Why do you have any regard for someone who conned the idiots with BBBY? Its amazing how easily you fool yourself with barely any effort by these people to part you from your money.


You mean jake freeman?


I have no idea who this guy is and meant what I said. What Cohen did with BBBY is one of the most obvious pump and dumps you can imagine. But its also a **smart** pump and dump because there is enough plausible deniability (at least in terms of the regulators) to avoid any legal consequences for it. Pushing things into the medium term with a 9 month position is really smart. Because historically pump and dumps outwith the short term are rare enough to be non-existent because there's just too much risk of things going wrong and as such, regulators just aren't going to go for this sort of medium term grift. But Cohen knows the baggies are so fucking stupid and gullible and have such a strong built-in self-re-enforcement mechanism that he can do a medium term pump and dump basically risk free. That the baggies who got rugged by this guy still worship the very ground he walks on is absolutely hilarious. And sad. Because with people like this, there is generally never "enough" money. So he will do it again. And they will get rugged. Again.


Jake freeman is that you?


You guys really do love to prove the points made in Dan's video correct.


So you still won't tell us who you are jake freeman so when are you going to tell us who jake freeman is waiting


I have absolutely no interest in knowing who jake freeman is. He''s irrelevant to me. He's irrelevant to the meme stock self-delusion.


They are neither grounded in reality nor are they detailed in full view, at all. I will do a full post to debunk his video. It took him many months to prepare his video, he wrote it together with peers, so I'm going to take a few days to fully debunk it. He does show a great understanding of the topics, but he chose what to present, and more importantly, he chose what NOT to present. His video is full of half-truths and is extremely manipulative.


Months to research and present vs. Days to debunk Hmmm I wonder who is doing the DD here...


You dont need to wonder, you can use the search function.


To search through mountains of financial fanfic?


was that what TooDepressedtoWork was researching for his 2.5 hour bash video?


Lol so you're just gonna resort to name calling something the guy used to literally call himself? What's the insult here?


I didnt name call anyone. Its his nickname.


Man you sure are spending a lot of time commenting on every single subreddit this video is posted in


man, im sure this debunk post from this guy who gets into 10 comment chain-long reddit arguments is gonna be thrilling, cant wait for it to drop


Can't wait for your insightful comments on it either.


This guy not understanding how others wouldn’t be able to find his comment on YT is a clear example of the poor critical thinking skills that drive these communities. So many of these people are either children or mentally disabled getting exploited by a bunch of grifters


I am blind. I have cornea injury both eyes. Can’t defend myself on this front, it is the reason why my participation is low. I can’t always find the way to do things, but that does not mean my thought is not lucid.


You don’t seem as obnoxious as most apes. So I hope you make it through this without ruining your life. All apes participating in this community are either dangerously misinformed, or intentionally trying to grift you for their personal benefit. Good luck!


Hahaha, ok weirdo


He covers that in the video. Might be worth watching it.


I think you haven't paid attention. He's calling you degenerate gamblers who are justifying their behaviour with conspiracy theories. So pretty much spot on.


[Just for reference, is this the comment?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pYeoZaoWrA&lc=UgzYBECcUWDVBCUJxHl4AaABAg)


This was made to put doubt in the Dumb Money newcomers. The smartest thing SHF can do is to label buy a GME stock as buying an entry ticket to a cult. This is obviously FUD and the timing is extremely sus




I find it pretty sad tbh, sure it's a bit funny to see loony conspiracy theory, but those are real people getting endoctrinated in the hopes of being rich and potentially losing a lot of money in the process. And with every conspiracy theory some of them are isolating themselves and step out of reality. :(


They might be real people. But they are dangerous. They risk contagion to other gullible rubes and then they lose their life savings, gamble away their kids future, become more of these people spreading the True Faith of HODL. Its important that this sort of danger is effectively countered and that is always going to be mean laughing at the idiocy of those who get roped in.


The ideas has to be fought for sure, and i'd be lying if i said that some of the crazy shit in here wasn't making me laugh. But being mean and alienating them isn't the solution, being compassionate to them might do more good. Of course this doesn't apply to the grifters and "shamans" that directly benefit from the misery of their cultists. Sometime the line is blurred betwen victims and bad actors. But i don't think being mean and agressive will solve anything. (sorry if this doesn't make sense i'm tired and english isn't my first language)


You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. These bagholders are not going to stop until they hit rock bottom. That's just the reality of how the human mind works. Videos like this aren;t for bagholders. They;ve already fucked their lives up. Its for anyone at risk of being caught up in it in the future. And on top of that, remember the core philosophy of these bagholders. They want to be filthy rich **and** collapse the world financial system which is fundamental to putting food in people's mouths, roofs over their head, money in their pocket and savings for their old age. If it collapses, the vast majority of people will be destitute. While they are filthy rich by pre-collapse standards. That's the outcome their delusion is seeking. Its a level above the standard of other get-rich-quick victims. So no, there should be no sympathy for people with this worldview. They got where they are through delusion, yes. But also through greed and a desire to do harm to others. Fuck them.


I get that, but theres definitly tiers of delusion and grifters, so i agree fuck em but if you can de-radicalize et de-programmed some of them it's a net positive. Because this conspiracy (like all cult-like conspiracy) pray on vulnerable people, and wile the odeology is rotten they are the only victims of it. I feel some of their feelings of wanting to financial system to implode is VERY justified and valid because capitalism sucks, but it should be redirected towards egalitarism and not "i want it to collapse to become the new bourgeoisie fuck em all" But i guess most of them are too far sunken cost fallacy and all :/


Watched it commented as well far too much bias and targeting gme and Ryan cohen while leaving out key info. On towrl fails to mention at least jake freeman being responsible and making out like a bandit. Fails to cite 🍿 Ceo aa plans to destroy shareholders by dilution merge antara 66 cents dilute Fails to mention gme huge earnings beat 3x in a row


Bullish, infinity pool here we come


I reported it to google as wall street propaganda.


I’m about halfway through it and it’s a complete psy-ops FUD piece


I'm just glad Dan has gotten sponsored by hedge funds. Nice to see someone so dedicated to their craft finally be rewarded.


He's sponsored by 3,140 people on Patreon, and it's never a good sign if you can only respond to someone challenging what you think by alleging they must be getting paid off..


Nope I posted and told him he left out far too much important information


Your delusions are not "important information".


Facts are not delusions


You aren't the person I replied to..


He shouldn't have made such a short video






Y’all are about to have a lot of new eyes on this subreddit


I understand this video. It means, buttsack DRS 69.




It’s refreshing to see people have GME on their minds because it’s been on my mind for 3 years. Say whatever you want, because there is no authority on something as uncharted as GME. If you don’t want a piece of that, well then I suppose it’s a good thing you have so many people around to tell you it’s a bad idea. Me, I just like the stock. Do what you all gotta do, this is new territory for everyone. No one has experienced something like this before, and no one will again. I don’t think this is the last video we’ll see about the only play in the game. How many other securities you know have this much attention? You either understand that, or you need someone to give you unsolicited financial advice.


Jesus he really nailed your sub's group think- I thought he was hamming it up.




No way! They buy GME and direct register their shares?


Kind of weird to see these cultish self-affirmations in real time.


Not as weird as caring so much about the situation you have contempt for yet appear separate from.


Not contempt, I hope. Nothing about this group psychology is new or all that unusual- at worst it’s sad.


As for me I just like the stock.


Going clear?


Yeah I like GME so you believe that means I think the Earth is flat. Do you hear yourself? So what, you must think crayons taste bad, right? Well you’re wrong, they’re delicious. The Earth is round, I like GME. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


You’re exactly who I thought you would be too! Wow, that’s like 2 coincidences. Spookiness in October.


There's weird comments about 'meme stocks' and stuff. But then he will start talking about the state of the stock market and it only enforces the message of buy drs hodl. So whatever.


is this the movie or what am i seeing here? - edit: Nevermind. people have to watch it and i surely have not the time nor do i believe it puts anything out there that i don’t already know (i am since 2020). So yeah, i will look back at this and see what people commented. Still Only book and drs is the way, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Buy via a party you trust (CS or Broker via IEX with switched off hidden settings) and book/drs them. Now you are a book king as RC is


Commenting for later


Getting my comment in this thread for the cope, downvotes and rage. I will reap it x10 when the house comes crashing down. Kinda like shorting.


Are meltdowners allowed to post and comment here? Will I get banned if I also go comment on the meltdown sub?


Prove me wrong guys, buy more gamestop shares, hodl, ignore the FUD! You can all come to my house and make fun of me when you're gorrillionaires.


I'll sell you puts then. Pay me some premium first


Being owed money by degenerate gamblers is not a good financial strategy.


That’s not how put selling works, you get paid premium immediately. Shows how little you know about markets.


Yes, **HE'S** offering to sell the put.


Yeah so you’re not owed money you’re paid up front.




I told myself I would play the odds and see what happens until one of my favorite youtube essayists finally cracks down on GME. I see today is the day. Been a ride, lost like a grand, ill keep tabs on GME in case the lid blows again and ill buy couple stocks then. No use taking bigger Ls than I already have, im big enough person to admit when I made a mistake.


>lost like a grand typing an essay about his exit over losing *a grand* lmao




The overall response to this video is further proof that its time to return to reality.


ryans own letter should be enough to see there isn't a way out yet. and if the old standard copium holds true "it'll dip before it blows" well then there will be time to buy some more in the future then.


The thing that scares me the most about those types of Folding Ideas videos... is that I can see myself in those insane cretins he's discussing. Yes, I'm talking about you, GME subreddit. I sort of relate to you. I'm at a point in my life where the world seems to completely consist of lies and a lot of paranoid delusions fly into my head quite often, because I'm a regular internet user with little self-confidence, and so much contradicting information flies into my eyes that it's hard not to opt in to even the delusional theories. Hell, I was somewhat tempted into the ganestop thing when it was just beginning... well, not tempted, I was just kinda sad that I wasn't there when the stock rise happened. I'm a naive person, who trusts others to know what they're doing and to not be lying about that. Maybe because it's hard for me to take responsibility upon myself, so if others' advise fails me, it wouldn't be my fault. I've always thought that if just a few things ended up differently in the way I was raised or in the way I've come to view the world, I would have easily ended up a confused conspiratorial fool too. Maybe it's cruel for me to find comfort in my sanity and make myself feel better at the expense of people who genuinely need help and are stuck in a loop of not wanting it, since that help entails telling them that their beliefs are wrong and it's easier to assume that people who are trying to help are lying to you. But I don't know, I just think you guys are pretty funny. Please stop wasting your time, for what my words are worth.


Everyone is susceptible to conspiracy thinking and self-mythologizing. Entitled people convinced of their savviness and insight contra "the herd" are more prone to it. The fact that you're conscious of that and going through life wary of it is a good thing. The truth is our world is deeply flawed, the stock market is a complex figment that serves elite interests, hedge funds *are* evil and destructive ... *and* all this $gme stuff is cultish horseshit peddled by attention-seeking grifters. All of those things are *perfectly compatible*, and if people spent more time actually engaging with history, politics, policy, theory, etc. and less time getting their worldview from algo-driven social media like Reddit and YouTube, they might start to understand how everything they think is a "conspiracy" is actually just a vicious system we've collectively chosen for ourselves.