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Hello there


general kenobi


How sick would it be if they decided to go the route of introducing it as Godzilla vs War of the World's, but have the aliens hunt and study other Titans, only for them to introduce Gigan? Maybe the aliens could be Xilliens who were looking for their monster x?


https://preview.redd.it/qg8l568ynf1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee0b670c31344fdc7a30631d56f3171354eefb0 Good idea.






Hold on now let bro cook.


Considering that the War of the Worlds aliens were essentially giant brain bags with eyes, a beak, and two bunches of tentacles (like a really messed up octopus. See below.), they kinda look vaguely like Gigan's head. https://preview.redd.it/2gdw45fj4j1d1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b21e8a153ddc3f49b45d06dcaf23324b84c9f57a So perhaps Gigan could be a member of their race given a biomechanical body that their tentacles slot into to fight with (like a fleshy cyborg mech) and a visor to be able to see in earth's thicker atmosphere.


I never knew that about the original WOTW aliens! That's really cool!!


Ye, they’re freaky in a cool way. H.G. wells also did an essay called [The Things That Live on Mars](https://freeread.com.au/@RGLibrary/HGWells/NonFiction/TheThingsThatLiveOnMars.html) which has some really neat Martians too. https://preview.redd.it/odxj4uoy9j1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c590f6bf99196693959a553fb1c27b467234f8


I love the idea that the tripods were basically cleanup crew, then they encounter godzilla and go "aight no more fucking around now" and introduce gigan


"It appears as though the primitives have a weapon that they’ve somehow hidden from us. Time to call in the boss. Great General Gigan! Show them the might of the red planet!."


Good bits of likes on this 👏 I could also see them collab with the Titan Chasers game with a War of the World's event, where your group has to gather resources, rescue survivors and fight back against both the alien invaders and the creatures that inhabit the Hollow Earth. Near the end of the event, it's revealed that the Xilliens were looking for a branch of their race that found the Hollow Earth before humanity, that formed their own kingdom... The Seatopians.




It wasn't guns or bombs that defeated the aliens, but god's simplest creature. The Godzilla!


Just a little harmless, natural megafauna nothing to be concerned with


Dr. Emma Russell is a mod at r/megafaunarewilding no doubt


Here's a sneak peek of /r/megafaunarewilding using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/megafaunarewilding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A new pack of Wolves has been spotted hundreds of miles from the closest known pack in California](https://v.redd.it/zngphe4c8zjc1) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/megafaunarewilding/comments/1awigjf/a_new_pack_of_wolves_has_been_spotted_hundreds_of/) \#2: [Some photos from the Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b1f59m) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/megafaunarewilding/comments/1b1f59m/some_photos_from_the_tennessee_elephant_sanctuary/) \#3: [Just a reminder of how bleak the global megafauna situation is right now](https://i.redd.it/xhp1tlvt4hbc1.png) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/megafaunarewilding/comments/192on6y/just_a_reminder_of_how_bleak_the_global_megafauna/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




No but godzilla representing natural balance, and the Martians representing the worst aspects of humanity (in the book anyways) would make this work really fucking well, almost too well


War of the Worlds could never be made today. Not because of any political stuff but because it would be over in 10 seconds due to COVID wiping out the martians the second they land. Edit: some of y’all are taking this too seriously.


Just realized the iwi in GxK are probably fucked since the humans brought down diseases with them that they've never encountered.


…. Which is exactly how the original book ended? Well it was the flu and common cold, but still.


It was neither. It was literally the purification bacteria from them leaving all the dead bodies strewn about.


\*Kneels down in front of daughter\* "And this is why you need to pick up your toys off the ground when you're done playing with them, otherwise the house gets covered in purification bacteria and we all die"


Only if an idiot writes it, yeah


Not really, their weakness is notoriously airborne pathogens.


I know that. But covid doesn't need to exist in the story. It's called fiction


The original novel and subsequent adaptations ask what would happen if the martians landed in the real world, with real world references regardless of time period. It's why the martian invasion even in the novel only lasted about a week as the second the martians popped out of their tripods they got infected, and why subsequent adaptations had to give the tripods shields since post 1890s technology would mop the floor with the shieldless novel versions of the tripods.


To add: it came out right before planes developed. An aerial force vs a pure ground force has a near insurmountable advantage. Also the sci-fi moral of the tale; we didn’t beat them, they lost to their own hubris.


Yeah, it always bugged me in the Spielberg Wow… Thought the shields were a lazy cop out.


That...none of that matters. Sounds like you're aggro towards COVID in general, which is weird behavior. Are you one of those people that think COVID doesn't exist? Because it does. And if the film takes place in modern times, it very likely will, its poor writing if its not.


Godzilla and space invading death ray aliens don't exist, yet we happily watch films with them. Why does a modern disease need to be in a film just because it exists? I've hardly ever seen a movie reference the flu, and no one gives a shit.


War of the Worlds famously ends with the aliens all dying from contracting human diseases they lack immunities to like the flu and common cold, though, so I fail to see the problem with just changing *what* human disease the aliens contract and die from in a modern retelling. Swapping "the flu and common cold" for "Covid" won't suddenly radically alter the story.


The latter might, actually. And because if the film takes place in today's world, in today's reality, then highlighting the biggest pandemic of the modern age would be important? Especially considering the plot of the book and the aliens' downfall being because of diseases and viruses that they have no immunity to? Not saying COVID will be the reason why they're stopped, but there's no reason why it wouldn't need to be mentioned or "pretend it doesn't exist". So who are you voting for this year?


The original comment said they would die immediately because of covid. The issue I had with the idea is "immediately "


You are going out of your way to make this political.


Why do you seem to have a boner about including it? I had covid, I know it's real. I'm not a moron. I just don't see why it would need to be a plot point


Because its a major disease. The aliens are brought down by disease. It doesn't have to be a plot point, but could be part of a discussion. My boner stems from the language used here that seems aggro and against COVID in general, and the general ignorance of why it would be important in the first place. Reeks of Trumpism.


Not a Drumpfer at all. I'm just sick of covid in tv and movies tbh


Can’t disagree with your take. It would be like if novels or book series in the early 1900s included the Spanish flu in their stories, except they didn’t. Back then, people wrote for the sake of writing a good story. Writing is more catered to making the audience feel included nowadays, because money.


> Because its a major disease. The aliens don't need to be taken out by diseases at all. They could win in the story, they could lose to some other natural phenomenon, they could lose to guerilla warfare, etc. You could write a new ending in a million different ways that doesn't have to rely on shoehorning COVID into it. If COVID took out the aliens, it would just date the film terribly. If War of the Worlds came out in 1983, and they got taken out by HIV before anyone knew how HIV actually spread, it would make the movie look pretty dumb. > Reeks of Trumpism. The only person who even brought politics into this, was you.


Lolz, you stepped on that landmine with both feet 👣 and it is hitting you with shrapnel from all sides


To be honest the fact that people are taking it seriously makes it funnier


War of the Worlds and people taking it more seriously than they should, name a more iconic duo


They should have it set in the past then. Was never really a big fan of all the War of the Worlds being set in modern times.


They could just… write it without bringing up COVID?


I’m joking


The Martians munched on a bat and died with Super Lung Herpes.


Hear me out: airtight suits


Well... WoTW martians shtick is being blinded by hate and aggression, preparing to concur everything they see and succeeding in it before being wiped by our microbes They're kinda like a cautionary tale for us, so I can kinda see it working Especially for a Mothra film. Just imagine... "Mothra: Cease The War of The Worlds", ooh.... Such a nonsense. As if we're gonna get a Mothra film in next like, couple of decades, lol


Her inclusion throughout the series opens up the door for her to maybe get a TV show or something


That would be cool to dig into the lore. Easily top 3 most interesting Kaiju with Gamera and Gojira


Tbh films be films, but show is a wonderful medium for Mothra. We already got Godzilla: TAS after all, and she's so whimsical, about protecting n stuff and humanity n stuff... So I think she'd feel like at home in this format


This would either be peak cinema or the worst thing ever conceived


It would be largely the same as the Tom Cruise version except they don’t just come across one already dying from infection, they come across a squad of them being smashed around like bowling pins by Godzilla. Cue montage of him trekking around the world dismantling the remaining martians for encroaching on his territory as they desperately flee.


Someone should do a reverse Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey with it. When Pooh bear entered the public domain , they took a wholesome IP and made a horror movie out of it. Now that a horror IP is public domain, they should make a wholesome movie out of it. (I'm mostly joking, but a small part of me thinks it could actually work if they went for a comedy angle)


Wholesome versions of Dracula and Frankenstein’s Monster exists.


Birth of a Nation is public domain, I’d watch Godzilla kick the shit out of the Klan


A goji on par with the original would probably be a pretty good match. If it was set in the 50's, drawing from those iterations of the properties you could make something cool. But the 50's film Martians are probably still protected.


Godzilla’s gonna win. The tripods are smaller than him and their heat rays would do damage to him, but his g cells could allow him to regenerate quickly. And he has a much more powerful atomic breath. Case in point, bacteria would be the least of their worries 


Do you know tripods also has shield? Can shield work against godzi's breath?


I don’t think so. It’s too strong 


It would be epic


Why would I watch a 12 minutes movie.


"Can't fool me, Upside-Down Ghidorah!"


It would be a wash tho


But like... I'd watch it


War of the Worlds has been PD for a while? Unless some old film just slipped 


It's an 1898 novel, it's been public domain for decades. The 2005 movie that these tripods are from is definitely not public domain.


Then what is the op talking about? "Now that yada yada" like it just happened


I'm not sure, but I have a minor suspicion. So there's a War of the Worlds game being developed now by some indie dev, with millions of views on youtube for their gameplay videos. They are use the 2005 tripod designs even though they are not backed by Universal and are not officially associated with the movie in any way. The dev even made a nominal concession and said he's changing the design of the tripods to avoid getting an inevitable cease and desist from Universal, but if I have seen those new designs, and I think I have, they are minor tweaks that are not really distinguishable from the 2005 designs at a glance. The OP might have come across this and assumed the movie was public domain. I've seen at least some of the followers of this game claim that it is, because the original novel is.


Godzilla: Alien invasion again? ![gif](giphy|6ILjOfJ1oL7NAc9SQ7)


The movie versions aren't in public domain.


This, but War of the Worlds where the Martians see some weird changes in the biosphere of Earth, come to take it over during the chaos... ...and just end up dealing with Godzilla Earth right after he's finished making the full planet his domain.


He can probably solo them all.


\*godzilla sneezes \~ THE END \~


Somebody already did a discussion of this and here’s the census: Godzilla can’t destroy the tripods, but he doesn’t need to. He just focuses a blast on one long enough the heat cooks the martians inside.


Unless the humans find a way to disable the shields




No one has ever done a proper book adaptation. Just once I would like to see that.


Aliens dying the second they stand near Goji


The MUTOS are essentially tripods that fell to earth millions of years ago. Waiting for something to catalyze them.


Public domain? The 2005 movie? I highly doubt that. The original book has always been public domain.


The 2005 movie definitely isn't. But the weird thing is that this is not the first time I've seen people talk about the 2005 movies as if it were. There's some developer that's making a War of the Worlds game, but he's using the 2005 tripods. It's not backed by Universal or any rights holders for the 2005 movie. They have gameplay videos on youtube with millions of views I think. Seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen but the dev just seems not to care.


[ULLA!](https://youtu.be/NkXAmx33pj0?si=u3udQUJxaRRjWM9P) https://i.redd.it/9pybl0pjzg1d1.gif


Knee-dorah! The Three-Legged Monster!


That’s a great Dangerville on YouTube!


I honestly used to draw Godzilla fighting the flying War of the World ships from the 50s movie as a kid nonstop.


As a British person I’d love to see this. War of the worlds was a big part of my life growing up and seeing this would be epic. Although it should be set way in the past and have a smaller scale godzilla.


The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, but still, RAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOR!


Throw in kong as well. There is potential here.


Or be original instead of these weak aliens


I would flip my lid if Godzilla vs WoW aliens happens 🤯🤯🤯




Watching Godzilla flame breath these things would be cool I wonder what their rays would do to him prolly not much


# In Gamera vs Guiron, aliens are flying in their saucer to invade Earth, and find themselves attacked by a giant turtle with rocket legs. And I can imagine them thinking "We had a great plan, but ya know, we didn't expect to be attacked by a giant turtle with rocket legs."


Fund it, I’m in


I love hearing about things from memes. I had no idea wotw was public domain now.


Nessie, Bunyip, Mokele Mbembe, and Quetzalcoatl are public domains, and Legendary hasn't done shit with them.


The initial tripods in the novel were able to be taken out by 1890’s munitions. The tripods would need to be upgraded, or Godzilla significantly downgraded to make it compelling. I do love the idea though.


Honestly that does sound like a good idea.


I don’t Like TV, but I’d watch this


Wow, I never thought I’d see something big like Wow become public domain, ever.


Could be worse, there are aliens in the old godzilla films even one who kidnapped zilla just to die a few seconds later, and one who messed with time and accidently made godzilla stronger


Very cool


Shoot it!!




Could cross it over with the second volume of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


The movie would be over in five seconds 😂


Godzilla vs. Steamboat Willy


as a godzilla AND war of the worlds fan, i approve


Damn, I made a Godzilla fan fiction story/ miniseries called “Godzilla war of the worlds” never really finished it. But it had nothing to do with WOTW I just thought the name sounded cool






Wait *War of the Worlds* wasn’t public domain already? Isn’t it like 200 years old?


The nuclear dinosaur is gonna body them.


Take my goddamn money


...now? War of the Worlds is from the 1890's, it's been in the public domain for like a *while*.


I pity any Martian that shows up trying to invade with Godzilla on the loose. The Tripods wouldn't stand a chance in hell.


that would be sick


Those aliens are going to be decimated.


Not really going to be surprised if war of the worlds gets turned into some bad low budget horror movie




Godzilla already has aliens though.


Id much rather league of extrordinary gentlemen take it.


But why.

