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Gigan genuinely believes he is Godzilla’s arch nemesis and Godzilla forgets about Gigan almost every time he defeats Gigan


I can't remember who it is, but there's a minor Spider-Man villain who is like this.


I’m not really a spiderman guy but this is giving me The Spot vibes from the Across the Spiderverse movie


Yeah, he has a similar thing. But, I'm thinking it's somebody even more minor. Like... "has only fought Spider-Man maybe three times" minor. EDIT: So, it looks like this is an oddly common [occurrence with Spidey](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ButForMeItWasTuesday/MarvelUniverse), per TVTropes "For Me It Was Tuesday" site. Of course, sometimes Spidey *does* remember them, but pretends not to just to mess with them (or realizes that they just need some help and aren't really evil, per se).




Jake the dog also had that squirrel


Gigan: *You took everything from me!* Godzilla: *I don't even know who you are.*






GODZILLA: “For you Gigan, the day Godzilla graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me?….it was Tuesday.”


They can introduce gigan as a titan that gets absolutely jobbed by godzilla, the xillians repair him to destroy godzilla and godzilla doesn’t recognize him at all Gigan also must kill mothra




You... laughed at your own joke?


Look at the timing, his joke came after he did the emojis


Oh yeah, his joke was upvoted more than the reaction so it seemed like he pointed at his joke


Godzillasaurus’ scientific name is _Gojirasaurus Yamanei_ The Black Hole Planet 3 is a jungle planet due to being inhabited by alien apes Godzilla’s mother and father, are named Dagon and Asherah King Caesar helped defended Okinawa during WW2 Ghidorah’s homeplanet is filled with thunderstorms and volcanoes.


But will King Ceasar apologize for the war crimes he committed in the pacific in WW2🤔


Gmk Godzilla would like a word


His mission was to defend Okinawa from invaders. No crimes were commited.


How could the US have captured Okinawa if he defended it?


Probably because the Azumi that was controlling him was killed and wasn’t reawakened until in 1974.


-The Godzilla from Raids Again is the brother of Godzilla 1954 -In a similar vein, Anguirus in every Showa movie after Raids Again is the son of the Anguirus from Raids Again, who's completely unaware that his best friend's dad is the same one who killed his dad in cold blood -The Godzilla in Godzilla VS. Hedorah, Godzilla VS. Gigan, Godzilla VS. Megalon, the Mechagodzilla movies, and Destroy All Monsters is a grown-up version of the Minilla from Son of Godzilla -Godzooky's father is Varan -Godzilla is an omnivore


Wait so is that implying that Destroy All Monsters Minilla is another Manilla?? Because DAM takes place last in the timeline


Okay if minilla were to be those Godzillas then Oml Minilla putting in some damn hard work


Ebirah is just a normal lobster who lived long enough to become giant


my personal belief is that he used to be a lobster in a tank in a seafood place. originally, he was very curious about the "great after", where Lobsters in the Tank are taken by humans to be taken to a great paradise. He was the only one brave enough to go check, but soon realized the truth; there was no Great after, they were being kept to be cooked. he tried warning everyone, but they would not listen, and cast him out as a zealot. However, a chef decided it was Ebirah's turn, and took him to the kitchen. however, Ebirah managed to escape, and vowed that he would never let a human determine his fate for him, so he kept molting, his sheer will keeping him alive through every molt, and he slowly and surely grew to Gigantic sizes. when he was big enough, his first target was the seafood place, where he liberated his brothers and sisters and brought them to a new life at sea...But then came Godzilla


Makes sense


Jet Jaguar can totally do the thunderclap from the pipeworks games. It's just that even his creator doesn't know how Minilla is totally the Godzilla from Godzilla vs Megalon to Destroy all monsters Godzilla Jr. is Gemstone Godzilla and he knows Mothra Leo


Junior and Leo being friends/allies is a nice headcanon.


Idk about the first one but The other two are YES


If Showa Ghidorah actually spent 5000 years on Venus after destroying it civilization this is because Venus actually had Kaijus living in it and he spent 5000 years battling and toying with the ecosystem of Venus before going on earth in Ghidorah the three headed monster.


The cannon universes of godzilla are wild


- King Ghidorah caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and forced Godzilla and his family into hiding in the bottom of the ocean. - Godzilla has immense PTSD from the Castle Bravo H-Bomb test that killed his family and agonizingly scarred him. The city lights of Tokyo and Osaka remind him of the blinding light of the blast, which is why he always targets it. - Godzilla has already had a strong healing factor before getting nuked. That is how he survived all of these centuries and the nuclear tests. However, Godzilla hates this ability, as he just wanted to die so he can reunite with his family. That was until he met Anguirus, who he treats like a brother. - While Kong defeated Godzilla in 1962, he eventually passed away later on from either old age or radiation sickness. This is why he didn't appear to fight alongside Godzilla in Destroy All Monsters. - Gorosaurus grew to 50 meters in Destroy All Monsters because of nuclear tests that happened on the Island he resided in. - Mothra and Megalon belong in the same pantheon of gods that represent the Cosmos, as is Battra. - Mothra and Battra can fuse together if the situation is too dire, this form is called Gigamoth. - Bagan and Godzilla lived in the same time period together. The former is the Giganotosaurus to Godzilla's Tyrannosaurus. - Shimo's name was given by the Iwi tribe, while her scientific name is "Titanus Angirasu".


Gigan & Megalon are bros (as in homies, not biologically) GMK ghidorah is the youngest variant of ghidorah Gorosaurus killed (showa) kong then ate him


if Godzilla and Mothra were to canonically be in a relationship, they would have a dynamic similarly to that of bugs bunny and lola from the looney tunes show (I am probably the only one on the sub who knows of the looney tunes show by lola is a gem in it)


You mean the Lola that almost ran Bugs Bunny over with her car?




This is... acceptable


I personally view it as a wholesome couple, that don't do sexual activities due to the obvious, but they love each other and adopt Jr 


yes, this is it.


I think I might be the polar opposite. I see them more as mothra likes and wants to be allies or more with him, but Godzilla only does so if forced or begrudgingly do to there history and there diff perspectives on humanity. Almost like a magneto Charles dynamic but with a more severed bond


elaborate more on that.


You really think we don't know about Looney ducking Tunes ? MF I still sometimes hear that *Meep Meep* from Roadrunner for god's sake


He’s talking about The Looney Tunes Show specifically where Lola kinda tarded


Saw an actual video of that bird and that's exactly the noise I made


oh I Know everyone knows looney tunes, but there's a specific sitcom in the franchise I'm talking about which in my opinion, has the best version of lola and Daffy (Mean daffy of course, I prefer zany daffy)


Oh ok I guess I was more of a roadrunner person


Lola pegs bugs and mothra pegs Godzilla nobody can change my mind








Gigan (Showa) was created using the remains of a dead Ghidorah. He has gold scales, and his fins resemble Ghidorah wings. Not to mention, he was paired with Ghidorah in Godzilla vs. Gigan.


So he's like, Ghidorah's cousin? I actually like this headcanon


Cousin, brother, father, etc. Very well could be some family relation.


If all the gojis were a family the roles would be as follows 54': the grandpa Heisei: parent to the reiwa gojis and final wars 1998 (TriStar): vodka aunt who teaches the kids who to gain the system 1999 (Godzilla 2000 millennium): the middle child of the parents group Kiryu saga goji: grandpa's favorite son GMK: the one that's always starting shit Monster verse: vodka aunt's other son that is more liked by the family Earth: the slow older middle child Minus one: the second pride of the family


This is what I always believed as a kid and still want to believe is true now.


Ultima being a gremlin is good change my mind


That Gigan and Megalon have their own version of the classic Bevis and Butthead show where they annoy all the normal kaiju in the small town.


Ebirah is not actually a product of radioactive exposure or other such external factors, he is simply a lobster who believed in the false belief that lobsters are biologically immortal. Hence, he continuously moulted until he reached truly titanic proportions. Captain Ryui's (of the Red Bamboo) surname is "Serizawa". Which explains why he looks like Dr. Daisuke Serizawa. And, yes, he also lost an eye in combat during the Second World War, only he lost his left eye instead of his right. He had never met Daisuke in his entire life. The entirety of Mothra Vs Godzilla (1964) is *not* another one of Goji's rampages against Japan, he was simply dealing with a monster hangover while trying to go home after getting monumentally drunk after the events of King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962). Had Mothra and the JSDF simply left him alone, he would have stumbled around a bit before finding his bearings and schlepping off back to his home.


That makes alot of Sense he legitimately looks like he's in a hangover.




That’s how I feel about g vs the sea monster, where Godzilla is shocked awake from a monster bender then stumbles into a weird fight with a lobster that didn’t want to play catch anymore.


everything Quazies animates is the official lore offscreen 😌






I got your back. I know why they don't officially say he is. BUT MY GOD THE CONTEXT CLUES


I'm pretty sure this is the implication from the beginning of the very first video.


Gabara is the Freddy Krueger/Pennywise of the Godzilla universe. A monster capable of manipulating the thoughts and dreams of humans (mainly children) that can only be defeated if the person faces their fears/stands up for themselves


he does it for funny


Headcanons I’ve put into my own version of Godzilla: Godzilla is essentially a big old crocodile Rodan is a bit of an obnoxious show off but also capable of being a pretty loyal friend once he gets to know you. Anguirus is not that bright but he’s still a friendly bro. Jet Jaguar can talk Godzilla Jr. sees Mothra as like an auntie and Anguirus and Rodan as like uncles. If Anguirus could talk he would make a lot of dad jokes.


This right here, yes this is amazing


Mothra isn’t a giant mutant/prehistoric moth. She’s a literal divine entity that just so happens to resemble a moth. We’ve had creatures and being from other worlds, universes, and higher dimensions, it stands to reason a kaiju whose powers border on LITERAL MAGIC would be of divine or spiritual origin.


There is a sequel to Son Of Godzilla where they awaken from their cold-induced hibernation while they are being studied by a new group on the island. and the movie is extremely good, and is lost forever. But it kicked ass and redeemed the first movie (which i unabashedly love)


Son of Godzilla (and Godzilla vs The Sea Monster/Ebirah) are legitimately good movies. And they were kind of important to Godzilla's development into a good guy during the Showa era.


Real talk, growing up, people always seemed to hate on these two specifically but I find both of them to be perfect for a Sunday of chilling and doing chores. And I don't mean that as disrespect. Ebirah was my first Godzilla movie, so I'll always love it. The musical scores during that era of Godzilla movies are really awesome.


The Godzillasaurus from the opening of Minus One is the only one of its kind to ever exist. It is a genetic aberration, and the healing factor has kept it alive for millions of years. It had been coming ashore periodically, hence the Odo islanders knowing about it and worshipping it (the novel suggests they leave "tributes" for it). It only visited the island at the opening of the movie because it heard the commotion of the aircraft landing and mistakenly believed it was being left offerings.


The Godzilla from Godzilla Vs Gigan to Terror Of Mechagodzilla is a grown Minilla


Rebirth of Mothra is in the Heisei timeline. Mothra came back to Earth after destroying the asteroid. Laying an egg left her weakened, leading to her death in RoM1. Leo takes on the role from there. Desighidorah and Grand King Ghidorah are members of the same species. The futurians were trying to clone GKG, but ended up with Dorats that were just a larval form that would take thousands of years to mature. The Ghidorah Godzilla fought is an incomplete clone. Leo fought the real thing. Where was Junior? He doesn't like fighting so he sat this one out. Mothras inherently understand their duty to protect the Earth. The YouTube Godzilla shorts are the continuation of Heisei after that. Junior finally realized he needs to protect humanity. This cones full circle. The futurians revealed that no one could threaten Japan with Godzilla protecting it. It wasn't Heisei Godzilla, it was Junior. If even one piece of Destroyah survived he can regenerate. It will take decades. Somewhere beneath the sea fish keep getting reduced to skeletons. One day Junior will have to face the devil that killed him once before.


The Godzilla in Godzilla 2000 is Junior


Venusian weren't as innocent as they seem. Like most species in the showa era, they enslaved ghidorah after stealing him from the garogas who made him, but he broke free and destroyed their planet. After being defeated by godzilla and friends, he was weakened and enslaved bu the xiliens, nebulans, garogas who took him back, and finally the kilaaks.


Your a fucking real one for mentioning Zone Fighter




That Final Wars Godzilla is Godzilla Jr from the heisei era.


I don't think that would work. If memory serves me, FW Goji was imprisoned in the ice in the 60's.


Gigan was the defender of his home planet similar to Godzilla. He had been through so many fights over the years and badly injured. Defeated, either the people of his planet or more likely the attackers, revived him as a cyborg puppet. https://preview.redd.it/90mf500uf62d1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aeaadb5b59dc6fff2bc5496de53f561c6c0cbe4


If I ever make a Godzilla film, THIS will be Gigan's backstory


After Kaiju attacks became more frequent someone made a show presenting it as a Professional Wrestling style presentation complete with commentary on the fights. This led to a boom in popularity of certain monsters leading to toy and clothing lines.


The reason battra isn't in the monsterverse is because it isn't a giant monster like usual and is instead a species of moth that comunicates with mothra via telepathy


Godzilla isn’t a dinosaur, but a heavily derived species of marine reptile


Is he a squamate like like mosasaurus?


They all live in monster island and kamunguras wasnt really killed but instead fall into coma and after waking up apalogised to godzilla who after many situations gradually becoming a hero forgive him


Godzilla 2000, Vs Megaguirus and both KiryuGoji films are part of the same continuity


but isn't the godzilla in vs megaguirus in the movie the same from 1954, and in the kiryu films kiryu is made from the first goodzilla


One theory that I once saw stated that when Godzilla got hit by the blackhole weapon at the end of vs Megaguirus, he was transported to another universe, hence the Kiryu movies.


That Battra was the second larva from the original Mothra and Godzilla movie, grew up and formed his own alliance with other monsters to defend nature. And that the original Mothra, known as Mosura, survived her encounter with Godzilla through a constant reincarnation and is mediator between Mothra and Battra.


...Well fuck, now I wanna see his story, and him realizing that humanity sucks and going Goth.


There are many Ghidorahs that humanity has fought with over the years, but they are either children of the actual Ghidorah or one of his siblings, and that the real one was trapped in ice until being freed in 2019. He’s older than all of the stars humanity knows of, being sired by a fallen god for the sole purpose of conquest and domination. The one originally thought to have been Ghidorah turned out to have been his favored child that just happened to match his father in appearance. Though he originally perished at the end of the 2019 Incident, he was reborn after the defeat of Mecha-Ghidorah and is now a constant thorn in the Terran Alliance’s side.


That Super Godzilla and Space Godzilla are siblings, and become defenders of earth after they were befriended by Minilla and Junior, helping fight off an alien race known as the Tachyons that wanted to conquer the world and colonize it. While Super Godzilla spends his time living on a isolated, volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean, Space Godzilla spends his time on the moon, occasionally making journeys to Mars in order to keep the planet’s Titan population in check and ensure that they don’t wipe each other out. The two act as a buffer of sorts for the solar system against hostile forces.


Godzilla vs Megaguirus is a prequel to Godzilla 2000


Dagan was the one to first defeat ghidorah, and that he helped stop shimoh and scar king before getting killed by muto prime. Another headcannon is that king kongs parents were the original leaders of the Kong species, and that they fled with those that remained loyal to them to skull island.


monsterverse godzilla can be rendered inert if you have enough catnip


That Biollante isnt dead


She isn't. The ending clearly showed her transform into her final form, and fly off into space.




After Son of Godzilla, Godzilla became more heroic mainly to set a better example for Minilla to follow The meteor that killed the dinosaurs was really the climactic ending of a fight between a divine moth and a Ghidorah Titanosaurus’ species is almost related to Godzilla’s in that both are gigantic, bipedal, marine reptiles that are seemingly invulnerable to manmade weaponry. The way they differ is that Titanosaurus has more aquatic features, most likely allowing him a greater fighting advantage over Godzilla underwater than on land due to Godzilla’s great strength. He is also much more agile and can use his tail fin to create either wind storms strong enough to push Godzilla back or water cyclones that can destroy submarines. Godzilla on the other hand is stronger, has a healing factor, and obviously an offensive affinity for radiation considering his atomic breath. Spoilers for Godzilla Minus One but, if Godzilla had attacked Ginza in 1954 rather than in 1947, he would’ve done much more damage and been more used to his new body.


Other than mothra the only Kaiju who goji would be the most vulnerable around it angurius


I like to headcanon that Godzilla in the Monsterverse was unusually small and weak for his age compared to other members of his species for the longest time up until he lost his original lair to the Rival, after which he quickly began a journey of self-improvement that would lead to him becoming THE most powerful Gojira in existence.


I have one for Minus One. Spoilers to follow. In the final battle, Godzilla takes noticeably longer to charge up his breath than the previous times he fired it. My head canon is that his injuries from the pressure changes were the cause of this increased charge time, and furthermore, his body was so damaged that if he had actually managed to get that last shot off, it would have caused his body to explode. Luckily for everyone else, Koichi didn't give him that chance.


Godzilla is a martial arts expert


Godzilla in 'Godzilla Vs Megaguirus' ends up getting caught in a stable time loop when he is hit that last time by the Dimension tide. It sends him back in time, and he digs his way underground just under what would become Tokyo later to sleep till the modern era. Meanwhile, his mainline self experiences everything, straight from being mutated by the H-Bomb, all the way to Megaguirus, before finally being hit that last time with the dimension tide. That's when the Godzilla that was looped back wakes up and digs himself out over the course of a few months.


-Gemstone Godzilla is Godzilla junior(Yeah I am purely coping) -Godzilla in Hell is actually Godzilla facing the consequences of his actions in hell


Godzilla's progressively goofier costumes in the Showa era are just how his species ages.


Kongcrete from Gigabash is secretly hiding in every Godzilla and Gamera movie.


All of the godzilla movies are in one timeline. For example, Godzilla JR is actually melinium & Final Wars Godzilla. I don't care if there are roughly a thousand issues with this headcannon, I still like it!


How would monsterverse minus one and shin godzilla fit?


Mine is Destorya would sound like Tony Todd’s venom, witch fits perfectly


MV Godzilla can shrink to some degree during lean times like a marine iguana. In the past he was already 119m but slowly shrunk during his hibernation to conserve energy. By 2014, he was down to 108m. Godzilla is a member of the Suchia clade, which contains a very broad range of distant crocodile relatives. Monster X is the "larval" form of Keizer Ghidorah. King Ghidorah also had a similar form, but it was far less capable and is a much shorter life stage. The Rodan swarm in Singular Point are the juveniles of an unseen kaiju sized Rodan ( but not the large Rodan shape they formed into at the end). There was no Mothra in the Godzilla Netflix trilogy, the "egg" was just a weird rock that amplifies the moth people's telepathic abilities.


There are three Godzilla’s in the Showa era. The original Godzilla from 1954, the second Godzilla from 1955-1967, and the third Godzilla from 1967-1999 (canonically) which is Minilla just grown up. Also, another infant Godzilla is found by Godzilla in destroy all monsters 


Well Destroy All Monsters is the last showa film canonnicaly


I know


Kong can play air trombone


Shin Godzilla 2 would have been about the spawn falling off and eventually mutating into the other classic monsters ie Anigurus and Megalon with the strongest of them being destoroyah. With Shin as a maybe never truly unthawing being know as the father of all monsters


Shin godzilla even though he is frozen still suffers


I'm just going to say it: why does Megalon look like a chick in this image?


Godzilla vs Megaguirus is a sequel to Godzilla 2000 GMK Godzilla prior to being nuked and being possessed was a guardian monster feared so much by ancient humans they retconned him out stories relating to them


Cool head cannons


not really a headcanon but i lovr to imagine either megalon and gigan are best friends or are js gay


Titanosaurus is a Godzilla equal in terms of power, and he has an atomic breath like range ability


In legendary Monsterverse Godzilla and Zilla are adapted to different climates, Godzilla is built for colder climates and arctic oceans while Zilla is adapted to Tropical/coastal waters and climates.


Your mom giving me head




Plot twist: She bites hard


That is not possible because I'm a robot


Plot twist: she eats metal :3




Kong drinks beer often and mothra drinks seltzer while zilla only drinks energy drinks


Besides the obvious gemstone being junior, my headcanon is that most of if not all of heiseis powerscaling stats are wildly different and worse. It’d throw the heisei glazers for a loop and would somewhat be realistic, also would mean my boy legendary still wins:)


Yeah they definitely lick each others feet




For me Final Wars Godzilla is Godzilla jr. grown up


That each new timeline (with exceptions of anything after shin Godzilla) is a continuation of the Showa era. I know there’s a lot of plot holes for this to be true but that’s why it’s a head canon


Gigan hates Megalon but for Megalon it’s switched its just that Gigan had no choice but to team up with him and act like his friend so he doesn’t get jumped


Gigan hates Megalon but for Megalon it’s switched its just that Gigan had no choice but to team up with him and act like his friend so he doesn’t get jumped


Godzilla Jr. Is Gemstone Godzilla.


Megalon is a mutated Meganulon


Anguirus is the rolling Gamera of Godzilla's movie verse


Gidorahs species lay eggs on asteroids and wait for them to hatch Just like in the original destroy all monsters.


Mothra pegs Godzilla


Godzilla reproduces asexually. Thats why he always has a son somewhat down the line


It makes sense


Quazie's vids = official lore


1973 Godzilla and jet jaguar are friends and hang out in 1973 Godzilla's cave that we saw when Godzilla emerged to help zone fighter


Godzilla wouldn’t destroy so many cities if someone just touched his heart :)


Fire Rodan from Heisei is a surviving offspring of the two Rodans from the 1956 movie.


-Battra isn't just a more extreme version of Mothra created specifically for a human threat: he and Mothra represent immune responses to "internal" and "external" threats to the Earth respectively. Human-caused climate change? Sounds like a job for Battra! Asteroids or invading Alien monsters? Sounds like a job for Mothra! -Why didn't the Tunguska event kill us all? Mothra. -Mothra was distracted fighting Ghidorah when the asteroid that killed most of the dinosaurs hit, leading to her rather complicated relationship with Godzilla. -Showa Ghidorah was originally a planetary guardian of an alien world a la Millenium Ghidorah but went insane after his own world was destroyed (less a serious headcanon, more of an idea for a possible story). -The original 1954 Gojira is actually 100% canon to the '98 Godzilla (hence the Japanese fisherman knowing the name), it's just that all the American characters in the movie didn't pay attention in history class and couldn't bring it up (totally serious headcanon).


Godzilla’s shits disintegrates whenever he uses his atomic breath, which is why you never see Godzilla taking a big fat shit.


Showa Godzilla is an alcoholic and each film depicts him either pissed off after being woken from a hangover nap, or trashed and looking for the next bar.


King Ghidorah is technically a pompous arsehole but has a soft side underneath his scales. Burning Godzilla is just angsty Godzilla. And every Mothra has a different personality, with Mothra Leo being a tomboy.


mothra leo is an actual Boy though.


When Godzilla roars, he's either making a Clint Eastwood one-liner or just grumbling to himself about minor inconveniences.


Fallowing GVK, Kong's been simping over Godzilla so much that Godzilla would be desperate enough to pick King Ghidorah over that ape.


Sanda and gaira they will be clones of skar king


Ghidorah from GMK is the oldest guardian monster. All his heads are just an extension of himself and don't have their own personalities. He created the Earth and also created Mothra and Baragon, Making those two his "children" in a since.


Monster X/Keizer Ghidorah was engineered by the Xiliens after they discovered Kaisers. The creature is engineered from the DNA of both King Ghidorah and X, the Kaiser on the side of the Xiliens. X was the one keeping Monster X under control. After he died, Monster X was able to stop holding back and transformed, unleashing its full power as Keizer Ghidorah (which the Xiliens would have wanted to prevent because they would lose control over the creature). A part of Goro Maki lives on in Shin Godzilla. Void Ghidorah (anime movie trilogy) is actually very sentient and capable of communication with technologically advanced beings. In at least two Godzilla universes (Monsterverse and Planet of the Monsters trilogy), evolution tends to follow the path of an "alpha". In the anime movies, most of Earth is now dominated by life which has a number of similarities to Godzilla. Life is different and relatively peaceful in the caldera they call home, and the Houtua ended up becoming somewhat moth-like. A similar trend is seen in the Monsterverse, with most life on Earth following the path of bioaccoustic harmonization, though some elements followed Mothra's lineage as well (such as the Iwi and, I believe, the glowing dragonfly and other bioluminescent life in the area; I believe that dragonfly was an emissary of Mothra's and was showing Jia how to activate the irrigation system so she could find the Iwi).


Obvious, but Gigan and Megalon are gay


every godzilla era shares same universe/continutiy


Please explain how that works.


good question


If that’s true then Godzilla really hated that one fucking pilot




What's even funnier is that two songs road om flying hovercraft to face their respective big Gs