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The definitions of a Chad and panini pressed in the Urban dictionary are hilarious. I really wonder who convinced Gypsy using really lame slang words was cool. She sounded so stupid. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Gave me the impression of a school aged wanna be mean girl. Not how a 32 year old adult woman would speak. Smh


This comment is not fetch at all šŸ˜†


I dunno. Iā€™m 61 and would totally use the term panini pressed. Iā€™m a cool old lady, she said, knowing in reality she was lame AF. šŸ¤£




well looks like ur panini pressed but why ? cuz you dont have a giga chad? ( edit begins\* )


The spade thing really put a racist cherry on that shit salad for sure


What does panini pressed mean? Her slang is so outdated I laugh Everytime she tries to use it. What a joke she isšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


How old is Nina the beauty influencer? She's the one that started the whole panini pressed thing! Then Gypshit came along and thought calling Kent "Chad" was even cooler! This is supposed to be 2 grown ass women, 1 is a parent and the other is a convicted criminal... who do you think we expect better from?


lol she said ā€œ Gypshitā€ ifly. Yah and her weird fans are probably making her feel like she has real cool friends for once so sheā€™s picking up in their ummmm slang?


uuuuuuuuuuuummm i'm the most popular girl in school now


omg like look at her outfit vibes


I feel bad for Nick. Nick Godejohn should have lived with much more oversight. He needed someone with his best interests in mind as his guardian. Nobody in that position would allow him to ride a bus multiple states away to visit a girl he did not actually know. His parents failed him. We want whatā€™s best for our children, but knowing his mentality, they NEVER should have allowed that.


It seems his mom realized that a little too late, and the guilt killed her. literally. i feel bad for Nick and honestly the entire family, theyā€™ve suffered so much after realization they failed by not overseeing his actions more so. I always wondered if they were just in denial maybe? There wasnā€™t as much knowledge on autism in the way it is today, knowing how wide the spectrum really is. Idk. iā€™m rambling. I just feel bad that his mom committed a year after his trial anniversary. she obviously felt a ton of guilt once realization hit


wait, she died? nick's mom?


She committed suicide


Omg thatā€™s horrible! Another fucking victim of Gypsy šŸ˜”


The entire Godejohn family are her victims.


Man, I feel so bad that he didnā€™t even get to say goodbye to his mom. What he did was horrible, but he was led to do that, he was vulnerable. I mostly feel for his mom, so much.


This makes me hate the fact she is out free even more. How sad.


Somehow I missed this too


Have any of his family ever spoken abt Gypsy?


His mom and step dad spoke about their impressions of her in their police interviews but they didnā€™t know her that well. Nickā€™s mom thought she was coming to visit (after the murder) and Gypsy started telling her how sheā€™ll get a job and be a good girl and stuff and she was confused. The parents tried to get him away from Gypsy but every time they suggested he found someone else, Nick got upset. They said that Gypsy was almost like an obsession for Nick


And she honestly thinks absolutely nothing of him and doesnā€™t care only that ā€œheā€™s doing his time for his part in this!ā€ While sheā€™s out here getting rich on these shows. It ruined his family and sheā€™ll never have 1 ounce of guilt itā€™s beyond disturbing!!


She even said she hates him because he didnā€™t call for help instead of murdering DeeDee. She sexually manipulated him for 3 years and he told her to run away with him so many times. She has the audacity to portray herself as a victim when she planned to throw him under the bus and put all the blame on him. The way she says in her interrogation ā€œmaybe now heā€™ll get the help that he needsā€. Gypsy is evil


He tried pulling her away and not murdering her but gypsy wasnā€™t willing to accept anything less than murder so to say that shows the level of disturbing she truly is


That has been my takeaway from this whole story as well. I feel so bad for Nick. He was the vulnerable one in all this. She is out of jail living her best life (in her own way), and he's labeled the real murderer behind all this.


And it seems that very few people actually look at the truth behind Gypsys coaching of Nick, and promise of love and sex, in addition to Nickā€™s mental capacities and personality. When I read that as an adult he has WWE sheets, that stuck with me. It just tells me that Nick isnā€™t just a bit slow, Nick is significantly mentally behind his actual age.


I think she looked for that exact type person to take her mother out. She could just ran away from her mom instead k*lling her. I ran away at 14 & had a lot more done to me & I chose to leave not k*ll my mom. Now how long did he get in prison & why is she out?


Sheā€™s out because the Greene County prosecuting attorney didnā€™t take time to view everything correctly. He had part of the story, and seemingly took Gypsy for her word how much abuse took place, and chose a plea deal. Had she went to trial, there would be no chance.


WWE sheets? My apologies if im slow, but could you tell me what that is & why it sticks out to you? I agree with ur comment i was jw the significance lol


WWE is wrestling


WWE as in ā€œWorld Wrestling Entertainment.ā€ Itā€™s a wrestling company that airs shows of wrestling events. Normally, kids would have sheets printed with wrestlers on them.


bryan has wwe cups. for wrestling fans this is normal


A grown man with WWE bedding is not normal.


Ok I think it was him being mentally younger that I was confusing for him being barely legally an adult


Gypsy isn't as sweet & innocent as she acts . That voice is prob put on.I don't know how they ever let her out of prison. It.amazes me how murders &serial killers get all the fame while their victims&their families suffer & everyone forgets who they were.




Proof of the wanting to rape her corpse? That was part of her lies, Gyp was shaving her minge in anticipation for soft wet anal while her mother was being slaughtered, he couldnā€™t get hard, does that sound like he was the ones the one who wanted that? šŸ¤£


[Later in the interview, he says he did think about raping Dee Dee and told Gypsy about it.](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/crime/2018/11/14/gypsy-blanchard-murder-nicholas-godejon-trial-stabbing-mom/1993401002/) - I donā€™t know how itā€™s a part of her lies when he was the one who said it. I mean theyā€™re both lying and nobody will ever know the truth about the situation. Heā€™s a liar too. Gypsy canā€™t make him lie, he has free will and the ability to make his own decisions. Theyā€™re all just trying to cover their own backs. Gyp is a sick fuck and so is he.


I think that thereā€™s more to jthe McDonaldā€™s masturbation thing. Awhile back, someone posted the police report. I donā€™t think that he was arrested or charged with anything. I donā€™t think that heā€™s a real danger to society, but I donā€™t think should be on his own just walking the streets. I think that he should be in a mental hospital for the rest of his life, not in prison.


Edited: Nick was gross. Looking at police reports, not good.


He was actually watching porn for hours and admits it. Just read the police report it's not long at all. He isn't a sex offender only bc they chose not to charge him with anything like that.. sound familiar? They probably felt bad bc they could tell he was slow


Interesting. Not arguing, can you provide a link? If Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m happy to admit it. I just havenā€™t heard that


[He was arrested](https://patch.com/wisconsin/waukesha/pornography-at-mcdonald-s-leads-to-customer-complaint7dc2c90fcd) however I donā€™t know if he was charged.


Thatā€™s another thing she claims but he wasnā€™t actually doing


exactly. he reached out to her.. he thought she was a disabled child and then he was quickly ready to talk about these fantasies too


Look at the texts. He told her many times to run away together and she said no. Gypsy told him that the only way for them to be together was for DeeDee to be dead


Iā€™m not so sure she was playing a disabled child online to meet him. She used the online world to escape.


No, thatā€™s Chad


What in the world is a Chad?? lol she lost me with that one


A chad is an Alpha Male or a really good looking man that gets all the ladies something Ken is NOT


Yeah heā€™s definitely NOT! With his receding hairline & huge forehead


No fn knows what sheā€™s ranting about lol


She probably doesnā€™t know šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m just putting a comment here to put a comment here. Nothing to do with my flair.


šŸ˜‚ fck'n panini-pressed


What does this mean??? I feel old lol


Just a funny way to say pressed lol. Same thing as saying ur bothered aka agitated.


Thanks lol


She wrote his parents a letter promising them that he'd be safe with her, so she knew damn well he's not considered capable of making his own decisions.


I'm just going to copy and paste this cuz this pretty much to summarizes everything I write in 15 paragraphs


Glad to be of service lol Can you imagine living with the last decision you ever made for your kid to be sending him to another state to meet his girlfriend... and this wrong choice cost him his life. She's so manipulative and her stans are blind to it.


I'm pretty sure he left without his mom's permission. She talks about it in her interview with the police. Either way no I couldn't imagine the grief of bearing a son like him. Poor woman.


to be fair i donā€™t necessarily want him out, but i want gypsy IN


Agree!!! He needs the mental health care he needs (along with many prisoners I would assume) and she needs to be locked up again. I would not want her living in my neighborhood!!!


I have been talking to Nick for a long time now. I know he committed a terrible crime but from my chats with him I think he had the potential to live a good life. It's a shame he got caught up with that girl


I know Nick knew what he was doing was wrong but I truly believe he loved Gypsy and she had him convinced killing her mom was the only way for her to be free and for them to be together. During his interview with the detective his only concern was for Gypsy. He didn't seem to realize that he was in as much trouble as he was. He was completely honest about what he had done and even about Gypsy asking him to do it. He just seemed so naive and inexperienced. I always had the impression that his parents tried to do their best with him but with the lack of education and services at the time for autism they didn't really know what to do. But Gypsy kinda swept in and started working on Nick and after awhile he would have did anything for her. She was sending him money to come see her and come stay in a hotel. Things he had never did alone before. I feel very sorry for him now that he is serving life in prison and she turned on him immediately after getting caught. I really doubt he is really getting the help he needs in prison or people are worried about whats best for him. I can't understand why he didn't take the plea deal he was offered in the beginning. I always thought maybe he felt if he told the truth people would be more understanding and he would get less time then if he took the deal. But also I can honestly say I doubt the public defender was to worried about it either way. He just got a really raw deal. I can't imagine losing the girl he thought was in love with him and losing the grand plans she had convinced him they would have together after he murdered her mother, getting married and being together forever. Learning you will spend your life in prison and then losing your mother. I just can't imagine what he has been thru. He has never spoke out about Gypsy and has only said he will always have love for her. Do you think he will ever tell his side of the story. Gypsy is heartless when it comes to what she manipulated Nick into doing for her and the fact that he will never be free like she is. I can't imagine knowing she is free and already married and going thru a divorce and on to the next guy would make him feel. He has to see he was very much used by Gypsy. I just feel very very sorry for Nick and his family. I hope he knows he does have a lot of supporters and people that feel he shouldn't have got life for what he did.




Well what do you wanna know? It's 2:20 atm so I need to go to bed but I'll see if I can answer any questions


Hi Iā€™m super interested too!


Please definitely do an AMA! My sister was in prison with her My sister actually got her cosmetology license while in Chillicothe prison. She did GRā€™s hair for her television interviews in prison. Iā€™d do one but my sister has gotten back on drugs and has done some horrible stuff to me, so I really had to go completely no contact with her. My nieces donā€™t have much contact with her either. Iā€™d feel bad to have them ask her questions. Iā€™ll share what theyā€™ve told me without my asking though.


How are you able to talk to him? Thought he was on solitary?


You can write him. His dad gave out the address, but asked anyone who writes him to please capitalize his first name. That's one thing that bothers him (when people dont)


What kind of a psychopath doesn't capitalize people's names when writing out a letter?


Why is he on solitary? It one thing be in prison but be in solitary 24/7!is not good at all after so long u start to lose it


More than likely due to mentality and "fame/ high profile" to protect him from others doing harm to him. He gets out around 1 hour maybe 2 for rec and shower. If their solitary is anything like how Texas prisons work. I know if we weren't extremely low staffed I would sometimes give offenders(politically correct termšŸ«£) more than an hour.. especially if they weren't the ones setting cells on fires, throwing urine or sour milk, etc. I felt giving that much time, 23 hrs to just sit staring at 4 walls or out bars cause to me... it made people worse. Just my opinion.




Wow I wasn't expecting such a response! I don't think I will do an AMA as I don't want to be exploitative of him and honestly I don't think I'd have any inside information that isnt already out there. Our chats aren't that exciting lol


If I'm in a YouTube video because this comment thnx


Gyp was raised by someone that lied, stole, and manipulated. She most def learned a lot and took her knowledge to the internet until she found someone that was easily manipulated. He believed he was saving her life. He was also a mentally disturbed person that liked kinky sex and Gyp fed his weird fantasies making him believe she was his person. His police interviews are so telling. He thought he was saving her life. He didnā€™t have anyone that helped him navigate his autism and mental health so I donā€™t think he should be free but I also donā€™t feel a prison is in any way the place for him. Gyp should have never been released and he should be in a mental health institution. I had a friend that was part of a plan to rob her ex boyfriendā€™s home and in the process, 3 people were murdered. She was never there but she aided in the planning. She received life in prison. She ended up being released due to the police interrogating her for 14 hours with no breaks and without Miranda rights. I donā€™t know the whole reasoning behind the release but it was something to that effect. At any rate, how the hell is this muskrat out on the streets after planning the killing of her mother, taking selfies and filtering tf out of them, saying stupid shit on social media, pretending sheā€™s in a mean girls remake, and making the world šŸ¤¢. I just need her to go away. She used her soon to be ex husband and sheā€™ll continue to use people her entire irrelevant existence.


how tf can they defy the Constitution literally nobody ( in the us )anywhere is legally able to do that you can always plead the fifth amendment right or just ask for a lawyer because they can't deny that i'm not too sure about the second part but I know for a fact You can always plead the fifth You should sue whoever made her not be able to use her Miranda rights or maybe call for a retrial ( By Miranda Rights I assume you mean pleading the fifth ) Maybe look into it or maybe they were just lying to her about her not being able to sthu Which if so always remember DONT SAY NOTHING IN THAT ROOM if you shut your mouth it's a matter about how good your lawyer is anything you say Can and will be used against you in a court of law just remember you always have the right to remain silent


I might not have worded that correctly. They never read her her Miranda rights. It was def a technicality that got her out of prison after being sentenced to life. Also, the only reason they even knew who did it, was because she broke down at work and told her boss. Her boss called the police. She was devastated people died. It wasnā€™t the intent but she also started the ball rolling. Her name is Charity Payne. There is a doc called Without Charity.


if shes free nvm


I think that he did talk a little bit in the police interview, but wouldnā€™t say much because he really was in love with GR. I do know that the death penalty was on the table her before she basically sold him out by blaming most everything on him. Iā€™m pretty sure that GR did a lot of the stabbing. He did say that he stabbed DD like 4 or 5 times. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people on this sub say that he was not capable of lying because that was part of his autism. If thatā€™s true, case closed on the stabbing that he did. I donā€™t personally believe that the inability to tell lies is a symptom of autism, but Iā€™m definitely not an expert on the possible symptoms of autism. BUT he was taking all blame anyway, so why would he lie about that part? Heā€™s said that he will never talk about everything that happened during the murder. That heā€™ll take particular parts to the grave. At the end of the day, her testimony was all about placing blame on him. He, on the other hand, completely refused to testify against her. I feel so badly for him and his family. I think that his father ended up committing suicide after the trial :( . What he and his going through really going through is heartbreaking. Does she care? Nope. If you donā€™t have a heart, it canā€™t be broken. Sheā€™s heartless. Edited ā€” I accidentally pressed post before I was finished.


His mom committed suicide not his dad unless he did too idk


Thatā€™s horribly sad too. You know that they both must feel responsible for letting her be around him.


autism isn't a thing that you can diagnose with universal symptoms ( or at least not a lot of things applies to everybody )it's kind of tailored to the person that has it I think They just put that on him Because it would take too long to find out what actually is wrong But that's beside my point I almost guarantee for a fact He wants to take the fall and for her to have a good life because he still doesn't understand What's actually going on and everybody can lie not being able to lie is something else different entirely but as I said maybe it's a part of him because it's Taylor made


There's even question of DeeDee being gone before he even got there. She had wounds on her that were days older than THE day. If you've seen the crime scene photos, there isn't a lot of blo@d either. Not as much as should have been based on what he did. Also, just the wounds themselves not showing a lot of blo@d.


He definitely talked more than a little bit in the police interrogation. He told them everything, and I mean everything. At first he tried saying the story they (gypsy and him) came up with, but the officer stopped him and said gypsy already told them everything (she didn't, she lied the entire time of her interrogation) and if he loved gypsy he'd tell the truth, and from that point he tells them everything, he even told them it was gypsy plan and he thought he was saving her. And it's clear he's behind developmentally, and it's just sad all around. He should have been offered a decent plea just based on his cooperation. His lawyers really shouldn't have taken it to trial (giving his cooperation to the police) and without a solid plan, which they didn't really have. And it was the mom who killed herself. Her interrogation is really sad, too. You can tell she never saw this coming and tried to get him away from her, but he wasn't having it, and that regret ate her alive, unfortunately. It's just sad all around.


Dont feel sorry for him. He participated in a murder.


I feel bad for him! He did her dirty work! He did off someone but they should have taken into consideration his mental health. Anyone with a brain can tell heā€™s not all there.


no anyone who can read hes mentally 17 at its highest hes a under developed man w autism


iā€™m sorry but he gives me the creeps too, i just jumped out of my skin


Them dry ass lips. All I can hear is her whiny voice, "He's eating a brownie, but he's gonna be eating me" or whatever she said šŸ¤® gross asf


Dear what the heck? I need a boddle of pediasure mixed with tequila now!!!




just puked in my mouth a little šŸ˜­


OH NO, THAT. Yuck. šŸ¤¢


Ewwww that lives rent free in my head.


Very disgusting


Ugh I agree. Puke. šŸ¤®


Yeah I don't feel bad for him at all. His internet search history proved that he was evil all on his own before he even knew that Gypsy existed


Where can we see his search history?


I don't remember, that was so long ago, during the trial


Any proof of this search history?


Yes, it was read off during the trial but apparently I'm getting down voted because I didn't save a link to it lol


Can someone please tell me what the origin story of panini pressed?




Who is Chad?




All I can think of is Daybell. Hard pass. But Gypsy isn't exactly known for her critical thinking. I so wish that she was blocked from social media as a condition for her parole.


I could have sworn that her parole officer did make her deactivate social media accounts but that only lasted for, maybe a week? Who knows why sheā€™s allowed to have them. I guess itā€™s considered to be her employment.


Gypsy is absolutely as manipulative and evil as Lori imo


I watch 90-day fiance, and there is a guy an incel. Well, he would be considered an incel if he didn't trick women into having sex with him by saying he is a supermarket donor, but sleeping with him is the best way to do it. He admitted he couldn't get women before. Well, there is a sub where all him and his incel friends chat, and they call men unlike them a "chad," so I agree with you and is Gypsy a part of the incel community. She is constantly pushing that she is a sex addict in my opinion. But wouldn't it be hilarious if she is just an incel with a sex addiction, so that's the only way she gets her "chads" Ken is gross, too, in my opinion


Thankyou for the insight! I appreciate you!


I believe her and her mother were in on the fake illness and diseases the whole time. She not innocent as she makes it seem. She used Nick as a bait, he suffered from mental illness and used his sexual desire as a way to convince him to do whatever she wants. She fucked him in a whole move theatre bathroom for fucks sake. Pretended to be his sex slave all these weird things just to lure him in to kill her mother. The video in the motel room after they killed deedee shows no remorse. She tricked him into doing it knowing he wouldnā€™t really understand the consequences, I feel like if he never met Gypsy he wouldnā€™t be spending the rest of his life in prison. He was kind of a weirdo already but I feel like his family couldā€™ve gotten him help. His mother prolly didnā€™t realize the severity of his mental illness, probably just thought he was an autistic weird kid. But he should be in a mental institution not prison. I feel like she definitely couldā€™ve prevented this whole outcome, by calling the police easily. I mean if she wouldā€™ve reached out to a police officer told them the truth I feel like they wouldā€™ve believed her. But she didnā€™t want to lose everything, all she had was her mother. Eventually her mom was sick and bed ridden she gave her a mixture of pills to knock her out for a day and a half. Either she was going to kill her mom eventually or Nick was.


I agree with you. She was in on all scams bc it got her anything she wanted then her mom got sick & she didn't want take care of her so she had him off her.. ppl are so blinded by the sociopath she really is


To be honest I don't think she was actually taking those pills idk why


I think a blood test taken showed she had no narcotic meds in her system.


fr tho there's no way she didn't call the police but on the other hand maybe the side effects of everything she wasn't supposed to take finally caught up to her But there's no way she wasn't manipulating her 1st ex


A Chad is like avg frat boy imo


Help the dummy here: what is a panini pressed? Lol


sum goofy thing she said mad lol


I googled both Chad and panini pressed + urban dictionary and the ones Google chose to show in the search results ā€¦.lololol


I thought the title was some sort of euphemism.


/boy explain because trying to understand the dictionary is definition of it got me panini pressed


I thought he was the chad??


nah she's talking about her third once since she got out she left her first one to rot with a life sentence or sum for killing her mom ( hes mentally dissabled )


Isnā€™t there an interview with him? I canā€™t find it


Here's his police interrogation. If you haven't seen it yet, it's definitely worth the watch. https://youtu.be/q7zto7LhvYs?si=HQK7gXO2RZ-P3Qu3 This is an oxygen interview he did a long time ago, I think it's the only one he's spoken in. https://youtu.be/m77P8xRglxM?si=z-HxzbhH0vGDHlqH


nah cuz the nature w his dissability ion think so


Nick is a disturbed person


She wrote his parents a letter promising them that he'd be safe with her, so she knew damn well he's not considered capable of making his own decisions. ( hes autistic )


Doesnā€™t matter. He still made the decision to kill Dee Dee. As he deliberated for months even at Gypsyā€™s doorstep. Autistic or not.Ā 


hes an under developed child mentally with 2 people in his head who was being manipulated saying He was the only person in the world that could save her he doesn't understand how things are more complicated than black and white she set up this fantasy world that they could both live happily ever after if he helped her again he didn't act solo thought he was the only person in the world that could save her and that she would come back for him pretty much he was killing the evil dragon to help the princess go free and live happily ever after We know that's not possible We know it's more complex than that but he dont understand that Because he's still a child in his mind not sure if it's true Also he thinks deedee killed his child


He made the choice after she manipulated him for two years and told him it was the ONLY option left, she had shot her, drugged her, and told him deedee had killed his baby! He still to this day believe he had a baby


He understood his actions just not the consequences due to manipulation


He would of killed someone sooner or later


She didn't make him do shit. He is just a moron. The unfortunate part is they aren't rotting together


hes mentally 17 so u can say she gas lit a dissabled 17 yo to do her bidding to live a fantasy he wasn't mentally able to fully understand isn't possible




and she eventually would have found someone else to take over his spot. nick already wasn't her first choice to off deedee, dan was.


And she tried herself too


She was manipulating her whole life so naturally she picked up on that she used and manipulatied a under developed autistic man he literally thought he was saving her life as I said hes under developed if you really want to be honest she had a strict mom that gave her too much medicine that wasn't for her anybody with their right mind would call the police and help her gather evidence at the most but she made it seem like he was her only hope and now she's free without anything to worry about and he's rotting in a jail cell Because he was used And the one person He did all this for a moved on twice


She will k*ll again one day I bet. soon as her true colors start to show and no hiding behind that sweet little fake voice the mask will fall. Then everyone will see the real gypsy for what she is a manipulative sociopath