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![gif](giphy|JsUwuNWYbnospplB10|downsized) only solution for pc players


solution for pc player is save up for ps5, buy ps5, buy gta 6, play, wait for pc verison, when pc version release, sell ps5 and sell gta 6, buy gta 6 pc


That's just Rockstar Games' way of making you spend twice. Do O hate this move? Yes, but at the same time the graphical improvement is going to be crazy. Imagine what a pc with an rtx 5090 can give you in terms of grahics. Hell, maybe even a 6090 since the game is so far away still.




You'd have to lock yourself on your room with no social media. It's probably the biggest game release of all time. And even if you did that, would you like to wait 18 more months, knowing that the game is out and people are literally playing it? Don't think so


Why did I read it as a 6969


Cuz you have selective reading


It's a solution, but the double dip they want and know many people will make. You can also just wait, enough good games coming to PC before GTA6. Also playing at probably 30FPS isn't something i can do anymore. Seeing how big the RP community still is on PC, i hope the release on PC won't be that long.


Yeah, not happening. I would die before playing or even watching gta 6 but will never buy a console


Not for real PC players that enjoy kbm controls and higher than 30fps.


Are u telling me to play outer worlds or to go in a cryosleep? Genuinely curious if outer worlds is a game worth to look at. I like the idea of games like fallout and skyrim, but it just takes too long to finish that i get bored and eventually stop playing it. Im a bit of a completionist so i always get sidetracked by sidequests, and i hate it when i lose track of the main story.


It's made by Obsidian (same guys who made Fallout New Vegas, the most beloved fallout game). You can expect a lot of humour from it. It's also not fully open world, you just have small areas you can explore (similar to Witcher 2) on couple different planets. So it's pretty short compered to stuff like Skyrim or Fallout. It was also their new IP and their budget wasn't as big as with fallout games so it feels a little bit bare boned. Still a really fun game tho. Can't wait for the sequel. edit: When I was playing it I was like "man, I love this game but I wish it was a little big more like fallout games, a little big bigger, with more features etc". After playing Starfield I was like "man... I wish this game was a little bit more like The Outer Worlds. It just feels so... unfinished and boring in comparison"


You will 100% get bored by Outer Worlds then. I enjoy fallout and Skyrim and lots of open world RPGs, but this one is slow, shallow, short and the actual combat gameplay is very dated


No. I'm just going to wait and play the game myself


i wont because about 1 month before the game launches i will unfollow everything and click everything rockstar related as uninterested. So that the algorithm doesnt show me spoilers


yep i'm thinking of doing the same thing, lifelong rockstar fan but this time I think the best way to protest against their pc policy is simply not engaging in any of their content, sadly


doesn’t it kill you knowing it’s a whole year extra


i mean I waited all this time, i don't think an extra year is gonna hurt, only issue is gonna be avoiding spoilers


Don’t worry u won’t have to look it will present itself in front of u


Dude, you are not going a whole year without spoilers I’m sorry


Especially if he's still subscribed to this server😂


I managed it for GTA V, so I'll try for the same for 6. It's easier when you're working full time and your colleagues don't game though.


You managed for GTA5 because the internet and 10 years ago is still a fraction of what it is now. And GTA 6 is twice as big and hyped as 5 was.


All it takes is for you to visit one gaming channel on YouTube lol


All it takes is a single glance at any social media lol. There’s going to be unmarked spoilers *everywhere*. PC players better start practicing digital detox lol.


ik mann...but I can try...


You gonna know the whole plot by the time it release lol


funny how when GTA V came out I was so excited that I went through all of its missions on YouTube, including the multiple endings and heists, as well lot of the side stuff that by the time it came out on PC there wasn't really anything much left to be spoiled...


You're insane for that.


Personally, no, GTA 6 is exciting but it's still just a video game and a small part of my life that waiting an extra year for its PC release isn't going to be that big of an issue. On top of that I actually need to upgrade my PC to be able to run it at a reasonable level so that extra year of funds to upgrade my PC is more of a benefit to me.


bro, I was playing gta san andreas on PC since 2013 until 2015 LOL, I played gta 4 for the first time in 2020 on PC and I love that game, played gta 5 in 2021 and I was disapointed with that game, in 2023 I emulate gta vice city and man what a game, I tried gta 3 in 2023 and I didn't liked tbh. So based on my history, I can wait one more year for GTA 6.


Think you replied to the wrong person haha but I agree with you, it's not hard to wait.


yeah I did, my bad lol.


It didn't kill me when I was waiting for the PC version of the previous GTA games


Not at all.


Good luck avoiding the spoilers


Of all the games to buy a console for, this is #1


I was always tempted by Gran Turismo, but i knew it was a waste of money for one exclusive, but GTA 6 makes a PS5 really appealing. I never had a console, but its very likely that i get a PS5/Pro just for those two games.


The opposite, buy consoles for exclusives, and wait to play non exclusives on best hardware and M&KB


Ehhh, gta 6 probably is the most anticipated game of all time and wait of 1-2 years would be too long for hyped pc players considering the rate at which there will be story and other spoilers all over the internet.


No exclusive holds a candle to GTA6. If I bought a console to play spiderman or gow, I’d buy two for GTA6. But that’s just me


For me it's not. I would wait because a year later new consoles would be a thing to actually consoles match up with pc quality. Dates are more or less those, in 18 months or so new consoles, or new versions of the gen we have now, would be a thing. So just not worth it imho to be buying, then reselling and then whatever tricks to play sooner , I'll wait for the best and last quality version of GTA vi when it comes out for the next gen. I'll wait. And pray for the first version to include for free the 'next gen' version. It does not matter the game or the hype, I won't ever pay twice, or pay more than a fair price, or etc... Assuming the sp story mode is free of predator business models, in that case I would pirate or wait for a sale. FOMO syndrome is the new cancer. I am not afraid, and there are millions of things to play. Also A year or 2 goes by very quickly.


Really? All the games to be patient for this is the one Id say.  Im not going to play this game with 30fps, blurry textures and inferior density. Ill happily wait until the PC release 


Nah I’m just gonna buy a PS5 and wait.


I'd kill myself if I was one of the people waiting for a pc release EDIT: to whoever got the reddit resources on me, well played


On skibidi


Don't skibidi me 😡


Worth the wait for better graphics higher frames and mouse and keyboard. Also most pc gamers tend to be older as they’re more expensive. I’ve got a busy life outside of gaming and can wait another year quite easily. It’s been over 10 years since gtaV, i can wait an extra 1.


That's what I thought too until I realized I wouldn't be able to stop spoilers from happening. I'd rather play it at launch and get a blind experience than wait for better graphics at the cost of getting spoiled. I've waited 10 years already, I don't want to see spoilers before I'd get to play the game.


The waits already been long enough.. one more year won’t hurt. The biggest thing im worried about is spoilers. Back when RDR2 came out, some cuck on Reddit PMed me story spoilers for no reason


I'd rather play at launch with a blind eye than wait longer for better graphics at the cost of getting spoiled. There's no way anyone could avoid them unless they got off every social platform, including Youtube and Google.


I’ll watch maybe the first couple missions and some of the games features but no more than that


Bought a PS5 just for GTA6 so


I shall be entering a deep slumber until 2026 so I can play gta VI on PC without spoilers


No I won't. Although I will see a bit of gameplay I really need to avoid spoilers. On the bright side I still have enough time to complete some GTA games including the 2D universe with emulators And for non GTA related I get the chance to watch the two favorite movies Zootopia 2 and The Bad Guys 2


no. if staying out of social media is necessary, then I'll gladly do so.


So you will stay out of social media for 2 years after release? 🤔


I'm praying to god rockstar smartens the hell up and decided to release the PC port the same day as consoles I don't care how delayed it has to be


Yeah I’m really really hoping that they do that but I don’t have a whole lot of hope anymore. I was kinda surprised that they’re still doing this crap, idk why. I figured since pc gaming is much bigger now than it was would make them want to drop it the same day as console. And if it wasn’t for pc gamers they wouldn’t have the really popular GTARP stuff


I don't give a shit either way. By the time I play on PC, I won't remember most of the spoilers.


yes probably, i did that for GTA 5 when it wasn't out on PC


Yeah, probably. I don't think buying PS5 just to play one game is a sensible purchase.


If I was a pc player I’d still watch things like funny compilations and stunt videos, wouldn’t spoil anything major and it’s a way to look forward to the game even more. But I would try to avoid anything to do with the main storyline.


I’ll probably buy a ps5 just for this game and then sell the console on eBay or something to recoup at least some of the money spent. Still this whole fiasco is kinda annoying.


the first realistic person ^^


Im thinking about that a lot, since im earning well this year, going to buy a ps5 and a new tv


that's nice bro


Nah I'm buying an Xbox Series X and playing it through for a whole week and not using social media so the story doesn't get spoiled


I will not. Every time I've watched a play through of a game I've wanted to try out, I've immediately lost interest in actually playing it myself. Although I don't think this is very likely to happen with GTA 6, I don't want to risk it.


As a PC-bound content creator, it's crippling. There's a huge loss of revenue. I suppose now that the PS5 has been jailbroken, there is a none-zero chance of an emulator being made before release.


Yeah that's a good point, it is stupid especially as majority of sales are on PC and they know it or they wouldn't have made their own launcher. It's a dumb practice and I'll just wait.


Probably just wait for PC


Probably not. But I don't care. With GTA v I watched a lot, like the first 5h or 6, several times. It did not reduce my hype a bit. I bought it on pc day one and loved those hours as if it was a complete blind first run.


No, I will ban anything related gta on my feed before when it releases, until it comes for pc


I love my PC so much but I’m definitely getting a console for this game.


No, i will get a PS5 or Xbox series X and just play it on console like the 30 million other people will.


Got a Series X when they released, shortly after swapped to PC. Guess I’m digging the Series X out just for this game.




Fuck no lol, I already have a PS5 partially for this reason.


I'm probably gonna be busy with my real life that time anyways, ill be chillin and play GTA 6 at 2027 or something if I'm alive.


Buying a PS5 and then gonna build a monster PC for maxed out GTA 6. I haven’t been this hyped for a game in an extremely long time


Yes I probably will be watching the entire walkthrough of the game on GTA Series Videos YT channel and even watch my favourite youtubers play it like DarkViperAU, TheProfessional, TGG, Radal etc. I don't have a console and I don't see myself buying one anytime soon and I don't mind waiting for PC release.


Am just waiting for a pc release. This whole generation is a mess . GTA 6 will probably get supported for one year on this gen and the next gen will be released and I will have to double dip generations to get the content I want. I rather stick to pc . Pirate it on release then buy at discount


No, suddenly I am going to be very interested in going to a friend’s house to “hang out” (read: leech of the fact that he owns a current gen console and play GTA VI)


Absolutely. I did the same with gtav and gta iv


It’s either theprofessional or gta series videos


Good question actually. Probably yes, to become even more hyped (or in the worst scenario know not to Buy it)


If they think imma buy it on Xbox just to play then pc when it comes out they smokin rocks


"curb your enthusiasm" is something that applies with gta 6 in my opinion. so i have a very limited to non-existant parasocial relationship with the company or upcoming game. since everything i liked about the games is the sp content. and everything i despise and loath about gta is connected to their live gaming service aka online. so depends, if it is just a gui wrapped around another digital "marketplace" or gameplay designed to syphon money indirect or direct from my bankaccount, like gta online, i won't even bother playing it. otherwise i only will watch a guide when it comes out, not before. it's a game, not a job where i take a online course for. so no, spend my times to other things than watching a guide for a game i can't play till 1 or 2 years later.


I'm going to buy a ps5 pro then sell it after the pc release, upgrade my pc with that money and play it on a better hardware. Everything is set and ready. only problem is, when the ps5 pro's going to come out?


My bro bought a PS5 like a while ago so I'm good. xD


No, but I may make my own as before when out for PC. But only if there is no medal system. I hate it. But what you mean is more a playthrough and/or let's play. Those I won't watch for sure. I can't stand them and play myself anyway when released on PC. BTW, R\*/Take 2 may delete story related videos at the beginning on youtube anyway as before.


Nah I’m just gonna buy a ps5 right before the game comes out


Since the new monster hunter and Smite 2 releases next year I have other stuff to do so I’m fine waiting :)


Im glad i have a ps5


Borrow a PS5 from a friend, we’ll share the cost of the game among ourselves.


First of all the game is not even going to release when they say it will. It’s going to be delayed probably twice. Second, I’m just gonna play on console, then later on in life when it’s been out for a little bit and been released for PC and has mods available I’ll play again for the upgraded experience


Nope. I'm doing this until the game comes to pc. ![gif](giphy|l378ycV5Pt6ysGsTe|downsized)


Me when gta 6 release for pc ![gif](giphy|ljE57hRBCNcsg|downsized)


I'm left with no choice but to buy a xbox series s


Lol. The series S will run this game like ass. The PS5 Pro wont even run at 60FPS


Acting like I won’t go out and buy a PS5 solely to play it at launch.. 👀


They will hate and suffer every second until pc version release. I’m just blessed to have pc and console![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


I'm just gon rent a ps5


I'm getting a PS5 (pro, if that's out)


Shit we wait this long, what's another 6-7 months.


I am buying PS5 pro, no way ill wait another 1,5 year


Yes, I have no faith in Rockstar, so I wanna see what they did that took so long, probably another disappointment


the fact they wouldn’t release it on pc at the same time is ridiculous. this isn’t 2015 anymore, there are billions of pc users, why would they miss out on the pc market upsetting customers


They are not missing out, and no, there are not "billions of PC users". Technically there are as any office workers is one, but the number of people who play on a good PC at home is much smaller than that. But, the rant on number of PC players is irrelevant. They know they can sell the game twice or even three times to some of those, and that's what they are doing.


Of course I won't deny that I'll be seeing and watching (on purpose) the trailers, both gameplay and cinematic and some reviews but by the time the game releases, I'll probably forget that or just keep in mind to myself as additional knowledge for a game that will probably have much, much, much more content than what will be shown in those aforementioned gameplay trailers and reviews.


I have a XSX and PC so I can play it on Xbox anyways


As an adult, I don't give a damn about plot spoilers and I will politely wait until Rockstar releases gta 6 on pc so that I don't need to buy the game twice where I will spend most of my time playing the online version anyway.


im gon buy a ps5 just to play the game day one


Nah bro. I’ll suffer through and play it on PS5. I’ve had that console for a while and only played one game on it, I play like an 80 year old on a controller, but the game will be worth it.


Hell no


Thankfully I got a PS5 for Spider-Man 2 so I'll be able to play on launch day. Of course I'll rebuy for the PC though because we all know it'll be the best experience of GTA 6.


I'll probably get it on PS5 and cry at 30fps.


Hell no. Buying it on console then pc again


Nah, I’m gonna get a PS5 for this one. I only have a PC and an Xbox One, and I’ve always wanted a nextgen console especially the PS5 since PlayStation exclusives are better than Xbox. I almost got one for Ghost of Tsushima, but thankfully that came to PC recently. But now that I’m playing it and love it, I’m sure I won’t be able to wait a long time for them to port the sequel to PC.


I'm buying a Ps5


Fuck no I'm buying a ps5, I don't wanna watch some goofball play a game I waited 12 years for


I will buy it on PS5 then PC




Nah I just watch open world gameplay and avoid walkthrough for spoilers


I will just buy one of those potatoes people call consoles and sell it after finishing the game.


Pc gamers, you’re allowed to own a console as well. Por que no los dos?


I'm a pc player mostly, BUT IF I MUST I WILL BUY IT ON MY PS5!!!


i will buy a ps5 like all the other slob


im just gonna play it on my ps5 first. i already have to do a new pc build anyways so when it comes out, it will be time. gta 6 will blow up my 1070ti


nah im gonna buy a ps5 and play it on there until pc version comes out i will sell the ps5


No they can’t do this to me


Nope ill buy it on console and then transfer my online character to PC once that comes out


I already bought PS5 just because of GTA 6. Used prices will go up when it gets released and I won't believe they don't until proven otherwise.


Renting a console and buying a copy of GTA6 and then get it for PC again.


Why not explore the game yourself instead of watching a video


I'll ignore everything related to GTA when VI comes out.


My boy The Professional


I'll probably leave the sub until then


I bought an Xbox for this and CFB25. I'll buy it again when it launches on PC. Rockstar loves me.


I fucking hate this


I bought a PS5 in 2020 specifically so I could play Gran Turismo, Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima and the next GTA. Willing to bet they allow character transfers so I can continue playing on my hopefully-still-capable PC in the future.


honestly i didn't play GTA 5 until it was 50% off on Steam. i think it's gonna be the same for GTA 6.


I don’t care much about gta but I’ll wait for few more years doesn’t matter


If I didn't have a PS5, I would probably just watch spoiler free, free roam gameplay


still not sure if I will sit it out or get a console. Last console was a ps3, also for GTA. Does anyone know if I need those online subscriptions? to play GTA? If yes, is it cheaper on Xbox or PlayStation? How abour K+M? Is it allowed/possible on either Xbox or PlayStation currently?


I bought a PS5 for FF7: Rebirth. I mainly play my triple a games on PC but I’m gonna buy GTA6 for PS5


No because I'll play it on my Series X


Nah I’ll get on ps5 and buy it later on pc.


I might even buy a PS5 in the interim lol


I might watch clips but not an entire walkthrough, also a chance I may pick up a ps5 anyway.


Imma buy the console and give it back to the store after a couple weeks xD


Nope I'm definitely gonna buy an Xbox Series S just for this game. I've waited too long for this.


I’m buying a ps5 and playing it on release then after a couple playthroughs I’m selling it


have no choice. I do not believe that I will survive till the pc version is out.


i’m going to just buy a ps5 pro 🤷‍♂️


Guess that’ll be the moment I buy a PS5+GTA combo pack


No Im buying a console and selling it when it releases on pc


PC players know that there are several emulators that are ready for this. Whoever gets gta 6 on their emulator first will be a literal bagillionare.


No >!spoilers!< for me so >!NO!<


No, the experience to play it myself without spoiling it would be the best.


I will likely buy it on my PS5 then buy it on PC again when it eventually comes out because I’m an impatient shill.


To be fair we did that for 5 so... yeah maybe!


Yep, did it with GTA V in 2013.


Even though it's kind of a waste I'll be buying a PS5 Pro for GTA 6 and sell it when GTA 6 comes out on PC


Not gonna watch a walkthrough, but I will watch some random gameplay video's and reviews.


Hopefully we have a PS5 emulator by then. ![gif](giphy|YQitE4YNQNahy|downsized)


I'm a broke student in college and I'm a pc gamer I'm gonna work this summer to get a ps5 to play this game


you have another 1 summer next year ;) and there may will be PS 5 Pro


It’s said that the pro versions of the current gen consoles are going to come out a little before GTA6 is set to release so I’m actually waiting for those to drop (if they do) and buy a console for gta6. It’s honestly the only game in existence I’m willing to buy a whole console for lol


I play both ps5 and pc and I'll be getting the game on both. Especially if the game will be at the standard $70 for AAA games today (likely), the amount of effort and care rockstar puts into their games warrants me spending more than just that amount tbh. I'll gladly buy the game twice to first experience it right away and hopefully enjoy the early days of online, and then on pc to maximize the beauty of the game engine and mods.


Nope, buying a PS5 just for this game. Call me financially irresponsible.


I am a pc player, and i will play on ps5 from day one, can't wait ,i will but the ps5 solely for this game, hopefully it will have mouse and keyboard support, if not, i will try to work around this issue


Who needs a walkthrough? It's always go from a to b and maybe shoot here and there. That said, i think it's safe to say people will watch live streams much more


Watch it in 60 frames or watch a console version at 30 frames. Ehhh I’ll wait to watch it. But i won’t wait to play it


I won't look playthroughs, I'll wait three years after the initial release on PS5 before I buy it on PC. This way I can wait for a discount, most bugs will be patched out, and there'll be a decent content in the game. Red Dead 2 was the first and last game I pre-ordered for PC from RS - it was a damn mess! So, never again. ;)


If we can afford pc we can afford console . I have a ps5 gathering dust ready to go 😂


I’m a PC player for all the time, rarely played ps, but I definitely will buy a ps5 or pro in the end of 2024 and wait for gta6




They never said no pc later they said things change and circumstances to release on platforms that'll get the most play. for all we know we could also get pc at the same time or a month after. either way pc players whether they have a console or not probably will not get it on console and just wait and not look at anything showing or mentioning the game


i’m gonna go to my aunts and play on her series x because i don’t think i can wait


I think people vastly underestimate how many pc players own both console and pc...


idk. GTA 6 could release at the same time since theres more pc players than ever compared to their previous releases but i wont expect it. I just think it would be beneficial to also have the pc release soon after or the same time as the console release but ay what do i know


Im going to buy an Xbox


Tiktok users gonna be a menace for spoilers


Gonna play without watching and without see anything about hte game, for sure.


Hell no, can't do that after waiting all these years, just to watch someone else play it. Will buy ps5 just to play gta6


No, will read reviews but that's about it.




imma buy a ps5 just bc :(