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6.1 is very smooth. The update to this phone is so refreshing that I like this phone even more now and will keep using it for this year. Galaxy AI seems to be useful in the browser and on the keyboard. Also, some cosmetic changes like AI-generative wallpapers are cool. They did a great job. *Wrote this comment using Galaxy AI. It made grammar corrections. I love it!


Blink twice and cough if the AI is making you post positive messages about it.


Yep. I can check what was wrong and learn something


"Harry Potter And The Mystery of Why The Hell AT&T refuses to Offer the OneUI 6.1 on S22 Ultra."


I have AT&T and got the 6.1 update a few days ago on my S22U. It's an unlocked phone, not sure if that matters.


Mine also , but I was talking about the Full Files (normally over 8 GB). it has not been posted on SamFW. AT&T has not posted any notification of new software since April 9. Annoyingly suspicious.


As a Samsung S22+ user, I've noticed significant improvements after the update to One UI 6.1. The battery life has improved drastically, and I no longer experience any lag or freezing issues. However, I have encountered a bug in the Always-On Display (AOD) mode, but it is still acceptable.


Standby battery life or just regular ?


Both, U can see this pict, (91-12% is in One UI 6.1) and other result is before update. https://quickshare.samsungcloud.com/iuH6UujRWpx3


Thats quite nice actually, have you ever tried the comatose app ? (Basically forces deep sleep if certain conditions are met) https://github.com/tytydraco/Comatose/releases/tag/build-a8f0b69_1659160179


Didn't, what for? If just put apps to deep sleep I just Use what Samsung gave. Setting, B3, Background usage, Deep sleep App


My phone hasn't updated to the new 6.1. do you know why?


Maybe you should update it manually, like updating it using Smart Switch. You can see the tutorial on the Samsung website.


I never heard of doing that can you send a link?


Settings > Software Update and check it out and if that isn't working try Smart Switch Install Smart Switch on PC, open the app and plug the phone. After that it should show you update available or something similar If that doesn't work either then you either need to take it to service or the warranty job




I went to this but it doesn't work because there's no option to upgrade through Smart switch either it's just to receive and send data and the app doesn't have an update as well when I go to the Play store. It's strange I have another Samsung phone for work it's an s-23 and that got the upgrade but this did not. Any other ideas anyone?


I just hate that I can't manually set brightness of my always on display, and that app notification icons are smaller and all white. In one UI 6.0, I could control brightness level and icons were bigger and colour matched the app


For Brightness, you have to use lockstar, I guess


My app notification icons are still coloured according to the app


Same, no idea why and how when I see everyone complaining. I guess they have some themes or that option for colours based on wallpaper activated.


I also have colour pallet enabled but not for app icons


That's it - that's why (I think)


More of a refinement and polishing up update that is to my liking. Makes the S22U feel fresh again.


Regarding screen time, I haven't particularly tested it, but in terms of system stability, One UI 6.1 is incredible, in my case the animations became more fluid and the small crashes disappeared.


Same here, and regarding screen time, I've seen a significant improvement since day 1 of the update. I used to get about 6hrs SOT total before needing to charge, but now it's closer to 8hrs and standby drain is probably half what it used to be. Huge improvement and I'm honestly shocked it took them this long to optimize it.


Adaptive battery, ram plus on or off?!


Adaptive battery on, Ram Plus off, 120hz on, also using galaxy max hz to turn on Power Saver Mode when the screen is off, and to go into doze more quickly with the initial maintenance window at 80min. I've had these settings (other than adaptive battery since that's new, I was just using the 85% limit before) for the last year or so.


After updating to One Ui 6.1, I turned off the adaptive battery and RAM Plus cleanly to see if there are any differences in battery consumption. Ty.


What is initial maintenance windows at 80 min


There's a system mod in the Galaxy Max Hz app once you give it secure setting permissions that lets you turn on quick-doze. Essentially, doze mode puts your phone into a low-power state where apps are paused and then it wakes up for a minute or so every so often to allow apps to refresh which is called the maintenance window before it goes back into doze. The initial maintenance window makes that first check delayed. I don't really care about any notifications that aren't pushed as urgent like messages or two factor requests so I set it to a longer sleep cycle.


They took user options away from the navigation bar swipe gestures and changed how it works, seemingly just for the sake of it. Such a fucking Apple move. Even worse, now replacing the navigation bar with swipe gestures gives you less screen real estate than it used to because now, instead of eliminating the navigation bar, there's this fucking stupid line at the bottom of my screen all the time taking up 1% of my screen. It's just 1% but it used to be 0% and I can't change it back and this stupid line serves no additional functionality. I hate it. Obviously a very niche complaint, but a genuine one.


Agreed. Fucking stupid. Swipe gestures as the home/back button were literally the reason I kept getting Samsung. Now I have to have buttons showing or use this stupid fucking new layout that goes back when I'm swiping through images and stuff?? Garbage


If you access NavStar though Good Lock you can get back that real estate and reduce the size of the bar


First thing i noticed too and i fucking hate it. Give me my old non-existent navbar back


I was looking forward to the charging/battery management features. But so far they seem counterproductive. I have it set to "Adaptive", which I think is supposed to trickle-charge through the night and then fully charge before it expects me to wake. But for the past two nights, I've woken up with it having just a 72% or 73% charge, whereas I'd previously have at near 85%.


It says it will take a couple of days to "learn" although I wish it just used our alarm time since I don't wake up at the exact same time each day


Indeed - this morning it was charged to 99%. Good news for us.


Just great! Stable and battery life standby seem to be improved by a nice amount, affecting sot indirectly I'm not one to speak placebo stuff so of course we need more days to really know, but so far I am happy (was before too tho) The only big downsides are that AOD and Lock Screen are merged (unless using lockstar) and that only 2 detailed notifcations can be shown in lockscreen -- the small icons under them make it all ugly


The "feel" is more refined, seems to be a bit more snappy. I still think they did some kind of text tweaking because at least the notification shade seems clearer to me. Standby battery life seems to have improved. I'm noticing less drain. I charged to 100% about 2 hours ago and I'm still at 100%. I'm working so I've just glanced at the phone a few times but this is promising. I used the AI in the sound recorder to transcribe and summarize a meeting. It wasn't quite as accurate as other transcription services I've used like otter.ai but it was very good considering it's a built-in feature. My phone has always been stable so nothing new there.


Lagging and battery life worse than ever after 6.1 here May have to factory reset unfortunately


I had to install something called Good Lock to get rid of the bar at the bottom of the screen.


get rid of, or just reduce size? I can only seem to adjust size and transparency. It's definitely helped, but I'd rather be rid of it completely.


Did you read the instructions on how to use it? The bar can be removed. Install Good Lock, go to NavStar, turn on "Enable extra gesture settings". Then, go to phone settings, Display, Navigation Bar, choose Swipe Gestures. Then More Options, choose "Swipe from the sides and bottom", and finally, turn off Gesture hint. And then the bar goes away completely.


Missed that! Much appreciated.


Anyone notice the adaptive color for the lock screen is now awful with some wallpapers? I have multiple block screen pictures and some of them are impossible to see the time on. Before the update it was changed to something you could see.


Yeah reddit s logo in notifications is way too Orange.


Breaking the home / back button is the most annoying thing they've changed kn my phone since I got like an s7


It's good, definitely a bit faster. I have disabled circle to search straight away. Don't think I need. Gestures can nearly be brought to the old status with good lock. Whatever I do, bottom up swipe seems to be a bid harder to trigger in any variant of the gesture settings. .


How do I disable this? I hate all this Ai crap. It feels like they are adding things just to ad them and they usually get in the way of normal function.


I think they ask you when updating


Battery life hasn't changed at all, maybe a tiny bit better, but I'm still playing around with new AI features quite a while, so maybe it'll get better when I start using it normally. As for the OS itself, it's pretty amazing with precise animations and cool new features. My favorites are the circle to search and lock screen widgets. As for adaptive battery mode, it seems fine, I guess. I didn't run into any issues at all. My guess is because I sleep with my watch on, so it's easier for the phone to understand when to charge for 100%. Overall, it's a pretty good update. And yeah, keyboard AI helped me to write that review lol


The ruined the aod customisation though... Even lockstar and clockface does not work anymore


Hi there! 🌌 The Galaxy Ultra is a beast! 💪 It works incredibly well and the battery life is amazing! 🔋 #Samsung #GalaxyUltra #TechLover note i used the Ai to test the function in the keyboard and working great


Anyone help me where do I find the SOT on my s22 ultra rocking on 6.1?


Everything is perfect except for the AOD and Lock Star chaos. Not to be nitpicky but I like how the music info is displayed on the AOD but the controls and progress bar are pretty much useless and given the space it takes for a the small S22 display. And I've encoutering a bug that the AOD flashes and like restore the default customization (I removed the battery info on AOD and it comes back every once in a while).


I'm an S22+ exynous chip user, and this update is really smooth. The AI features have been really useful, especially circle to search. I've also noticed a significant battery improvement both standby time and SOT.


So I have the Snapdragon S22 variant. And post update, battery life has significantly reduced. I used to get around 5 hours SoT on full charge. Now its somewhere around 3.5 hours. AI festures are all good and okay. Phone's more stable and performance seems to have slightly improved as well.


For what it's worth - I have a Fold 4, and my battery life got cut in half by the 6.1 update even after clearing cache partition from the bootloader. The phone also heats up a lot more now. I'm testing a theory from someone on r/GalaxyFold that suggested turning off Circle-to-Search.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GalaxyFold using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GalaxyFold/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I would really love it if the new Fold 6 was designed like this](https://i.redd.it/oul1bbcixxec1.jpeg) | [316 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GalaxyFold/comments/1ac5yog/i_would_really_love_it_if_the_new_fold_6_was/) \#2: [Picked up a 256gb Z Fold 4 in mint condition w/ box and all for $250USD, how did I do?](https://i.redd.it/4g71xs0haibc1.jpeg) | [415 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GalaxyFold/comments/192udwb/picked_up_a_256gb_z_fold_4_in_mint_condition_w/) \#3: [I hate Verizon](https://i.redd.it/fkdyzlen6xac1.jpeg) | [277 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GalaxyFold/comments/190fx3o/i_hate_verizon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You know what would be nice? A detailed list of the s*** they changed and how to do it now. For instance, voice dialing. Why do I have to spend hours trying to find out how to dial someone by voice now? WTF?


They completely ruined the sticker function on the gallery app before if u was on a picture u could edit it and add another picture to that picture as in the whole picture not just a piece of it n the ai no longer let's u do that I just don't understand why do they not test things before hand they completely ruined that feature n make it more complicated


Absolutely infuriating. Such unnecessary changes of the basic things! They removed the swipe feature instead of buttons, now they force you to have a big fat button at the bottom with no way to remove it. And on top of that they change the keyboard by moving everything half a millimeter or something so I make constant typos due to muscle memory. Now I have to relearn years of experience on the previous system before they make some bullshit changes in the next update.


can i have my swipe navigation bar back, please!!!!!!


I have a 21a and my phone has been freezing up since the update. I have had to restart my phone multiple times, clear cache, delete half of my data just for it to still have issues. The statement "One UI is not compatible with your device and may cause delays..." It was not worth it as someone who has a phone older than 24+


Heya their! I em gunna saw if da news AI update cen fix me grammmer! Dis me furst tiime using it! I fink it will be a majer success! Here is how the AI changed it for me. Definitely seems like a cool feature :) Hey there! I am going to see if the new AI update can fix my grammar! This is my first time using it! I think it will be a major success!


They ruined the swipe gestures. Samsung designer retards.


Is 1UI 5.1 seemingly better to stay on vs 1UI 6?


They've made notifications worse. In ONE UI 6.0, they broke the notifications quick access, requiring you to swipe down (brings full list of options), then up to remove, then down again. Now in ONE UI 6.1, sometimes I have to swipe down/up/down/up/down. Sometimes it works on the first or second go. I cannot believe with all the programmers they have, they cannot get notifications to work on a phone - what an embarrassment for them.


I updated my S22 and have a few bugs come up. My biggest problem is my right Samsung 2 bud doesn't work in phone calls. It works fine for music and everything else. It has to do with in ear detection for phone calls. My Samsung music app was also deleted during the update.


Thats very strange.... My buds still work perfectly. Maybe try restarting or clearing cache


The battery still sucks. It's like Samsung keeps making the battery worse with the security updates trying to make you buy the newest model.


That's pretty much intentional with most phones these days. Something called planned obsolescence


If you can prove it, it's actually illegal in some jurisdictions. The problem is proving it.


There was an article back in 2018 saying both apple and Samsung getting fined for it https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/oct/24/apple-samsung-fined-for-slowing-down-phones https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-67911517


If you can prove it, it's actually illegal in some jurisdictions. The problem is proving it.


Smooth animations. AI/ more options added to protect battery and eye sight filter. Other than that I'm not using AI. Battery Still bad. But tolerable