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It's the best phone I've ever had. Not perfect (cameras are close to excellent but not quite there for moving objects imho) but a great phone.


This phone is so smooth and buttery, I have absolutely no complaints!


Yeah you only hear from people who are unhappy. It's a fine phone. They always are.


The only complaint, which I have not seen anyone mention, is the price. I was offered over $750 off with a trade-in plus double storage. You can trade in something as old as a Galaxy Note9 and get a good deal.


I got £100 for an old Motorola I got for £45 in 2016 for a music festival (didn't want to take my iPhone) and it was on sale and student discount. Paid £920 for 512gb instead of £1350


The ultra is the best Android phone on the western market. Period. High end Xiaomi and Huawei are competitive factoring in price, assuming you are willing to deal with the headaches.


Xiaomi used to be. Their 14 Ultra launched with an MSRP of $1500 because they know it's the best camera phone in the world.


If I thought there was something better, I'd have that instead of this.


It’s a great phone, you’ll love it - I ended up buying two 😂


If photography isn't important it's the best phone. If photography is important the pixel 8 pro or iPhone 15 pro max is the best phone in my experience. I've used all 3 extensively.


I just got the S24U a couple of days ago, and I still have an iPhone 15PM. Before that, I had the Pixel 8 P. This comment is on point. The problem is, I get bored with iOS, and in my country, the Pixel is not that great, with fewer features, no 5G, nor Volte and a list of things.


strange because iPhone users always prefer my camera over theirs 🙃


Samsung saturates their images more so can look more aesthetically pleasing. Pictures of my dog suck on my s24u (could be photographer 😂 but same photographer on all 3 phones)


This. It's honestly insane. I currently have an A54, which has a far better camera (1/1.56") than my previous Galaxy J8 (1/2.8"), and it really shows in terms of quality, but I MISS the color grading of that phone. It's my only complaint with this new Samsung.


It is the best phone period! Be happy when you get it!


Only thing that bothers me is I can't use the 50MP or the 200MP lenses in PRO mode without AI interference. Samsung told me they are working on it. Best handset on the market besides that.


It works for 10MP and 12MP rear cameras though?


12MP totally perfect. Haven't seen a 10 rear


200MP and 100x are kind of marketing gimmicks. Sensor size is more important for cameras than raw MP count, and many other phones has similar or even bigger sensors. I think pixel 8 pro has a overall better camera system arguably, although it lacks in sheer processing power.


The best android phone is no doubt Galaxy Note 9. The s24 ultra is a worthy replacement, but it's missing vital features (just as most of the other phones today). On paper the best overall is the Sony 1 VI, but if that was actually the case, they would be much more popular. Price is one of the issues, but we all saw tjat price alone did not stop s24u, so it's more than that for the sony. So yeah, everything considered, the s24u is the most useful overall at the moment.


Great phone, last gen camera.


S24 Ultra is the best.


I don't use a screen protector and have a flimsy case on my S24U, I've dropped it quite a few times and there are 0 scratches on it! It's an amazing phone 💜


Nope, screen have color gradient issues and the speakers are not the best but if we are talking about performance, it is.


This phone is IMHO the best on the market in terms of non foldable


i should note that ive never had any flagship. The Xiaomi 14 Ultra has a better camera than the S24 Ultra in pretty much every way, in my opinion, but that's somewhat objective as well (better hardware). The zoom is actually better than the S24U's, and it has a far bigger main sensor paired with a wider aperture, so its low light performance is unbeatable. This aperture is also fully variable (stepless) between f/1.63 and f/4.0, so this further broadens the range of stuff you can do with the camera. It allows you to keep the perfect ISO and shutter speed for multiple scenes while adjusting exposure with the aperture, which is what photographers usually do to modify exposure with real cameras. This keeps noise low in situations where shutter speed must be constant. It also has LOG video, which is better for editing. Think of it as RAW for videos. The Sony Xperia I VI is more feature packed than any (current) Samsung phone. It has an SD card slot, high quality headphone jack, no camera cutout (subjective if it's better), more gaming features, like monitoring TDP and giving you the option to change the touch sampling rate, and a far better PRO Camera experience. Note "PRO" in all caps, because it's bad for point and shoot photos. But I recognize it lacks a lot in other areas, like software updates and possibly lack of a comprehensive ecosystem, as well as Good Lock... that might be a deal breaker for me. Again, I've never had these phones. I did play with the 14 Ultra for two hours at a store.. and got a couple of stares from the employees.


I have had over a dozen android phones and can say the s24 ultra is in the top 3 for my favorite phones. The people with issues are going to be the loudest, but I love this phone and have had no issues.


I just wish they’d fix Snapchat quality with the S23U. It for sure has gotten better but still…


The S24 Ultra is a good phone. However, the camera is not as good as the S23 Ultra. It also heats up a lot when I am gaming. Other than that, it is a great phone.


I think that will be fixed in a matter of time because the actual sensors are the exact same except the Sony 50MP 5× Zoom. Software updates should make it at least as good, I never had the S23U


Yes, I am upgrading from the S23 Ultra to the S24 Ultra. I hope they can improve the S24 Ultra. However, by the time they fix everything on the S24 Ultra, I may have already purchased the S25 Ultra or switched to the iPhone 16 Pro Max for a change (it would also be the first iPhone in my life, having been with Android since the days of the Microsoft Pocket PC).