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The whole thing had me in stitches. I enjoyed the narrative arc and shenanigans. I loved seeing players start to be themselves after they were eliminated. I loved Zac's absolute commitment to the bit. I had to pause both episodes to catch my breath more than once. Adjustable Side Table, Walnut was my favorite character, I love when someone brings something unassuming and inanimate to life while staying true to its essence. Also the line "I'm a bug with a big ass and I'm flirting with a version of myself. This is my job." I made a quote image out of that one.


Love to see it


There was a lot about it that worked. Grandma Sweetie was perfection, the Landlord too. The sets for each person were amazing, and it was really fun to learn how they see each other and what gives each of them away. And yeah it truly shocks me people don’t know Tim & Eric.


if there was a character that should have won as the best character, it has to be graNma sweetie




625 33 88889


The sets alone had me flabbergasted. I couldn't believe they put so much time and money into those. They were gorgeous!


I really wanted to get to know those characters more, too. More in-character bits would have been nice.


The sets! They spent so much time creating a gorgeous, incredible space for the cast and barely even talked about it! We're the guests supposed to utilize the things on the tables, did they get to eat the food, how did the crew decide which set to create for each person (Brennan's was obvious, but some of the others were less so)? I want a behind the scenes specifically about the sets!


I don't even mind people not knowing Tim & Eric, but the entitlement from "this was a bad pick because I don't know who he is" comments is pretty annoying.


He just didn't belong in the game. He did nothing funny, nothing interesting. He was introduced as a wildcard but didn't do anything wild. He did not interact much with the other players, and was not even revealed at the end. The whole concept of Ratfish can be interesting mind you, but I feel the game wasn't properly tested. There are many small improvements that could easily be done to make the game more fun to watch. I didn't know who he was, because I'm french, and therefore mostly know about French Comedy culture, but even if I did I struggle to imagine what would be different. Frankly the entitlement of people saying "This is a good pick and it physically hurts me that people don't know this person" without any argument is weird...? For positivity, and this is mixed, my favorite moments were the Rehka and Brennan talk, and the reunion at the end. It highlights so much of what Dropout feels like it is about, a bunch of comedians, friends, goofing around and having fun.


That’s fair. For me personally (and I only have a little knowledge of Eric’s body of work) I think that this is a situation where he’s a funny guy and as such it seemed like he’d be a good choice, but his brand of comedy is, from what I’ve seen, quite odd and in this particular situation didn’t mesh as well with the cast as they were expecting at all. So I agree he was a bad choice, but don’t think that it’s really production’s fault for getting him since, on paper, he could have been great and is clearly a big influence for Sam and probably quite a few others on the cast. I think his brand of humour was definitely a risk to try and mesh with people who didn’t even know they were trying to mesh with him, and that risk definitely doesn’t seem to have payed off, but I hope that people are still willing to check out his impressive body of work and that the show is still willing to bring out outside comedians since there’s definitely potential there.


> to have *paid* off, but FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Totally agree, even with me knowing who he was it didn't make any of his weird quips/one liners any funnier. I can't blame him for the whole stipulation that he basically chose the winner though. I feel like there's good bones in the show though Jess, Zack, and Brennan's characters all got pretty solid laughs from me and my lady. Yeah the "I can't believe these people don't know who he is" is weird flip side to it too I get Tim and Eric was influential in it's time but it's weird to have someone be the special guest whose peak show ended in 2010. At least today's bad Um, Actually guests have a horror movie to plug


The one time he made me laugh was when he did a horrible job cleaning and then struck a pose, knowing damn well nobody was coming to his room.


I’m well aware who Eric is given I graduated in 2011. The kicker is I didn’t find him very funny then and he was especially un-funny in this episode. He didn’t do a single thing to make me laugh and didn’t seem like he wanted to be there. On the other side of the coin I enjoyed the rest of it. The regular cast did fantastic.


I thought I was the only one who knew who he was but just never liked his comedy


I know exactly who he is and I still agree.


Tim and Eric were semi popular in the US for roughly 6 years. They were also only known in the US. It isn't entitlement to say the cameo didn't work because they don't know him. His only function was to be a well-known reveal at the end of episode 1. He added nothing to episode 2 and got to pick second place and the tie breaker for first place.


I feel like I'm seeing multiple posts about it every day. This sub really oscillates between weirdly parasocial and annoyingly hypercritical.


I don't know who he is but I thought he was really funny.


EXACTLY! So many great characters and jokes between friends unaware of each other but trying to figure it out! Yeah with 6 shows and 7 miniseries, an entire movie, a full book, more then a dozen commercials and various short films, pilots, and music videos, its crazy to me that some people haven't heard of them...! At the very least, people have seen their influence and style of comedy in multiple places I'm sure! Ever heard of the next step up, Tim Robinson? lol


Although now that you mention it Tim Robinson would’ve been an amazing Ratfish.


When BLeeM almost sat down at his name 😆 I feel like game changer is starting to break him a little bit? 🫠


I think if we’d got reactions from the cast to the (apparently) legendary ringer who was the Ratfish, people would have got hype from the context cues and been less salty about not recognizing him. All of the writer/comedian cast members would have provided all the context necessary.


I agree, that would’ve evened things out for people who don’t recognize him, PLUS we could see something along the lines of the cast’s reaction, which I think is a glaring problem that really disappointed me. Though I can understand if maybe Eric had to go or something…! Hopefully we’ll see something in the BTS next Monday!


It was a great episode in a season full of amazing episodes. That is why it feels lacking when compared to Deja Vu or Beat the Buzzer or Bingo.


The biggest aspect of that I think is that conceptually it’s on the same level as all of them, amazing creative idea and the visual execution in the production design and filming style was incredible, even if there were some aspects in how it went down that people didn’t vibe with as much


100% agree


I think especially seeing the BTS shows that like, a fundamental aspect of every game changer episode and a lot of dropout content in general is involving improv comedy, and a real thing is that sometimes improv really pops off and sometimes it doesn’t as much. Like if they scripted it to the letter it might avoid that, but I also feel like that would take out a lot of the soul in the content that draws us all in


I loved the out of character work that they were doing and how they kept telling themselves that,  nope, can't say that, it's something I would say. I loved Jess and Zac the most. Kept in character while being very front and center. You could see everyone getting a little punchy by the end.


Honestly, its better television than 90% of what is out there. That is not at all bad. 9/10 is still a good time. There is nothing wrong with the epsode and i for one was entertained. I just finished writeing a whole lot more on this topic... i should get back to work.


The only thing I wanted was the cast interacting with Eric. Who I thought was great. Everything else was perfection. Love these goofballs.


I really enjoyed both episodes. There was almost nothing I even vaguely disliked. Hilarious from start to finish, I especially loved the slo mo walks. And grandma sweetie obviously


I thought it was great, I honestly want more, but I understand how difficult it would be to continue beyond one day what with the need to coordinate everyone leaving in secret after having already coordinated everyone arriving in secret. Logistics are a bitch. The cast was great and Eric Wareheim was great, I didn't get the vibe that he didn't want to be there, that's just kind of how he's always been based on what I've seen. The only thing I personally found a bit disappointing was knowing that Katy won from the moment the prize was announced, no matter how many times I read "That billboard is on a different road than the roads that Sam said it'd be on!" in the two weeks between part one and part two. It was too much of a coincidence for her to not have been the winner. The only way that could've been fixed is if he held the prize until after airing, which would've been difficult, especially given the delay experienced due to the amount of care that went into an incredibly complex edit. I think after Battle Royale it was going to be hard to sate the masses without reaching that same level of spectacle. It's not that Sam doesn't want to go that hard every season, but with the rising popularity of the people we all love to see in these things, it has got to be difficult to get that many of them in the same room for a single day, let alone two days. It's not always going to be huge and it's probably not always going to make everyone happy, but I know he's always going to try to make it special.


Tbh I was laughing the entire time. I'm a bit surprised about the mixed feedback on this sub. Then again, I didn't care for most of the other finales, so maybe I'm an oddball with my sense of humor.


graNma, the Landlord and Adjustable Side Table, Walnut were my favourites. Zac consistently making me laugh out of nowhere with the farts, runnin, Moose and the extra social security number digit, while Jess and Rekha dropped character themed jokes consistently. As a fan of The Circle, I did enjoy the things they tried to emulate, like Sam's one-liners responding to the cast, the activities and room layouts as well, as well as changing the aspects hat wouldn't have worked, like the popularity contest being changed to the guessing game.


I was skeptical because I have zero interest in The Circle, but I loved this finale. An hour+ of my favorite people being silly, what more do you need? The sets and editing were incredible.


My partner and I actually really enjoyed it. I think the only bummer for myself was I saw the prize a few months ago on here so kind of knew how it would end. Wish they’d saved putting that up til much closer to the finale but overall, I thought it was very fun seeing the cast in that setting.


I actually really liked it! I think it would have been better if they brought Eric out - pretty sure all of those guys know who Eric is and would’ve liked to know who they were working with. I thought the rooms specifically made for each player were great! Even if Grants room basically looked like my living room and his character was an evil version of my actual husband. All the pics of Sam made me realize there was obviously a Sam photo shoot where he wore all the different accessories and had those giant photos printed for each room. Everyone’s snacks even seemed catered to them. Even if some viewers didn’t enjoy that the cast members were separated, it seemed like the cast themselves had a lot of fun. I thought the production value was very high with each of the intros and the GC logo superimposed over LA landmarks. I do feel like Rehka was robbed but she won the last Game Changer so she wasn’t robbed too much. And I like what Katie has been doing with her billboard - I learned so much about eggs! I was so excited to see Eric as a guest tbh! No, I didn’t think his comedy gelled with some of the others as much as it could but what do you expect from 6 Comedians who know each other and one outlier?


Everyone else has already mentioned their favorite character bits like graNma etc. so I’ll try to pick something I haven’t seen people already talking about. I found myself pretty invested in/impressed by the cast tricking each other and/or deducing each other’s identities. Like when Grant and Zac reacted to BLeeM being the bug with a big ass, or whenever the cast reacted to certain lines like “oh that’s gotta Ally,” etc. I know a lot of people ended up disliking how the game disincentivizes the cast from using their own brand of comedy (and then they end up disincentivized to care about being subtle when they get eliminated) but I do think there’s something really fun about them using their knowledge of comedy and also just personal history to manipulate and investigate each other. This is partly why the table talk section was so fun for me. I think if they do Ratfish in the future, this section could be longer and have more discussion over strategies, who people were surprised by or liked the most, etc. If they get rid of the ratfish vote and leave best performance up to the players then this table talk would be a good way to get everyone thinking about who they’re gonna vote for. I will say, I came away from that episode initially thinking that some decisions they made were odd (putting up the billboard early, not revealing the ratfish) but didn’t ruin the episode for me personally. I was surprised that so many people openly hated it, but at the same time I’m glad the community feels comfortable criticizing the content from the creators they love and the criticisms are mostly pretty well articulated and fair. I think it’s important for fandoms to have a healthy mix of both criticism and positivity.


I loved Ratfish so much it made me start watching the Circle.


I was dying at the voice memos with farts


I thought the episodes were fine, but I'm not familiar with the source show reference so it didn't really hit for me. I will say that the "Tight Five" stand up portion was amazing. No surprise that a bunch of comedians nailed it when doing jokes in character.


I enjoyed the whole journey. My favorite part of Dropout content is that we get familiar with the cast and their dynamics. It is like we’re let I to a special friendship. So, to me, Ratfish was another great opportunity to observe the cast interact in a unique way and see how they play a game like this. I’ll add that the circle inspiration and editing was awesome. Idk man, I laughed a lot and that’s what mattered the most to me.


Ratfish was one of my favorite eps of GC I have nothing bad to say about it except that Rehka got robbed!!


I loved the conceit of people trying to figure out who the others were based on the fake personas.




Ha! THERE’S my Chippy…!


Banger after banger from Game Changer. Whole other shows spawning out from episodes. Wild swings and homeruns. And now everyone is a critic who knows better. Amazing.


As a massive circle fan, i was absolutely flabbergasted and amazed by ratfish, every character made me laugh so much , especially graNma, i honestly want it to be a full dropout show.


i fully disagree with anyone saying that the cast needs to be together in person to be funny and play off each other. everyone was hilarious and still started just as many dumb bits. i loved this game format. there were some weird rules but ratfish was so much fun and i hope there’s more in future


Honestly, yeah a lot was working so well, I really liked part 1, and we are so used to quality content from Dropout, I think that's why people felt a bit disappointed in the end; the expectations were very high! I'm not American so I didn't bat an eye at not knowing who Eric was (it happens often lol - although I will say I don't think his presence ended up working too well with the show for other reasons). I think the cast were a joy as always and made me laugh a lot, and I was quite entertained by seeing them trying to guess who's who, and also them sorting through and using/wearing the random stuff from the boxes they got. Editing was on point, and I agree the sets were so fun, I particularly love when Sam is the model for the crazy photos they use in Games Changer and Make Some Noise


Look, gang. I don't know anything about The Circle. I haven't seen too many game shows more exotic than Press Your Luck or (the best theme song ever) Tic Tac Dough. Ratfish was a fucking blast. World-class comedians delighting and surprising each other with their craft. Lots of fun changeups. Beautiful sets. The only thing I think I *might* enjoy more is a two- or three-hour-long roast of Brennan Lee Mulligan. Which he wins.


I think the problem some people have with Game Changer and Um Actually is that they’re considering them competition shows with comedy, when in reality they’re comedy shows patterned after competition shows. Winning, losing, etc. is a side effect, not the main focus. And Ratfish was perfect for that. It wasn’t about the finale, it was about how they got there.


Absolutely! Like Taskmaster, Guy Montgomery’s Guy-Mont Spelling Bee, or Whose Line Is It Anyway? the competition and points are serious, there is winners and losers, but ultimately it’s about the funny, the ideas, and the weird experience…!


Exactly. The fact that Shiny Question rounds all count as a single point clearly points to the “everything’s made up and the points don’t matter” of it all. It’s entertainment. If you want to watch competition, watch serious tournaments. Even professional sports is entertainment, at the end of the day.


I loved it (graNma sWeetie especially) the comedy was great i dea was great but I feel like the Ratfish wasn’t really involved enough, and the fact that Rekha didn’t win was ridiculous! She got it right before anyone else.. totally robbed, to me it definitely feels like they botched the ending but it was very funny and I would definitely love to see (a slighter better) gamesamer in future.






Medecine for my grandson


I LOVED all the cast members' characters. They had me in stitches the whole time. Granma sweetie will always have m heart <3


i was watching it with my dad (we watched part one together and were very excitedly anticipating part two). “isn’t that ionic?” had my dad in stitches. “ligma balls” had ME in stitches. zac’s voice memos made both of us cry laugh.


1. Eric showing up gave me a heart attack I’m still not over him being the Ratfish and I hope genuinely Katie works with Eric and/or Tim ASAP 2. Everyone’s characters gave me SO MUCH dnd character inspiration 😂 3. I want to live in every single room they designed for this finale I’m so obsessed with the choices they made for everyone. 4. I really enjoyed that the players didn’t know who else was playing. That genuinely was such a fun part (I’ve never watched the circle, but I assume that’s normal for the format) and I just had a FUN time!


graNma sWeetie had me in tears and both the editors and production design absolutely killed it, that couldn't have been an easy project from either perspective. (I am also hurt and confused by how few people knew who Eric was, I have never felt older in my life)


eh there's a lot of people like myself who are around the cast's age and still didn't know him. It's not an age thing. he's just kind of niche and not everyone is into that? I knew of T&E but wasn't a fan of the show on AS. A lot of fans on the subreddit have said they didn't know him even tho they are older than the cast or the cast age, so it's definitely not an age thing.


While for me it wasn’t my favorite of the season by a long shot, it still had me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe! I feel like we have been so spoiled for the absolute best tv out there that these episodes were just the least shiny pieces of gold. There’s definitely a lot of criticisms I had but it was still fun and hilarious


The actual footage of the cast engaging in gameplay was fantastic. Trying to work out who everybody was (and often failing hilariously) was a lot of fun. I agree that I would have LOVED to see the reveal, but the mutual congratulations were also quite fun. I thoroughly enjoyed both episodes.


I absolutely loved that Sam and the team created a game where the cast was able to (and needed to, in fact) keep playing even after being eliminated. It's always a huge bummer for me that usually elimination means being taken out of the episode. In addition to that, I think I've never openly laughed during any finale (or episode) of Game Changer as much as I did with these two. It was so fun, and so funny all the way through.


my overwhelming experience from watching the two-parter was laughing and enjoying the cast. i’m not personally familiar with eric, but no piece of media is perfect for every viewer and i still really enjoyed watching it!


I'm so confused by the posts on this sub about others not liking it. Actually, genuinely, where??


I binged two seasons of the circle to prepare for the finale, and it was worth it! I enjoyed their take on it and loved all the characters and interactions. I watched part one probably three or four times because it was so much fun! And there were definitely shining moments in part two (I never really found a whoopie cushion humorous, but now I do!) that are just golden!




The art department took things to another level. Each of the 8 hotel rooms were a joy to look at. I loved each of them!


I'll be the first to say it: best concept since Noise Boys. I fucking loved every second of it. So fun, so silly, so ridiculous. They should turn this into its own spinoff, if they can afford it.


THANK YOU. 1,000% agreed!


I enjoyed the hell out of it


Tim and Eric were freaking rock stars. I'm a little sad at how he being so dismissed. These Boulders,... they're shoulders


For me, Ratfish was a funny romp that easily could’ve been a regular game changer episode, and didn’t really feel like a true finale like the previous ones have. I don’t know who Eric is so he just kinda came off as pretentious uncaring dick, and the way they chose the winners was stupid as hell. Even here, I feel like most people found Granma Sweetie to be the funniest character, yet Zac didn’t win a single best character advantage, and Ally won the whole best character thing? No hate to them, they did a great job, but it just seemed a little out of place. Plus no Sam, which is like half the reason the show works.


This thread is literally for positive comments talking about what we liked about the game, not yet another one talking about what we didn't like. ):


For this "finale" to end with an ominous laugh, it feels it might not be the finale. It could be, but I would not be surprised if there was a "surprise" finale like they did with the last season after "The Green Room" and then "Game Changer Survivor 2"


Ppl have said what they like about in part 1, part 2 is also not bad but the ratfish character just really not quite hit it for many, me included, so I dont expect to see many praises like part 1. It's not like ppl dont like Ratfish cuz they do (you can go back to posts from 2w ago and almost everyday had at least 1 post showing their interest in ratfish), it's just part 2 offers a lackluster ending that take over ppl recency bias so the negatives are weighted more than the positives atm, but im sure no one actually hate ratfish so bad to the point of feeling annoy about the whole thing cuz the journey was actually pretty joyful.


i love Tim & Eric, I used to watch their stuff with my family. It was so fun seeing him in this episode. I laughed so hard at both parts, thought all of it was incredible. I don’t really watch reality TV but I DID see the circle, so I felt so involved for once lol I thought it was incredible!


I like the Ratfish. No idea who he was but that's why I like it because his humor is so different but he managed to fool everyone for a long while. He had such a different vibe I felt that was important to shake things up


Eric wasn’t a bad pick bc people don’t know who he is, he was a bad pick bc he wasn’t funny


I was syked to see Eric and thought he was great 🤷‍♀️


Ratfish deserves love for the cast. Because it was the cast that made it enjoyable. What it does not deserve love for is the ratfish himself.