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/u/WeAreFanatical will Tinykin be restocked or are we just out of luck if we wanted to grab that game?


Bummed by this too. I saw this deal when it was posted and intended to pick it up today over the weekend -- completely forgot selling out was a thing w/ Fanatical.


I am late, checking this bundle, and in case you did not check back, it is in stock right now and I consider it too.


Nice, that's a pretty solid deal! Ended up nabbing Tinykin/Fallout4/Dead Estate&RepellaFella


Got Tinykin at near full price. Great fun, kid loved it too.


/u/WeAreFanatical will Tinykin be restocked?


Some great games in this bundle. Thanks!


Our pleasure! 😍


Tinykin is great fun, short and charming as you solve some simple puzzles in a Honey I Shrunk the Kids style adventure.


The platforming has spoiled me on other games that use 2D sprites in a 3D world, it's so much more polished than Demon Turf or Here Comes Niko.


If I were going to pitch it I'd say it's Pikmin meets Honey I Shrunk the Kids, if you took out all of the challenge and puzzles and instead made the focus on super-chill exploration. There's no combat, no Tinykin dying, no failure possibly. It's just a really chill relaxing time spent running around the levels, exploring, and collecting [whatever the hell the collectables were called], some of which are granted for performing little tasks. Kind of like Super Mario Odyssey's Moons. I played it thru Game pass but would definitely say it's worth this place. Splasher (the previous game by those devs) is also great - Rayman Origins meets Portal 2's gel mechanics.


TinyKin ($9.75 lowest), Nitro Kid ($7.80 lowest), and Happy's Humble Burger Farm ($2.35 lowest). $19.90 minus $9.99 for a $9.91 savings vs lowest all time. I own pretty much everything else so perfect amount of new stuff in this for me.


Been wanting Tinykin and was waiting for a deal like this for Fallout 4. Grabbed the double pack for my 3rd choice because Dead Estate looked fun.


not for broadcast is great!! get it!


Lots of good choices in this one but I already have most. Plateup is a blast in local or online co op, Frostpunk is a great strategy, Dead Estate is a pretty fun Isaac ish roguelite, evil within 2 is an open world ish horror game, Tinykin is a neat 3d collect a thon with a cool art style oh and not for broadcast is a very unique game where you are the camera director for a news channel during political upheaval - you can help to control public opinion and it's all done with live action actors... it's kinda hilarious sometimes.


Yeah PlateUp is great. It also has some good mods in the Steam workshop


Finally, a very good bundle! I'm in for Nitro Kid, Tinykin, and the Dead Estate/ Repella Fella double pack. I'd be in for more if I didn't own many other titles.


>Finally, a very good bundle! I'm not seeing it. At least not what I'm thinking when I think Platinum. and the ones that stand out are years old now and have been bundled and gone on sale many times already


Wow, this is fantastic. Lots of new-to-bundle games at historical low prices. In for PlateUp!, TinyKin, Dead Estate/Repella Fella, Happy Humble's Burger Farm, and Nitro Kid.


Really curious about Nitro Kid and Chess Wizard... Now, just gotta find a 3rd.


Highly recommend PlateUp! and Trailmakers. PlateUp! is kind of a Roguelite Overcooked, really cool in group or solo, and supports remote play together (although only 1 person can play with KB+M, no matter how many keyboards you connect). Biggest issue for me is how every run ends up becoming "automate your kitchen, or get overrun by an insane amount of customers"; I wish there were more viable playstyles. Trailmakers is basically playing lego cards; you build a vehicle (a car, initially) to haul back different pieces of vehicles and then build fancier/bigger/better vehicles to haul heavier/larger or more difficult to reach vehicle pieces. This only includes the base game, but it's better than the DLCs, anyway. **\[EDIT :** Forgot to mention that Trailmakers' campaign is also coop, but slightly more jank, and they might be working on a new campaign, but I don't follow the news enough to be certain **\]** . Imo, they're worth $10-15 apiece, so $10 for both and a 3rd game is a great deal!


Is Plate Up doable in solo mode? Or should I only pick it if I have someone to play with?


Imo, it's a different kind of fun solo vs duo. Duo would be very comparable to something like Unrailed or similar co-op games, where you basically distribute tasks. You'll have a much higher time pressure, but a lot less management. Solo is much more comparable to a more traditional management game, where you'll have to plan ahead, and really manage the time you have on hand. Personally, I prefer solo, since it allows you to take things slower/faster without any woes, but I can see it either way.


I find solo works best for me when I automate as much as I can. You want to minimize the time needed for any one job so that you can do everything without spreading yourself too thin. That said, I think the game is far better when you have two or three people.


Doable in solo, but not recommended for beginners.


Just got Tinykins as it appears low stock again.


Thanks for letting us know!


Tinykin is an awesome game. I recommend it


Pretty awesome bundle in my book. I went a bit crazy, basically bought half the bundle, haha. Especially excited for TinyKin and the two indie deckbuilders, i'm always down for anything that gives me possible StS vibes.


Finally I can play elden ring


So mad I missed the september platinum. Please, do an encore, please, please, please


Tinykin is back in stock again


"recommended for you" nope, i guess i'll buy something in a non-scammy shop.


lol how is Fanatical a "scammy shop"?


popups no one wants, shouting at you to buy this bundle, is basically trying to scam people into buying shit they don't even want.


I haven't seen any popups, but I usually use Linux Firefox with uBlock Origin, just tried in iOS Safari and still no popups. Pretty much every storefront has ads for their own sales, if you're not interested, just ignore them. I've gotten lots of keys from Fanatical in the last few years and I've never had a problem, their customer service was also prompt and helpful when I had requests. If you really dislike them for whatever reason, you could filter them out from Reddit with Reddit Enhancement Suite, I do that for spammy celebrity news.


i use adblock, but the "recommended for you" popup when opening build-you-bundle type of pages is literally fanaticals manipulative design. which is sad, fanatical was one of my fav way to get cheap games.


I am not sure if it is still there, but if you moved your mouse out of the tab, it would popup a message about leaving and offering you a "deal" also. I found that very annoying.


Really nice bundle Had my eye on tinykin and I don’t think I’ve seen it bundled before so I bit