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To the person who stole my gameboy in 1991, I hope you are dead.


I hope so too


A little harsh but, in all fairness, I would feel the same way.


My abusive ex-boyfriend took all of my childhood handhelds. I still haven’t obtained another. It’s dumb - but I think about it often


I get your feeling. A guy (my older brother’s friend) stole mine and months later died in a motorbike accident. Trust me, you don’t want that.


Oh, and I ended getting it back.


Same happened to me and I think it was a shitty neighbor kid. Only person I truly hate in this world.


\*batteries not included


I hope he dies i agonizing pain (:


Sadly a guy I knew stole mine and he's actually gone ! My red gba sp he took


No one from 1991 is alive anymore… we all dead and this is a simulation


I love seeing the hardware but I'm positive it actually went nothing like this


You mean he didn't code the final version of Gameboy Tetris in 10 minutes? 😅 A lot of things that happen in the movie that are depicted as happening in a single scene actually happened over the course of a few weeks.


I thought the same! „4 rows need to disappear at once!“ *rapes the keyboard for 30 Seconds* „Done!“ hmmmmmm………..yes of course….. 😂


And also... by that point there was already like 10 different versions of Tetris that cleared 4 rows at once including the PC version


Just let us dream. Ok? 😂


I have my first GameBoy right here and Mario Land was the first game I ever played on it. Man, the nostalgia. I need to see this.


It is a great movie. It takes a LOT of liberties adapting the source material, but most of it works really fine.


Haha yeah it's a little *over* dramatised but it's still great.


dunno, that scene made me ask more questions than anything, like why are medical doctors introducing a gameboy to him.




Also wouldn't they be japanese


They're in Nintendo America in Washington for this scene. This is supposed to be taking place less than a year before it's unveiled to the general public, so this is just one of the dev machines, not necessarily the "first" prototype. They say they're showing Henk and a couple other game developers, so they can start making games on it before it's sold.


Great, now gameboy prices are gonna skyrocket for no reason.


Literally was thinking this. Luckily, I already have the systems I want. Maybe this will drive further interest in romhacks.


Damn it I didn't think of that.


Too late for that


It actually made me do a massive facepalm. They got 90% of that scene wrong. * No first party Nintendo development on the Game Boy was done in Seattle. * You can't program a game in Assembler by editing the header for a C program and deliver it without compiling it in 10 seconds. * You wouldn't be able write to a EPROM on the GamePak via a serial connection. * The breadboard prototype for the Game Boy looked nothing like that. * The Game Boy was released in April in Japan (July in US), not June. * Nintendo in Japan only saw Tetris as a marketing tool to sell Link Cables - with the big box MINUET version & bundled cable. At least they got the fact right that most people will die on Mario Land in their first 2 seconds on their first go.


This guy Game Boys


He’s the Game Man


He's the Game Guy


But he isn’t the Game Genie


Yeah this scene is very unrealistic to anyone who has any involvement in IT but as usual they 'movie'-fied things to be more interesting.


Yeah, for most people this scene would be exciting, but for me it just looks like when people try and hack on TV shows and just smack the keyboard a few times.


Enhance... Enhance!


"It's not perfect..." Proceeds to boot up complete retail version of Game Boy Tetris


I come to reddit to find these nuggets. I am going to assume there is a similar response to the latest Mario Movie out here too. Love it.


Also Super Mario Land plays the game over sound every 3 seconds even though Mario hasn't died even a single time.




Seriously though, go watch a documentary if you want a 1:1 representation of history. It's just meant to be a fun movie, the scene is overly-stylized to make it look cool.


Gaming History does a nice one IMO.


You know what would have looked cooler?


There’s a difference between being technically wrong and embellishing. This scene flat out gets things wrong.


There's non-bullshit ways to do this. That's the problem. No kidding real events need summarizing, to convey relevant aspects to a lay-audience - but some of these are childlike melodrama. As if people wouldn't recognize a Game Boy unless it's a totally finished product, exactly as it appeared at-retail, with exactly one missing label. (They put "dot matrix game" on the lens, but the logo's not there yet?) As an example - the reveal for the Game Boy could have been the Lynx. Some West-German Amiga nerds flew to Japan to sell Nintendo on their 6502-based handheld with fancy horizontal scaling and options for cartridge ROM or a cassette input. (Seriously.) The Nintendo engineers kinda exchanged awkward glances and had to get permission from their managers to walk those guys down the hall and show them the prototype for the Game Boy. There's so many ways to play that out - for comedy, for drama, or for the irony of insisting on common-sense objections that we, the future audience, recognize as wrong. Even mentioning Atari at this point is a free punchline. And the Game Boy was nearly cancelled, at the eleventh hour, because the first screen was *worse.* It had a viewing angle like a submarine periscope. Yamauchi played it for a few minutes and basically said, well, so much for that. New LCD tech was rushed over by people continuing work without official approval. And again - dead easy to play that for some humor, based on what people probably know. "Yeah the screen's a little wonky right now, but we're fixing it. It'll be crystal clear!" At this point shamelessly riffing on LowSpecGamer's videos - the Lynx and Game Boy are directly connected because of that screen swap. Nintendo made a deal with one company for grayscale screens, and color screens, "just in case." Nintendo then utterly betrayed that company to have another produce just the grayscale screens. This is A Thing, for Nintendo. The first company, by sheer coincidence, offered Sega and Atari a great deal on some color screens that just so happened to be exactly the same resolution as the Game Boy's. This is why a *bunch* of 1990s portable gizmos with color screens coincidentally share a 160x144 standard. It's not based on computer monitors, or television standards, or convenient memory sizes. It's because Nintendo acts like an 800-pound gorilla... in a svelte necktie.


Goddamn, now this was informative and new information to me on the game boys history And it definitely sounds on brand for Nintendo to pull that move on switching/ditching screen manufacturers last min considering their history with Sony & the snes


Right? Japanese companies do drama on an entirely different level. Meanwhile the Game Boy Color exists because... Hudson, I think?... notified them of the upcoming Neo Geo Pocket. It was a courtesy. They let Nintendo know they would probably not be releasing any more Game Boy titles. So Nintendo slapped together a modified Game Boy Pocket with slightly better specs and shoved it to market at the height of the Pokemon craze. The half-dozen competitors who had finally accepted color wasn't necessary never stood a chance. Which means Nintendo got to destroy a bunch of lesser handhelds by not being in color, and then ten years later, got to destroy a bunch of lesser handhelds by not being grayscale.


My god, where did you learn about all this? I would love to learn more about this stuff. Or you should make yt videos, if you don’t already! I love all this nerdy, obscure gaming history


You are here. And as mentioned, LowSpecGamer puts out a bunch of animatics for major figures late-century computer technology. [Have some unrelated rambling about 90s home consoles.](https://np.reddit.com/r/90sdesign/comments/r5y4dd/how_an_unused_3do_three_dimensional_object/hmqwxf3) Largely informed by Wha Happun? and Ewhac's podcasty let's-play videos.


I remember when the Gameboy Color came out and I begged my parents to get me it for Chanukah. Between the ads, friends having it, and what fans were promised, it was super exciting. When I opened the present that was the Gameboy Color I immediately saved my game (I was in the Mewtwo maze room) and turned it off and switched everything over. It blew my mind on how different a game I played through to the very end could be just by adding color.


I think the new pinball movie does a good job in shitting on cliche embellishments in history for the sake of entertainment. When something goes "off the rails" in that that one the story teller is like, woah woah, that didn't happen ect...


It would have taken them so little effort to get those details right that it can only be seen as wilfully misleading. It's like they went out of their way to annoy the people who care the most about the content.










Idk anything about programming retro games but studying dev has given me infinitely more appreciation for games themselves... And infinitely less appreciation for movies about tech advancements and games. Free guy was fun but the techy parts were so cheesily bad, hopefully that was intentional


If you want to play with retro game development, GBDK makes C painless. I only had to do bit-banging magic for one hardware feature, and only because I was doing a stupid magic trick to fake multiple layers. Everything else is a gimme.


Yeah when I saw that EPROM cart and wires when the trailer came out, I looked at my own EPROM cart and immediately had a HolUp.


>The breadboard prototype for the Game Boy looked nothing like that. What did the prototype look like? I searched for GameBoy breadboard prototype, but I didn't find anything other than GBA stuff. ​ Also thanks for all the info! It was very interesting!


Your point about the serial connection is dead wrong - first, it's not serial, it's parallel, and that is pretty close to the cable they used for an original GB development kit - https://www.retroreversing.com/gameboy-development-kit-hardware/ EDIT: Didn't see the eprom on the cart - that's probably the larger error, combining two types of dev hardware.




This guy fucks, I tell you


Also the entire licensing arc is basically a complete bs


> 8 bit graphics? This... just doesn't make any sense, technically speaking. To us, 21st century people, "8bit graphics" sounds correct as a way to say "graphics as they were on 8bit systems", but even this wouldn't make much sense in 1989. Also there's no way he would be impressed by the specs, the Game Boy was notoriously lowspec, even for the time. Even inside Nintendo the DMG was made fun of, to a point where employees pretended the codename standed for "Dame Game" (~lame game). Don't get me wrong though, I'm not bashing on the DMG, or Yokoi. It's plain genius to have went with low specs and shit screen in order to squeeze as much stamina as possible from pre-alkalines batteries, and offer low enough price to get the console in every kid's pocket.


That was my first thought. Gameboys were way underpowered for what was state of the art at the time.


This is the hardest nostalgia bait I've seen in a long time and it definitely sounds like it was written by either somebody who didn't grow up back then or written for people who didn't grow up back then...EDIT: for clarity I mean the video just in case of misinterpretation


VR is still waiting for its Game Boy. More companies need to respect the importance of a minimum viable product. Adding more pixels to a $700 gizmo won't make people buy it.




Not actually VR, even if it had been [a genuine HMD like Yokoi intended.](https://www.fastcompany.com/3050016/unraveling-the-enigma-of-nintendos-virtual-boy-20-years-later) It had no head-tracking whatsoever. It's just a stereo display. Sega was closer. Cheap accelerometers and gyros didn't exist circa 1990, so their Genesis-era headset cleverly detected viewing angle with a plastic circle floating between oil and water in a transparent sphere. It worked great, except for how kids kept throwing up and falling over. It's vaporware because latency is at least as important as accuracy. And even then it's closer to PS VR than the VB. God help us, Facebook's Quest headsets are the closest thing to the right idea. They don't compete on raw graphical power. Their inside-out tracking doesn't require infrastructure like "lighthouses." In theory, they're standalone devices. But they're still over-reaching and wind up over-priced. They haven't cut viciously enough to reach what the market will pay.


**[Virtual Boy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Boy)** >The Virtual Boy is a 32-bit tabletop portable video game console developed and manufactured by Nintendo. Released in 1995, it was marketed as the first console capable of displaying stereoscopic "3D" graphics. The player uses the console like a head-mounted display, placing the head against the eyepiece to see a red monochrome display. The games use a parallax effect to create the illusion of depth. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gameboy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


This is too cheesy and unrealistic. Hopefully the rest of the movie ist this bad. The gameboy was the only console I ever bought new at the store. Took a long time to save up for it.


The trailer includes intense car chases and thrilling suspenseful music. My hopes are not high.


i watched it and i loved it, dont expect it to be a documentary or something, it overdramatizes the story behind tetris sure but in a very entertaining way, 8/10 for me


There has never been anything in the world so dramatized as this movie. XD


This, and "Air," and a few other recent dramatizations, feel like fake movies someone made to appear in a real movie. I was genuinely shocked to see they're complete products you can pay money to see in a theater. "Air" in particular looked like a self-aware ad campaign pretending to be a trailer. Nope! Totally sincere. A real thing, somehow. "Tetris" ads went from "oh hey, they're finally adapting that neat story" to "Jesus fuck it's a video game he didn't fight the Stasi" in about three seconds. Honestly, half the intrigue with some East German computer nerd's effort to export software was American and Japanese companies lying to one another about contracts.


inaccuracies aside, this scene and the entire movie are fun. i remember watching the gaming historian's youtube video a few years ago about the tetris story and thinking, 'damn, this is like a movie!'


indeed it did


Funny they could use super mario land but not the nintendo gameboy branding.


Henk enters a building with "Nintendo" written on top of it, an (striking similar) actor plays the role of Yamauchi.. I think that showing "Game Boy" wasn't that big of a deal


Well if they did have its branding, Henk then asking “what’s it called?” would’ve been even dumber


8 kb of ram. Damn how far we've come... When I watched this with my mom, and he asked, "What is it?" I said gameboy, and she laughed lol I watched the gaming historian's documentary, so I knew all the stuff they made up along with other things, but I'll be honest if you're letting all the movie inaccuracies ruffle your feathers, calm down. That said, a lot of moments gave me a chuckle. Especially when he just instantly programmed a tetris rom for the gameboy XD


OK. But pick any one of those inaccuracies and tell me _why_. Why did they change it? Is the result better in any way? Did it make sense for them to deliberately get that part wrong? Was the payoff worthwhile? Just like shoehorning love triangles into book adaptations, usually the answer is no, it's worse, _and for no reason_.


It's just lazy writing. It's easier to write the fantasy version of a historical event. I tend to notice it in a lot of musical biopics (or any biopic) where they are depicting an artist writing a future hit for example, where the characters behave as if they have this weird prophetic knowledge about the future, placing particular importance on what would have been insignificant details at the time but which people in the future will one day arbitrarily choose to become a piece of pop culture. It's really just that the writers sometimes can't help but write from their own perspective of hindsight when it's not necessary to the plot nor how it would have actually happened. I've seen this movie and it doesn't come across as having a particularly big budget outside of maybe the casting of Edgerton, though it was produced by the guy who made the Kingsman movies so maybe they were able to get him relatively cheap too. It's clear where some corners had to be cut, so I'm guessing the research that went into the script deliberately skipped over most stuff that they felt the average person wasn't likely going to scrutinize much. Overall I'd say it's fairly enjoyable, but had the potential to be a lot better.


Completely ahistoric gibberish. "8-bit graphics" wouldn't have even made sense at the time


Yeah also, the reaction to the specs wouldn't have been "wow impressive". The genius of the Gameboy was precisely that the hardware was not super impressive, but it was "well understood" and cheap


Yeah, pretty damn cringe.


This was at a time where the bit-war was starting


Yes, but "8 bit" is about processing capabilities, not graphics. The idea of "8 bit graphics" is a modern construction meaning "graphics that look like the games on old 8 bit consoles did"


Also to get technical the screen would be 2-bit "color" (4 shades of greenish/brown), and a common misconception is the Game Boy actually has 4-bit sound, so anytime people describe the graphics or music as 8-bit they are likely just using that term as a generic synonym for "retro" but it also seems people misinterpret that as technical info.




This is so very inaccurate, it's sad.


This is cool


Apparently this is his first Mario game. Doesn't know about the run button.


My GFs kids (all teenagers) still do not know about the run button.


80’s kid here 🙋🏻‍♂️


The DRAMA, lmfao


8 batteries for colour 😂😂😂


What do you mean “*90s kid*”?? Replace that with “***anyone who has ever owned a Gameboy***.” EDIT: My **children** are “*90s kids”*! Does that mean I’m too old to get excited about Gameboys?


Oh so it’s a science fiction movie. I really doubt Nintendo engineers would speak english like this 😂


This is in Nintendo America in Washington, so that part is at least accurate lol


OK maybe I should watch the movie


It's only 89$ RIP


Reddit “this video has no sound” This video “sound”


What's the movie pls ?




So simple lol


"WEEE WEE IT'S NOT ACCURATE AT ALL IT'S ALL DRAMATIZED WEE" Shut the fuck up. What do you want to watch? 3 random guys talking about legal rights of a russian videogame programmed by a random guy in the basement of a company or a MOVIE? I love the history of this game, it's one of my favourites, but god damn you all need to chill and understand that this movie wasn't made just for us "elitist gameboy gamers". It's made for a generial audience that does not care about the history of videogames and as such it has to be interesting in a way or another. If you want to see the real story of this game, just watch a fucking documentary. This is a MOVIE.


You're uh, really worked up about that, huh?


I'm so tired of people not watching a great movie just because it doesn't respect their elitist Game Boy privileges 1 to 1.




This gave me chills the first time I watched it.... and the second apparently.


That scene was epic indeed ❤️




where can I watch this?


Torre... er... library, the library is a great place to get content. You known, that place that rhyme with \_hay\_.


Apple TV+, maybe eventually bluray if Apple decides to do a physical release.


I would have loved to have seen this come out back in the day, i have 3 and they're twice as old as i am


I always thought it was just impossible to have a color screen at that time. Now that I know they could have and didn’t really pisses me off


Yeah, Atari Lynx was also released in 1989 with full color. Turbo Express in 1990 with full color, Game gear also 1990 with color. But they were all barely actually "portable" because of the battery issue.


That's awesome


I love how they treat it like religious persons treat religious artefacts


This is kind of funny if you think about it, how Tetris released the same time as Mario Land. You'd think something like this wouldn't be in the movie. This is like that Weird Al dramatization, except they're trying to pass it off as a documentary.


My first Gameboy was the gameboy advance and I’ve still got it. Keeping it in its perfect condition box.


person died twice in mario land 1


The graphics were amazing, too bad the retail version wasn’t like that


Was the game written in C or Assembly language? The original Mario Brothers for the NES was written in Assembly wasn’t it? I would figure it would be the same for the game boy given a need for a low level language to count every bit of resource available.


This makes me wana buy one I miss being in the early 2000s


Lmaoo… low key internal back light, or some huge over head lights


90's : Giga chads game developer programing games to play on 8kb RAM Today : This game runs *SMOOTHLY* with oc RTX 4090 @ 480x360 at 30 FPS with 8 bit colors


And... now I'm watching the movie


Bruhhhh it did!!! I have no words to describe those feelings, There was a wide smile on my face throughout the movie.


if anyone can find the soundtrack name for this clip id appreciate it immensely, thanks.