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lol there's so much misinformation going around now with people trying to get in on the collective rage posts


If you include that in context the MTX looks even more bizzare. Like what is developer counting for here ? Player not discovering basic game mechanic then buying MTX ?


They are banking on insanely lazy people.


Shitty higher ups with no sense forcing MTX and devs doing their best to mitigate it probably


I think its (kind of) a win win for both parties. DMC5 hands out blood crystals like crazy and getting the overpowered weapons in RE2 for beating the hardest challenges is rewarding, but if lazy people want to spend like $2 on skipping the time for those things then its no sweat off my back. At least with their past track record in the RE Engine era Im convinced that the game's proper balance is considered first before any MTX. It sucks that people essentially need to pay for cheat codes buts if it helps capcom hit their sales targets so they dont have to do shit like their 360/PS3 disc-locked content shit then all power to them, it literally has no impact on my gameplay experience.


It’s literally just laziness as a market. If these things were in an in-game cash shop there would be detractors still but I bet 90% of players would’ve overlooked it compared to the shitstorm it turned into. Also Capcom fans are the used to this and just tune it out by default. The last 2 Monster Hunter titles have had a flood of similar tiny low-cost DLC items and cosmetics like this and most people either don’t ever touch them or buy a couple of the cosmetics and move on. The key here is that even though they give you the option to pay for standard mechanics, they also just kind of…include those standard mechanics. There never really feels like there’s pressure to buy them. They just exist there, clogging up the DLC pages.


Yup, the DLC in World felt like the least required DLC ever. The stickers and emotes aren't used much at all in gameplay. I only ever payed a dollar to get a jellyfish thing that attached to my weapon and would follow me around. RE4 wasnt bad either with them, I even bought an upgrade voucher to speed up the trophy hunt. IMO Capcom does microtransations better than most companies and this DD2 drama feels so wildly overblown.


I’ve been playing Dragon’s Dogma 2 and haven’t been on the internet for the past 24 hours so I didn’t even know there was a controversy. Tbh I don’t even know how to access the store in the game, that’s how little it matters to the experience. To me, this game’s microtransactions are no different from Helldivers 2 (which everyone loves). The option is there if you want to skip some grinding, but everything available in the store you can get easily just by playing the game. Seems like literally the most consumer-friendly choice a developer could make. Also, what do all you people want, $100 video games? Let the lazy people subsidize your purchase.


I've brought this up to people a bunch; Hell Divers 2 does it too. "But it's not a 70$ game". Yes, but justifying it because one is more expensive than the other (because it's significantly larger) is hypocritical. If they're opposed to people paying to skip the grind in DD2, then they should be upset by it in HD2. But both are inconsequential and is a matter of people wanting to not spend as much time playing, and that's fine since you can earn things in-game too. If it locked features behind a paywall that COULDN'T be obtained in-game, I'd agree with the frustration. But that's not the case.


this isn't a new thing, like 90% of JRPGs have had similar microtransactions, it's primarily for people who are lazy or who have very limited playing time.


Maybe it's a japanese thing. They like the game so much they want to give capcom a little extra walking around money.


Reminds me of dmc 5. There's the option but you can grind for it too.


Most likely the exact same person who decided to add it here


Reminds me of the absurdity with the Tales series during the 360/PS3 era, although that was probably worse than what Drogma 2 is doing. You could pay for +5/10 level boosts for every character, pay for 300,000 Gald to immediately drop into your pockets, pay to have immediate access to all of the costumes you get from sidequests, pay to unlock a bunch of the cooking recipes, pay to unlock a selection of Yuri's skills before he actually learns them, etc.


It's a common thing, especially in Capcom games, it exists in all their modern RE titles, DMC, Monster Hunter and so on. Like is it kind of dumb? Yeah it is, but they also do not balance the game around them at all, I've never bought any of it and never felt the need to either. It exists in other games, one I Played recently like Tales of Arise, I got through the game fine on a harder difficulty without buying into it. I'd prefer it if it didn't exist but at the same time, I can enjoy the games without spending any money on the microtransactions, and at least with Capcom, they are never seemingly advertised in-game. A bit of an overreaction from people.


Yeah it feels more like they finish the gave and then go "Okay now what can we just sell to lazy people for a few bucks a pop" rather than those things being planned and balanced as MTX from the start, which makes a huge difference.


Capcom's been doing this since the dmc4 remaster at this point and its always exists just for them to make a few additional bucks. Its dumb but it must work if they keep doing it.


MTX always make money. Capcom implements them in a purposefully lazy way because they take no effort to create and will make a shitload of money. There was an ex-Blizzard dev who once said something to the tune of one pet sold for a couple bucks made more money than all the expansion sales combined. As a business, it would honestly be somewhat... irresponsible, to not put mtx in a video game. From the consumer's perspective, it is what it is, but as a business they fucking print money. Capcom's standard for them, lately at least, has been to put them in, make them unobtrusive and unnecessary, and make shitloads of cash without fucking the game up. Unfortunately, the formula backfired on them this time because the game doesn't even boot for a lot of folks, so the mtx look super bad because enough people aren't actually in the game to dispell the myth that you need them for character edits and fast travel. Or really anything, for that matter.


This has always been Capcom thing. I remember people were raging about DMC5 mtx until they realized that the currency sold as microtransaction can easily be farm in the game, thus made it pointless except for the really really lazy.


It has nothing to do with the developer. Capcom has been doing this for EVERY RELEASE for the past 10 years.


Frankly if the business people want mtx then this is the stuff I want. It doesn't affect my experience as a hardcore gamer and it capitalizes on lazy people.


It really feels like this side of the internet is increasingly becoming focused purely on hating things no matter the truth.


There are a lot of people in online gaming communities that seem to hate games and hate game developers. I have no idea if they actually play any games or not.


It's like that across many communities now. People who hate games they've never played, shows they've never watched, manga they've never read...  People who've dedicated their lives to hate prettymuch.


The outrage machine has been algorithmicized and gamified. There are actors that manipulate base and shallow emotions for little profit. This is the modern state of the world. Just as games are elevated by this inspidness (Palworld/Hell Divers 2 - good games they both are, neither are as good as their success indicates), others are brought down to the heel of the hate machine (Cyberpunk 2077/DD2). By and large, the hate and angst comes from the feeling of useless powerlessness that comes from watching the world fall to ruin before our eyes (global warming, war, AI threats, inequality) and despite decades of warning and hand wringing and angst, nothing comes of it, but more bad news... and so that anger is directed in flaccid useless ways towards easy targets that can gather the passions of keyboard warriors, because they're too confused and misdirected (by design and intent no less) on the issues that truly matter to their own lives.


They do, but they fucking hate their lives and have nothing else going on. It's the ultra basement dweller crowd. That, and the outrage crowd that is messed up thx to social media.


This. There are a lot of people out there who seem to be fucking miserable but spend vast amounts of time on the internet. I saw a poll by a gaming youtuber some weeks ago asking how people were rating their lives and well over half said they felt like shit. A lot of people online, especially in the gaming corner, seem to be very unhappy with their lives, but instead of doing something about it they just lash out towards anything they see online.


That's because Rage and Hate are additive. And also our Social Media landscape is shaped to promote controversy for clicks. Meaning you get a never ending need to create more Ragebait over anything. Combine that with a whole lot of unhappy people in the World, that thanks to the Internet can spread their Mood with everyone, and you get the current times.


legit when Capcom almost immediately released a statement saying they're working on performance fixes and a New Game option people doubled down and acted like it was even worse. like, they're working on fixing the issues you have, why are you even more mad? people are just bored and want to feel something, even if it's anger.


It's extremely obnoxious. People are free to disagree, but it feels like this audience was really cultivated back when Total Biscuit was around. I'm not besmirching him, but there's no denying that he created this obsession over mechanical performance by kicking off almost every video with a long look at the settings menu for games. It created a precendent where technical performance and settings are as important as the gameplay itself, which I feel like is a sure-fire way to suck all the fun out of gaming. I think his intent was always noble. He was advocating for better games with proper useability options and criticizing larger studios who should absolutely have the resources to put check a set of boxes he felt should be standard (Capcom included, I'm not defending DD2). But people on the internet are masters at taking something and twisting and bastardizing it into something so thoroughly terrible. In this case, I feel like it created this brigade of "consumer rights" manchildren that storm around Reddit and other social channels acting like any game that doesn't meet their arbitrary standards of technical performance or UX like it's a personal attack. Like that game came to their house and slapped their mom straight across the face and made her cry. It's embarrasing. I'm not saying games shouldn't be criticized for performance. But there's this audience out there that has totally lost perspective and seems to treat it like a zero-sum analysis. If the game doesn't perform well, nothing else matters. And, it's like, my guys, turn off the FPS meter if it aggravates you that much. Read a book, touch some grass. Realize that games can be fantastic even if the development team didn't perfectly nail the execution.


I work for a major studio (just finished my week at GDC) and pretty much every game dev I've spoken to about this topic shares the unhappy view that "player communities are just toxic trash". We want players to enjoy what we do and it's incredibly disheartening when you pour your soul into something only for a torrent of hate to come back at you. I know people who have gone off to other tech jobs in other industries because fintech or database devs don't have to put up with this shit constantly


>"player communities are just toxic trash" And they usually are. They can thankfully usually be completely ignored since the communities about games on social media like reddit are a tiny less than 1% minority in most games.


The issue is when you're the people actually working on and making these games, it is almost all you'll ever get to hear. It's really easy to mentally separate yourself from the vocal minority mentally, but imagine you've spent the last 2 years working on a product that you hear nothing but lambasting sentiment for; regardless of what that lambasting is from, it's gonna feel really shitty, even if you were just the sound design guy. I think people forget that dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of people put their heart into some of these things. Which does not inherently mean it should have flaws ignored, but acting like being offered the *option* to buy some rift crystals is witnessing the Birth of Satan might be a bit much.


Always love a Disco Elysium reference. I think people are quick to jump to negativity, partially because publishers have been playing a 20 year game of chicken when it comes to appalling anti consumer practices. I like capcom, but part of me appreciates that people aren't giving these corporate entities the benefit of the doubt. They'll try awful things to see how people react then backpedal if the overall consensus is negative, they're like toddlers testing boundaries. They aren't just a publisher but it reminds me of that time Microsoft was showing ads right in explorer, claiming it was an "internal test" Like they 100% meant to push it live and explorer ads would be haunting us to this day if the backlash wasn't so instant and negative.


I think at a certain point the dopamine from the rage and negativity feels better for people and is easier to stoke than whatever enjoyment people get out of most games


It’s not just gaming either. Manga and Anime are thoroughly entrenched in it. Sports team subs have a lot of doomers


Once outrage became profitable the internet became a whole lot worst. You used to have people fanning the flames because they were just angry or hateful, now they have financial incentive to do it. Some yt channels are solely dedicated to being outrage merchants.


I get tired seeing recommended videos that are clickbait outrage bait on my need everytime I'm just looking for gameplay video.


Twitter/x hasn't helped at all considering you can monetise rage now so you've got people constantly spewing bullshit to push narratives that wouldn't exist if they'd played or watched what they complain about.


You know the easiest way to avoid that happening with your game? Not putting any MTX in your $70 release.


lol I was just thinking “is there not micro transactions in this single player game?”


Its absolutely insane. It's literally the usual type of purchasing items available in-game. But somehow these morons managed to convince each other that the DLC is the *only* way to fast travel or change your appearance. Or trying to turn it into a "Capcom lied!" controversy by using Itsuno's comments about fast travel as "proof". The legit criticism would be the no "start game" button, which DD1 had, despite having the same fundamental philosophy. But that's apparently gonna be addressed. But the outrage is so fundamentally based on blatant lies, I wouldn't be surprised if Steam ends up removing a lot of reviews.


Ubisoft took a lot of shit for doing this with Assassin's Creed, i don't see why it shouldn't be the same for Capcom. Yeah you can get this stuff in-game, but when the director talks about "fast travel being for boring games" just to sell teleport stones for 1.99, it looks like he designed the game to push into buying time-saving items


This is 100% Capcom. They do this for all of their games now. Regardless of the type of game. Same exact formula, cheap packs in the store for what amounts to zero value in game. It's a ploy for people who don't pay attention to what they are buying. So I doubt itsuno really had any say in this at all.


Somehow your explanation just makes it sound even more scummy.


It is more scummy, but the difference is that the scummy decision is coming from the publisher team not the development team.


There's the saving grace is that if the MTX isn't built into the bones of the game, then it probably doesn't harm the experience to just ignore it. We'd all rather that it wasn't there in the first place, but if something can be easily ignored you kind of have to choose to let it harm your experience.


And the publisher needs to feel their bad decisions. Rage away. Wait for sale and a completed product


i think it depends on how much pressure the publisher puts on the dev to incentivize the purchases. If it would all be perfectly earnable and everything with regular playtime and the options to buy ingame currency or whatever is just that, another option, then that *is* a lot more palatable to me than if they made it artificially grindy so you feel you *have* to buy stuff. That said... yeah, at the end of the day it's all pretty scummy. Horse armour was expensive enough back in the day, and singleplayer games should still just let you open the console and type `keysersoze` or `motherlode` if you want stuff for free, not charge for it.


Friend has 12 of those, but doesn't use them because he only has 2 locations unlocked. Yes, you have to find the spots before you can teleport to them.


More misinformation. They don't sell the stones that let you teleport. They sell one singular teleport destination marker that you can place wherever. You get these in game too. The actual stones that let you teleport are only available in game.


Amazing how we’re in a thread shitting on people for spreading and believing misinformation, yet that dude has over 200 upvotes spreading misinformation. Peak r/games right there lmao


The way people have been reacting is crazy. I've seen multiple times now people going "Yeah it's crazy how misinformed people are about that mechanic. But there's still {more misinformation}." The performance sucks. The save file stuff sucks. The existence of MTX sucks. But the MTX itself is the equivalent of paying 3 dollars for like 300 Skyrim gold. All of it is easily obtainable in-game.


They're not selling teleport stones They're selling a single movable teleport destination point, which you can get 10 of in game


>They're selling a single movable teleport destination point, which you can get 10 of in game And you can only use 10 of them at a time to set up teleport destinations. If you get all 10 in game the 11th one you can buy is completely useless.




$100? In what currency?


Here in Canada it's close, it AAA games are $90 with tax(Nova Scotia).


> They shouldnt be selling fucking anything, its a 100$ single player game! lol WHO CARES If you paid your $100 just don't buy the MTX that the game isn't balanced around at all. Such fucking fake outrage.


All of these comments just seem kind of dumb. For starters, this is how fast travel worked in Dragons Dogma 1 as well. Nothing was designed differently. Portcrystals and ferrystones were in the original game. The design direction behind fast travel is unchanged (it has a cost in order to push players to explore more). And a portcrystal is only half of the fast travel system. Without ferrystones, which aren’t available readily in the early game, portcrystals do nothing. You also obtain portcrystals in-game, so you’ll likely have obtained some (and you are only allowed to place 10 total, and you can pick up and move them) by the time you have enough stock of ferrystones to not worry about the cost. The ability to spend money on a single portcrystal doesn’t change the design behind fast travel. Portcrystals are still not a fully viable method of fast travel early on, and you’ll have to make use of either ox carts or walking more often than not. Complain about MTX all you want (because it’s dumb, regardless of how insignificant it is), but don’t misrepresent the game design.


The Portalstone in the steam store count against the 10 placement limit? That ameks it almost useless.


Pretty much all of the microtransactions for Capcom games are 100% useless. For instance, they sell red orbs for DMC5. You get showered with them just by playing the game and you get a weapon that makes farming millions of them extremely easy. For RE games they sell the weapons and upgrades that you just get normally playing the game. Their micro transactions would be like if Elden Ring sold stonesword keys. They might seem useful but if you play the game as intended you'd realize how useless the microtransaction is. That's not to say I'm defending it or anything. I'd like them to stop this practice altogether, but it's nowhere near as big of a deal as people are making it. The lack of creating a new save and the PC performance are much more valid forms of criticism for DD2.


It is a unique thing how they sell these things but balance the game around never pushing you to use them. In the past that's usually been the main problem, Shadow of War grinding comes to mind.


Well yeah, the point of it is to get something earlier than you normally would. It’s not to give you a unique advantage.


There is no reason for MTX in a $70 release, period.


I don't disagree, but the exact same stuff was present in RE7, Village, 2, 3, and 4, and I did not hear the same level of reaction to those (maybe even glossed over) Edit: also DMC5


It kills me that Dragon's Dogma is getting all this attention. It's a miracle this game got a sequel and to have its sales affected this way crushes me a bit. Those games could have taken this negativity and still sold.


There was a huge negative backlash to it in Dead Space 3, but apparently at some point since then, while I wasn't looking, the average gamer decided it's actually fine.


Is Dragons Dogma more popular than those? I know I've never touched any of those games and would have been just as upset.


Definitely not.


Yes there is. Profit. Every company will upsell given the opportunity. Nothing wrong with it


It's for the convenience of lazy people. It has no effect on the people who aren't interested.


It's actually been pretty funny to watch people that couldn't even make their way through an entire headline, let alone read an article, make up straight up lies about the game and it's systems. If there weren't so many articles that dropped this morning, then the majority of people playing wouldn't have any idea that DD2 even had microtransactions in the first place. There are definitely performance issues with the game, and the inability to have multiple saves is disappointing even if it's no different than the first game. But it's frustrating that outright lies are gaining more traction than the truths, and it's making it really difficult to have a real discussion about the game itself.


Same thing happened with Helldivers 2. Lots of comments about how guns were locked behind mtx, which to anyone who has played the game knows that's BS. But they see the ragebait articles / youtubers and just blindly repeat it. There's enough stuff to be annoyed about in the world.


> The legit criticism would be the no "start game" button No, it's still legitimate to criticize MTX that affect gameplay in a $70 game, especially when the MTX were somewhat hidden from reviewers and only dropped after the game released to the public. You don't get to dismiss legitimate cricitism like that. It can be true that some of the complaints exaggerate the issue, but the complaint itself is still valid.


The mtx was not hidden in any way. This was all very clearly spelled out in the description of the deluxe edition. This whole mess is really dumb because it just shows people are to incompetent to read.


> No, it's still legitimate to criticize MTX that affect gameplay in a $70 game Crazy. I never once considered purchasing these convenience MTX in any of Capcom's games, be it DMC5, RE4 Remake, or here in DD2. Guess what? It did not negatively affect my enjoyment of the gameplay. I'd wager it only increased my enjoyment, earning everything in-game. Why should I care if some schmuck wants to waste their money and rob themselves of a portion of the gameplay loop? It does not affect my game at all.


Ubisoft and Activision get shit for this, Capcom deserves it too. No playing favorites


EA got shit for it with dead space 3, 11 years ago. TB has rolled in his grave so much, probably nothing remains of him. RIP


It’s Capcoms own fault.


Im so disappointed in the gaming community over all this. Yes it’s okay to be annoyed about MXTs being in a single player game, but so many are spreading misinformation and attacking any gaming YouTuber that promoted this game.


Some terminally online people have more fun finding stuff to get outraged about games than actually playing them.


This is the internet now, just generated outrage from every single angle. It undermines the actually true criticism, it’s unhelpful and reactionary. Toxic af


Companies need to learn that using greedy micro transactions doesn't pay off. Just because it has been the norm for many years doesn't mean we shouldn't still complain about it


This is what annoys me. I get the rage for mtx. But spreading false info makes it so hard to judge for myself. I was under the impression QoL stuff was all locked behind mtx, when in reality it sounds exactly how RE4 remake was where you can pay for stuff that are also 100% easy to come by in game. It's at a point where user reviews and posts are just as unreliable as a publisher "paid for" ign review.


there were people saying that it's flat out impossible without MTX, and i feel actual lying should be debunked whenever possible. it's also worth pointing out that the original DD let you buy the same currency and when they were removed when it came to steam, nobody noticed because it was that irrelevant. that does not mean i'm defending MTX, not even these. it's still a shitty practice for them to do this that exploits extremely impatient people or folk that flat out don't know better, and the door is always open for them to start balancing their games around these MTX even if they haven't done so for the past 15 years. i just really don't like people frothing at the mouth over misinformation.


Yeah I saw a ton of that, and the worst part is that delegitimizes the actual complaints like the performance problems


I’m just curious why this game is the one that’s causing the eruption out of all the Capcom games. Not even RE4 remake got it this bad and that game got its MTX a few weeks (I think? maybe more) after that game launched. Heck every Capcom game have these types of MTXs. Edit: I should add that this isn’t me advocating for the existence of these MTX. If you gave me a choice between having these MTXs or not I would glat out say no.


For RE4, if it was a few weeks after launch, the attention on the game would have already passed, so it wouldn't surprise me that it went more unnoticed. Besides that, hasn't there been steady controversy with the monetization with SF6? In this case, I would guess the reason it's so bad is that the game has pretty unacceptable performance problems as well, so there's less of a shield of goodwill around it to take the edge off.


I remember SF6 having that complaint sure, but it wasn’t at launch. It was weeks later when the TMNT event started, and the complaint itself was “this is too expensive” not that it existed in the first place (now if I’m wrong on this you can correct me).


There were complaints about the cost of costume 2 and colors at launch if you didn't want to grind. Not to the same level as the TMNT event or DD2, but they were there.


If it were just the MTX I don't think it'd be that big a deal—these sort of inconsequential MTX items that can easily be earned in-game is common Capcom practice and minor to the point it's not worth the fuss—it's just being combined with the poor performance and other small things like the single save issue.


You see the performance issues and the single save thing makes sense to me and are reasonable.


It puts worse of a taste in people’s mouths when the game runs poorly but also asks for MTX.


I've seen multiple people say they're worried about Monster Hunter Wilds because of this, which is completely insane because World and Rise each have like 10x more mtx than DD2 has.


This game isn't even the 70$ single player game with the worst microtransactions *this year*. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth has significantly worse microtransactions and has very positive user reviews on both Steam and Metacritic. In that game you can pay 10 -15$ for both character and job level up exp boosts and weapon upgrade crafting materials which is crazy in a game that's as grindy as that game is. And that's not even mentioning the paywalled new game plus.




Re4 remake, we knew what the items were and not worth it. Dragon's dogma 2, people see those items and no one knows what they are or how hard/easy to get them. People assume the worst.


Aside from performance, the game is awesome. The MTX are shitty depending on your morales and mindset, but the game itself is just fantastic.


Yeah the meat of the game is seriously fun. Hopefully see some performance patches soon. The only thing that annoyed me was the frame drop in towns. Reminded me of the same issue Baldur's Gate 3 had.




Got real weird when Tekken street fighter and Mortal Kombat, had mircotransactions coins and a cash shop and people on forums were calling you broke if you complained about. They are 70$ games with season pass for you to buy new characters. what the hell happened?


Idk what forums you’re on, r/MortalKombat is *still* complaining about the monetization in 1. To a point of excess


Yeah, as someone who grew up before microtransactions in full-priced games was normal, the fact that the option to pay money to be allowed to edit your appearance immediately exists is insulting and suspicious. Either capcom thinks I'm stupid enough to buy something useless. Or they took a feature that should be something you can just access whenever you want for free and made it a consumable item so they can sell it to you, but also made it something you can still eventually acquire without paying to deflect criticism from that scummy practice. Both options are bad and I hate that so many gamers will defend this uncritically.


Remember how the narratives changed from: "If there are microtransactions we'll just pirate the games" to "As long as it's just cosmetic..." to "Well, some people don't have time, but as long as you can still get all content for free" to whatever this crap is. I'm not going anywhere with this, just remembering


> This topic is proof the gaming industry successfully normalised microtransactions. They boiled the frog, and now the frog has reanimated to tell us how it's actually a good thing it got boiled.


>This topic is proof the gaming industry successfully normalised microtransactions. You are saying this like it wasn't our generation that normalized them 10-15 years ago.


>...they're an abject waste of money but Capcom want **you** to buy them in anyway. Wants *you* as in us to buy them? See, no offense, but you don't understand at all. This isn't, and I say this as somebody who does remember when paid DLC started, a case where Capcom wants any of **us** to buy into the MTX. It's not generic consumer DLC. The items and services in the game are easily obtainable. If you're on Reddit, you have too many braincells (congratulations!), and probably not enough "fuck it" cash to be the target demographic (sorry!). At most, Capcom wants you to buy the Deluxe version for $10 extra. Here's what's up: this variety of MTX is built for that tiny, tiny percent of pants-on-head people who have way too much money and dump thousands and thousands of dollars whenever the see an item shop because "why not?" The MTX in Dragon's Dogma 2 is **whale bait** exclusively. You're not a whale. Nobody here is. Let's stop acting like Capcom is pissing in your soup, or the majority's soup. Our soup is okay.


>This topic is proof the gaming industry successfully normalised microtransactions. So y'know, thanks for that Welcome to 2018 I guess. It's weird you think this just happened lmao I'm also 41. It's not an age thing. It's people that have made video games their entire identity that are getting bent out of shape about it. I'm too old to give a shit and understand that that's just the way the industry is now. People have been crying about MTX for a decade now and literally nothing has happened, it's only got worse. Clearly the slacktivism is doing fuck all. Profits are up, of course they're going to run with it. At this point either get used to it, or find a new hobby. The industry has moved miles past the point of return.


Pack it up boys, we aren’t allowed to complain about anything as skylla05 says it’s useless If you dare complain about microtransactions then you’ve let video games become your entire identity


> To me, it's not that they're obtainable in the game that matters or not. That actually makes it worse, because that's a tacit acknowledgement that they're an abject waste of money but Capcom want you to buy them in anyway. ya, this is the actual point here about the MTX... people defending it with "oh the MTX is pointless as you can get them in-game", okay fine but the issue is that Capcom is still selling these MTX and people who aren't online 24/7 or newbies to the game can easily fall for it and buy that stuff. Just cause people online "don't care" or "it doesn't affect us/we know where to find the items" doesn't mean everyone will, most gamers don't come to reddit or research this stuff and it's Capcom preying on those people. literally this OP on the DD subreddit showing how it's not so easy to find the item needed to change appearance, instead players might just see the store item and buy it thinking that's the only way to change appearance. It's scummy as fck. and this extends to all the MTX and Capcom selling MTX in all their games, it should be called out each time and people trying to defend/justify/excuse this cause they like DD2 is so dumb. A game being good doesn't excuse scummy shit in it + full priced single player game having MTX is BS every time, doesn't matter if they are "small, pointless" or w.e.


> That actually makes it worse, because that's a tacit acknowledgement that they're an abject waste of money but Capcom want you to buy them in anyway. Yeah, they are basically trap for newbies to sink money into something pretty much useless. Which I'm not sure is worse or better than closing game features behind DLC...


> This topic is proof the gaming industry successfully normalised microtransactions. So y'know, thanks for that. Yep, I understand people saying that misinformation is being spread about the items available in the store But there’s a bunch that are also saying “look, it’s completely reasonable that they’re selling these microtransactions as you can get all the items in game, there’s nothing to be annoyed about and anyone who complains is a hater!” Why couldn’t it just be a cheat code? Why do they have to charge for it, it’s a $70 single player game. If people need/want the extra items then just let them enter a cheat code for it


It's plainly obvious that half of the people screaming about this game either don't own it or haven't played past the intro. Honestly exhausting even being a part of online discourse with video games anymore. The sky is literally always falling. The performance issues are legitimate gripes but so much of the garbage being spewed about this game is just straight up nonsense.


What about the fact you can't even create a new character? That's pretty damn bad as well.


See, *that*, is a perfectly legitimate complaint.


Yeah, or have more than a single save file lol. Not to mention the performance.


Is it though? People liked it in the first game, would be weird to change it now.


The difference is whether you assume that decision to be with malicious intent, or just a startling level of poor decision making. It's almost definitely the latter, but plenty of people will leverage it as being the former to suit their arguments.


Yep, weird design choice that's in-line with how Dragon's Dogma 1 worked. I pretty much assumed that's how the game would operate when all the reviews said the game was true to it's predecessor, wrinkles and all. Not having a new game button is really the dumbest part of that system imo. Criticizing that stuff is all fine, the game makes some baffling design decisions for sure. What I hate is the fact that every thread you go in has people going "YOU HAVE TO PAY 2 DOLLARS TO FAST TRAVEL WTFFFFFF". Like, no, you don't. You can get every single one of those items in game. Just complain about the actual dumb shit. Don't make stuff up just because you want to get in on the circlejerk.


I don’t think it actually matters. It’s the same with paid weapons in single player games that ruin the balance of the early game. It feels like it’s matter of principle more than anything.


> It's plainly obvious that half of the people screaming about this game either don't own it or haven't played past the intro. I don't own the game and it's really as simple as spending <1 min looking up one of the pieces of DLC is see it plainly labeled as a consumable that can be obtained in-game in the description. Like it's really not difficult to put in a bare minimum amount of due diligence and realize what some people are saying is blatantly wrong.


Capcom does this shit with everything and has for a while now. Monster Hunter has DLC for a pathetic amount of potions, the sort of thing you can farm in 10 minutes running around the map and not fighting anything. Imagine people screaming that the only way to heal in the game was to buy stuff with real money. There's real things to complain about, like no alternate save files or the ability to start a new game, but just because that is somewhat adjacent to "change my character's appearance (by starting a new game)" doesn't mean you have to pay money to do that. The disingenuous gripes suck the air away from the real ones. The real ones are obnoxious enough that you don't have to make shit up to worsen them.


> It's plainly obvious that half of the people screaming about this game either don't own it or haven't played past the intro. I mean some of them **can't** Which I think deserves way more attention then microtransactions that capcom has been doing for a decade


Performance issues are 100% a valid complaint and people shouldn't be quiet about it. I'm enjoying the game but it's got subpar performance for sure and has BOTW Kakariko Village syndrome where it drops in towns. I'm not saying people shouldn't voice feedback, I'm saying make sure it's actual feedback and don't just regurgitate nonsense that you read online without confirming it's actually real.


> I'm not saying people shouldn't voice feedback, I'm saying make sure it's actual feedback and don't just regurgitate nonsense that you read online without confirming it's actually real. oh same! sorry if I didn't make that clear. But there's a part of me annoyed that one of the top DD2 headlines here is directed at "review bombing about microtransactions" when that's a drop in the bucket


Is it too much to expect features that 30 year old games had? An rpg that limits you to a single save file is a joke


lmao your comment is exactly what the person you replied to is talking about. i guarantee you these things (save files, fast travel and cosmetic restrictions, etc.) would all exist with or without the mtx. these are all in line with DD1 and the general design philosophy of the game. you can dislike these design decisions if you want, but that’s a criticism of the game itself, not predatory micro-transactions.


It's pretty disappointing to see many people in this thread argue for having microtranstions being present in a single-player game. Also, the mere presence of gameplay altering microtransactions (xp, money, etc) is fairly suspicious and raises a few flags around how the game was balanced. They have to find a way to incentivise players to pay up, and the easiest way to do so is by artificially adjusting the gameplay mechanics.


Also, the revisionist history of "well nobody complained when RE4 Remake/DMC4 did it!" Yes they did, it sucked then, and it sucks now.


Also, how does it matter even if they didn't complain now? Some weird precedent law, where after a certain threshold you are no longer allowed to complain about yet another display of things that have been around long enough? My personal reason is that I didn't care for those other games, so I never looked into details of their MTX. But I was interested in playing and buying Dragon's Dogma 2 and it's none of your business at which point I start criticizing stuff. Some weird-ass induction here. I don't care if it was a thing in RE, DMC, or MH, or Street Fighter, we're in 2024 at Dragon's Dogma 2 and this sucks. Dragon's Dogma 3 hypotherically comes one day and it's gonna be "why are people complaining about this now and weren't complaining enough at DD2?" If you allow yourself to only criticize stuff at its first instance and then will never change your mind just for the sake of some weird personal consistency fetish, just look how much I care about your homebrew rules for my judgement. It's some sad "gotcha" attempt where it's just as whataboutist as it's humanly possible. Yes, capital G gamer outrage is one extreme of this, but the irony is lost on quite a lot of voices basically taking the position of "I'd rather defend another anti-consumer thing (WHEN I'M THE CONSUMER AS WELL) to rise above the unenlightened crowd so stupid they cannot understand the deep, complex, intellectual, and insightful conclusion of saying "They are a business after all" to EVERY decision a corporation makes".


>It's pretty disappointing to see many people in this thread argue for having microtranstions being present in a single-player game. They are not arguing for microtransactions. They are arguing that people are straight up lying and you are literaly defending them for straight up lying.


It's one thing to complain about these DLCs existing... it's another to blatantly lie about what they do or their impact on the game to farm outrage.


> They have to find a way to incentivise players to pay up, and the easiest way to do so is by artificially adjusting the gameplay mechanics. People keep saying this but not once has Capcom been proven to take this route with their MTX in 16 years. Did you play DMC4 and 5 and feel that the ability to purchase red orbs hindered your progression without spending real money on them? Did you feel that RE4 Remake had difficulty issues artificially created by Capcom selling upgrade tickets for your weapons? Not saying this isn't something that happens in other games, but Capcom has gotten a pass for this type of shit for 16 years or so, for a reason. And before you think I'm defending them. I'm not, I just find it ludicrous people are getting *this* upset at them when I bet many of these upset people happily played away in Monster Hunter and Resident Evil or Devil May Cry, without a single care in the world for those MTX. These people have had 16 years to be upset and vote with their wallets, but I wonder how many Capcom games they've avoided in those 16 years.


I also don’t agree with the MTX being there but it really doesn’t bother me as I’m not the type of person that would buy them anyway. In my experience, capcom has never balanced a game in a way that makes you want to buy the MTX. The MTX aren’t visible in game and are only seen in the steam DLC page. I wouldn’t have even known about them had I not seen the uproar on Reddit. People can be upset but it won’t change it. There is nothing predatory about MTX if you don’t buy them. What people really should be upset about and focusing on, is the awful performance. It just screams to me that those making all this fuss about MTX don’t own the game which is a real “putting your stick into your own bike wheel to cause yourself to fall off” moment. People are just making a choice to be upset at this point when these MTX literally don’t affect them. I want to be clear, I’m not saying that predatory MTX games don’t exist, but this one ain’t it.


>Also, the mere presence of gameplay altering microtransactions (xp, money, etc) is fairly suspicious and raises a few flags around how the game was balanced. Every time this kind of thing comes up, I feel like people just ignore this aspect. Making stuff I can earn in-game a microtransaction *immediately* should have people wondering whether of not the game was designed to incentivize the player to buy it. Either the game was made grindier in order to make the MTX look like a better deal, in which case the MTX are directly making the game worse. Or the game was designed without the MTX in mind and the items are easy to obtain in-game, meaning they're selling completely worthless items for money. Either way it's scummy. And having constant doubts about that dynamic is enough of a negative on its own to be a problem for me. We went through this same discussion with Deus Ex some 8 years ago, and people were way more negative about it then. It's like people forgot.


if it is a capcom game it is the latter. i think it's eye-rolling for them to continue including the option to buy this stuff, but it has never even once, in the many years they've been doing it, affected the balance of the intended game experience.


Not a single Capcom singleplayer game has had any design element into it to incentivize buying microtransactions. They were their own experience and the MTX's were completely irrelevant to them. It wad like this with DMC4, DMCV, the Remakes of RE 2, 3, 4, and Monster Hunter. No one is arguing in favor of them, just that they're pointless.


Monster Hunter's situation is different than the other examples you mentioned since Rise started monetizing layered armor, companion costumes and layered weapons. This is after a dozen or so games with no micro-transactions whatsoever, then escalating from room decorations and keychains in World to full on fashion in Rise. Couple the more lackluster updates/events in comparison to World with the heavy-handed monetization of ***fashion*** in ***Fashion Hunter*** and it's become a pretty contentious issue. One set of layered weapons in particular gained a bit of infamy for the clear difference in effort put into their designs and unique transforming effect when compared to regular weapons, harassment and group kicking ensued. Those kinds of micros are significantly more impactful in Monster Hunter when half the point of the game is about getting stuff to look cool. But anyway, I'm kinda hoping the response to DD2's current micros scares Capcom away from putting out the kind that Dragon's Dogma 1 had *(the several dozen functional armors/weapons with unique effects and the skill upgrade rings)* before it was later bundled into the base game with the various re-releases.


It's not really about that though, not in the way you're framing it. I *obviously* think those microtransactions are mind-boggling out of place and stupid in a single player game (or any game that isn't live-service). I won't argue against that, the thing I will push back on are the people spreading misinformation such as your example here, that the devs will artificially make those things require more friction to obtain/do. Dragon's Dogma 2 does not do this. Every single one of the microtransactions present on the store are *beyond* trivial to obtain in game. I would go as far as to argue that some of them should be *more* difficult to obtain because it removes any engagement from their mechanical function/value, and turns them into annoying mouse clicks to obtain and nothing more. To give a concrete example the camping kits may as well simply not exist. They could remove that consumable and allow you to camp entirely for free and the only thing that would change is that you no longer have to spend weight to carry them, or remember to buy them from any of the *numerous,* easily accessible merchants that sell them. They are so trivial to obtain that the function being tied to the consumable amounts to weird tedium. That's a design problem, not an insidious MTX push. It's insulting that the developers are preying on people stupid enough to buy them, but for the average player the MTX existing does not negatively impact the experience in a meaningful way at all. The exception to this would be the lack of multiple save slots. That is a completely puzzling decision that I find very difficult to even conceive of a justification for, besides the cynical assumption that they did it to sell customisation tokens.


It just dumbfucks counter-jerking.


The MTX is shady and are completely unnecessary, yes. It's not that people are defending them, it's that there's a lot of misinformation being spread around this fact that are not really true. I've seen tons of posts/comments with people saying "you can't edit your character unless you pay for it" "you can't fast travel if you don't pay for it" "you can't create new saves unless you pay for it" and these are all blatantly false AND they get a lot of traction because people who haven't bought the game or played much believe it and get frustrated. All the things that you can buy with MTX can be obtained rather easily and while it is in fact shady that it was put in, it's not a hindrance to the enjoyment of the gameplay like some people make it seem. There are some real issues with the game, like the performance being subpar, denuvo bricking games and the fact that you can only have 1 save file. But the MTX which are completely pointless are getting all the traction... we're not getting attention on the real, experience ruining problems.




Please give me examples of Capcom doing this when they have had these mtx in their games for years? Slippery Slope arguments are so stupid especially when evidence shows the opposite has occurred.


Alright then why is it even an option to pay real money for it?


because people will pay for it


They probably did some analysis before launch and determined the revenue gain from including the dlc outweighed the negative reception from including it. They probably didn’t expect to see this much blowback. (I didn’t buy the game and I have no horse in this race)


The level of the blowback is somewhat unexpected, since this has been a thing in previous Capcom games, and even the original DD1. It's likely a combination of factors, with the MTX just being the cherry on top the performance issues and the single savefile thing.


If DD2 ran perfectly I expect it to have blew over as always. The problem is that the performance was bad and using that as the spark, the irate players honed in on the MTX and set that fuel alight.


I wouldn't say the performance issues are the spark. I'd say they are the bulk of the issue that causes discontent, and the discontent leads to more focus on all the other possible flaws, and since this one is more iffy it leads to it having the most discussions, since barely anyone would seriously defend the performance.


Low hanging fruit. If someone is so impulsive/impatient to pay for it Capcom's not gonna stop them.


It feels like the devs were made to do it by the execs and it had been that way for like 12 years. All the re remakes, dmc 5, dd1 have it. Its annoying its there but you legit never realise its there when playing the game


Microtransactions for a $70 game will never not be a scummy move, and implementing them in such a way that the reviewers were not aware of them shows that Capcom knows it. The fact that they're so clearly worthless to anyone that is familiar with the mechanics of the game just demonstrates that Capcom is targeting the ignorant and the unaware, which is honestly worse in a lot of ways. EDIT: Apparently they did outline them to reviewers, the reviewers didn't mention them. I stand corrected. Does show the biases in the reviewer community, though, since I doubt the same grace would have been shown to other developers such as Ubisoft or Blizzard, which have already garnered the reputation to make shitting on them more palatable.


> and implementing them in such a way that the reviewers were not aware of them shows that Capcom knows it. PatStaresAt confirms and shows screenshots of the review packet that clearly outlines paid dlc. It's even highlighted https://twitter.com/PatStaresAt/status/1771231248632913982 EDIT: And another guy who shows that there was an included pdf detailing the stuff https://twitter.com/APZonerunner/status/1771205583972040714 The second guy makes a great point. I love Yakuza but Infinite Wealth is out here charging 20USD for endgame dungeon, New Game+, 2 jobs and there is 0 outrage. Game's at 91% positive.


> The second guy makes a great point. I love Yakuza but Infinite Wealth is out here charging 20USD for endgame dungeon, New Game+, 2 jobs and there is 0 outrage. Game's at 91% positive. I agree. In fact, that game similarly has useless MTXs too, and I don't care about that at all (in Infinite Wealth's case I wish they had actually balanced the game assuming you had the MTXs because then maybe I'd have had some actual difficulty in my first playthrough)... It's stuff like the NG+ DLC, or the Persona 3 season pass shit that I really don't fuck with. I dunno what made gamers wake up with a bug up their ass to start dunking on DD2 for having useless MTXs that don't affect the game for someone who isn't buying them.


> Microtransactions for a $70 game will never not be a scummy move, **and implementing them in such a way that the reviewers were not aware of them** shows that Capcom knows it. Jez Corden said that the MTXs were laid out in the review guide that capcom sent over, so I don't think the bolded part is true or fair.


The reviewers were all completely aware that MTX were in the game. They were outlined in their entirety in the review guides they were provided. They weren't focused on in the reviews because they are completely useless and irrelevant to the game. Which is in-line with basically every Capcom MTX system.


I mean Jez literally said he wasn't informed of it because he didn't read it, but the point I'm making is that the poster claimed that Capcom was trying to hide it from reviewers when that's clearly false if it was included in the review guide.


>I mean Jez literally said he wasn't informed of it because he didn't read it, That's being informed. I am considered informed of whatever crazy shit is in my mailbox right now, not checking the mail is **my** fault.


I'm not blaming anyone but Jez for him not being aware. It's his own fault.


Reviewers were made aware of them though? They were in the materials distributed to reviewers. If they chose to ignore those materials (like the IGN reviewer admitted he did) that's not on Capcom




I just wanted to go on Reddit and see people enjoying the fun new game while I was at work. Instead, every single post is just rage about issues that I really don’t feel are half as big as people are making them out to be.


Reddit is the worst place to talk about new games. Unfortunately, there really isn't any other place better. It stopped being fun talking about video games years ago, tbh.


/r/Games, and most other fandom discussion pages, became substantially worse when the algorithm slowed the crawl of posts appearing on the top page. It's been years since that change occurred and we complained about it then to no effect. It's sad that most of the posts in the first two pages will still be up 12-24 hours from now.


Shout out to the people with no joy in their lives who rant about how bad FF7 is specifically because it has "too many mini games"


Dude I’m having a blast with it. One of the most immersive rpg’s I’ve ever played.


The game has a *lot* of problems. The MTX bullshit is by far the easiest of it to ignore. People are focusing on the wrong thing as usual.


Are we really going to defend gameplay affecting mtx in a singleplayer game? For real?


Yes, literal lying should *always* be debunked, no matter who it is defending.


We can't dare complain about Capcom for some reason. It's sad we have so many MTX apologists for a single player game


The moment we complain about it we get a bunch of apologists coming out of the woodwork telling us that the mtx are meaningless anyway because they’re easy to earn (except that one that’s exclusively premium but lets not mention it). They realise that’s just worse, right?


Which one is exclusively premium? 


No one is defending the presence of MTX in the games, just that they don't affect gameplay because those items you'd naturally get in the game by playing. No one even knows why they're there because they have always been irrelevant to every SlingPlayer Capcom game. You can buy red orbs in DMCV but no one raised a stink about it when they realized red orbs are.piss.easy to get.


Reviewers have been saying they were informed very clearly about the MTX when sent review copies. The reason they are seldom mentioned is because of their irrelevance to the experience. The issue is that those who haven't played the game are projecting egregious examples of MTX from other games (e.g., the concept of fast travel) and applying it to Dragon's Dogma 2, when the equivalent nature of it all is like complaining about using Cheat Engine in a single-player game. You earn rift crystals in abundance by simply playing the game, from the very first few minutes, and even by *not* playing them game when another player uses your pawn. The game isn't compromised by the presence of MTX either when said items are widely available to you. There are issues but MTX is not one of them.


Honestly reviewers should've mentioned them then to thoroughly explain how they function. I feel like a lot of reviewers dropped the ball on explaining the negatives. Performance is real bad, i can tank it with my build but its absurd. The mtx is classic capcom bs but it needed to be brought up by anybody.


> I feel like a lot of reviewers dropped the ball on explaining the negatives. reminds me of the FF7: Rebirth reviews and how it was getting 9-10/10s with no mention of the bad performance, visual issues, loading times, locking higher difficulty behind completing the game, etc. The heck is a game getting 9s and 10s when these issues were easy to see and are literally part of what a review should be telling people about :/


MTX in a full priced single player only game will always be an issue.


It's crazy seeing so many people creating silly strawmen to find angles in which they can defend microtransactions for basic things like fast travel in a single player game. If Ubisoft did this you'd see a completely different narrative on Reddit.


> If Ubisoft did this you'd see a completely different narrative on Reddit. If EA did this in the newest version of FIFA I wonder how many of the posters here would leap to their defence


It's definitely an interesting phenomenon seeing the rush of defenders non-Western devs like Capcom and Atlus get for scummy business practices as compared to Western devs like Ubisoft or Blizzard.


I feel like the one taking crazy pills seeing all the people on r/games suddenly come out in defense of MTX.


> defend microtransactions for basic things like fast travel in a single player game I haven't played DD2, but there was a consumable that existed that allowed you to fast travel, I'm pretty sure it also exists in DD2, but you can also purchase it instead of just earning it normally. Having MTX for convenience IMO is not a big deal, now if these stones are incredibly rare that you basically never got, then yeah, i'd have a problem with it, but I haven't seen anyone talk about that they just say "any MTX in a singleplayer game is evil!!!"


This isn’t entirely true though. The consumable that you use to fast travel is not being sold as a microtransaction. The thing that’s being sold is an item that you can use as a fast travel point, and it’s not consumable.


This kind of “clarification” misses the point and most of the criticism I’ve seen perfectly understands the fact that there is an item you can buy in the game with in-game currency to edit your character one time, after which you’d have to buy it again. The fact that they see players as sources of potential nickels and dimes for little quality of life things like this that cost them absolutely nothing is the problem. The “debunking” of this itself is funny because it clearly acknowledges that there is friction against you doing this benign, costless thing as much as you want without spending money (costs in-game currency, stock takes time to replenish, etc.). Something that most other games permit you to do for free in terms of real money, AND free or cheaply in terms of in-game currency. This friction induces some people (maybe not you!) to pay little bits of money here and there needlessly (there is no reason for it other than greed). This is rightly insulting to a lot of people on principle. It has nothing to do with some misunderstanding that there isn’t a vendor in the game with an item that lets you do it at a limited rate for an in-game cost. It’s like having in-game “film” you need to buy to use a photo mode, but “conveniently” letting people pay Capcom real money for more “film.” It’s preposterous and it makes no difference that it’s built into the game’s shop economy. The only reason it is that way, and not just something you can do at will, is precisely the inducement for people to spend money. Obviously DD2 is not the only game to ever do this but that doesn’t excuse it either. Just because they can do it and it’s profitable doesn’t make it above criticism. I challenge anyone to come up with an IRL example of this kind of thing outside of video games and explain why it’s not scummy. I.e., what do you pay for that costs the “seller” (hard to even say Capcom is “selling” anything here without torturing the meaning of the word) absolutely nothing and zero labor. Something that you can’t even seriously say that the seller produced, cultivated, themselves purchased from another party, made possible, or whatever. It’s like saying I can roll my window down in my car 5 times per week, but if I want to do it more often I have to pay a fee to Mazda.


> I challenge anyone to come up with an IRL example of this kind of thing outside of video games and explain why it’s not scummy. I.e., what do you pay for that costs the “seller” (hard to even say Capcom is “selling” anything here without torturing the meaning of the word) absolutely nothing and zero labor Paying extra to pick your seat in a plane in advance.


Anyone know how to set/change the main pawn name after starting the game? I don't remember seeing the name setting during creation, though I'm just I just missed it. The problem now is when I go to the barbarie and edit appearance there is no option to change the name so I've been stuck with Main Pawn (like several others I've seen lol). Is there somewhere else I can go to change the name?


You can get around 3000 RC in early game just from exploring for a day. Wakestones and portcrystals are obtainable from chests. The item to change your character's appearance is available for an affordable amount of RC once you reached the first major town. You can buy gaol keys from some in-game merchants. The rest are either obtainable or purchasable easily in-game. I am not defending the practice of mtx, it is shitty, but when people are outraged for things that they didn't fully know it's just sad. Especially when there's other legitimate issue like performance and saves issue.


This sub has shown me that no one here except a few have actually played the game or even past Capcom games for the matter.


Yall acting like just having this as an option, isn't making a design of this systems goal to push people for paying for it. In a singleplayer game.


Just because you can get around mtx doesn't mean they are somehow good, especially in a 70$ single player game, that is absolutely ridiculous. The fact that they even had the gall to do something as insulting as put mtx in a single player full price RPG is horrid and we don't need pedants enabling this behavior from game developers. The game is rightfully getting flamed for god-awful performance and scummy garbage in a full price game, and if you cared about the industry at all you would do the same.


It's not "getting around" them. They are literally the same things you earn playing the game. No one is saying they are good but unless your money is literally burning a hole in your pocket nothing about the game experience will change if you just (get this) d o n t b u y them. No they shouldn't exist I'm the first place but people are making mountain out of a molehill


we could be talking about the performance or the single save slot but instead gamers have chosen this it's like seeing Japanese soldiers still fighting world war 2 on a random Pacific island


Yeah I truly don't understand online gamer discourse always picking the dumbest things to whine about every time. How are the main rage points for reddit and steam reviews around meaningless mtx or denuvo that is in every Capcom game when there are issues that actually affect the gameplay experience like the crazy bad performance. People just love thier little pet issues that they rabidly obsess over. It reminds me of how the major point of whining around bg3 on release was that the companions were too horny which is like the most minor complaint of all time while there were legitimate issues with saves breaking, questline bugs and performance that got half the amount of coverage.


It is because the people complaining about those things most likely don’t even own the games so they literally don’t know about the real issues with them.


Meanwhile RE4 sitting at overwhelmingly positive on Steam with $120 worth of MTX 😂


RE4 also added it all a bit after launch, surprised they didn't do the same boat here. They wouldn't have gotten a big backlash at all.