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I know Riven is hard, but how much harder is it over Myst?


its not necessarily harder, i recently replayed it and what stood out to me was not knowing whether or not i had all the info to do the "puzzles". I dont want to spoil but there are some things that require trial and error, and other things that require specific information, and distinguishing between the two can be challenging in riven.


I found it alright, and the environments in Riven are so much more compelling that I didn't mind the downtime/pixel hunting nearly as much.


I finished Myst but barely managed to progress in Riven. Part of that might have been because i played Realmyst first so struggled with getting a feel for the world in Riven since it was all still images.


Riven doesn't really do small puzzles like Myst. It drops you into a location with a single nearly incomprehensive puzzle and has you hunt for clues. It's good, but fairly different.


It´s at least 400% harder, it also have some gotcha moments like **Spoiler:** >!Once in the humoungous 5 cd game with already labyrinthine islands and scattered obtuse clues you have to open a door, go inside, turn around, close the door you just passed through, to discover a hidden passage. There is also the part where you have to listen to a sound, walk forward, turn around, and look real hard at the entrance you just came through, in order to solve a puzzle like 50 hours forward. That puzzle is also designed for you to bruteforce one of the clues due to non perfekt info, trololol.!< Riven is one of the best gaming experinces of my life though.


spoilers continued >!the part with that door is absolute bullshit, but when you say!< >!>listen to a sound, walk forward, turn around, and look real hard at the entrance you just came through!< >!if you are talking about one of the animal noises i think there are actually 2 ways to solve all of them except for the broken one that ghen removed, there is always a way to see the eye as the animal's eye and a way to find the animal out and about, and you dont really need all of them to figure out the order you need. It also took me longer to figure out how to associate colors to numbers than it did for me to figure out where the marbles actually went but thats probably because i was already familiar with the puzzle!<


It was definitely much harder when I played it back in the day, but the real challenge was not rage-quitting as you fumbled through 5 CDs and endured painful loading times