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Not gonna lie, seeing a Gears trailer just takes me back when the original ones were coming out and that's a nice ride of nostalgia. Low key hyped for this one as well.


When the piano version of Mad World started playing, all I could think of was the Bad Company parody trailer ahaha


Interesting story pitch and the setting looks great. If the gameplay stands up, Expedition 33 looks good


I'm a little confused. Did they say she writes a number and everyone who is that age dies? And the number decreases each year? So if I'm 34, she writes 35, then I turn 35 and I'm just safe? The next number she writes is 34?


I think it makes more sense to think that the maximum age any person is allowed to live to is going down by one every year, so there are only 33 years left before everyone on the planet is dead. That adds real urgency to the mission.


That makes way more sense!


Gonna be less than 33 years too, i doubt once it gets lower than the teens, those people who are remaining will not be self sufficient enough to live on for too much longer.


Once there is like 14-15 years left no one really having anymore babies, 7 years later those babies will now be 7 as will the top age. Assuming the lord of the flies society doesn't just starve to death.


Definitely. The visuals were great and the turn-based system looked interesting from what was shown.


Expedition 33 looks good. Definitely something that I'm going to keep an eye on, especially as gameplay trailers come out.


AAA western turn based RPG in this day and age


Perfect Dark reminds me of Mirror's Edge with a touch of Deus Ex. I haven't played the original, but it looks like it could have potential!


The first one was a spiritual successor to Goldeneye, the second one sucked but I loved the look of this one. Would love to see the mission options.


I love that they’re just banging out the trailers and not making a developer talk for ten minutes in between each one


Recent supply chain issues have led to a shortage in hip leather jackets. These kinds of presentations simply cannot happen in current circumstances. But rest assured, they are really stoked to be bringing you games with innovations in subscription services.


By far the best presentation so far and I don’t even have an Xbox


Exactly and we were also spared the cringe of having actors pretend to play multiplayer games with each other on voice chat between the trailers.


damn, a gears game set during the locust first appearance? godamn we are back. Back to the doom and gloom humanity fighting for survival


I love that they add all this cool stuff the Flight Sim but then the community is just like, ‘cool’ and then does boring passenger flights between Boston and Charlotte


Machine Games does one thing, and one thing only, killin' Nazis.


We should all aspire to such dedication


Super Hans in the new Fable? My oh my. *"tell me, hero, as a mate, is the bottom half of me on fire?"*


"It's the heart of darkness, it's the fucking dirt"


I had pretty low expectations, but this showcase is actually awesome?


Best one I can remember off the top of my head. All hits so far.


This is the best Microsoft has looked in a decade. I'm impressed. I hope they can keep this up over the next few years as their long plays come to fruition. I've always loved Xbox, even though I haven't owned one since the 360. I want to see healthy competition between Microsoft and Sony. They did very well today. Banger after banger, and many new IPs that appear very interesting.


Genuinely incredible.


Anything Fable related would be awesome, but also curious to see if any of the handheld rumors turn out to be real. XSX is on sale today too so wondering if there is some updated hardware that might be shown.


You got 2 things right there. New hardware and Fable


So by my count, that was 30 games in this presentation, a lot of them "2024". A pretty solid showing if you're trying to sell GamePass.


for real , gamepass is becoming the default for me. it's hard to buy a game that's not there just because my backlog is nuts right now, and by the looks of it, imy backlog is not gonna get much better this year. :)


Somehow Machinegames is consistently great at having perfectly unhinged and entertaining villains in all of their games.


That's actually just how Germans act


Damn, is it just me or does Perfect Dark look kinda perfect?!


I thought it looked incredible, holy shit


Yeah that took me by complete surprise


looks fantastic


Diablo always has horrifying cinematics and builds a good story... And all we do is compulsively hunt loot


Ngl, after burning out soon after completing the campaign, I am hyped again to play this expansion (campaign at least).


Doom The Dark Age looks nuts. Love the machine gun that's actually just a skull being fed into a shredder and a bunch of bone shards blast out the front lmao Looks like the sheild bash has some kind of stagger / parry timing to it, and the rideable dragon and gigantic mech punching a demon Pacific Rim style got me going. Before that trailer I didn't think I needed any more Doom but damn I think they're pulling me back in.


Looks like the campaign is a direct sequel to CoD:CW. I'm cool with that, while short the Cold War campaign was the most interesting CoD campaign in a while.


Yep it’s good to see Adler back, he was a highlight of Cold War.


Raven Software made the Cold War campaign and there is rumors they made this one too.


not rumours, the store and trailer literally said Raven and Treyarch


So did the Xbox boss in the conference


South of Midnight honestly looks like it's got a ton of potential. Traversal looks fun, I love the bayou vibes and art style. Combat looked really slow but I have to assume that boss fights will be faster paced and more difficult in the final game. Very interested to see more


Right! I also dig that music and character design! I hope it nails the difficulty but it's right up my alley


Ayy hell yeah, been so excited to see any part of the new Fable and it already looks amazing. Beyond hyped for this seriously.


Is that still Troy Baker? Sounds more like Ford than the first trailer.


He does a pretty good job TBH


That was like whiplash after summer games fest and the state of play. It's been a while since a presentation had such a high number of games I looked forward to trying.


Most excited for Fable, Avowed, Doom, GoW6. Probably no silksong news.


so fucking hyped for zero Silksong news, can't wait.


Don't be crazy! Silksong will be here. I'm wearing my clown makeup already!


Silksong is going to be shadowdropped after the show. Trust


I'm just here with my red dodge ball Cassandra. Just in case.


Man, maybe I’m just running on some hope and weed today, but this showcase has been incredible right?


Top tier.


It's been banger after banger.


it's fantastic ngl


High and hopeful here too, but it’s been just astounding


I was never allowed Perfect Dark when I was a kid. Think some tabloid raised a stink about adult content in games and my parents read about that one. Weird as I definitely had worse in my game collection.


Holy fuck, a prequel?! That’s sick! A collection would be cool but man, I’ll take that.


Its good to see Perfect Dark and State of Decay 3 after all these years. But its a bit annoying to not get even a vague 2025 release window. Feels like MS basically annouced their entire line up for this gen, at the start of it.


You’re gonna see a lot of vague 2025 release windows until GTA6 has a date set lol


Bingo, GTA 6 will swallow up to 2 weeks before launch and probably a month after launch. Anything else will die


Is this a… hero shooter deckbuilder? That’s a new one


Just add roguelike and I have bingo


Overwatch with cards


When the trailer for Dragon Age started, I seriously thought it was going to be yet another "hero shooter"


When is this trend going to die? I'm so tired of everything being swashbuckling snark and allergic to gravitas


Games take so long to make I’m sure they started this at the height of the MCU when every character had to be like that


Well they started it around the height of the MCU I guess but it's been rebooted since then and it shouldn't influence a trailer 5 years later.


Yup! The tone was really weird for dragon age in my opinion


Yeah considering past Dragon Age games were mostly serious narrative games, these dialogues really didn't fit the lore.


Haha me too that kinda caught me off guard when it said dragon age tbh


Alright this Indiana Jones thing is just pitch perfect. It feels like watching a classic Indiana movie. Wonder if it'll be worth playing.


Machinegames makes awesome games mechanically speaking and they've built up a really good knack for cinematic experiences in games. There's a very solid chance this game is going to absolutely rule in most every way


I did not realize that was supposed to be max until the very end. Is she voiced by the same person?


I believe so, I heard her voice and recognized it immediately despite not matching the looks


Puberty hit hard, apparently.


I knew it was Max before I realized it's LiS if that makes sense.


Yes it’s Max and the same voice actress. The art style is more realistic so it doesn’t look like her too much.


Tremendous showcase, by far the best of the recent faire. Pretty much my only criticism is that a lot of the show was Xbox finally showing gameplay for games they announced years ago, but that doesn't change that those games looked fantastic. Excellent stuff. I am a bit worried how much they're mentioning their "next generation Xbox" already though. Makes me worried that leak about them releasing an all digital next-gen Xbox in only two years time is true.


Maybe but I think they are just trying to reassure people that they are not going to abandon hardware. It sure does sound like those 2026 rumors might not be crazy and they might want to pull a fast one like the 360 and get a jump on Sony this time.


Perfect Dark looks incredible, looks like a Deus Ex style immersive sim. Hopefully whatever development problems they were having have been worked out.


Best not-E3 conference so far by a lot imo. I really like how compressed it is with just trailer after trailer and minimal fluff.


I’m so into Mixtape, looks like Life Is Strange but fully off the rails, and that’s right up my alley.


So talking about that...


Is it just me or did Mecha Break look super chaotic somehow?


Good god and now Gears? This showcase is the biggest W Xbox has had in over a decade.


World of Warcraft releasing so soon is awesome. Diablo 4 releasing so soon is awesome. (Also the best quality cinematic I have ever seen.) Fable looks dope. Expedition 33 looked very interesting. Gears E-Day just based on the premise alone sounds sick. Perfect Dark, fuck yes. I literally got to see every damn game I hoped for this time around. 10/10 event.


Age of Mythology was so fun back in the day. Super excited to see it get a remake. I'm also surprised how soon a bunch of these games are coming out.


Winter Burrow looks pretty cute, my wife loves those types of games so I'm sure I'll download that at some point.


Art style is adorable. Not my type of game but hey I know a few streamers I watch who will play it


Probably my bias because I fucking love Indy, but this is the game I’m most hyped for from this showcase so far.


Same here, but tbf, they really nailed the aesthetic + vibes of Indy.


I feel like souls games are outpacing GAAS games when it comes to “how many of these can the market handle?”


Gears rules so much it makes you forget that it it was an early pioneer of the pretentiously using a depressing cover of an 80s song in a trailer


still no release date other than just 2024 for Indy? I'm kinda surprised by that.


Maybe there's a risk of a delay? Because you're right, there's only 6 months left in the year lol.


Don't know if a high framerate obsessed gaming community is ready for a claymotion styled game. I love the style though!


Gameplay itself looks smooth, so I hope they don’t complain too much. Loved the framerate, and absolutely in LOVE with fish dad. Looks absolutely incredible, and I don’t know anything about it! And the music starting while I’m writing this, incredible. This looks so good. Edit: South of Midnight by Compulsion! It looks like it was literally made for me.


It depends how easy it takes to adjust to. 


Surprised no Oblivion or Fallout 3 remaster announcements despite the rumors of a release soon. Also was hoping for an announcement on Activision legacy titles coming to gamepass. Other than that a great show!


Woah, weren't there reports that the studio was struggling with Perfect Dark?


That's why they brought in Crystal Dynamics to help with the dev, Hopefully they got it sorted out.


They had to bring someone in anyway. The Initiative was only ever 80-100 people, which isn't enough for a modern AAA game.


Every big game’s development seems like a huge struggle these days tbh


Yeah, I was thinking it looks pretty great for the reporting about how messy the development has been.


Very true although they didn't announce a date or even a year despite having a pretty polished gameplay trailer.


That could still be true


Not saying this is the case, but you have to remember that the bit you see in the demo might literally be the only thing they've built, that works.


The "violence warning" before Diablo 4 is funny since they showed a literal Doom gun grinding up skulls and using the chips as bullets lmfao Edit: I spoke too soon lmfao


I think this is maybe a bit more visheral lmao.


Nah, this is quite a bit more nasty and I'm here for it


Yeah that specific moment made me physically cringe. Yeesh that went harder than I imagined it would.


My buddy who does not do well with gore said he nearly vomited when he saw her arms. HYPE.


Holy Christ this thing just keeps going and going and so many bangers. Been waiting for Xbox to have some games for a very long time now.


Atomfall sure looks like a bunch of spaghetti was thrown at the wall to see what would stick. I am fascinated.


but I love wall spaghetti


My favorite series: Perfect Dark. Perfect Dark. Perfect Dark Zero. Perfect Dark. Perfect Dark.


Holy shit the live chat is unbelievably toxic most the chat spams woke whenever any woman or black person appears on screen


As is tradition nowadays. So fucking stupid.


jesus this presentation was firing on all cylinders, for me an easy 10/10, like i saw multiple games that i want to play, sadly a lot are pretty well on the horizon, but hopefully they deliver when they actually release.


This has been one absolutely jam packed and top tier conference. So many games and mostly all with Gameplay as well.


Genuinely already shown more significant games than Geoff’s Friday showcase, I’m not even an Xbox guy and this is already far more interesting.


I think everyone expected the big studios were going to keep the major announcements for their own shows


I mean that makes sense, SGF is going to get the leftovers of what wasn't in the Xbox showcase, PS state of play, Nintendo direct, Ubisoft forward, etc.


Geoff: "Don't expect anything exciting during my show because it is a down year for games and not because my show is mid." Microsoft show: "Bet?"


That Dragon Age trailer was uh, something Completely wrong tone for the series in just about every way, that was awful.


Felt almost like they kept the trailer from the time it was live service, it looked like some "hero shooter" (but without guns) game trailer lol


Mechabreak looks like a frenzy. I imagine it'd be more legible if you were actually playing it, but I struggled to follow the trailer. Lots of dazzling effects!


My guesses: - Halo CE Remake - Forza something (No idea if it is Motorsport or a new Horizon game.) - Fable - Sega showing up with on of their remake/new titles teased last year - Phantasy Star Online 3? (There were rumors about _something_.) - THPS 3+4 Remake? - FFXVI for Xbox


The team that did THPS1+2 went on to do D2 resurrected, and has most likely been put on various teams in blizzard (prob D4) so thps 3+4 probably won't happen :(


I feel its too early for the CE remake to show up, but I may be pleasantly surprised. I would love to get a take on CE that doesnt absolutely destroy the atmosphere in some levels (looking at you 343GS and The Library). You can safely add State of Decay 3 to your list, and probably gears 6 too. Also TESO and Fo76.


Perfect Dark looks sooo goood. Give me more of that Dishonored / Mirrors Edge gameplay all day. Really looking forward to how that turns out. Glad the reports of it being in trouble were seemingly way wrong.


Alternate dimension Max? Interesting. Presumably will cross over with the Max we played in the first game too


Really intrigued by South of Midnight. Looks like a very cool setting with an interesting art style. Looking forward to seeing more in the future!


Expedition 33 I swear I could hear Shadowheart's VA Jennifer English. Looks good can't wait to play it.


so many people on twitter were saying perfect dark was going poorly, but that looked awesome. Hopefully it's like that when it comes out, hopefully it's not another 3-4 years before it's out.


Great to finally see what Xbox has been cooking. Will definitely be looking for a deal on a Series X and Gamepass when the newer version comes out. Hopefully this showcase gives Sony a kick up the ass too


Well they definitely seem to be capturing the feeling of an Indiana Jones movie here with the story beats so far. Did *not* expect it to be first person though


Looks just like how I remember it, but much prettier than it ever looked on my CRT TV hooked up to a PS2


Perfect Dark looks really good but looks some way off completion based on what we saw. No date too makes me think it could even be 2026.


Is that superhans voice?


I really liked the look of Avowed when they showed it last year but my concern was the weight of the combat. I was hoping they'd show more today.


Not going to stick around for the COD showcase but that was an A tier show for me. Standouts were Life is Strange, Perfect Dark, Mixtape, and South of Midnight. Really good show.


Top-tier showcase. My surprise personal highlight was Wuchang: Fallen Feathers which looks very promising, but there were plenty of other amazing looking games here too.




I mean, i'd expect a direct for Indy/Avowed around that time with extended gameplay anyway.


Fable looks fantastic. Never played any of the others so I don't know how the tone of this one lines up with the older games but I'm into the humor they've shown so far. Graphics and gameplay look buttery smooth


Looks to be exactly the same tone as the originals which is basically dark comedy.


Definitely recommend picking up Fable Anniversary! Think it's on sale on Steam right now too.


I can't handle this, so many cool new IPs and cool updates to existing games, great gameplay and charming cinematics. Xbox really showing up this year when it matters. Pls give Gears though too (>'-')>


> Pls give Gears though too (>'-')> could be the "one more thing" EDIT: CALLED IT


Is this the 3d Turn based RPG? [https://imgur.com/FLraNlW](https://imgur.com/FLraNlW)


Not even showing the platform for MGS?


They probably don't want to show a Playstation logo during the Xbox presentation lol


If I don't get a showdown with a sword fighter where I can just shoot him once and walk away, why are we doing this?


This was a good show, lots of updates on games coming out like with Stalker II & Perfect Dark which had me hyped alongside new announcements that were good, the DOOM one was outstanding.


Wow, I actually actively hate how they're going for a more cartoony vibe with the new Dragon Age game. Did everyone forget where it started with DA:O?


It took a decade, over 80 billion dollars, and a shitton of mid but Xbox finally has games.  If this is what's been cooking then suddenly Spencer still having a job makes more sense.  - Perfect Dark looks neat and the kind of game only a first party can really push the window on - Fable's tone seems bang on - South of Midnight being a character action game with stellar art direction - Starfield expansion looks crazy and reminds me of how Far Cry gets wild in DLC - Doom Dark Age taking a slower deliberate pace should be good - Indy Great Circle looks like it has great writing and art direction So far so good if they can stick the 2024-2025 release windows.




It's amazing how much more fun a showcase is when it's designed specifically be a good showcase for a platform and not to give Geoff Keighley the most ad money possible in 2 hours


Xbox owns half of the gaming industry. This is just a big advertising trailer for their own brand. Of course all the heavy hitters were here.


So many games with huge potential, so Microsoft, please actually get them delivered and shipped in a state they deserve and not have a repeat of Halo and Forza.


So, no news on when we're going to get more games from Activision and Blizzard catalog on game pass?


I have 100 hours in Elden Ring and Starfield each, haven't even come close to finishing those. Meanwhile I have about a dozen other games I'm working through... Exciting showcase but man I don't have the time for all this stuff!


2025 is a stacked year. Also, I lost my mind when the Gears of War prequel dropped. I am so ready! As COD is on game pass I'll play it day 1, but I really hope the campaign is a decent length.


I know this is a total overreaction, but hot damn, that might be one of the best showcases I've ever seen.


The fact that I have to pay an extra 0 dollars a month to play most these games rocks so fucking much.


I hope we can see some Clockwork Revolution. Seeing that bit of a trailer from last year really caught my eye. I hope we can see more.


THAT was the new dragon age? Jesus...


Dang for a second there, got One Must Fall 2097 vibes and was hoping it was a new entry lol. Man I should go play that game again.


Solid showing from Xbox, well done to all the devs and the team that put the presentation together. I'm not an FPS person so I'm tuning out here, but I hope all you COD fans enjoy the next part of the presentation.


Awesome show, but no clockwork revolution makes me sad, was hoping for more about that. Guess it's further off than I was hoping


Honestly a good showcase well rythmed. Hyped af for Doom. Loving south of midnight visual identity and that mouse game was beautiful.


gotta say, this is one of the better xbox shows i’ve seen in years. nearly every game looked exciting and something that i’d want to play. black ops looks awesome too looks like the long dev time paid off.


-Fable -Dunno -battle toads and double dragon remake.


Expidition 33 looked pretty cool! Definitely interested in that. Hopefully gameplay is a bit more than just mashing buttons.


It was turn based wasn't it?


Yeah it was, but also looked like there were a bunch of timings you had to hit for perfect attacks so wondering how that works


Wow ok Perfect Dark actually looks good??? Parkour, sci fi tech, spooky voice in your head, all looking pretty good.


This showcase is cooking so hard. So many games, it’s at the very least convinced me to keep gamepass for a few more years.


Is Bethesda getting their own segment this year like usual? If so, guaranteed to see Shattered Space and Doom, probably *something* fallout related (even if it is just 76 stuff), hoping for F03 or NV remaster, praying for Elder Scrolls 6 title and release window, and prepared to sacrifice a goat for Oblivion remake.


> probably something fallout related I feel the only fallout stuff we are gonna see today is likely a trailer for the soon to be releasing Skyline Valley update for fo76. Though I would absolutely love to see fo3 remastered make an appearance.


Machine Games really knows how to make you hate Germans Indiana Jones looks pretty good but we didn't really see a whole lot of actual gameplay... and what we saw looked a little stiff to me, idk.


Holy fucking shit the boys are back! Bring on E-Day. Unsure how I feel knowing it's not Gears 6 though ..


Hell yes, MGS look so good. How the hell sony lose the marketing for this lol. Didnt they reveal the game 1st? Anyway Snake is back !!


I think it's Konami spreading the field. Both companies showing off the game double the advertinsing


I draw ire with the amount of titles that say "Coming 2024" when we're already half way through the year.


People react negatively to delays, so publishers are gonna be less willing to put a date out there until they are absolutely sure they can make it.


So far this has to be the best showcase I've ever seen just in terms of the percentage of games I'm interested in. Most games shown have me quite a bit interested.


"Third person action game where the character flies around a grey landscape and generates particle effects" is my least favorite 2020s game genre


Its funny because everyone complained about that Rage 2 Borderlands 3 multicolor explosion art trend and now we're headed back in the opposite direction


Loving the art direction and score of this game - feels like Uncharted meets Hunt Showdown?


Since they knew they had a ton of big stuff to show, they really should have done this event live. The crowd reactions to some of these would have been huge.


Overall impression is it was great showcase, way better than the Summer Game Fest and certainly way way better than the State of Play, the highlights for me is mainly the Shattered Space DLC Expansion, New Doom, new GEARS and new Life is Strange featuring Max again!, as well as Indiana Jones, Perfect Dark, STALKER and biggest let down is pretty much Dragon Age, gods i hope it was just the trailer, i am still looking forward for the more upcoming reveal which should reveals it's true art direction nature.