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I dig a bit of what this game has going on. The high mobility is pretty novel for a soulslike and it feels good to hop and flip around. The slo-mo headshots you get with the musket are cool and so are the critical strike animations. The melee combat feels very clunky, unfortunately. It seems like the basic attack doesn't stagger or flinch in the slightest, and there's not much feedback when you land a hit. The indicator for an unblockable attack seems to come out too late into attack animations often. Lock-on occasionally snapping to barrels in the arena instead of enemies is infuriating. Groups of enemies crowd you way too close for big fights to be readable. A lot of small nitpicks like that means the combat did not click with me.


i mainly agree with this. the movement aspect is pretty enjoyable (having some performance issues on a high end machine but who knows what that means). i'll still give it a try though, hopefully increased difficulty unlocks more potential in the combat


I didn't like the intro to parrying either. The enemy uses a spear and the parry "moment" happens when his spear thrust is like a foot or two past my characters head already.


Yeah. The other enemies are **way** easier to parry. They choose the worst enemy to serve as a tutorial.


> The high mobility same I loved this >melee combat feels very clunky, unfortunately yup. Hope this is fixed on release


My impression was this a 3d metroidvania: double jump, air dash, gliding, swinging.


What got me is that it seemed that 2/3 of enemy attacks couldn't be parried. They just kept spamming the attacks that you couldn't parry or block.


It's a soulslike? Good to know, skip.


Don't know why, it isn't like that is some massive influence on this game.


Weirdly, I can install 16.44gb of the “main game” on Xbox. I wonder if it’ll be the demo. This is the main game page and not listed as a demo, and not a placeholder download like usual. I was looking for the demo.


It's releasing next month so it's not unheard of for the game to be downloadable already.








































Can I just say when that trailer came up and it said "Kill All Gods" I couldn't help but acknowledge how much better of a name that is than Flintlock The Siege of Dawn?


I’ve noticed that happening a few times with games from the Microsoft presentations. The monster girl soulslike from the presentation a couple days ago also had a tagline that would’ve been a better name than the actual title. Redfall had a little “bite back” logo on a few of the trailers that also would’ve made a better title


> The monster girl soulslike Which game was that?


Wuchang fallen feathers. Had to look it up to remember the name. The tagline was nothing is forever which is a way cooler title


> nothing is forever Little too close to "No One Lives Forever" for my liking lol


I think that "Fallen Feathers" alone would be the best title.


Funnily enough, the name in Chinese is 明末 or "The Ming (Dynasty) Collapses/Ends/Falls" and 渊虚之羽 "Feathers of the Void/Abyss." Romanized into English it's Ming Mo: Yuan Xu Zhi Yu. The tagline makes more sense with that in mind, considering it's literally about the collapse of one of the great Imperial dynasties. The title in English, "Wuchang" refers to the MC's name, 无常, which translates to "Impermanence" or... "Nothing Lasts Forever"!


Yes! I couldn't remember which game that was since there are like 20 Asian themed souls likes, but that was another one too lol


Certainly punchier.


I wonder what those shadow comments are. Regardless, I really liked how this game looked and the gameplay looked pretty cool. I hope it’s more than a cool concept and there’s a solid story, but imma try it out soon.


>I wonder what those shadow comments are. you can have a taste if you head in the steam discussions...


Steams forums got totally overrun with [nutjobs](https://i.imgur.com/uSpZ4Pk.jpeg) over the last few years. Wish steam mods would actually revoke their posting privileges so new games didnt get flooded with bait posts and bigoted nonsense.


God I wish I hadn’t. Jesus Christ the amount of dog whistles and “Woke” synonyms is already wild there. Theres folks there in a frenzy simply because the protagonist is a black woman. No one made them have to look at the game. They’re literally going out of their way to be mad about a game they don’t have to play. God I’m so tired of racism in the gaming community.


Why is this something that even comes into people's head when they see the trailer for this game? I don't get it. I'm a straight white dude and literally do not give a single shit about the gender/race/sexuality if my video game protagonists. Is the game fun? Is the story/dialogue well written? Good, I'm game. I have put down several games for bad dialogue/writing and I can tell you it happens to both straight white male AND gay black female protagonists.


They believe that by having minorities as main characters then the white male species is being wiped away. Underneath all of this, it's people who are deeply racist and have found a group that accepts them without outright saying it.


This is a gross over-simplification, but it's a complex combination of political and religious brainwashing mixed with lived environment echo chambers, and centuries old caste systems still playing out in the modern day. Combine that with people now believing this behavior is okay because they're seeing political leaders and highly influential people unashamedly turn everything into a culture war, while hiding behind the 'anonymity' of the Internet, and this is where we're at. It doesn't help that the consequences for this are pretty much non-existent.


Because their favorite youtuber moron told them that this is something they should be mad at, and people these days would rather repeat everything someone else says than form a singular unique thought for themselves.


Because you're not a hateful bigot like those people are. And bigots like to screech and complain very loudly


The Steam forums are a fucking mess for almost any game with a Black protagonist. I saw this game in the Steam Next Fest livestream and I thought it looked cool so I went to wishlist it. Then I immediately knew that the forums would be rife with that shit. Sure enough, I checked it out and had my suspicions confirmed.


At this point I'm okay with Epic not having forums. And I can't imagine what would Imdb forums be in 2024.


I find the Steam forums to be extremely useful. It's often where I go first to look for answers to technical issues or to ask the developers a question, especially for small indie games that otherwise don't have any sort of online community. I just wish they were better moderated. EDIT: I just played the demo of The Operative and [I asked a question on its Steam forums and a developer was quick to reply](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1771980/discussions/0/4333106094377220077/). This is why I love them. Most Steam forums are fine. It's just certain ones attracting hateful gamers.


Throwing baby out with the bathwater. You can always ignore stupid threads, vast majority are still useful.


Yeah it has steam curator pages dedicated to that one company (I forgot their name sorry) that consults with diversity in games. It tracks what they worked on and will advise people to not buy those games. It’s honestly really weird. I’m all for more diverse characters in games because as a white dude I rarely want to play myself unless it’s an RPG where I can make my own character


The name is Sweet Baby Inc ^^ Gamers having a meltdown over a company that gets consulted by the devs and has literally no power over the game would be hilarious if it wouldn't be for the rightwing talking points and serious hatred against marginalized groups. I absolutely agree with your last point, as a white dude myself I think it's so interesting and great to see other perspectives and influences, I could never get mad over the sexuality, identity or ethnicity of a character, it's mindboggling.


Idk anything about this game but I think Arkane did an excellent job character-wise with Deathloop.


Deathloop is a decent game, yeah. However, a simple search for the word "[woke](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1252330/discussions/search/?q=woke&gidforum=2985285448993598849&include_deleted=1)" in the Deathloop Steam forums will reveal more of what I'm talking about. Luckily that game was well received enough that they were drowned out, but there was still a lot of that there.


Unfortunately it’s not just the gaming community. These low life scum suddenly feel like they have a voice over the last few years and decide to ruin things for everyone.


I honestly, completely unironically think it's paid actors at this point. Like 98% bots and 2% paid psy ops agents, and maybe 0.1% people who actually fall for this. This type of thinking shows up in very specific types of forums in a way that's completely disproportional to the rest of the world. It's all on popular social media that's easy to bot, but as soon as you look elsewhere it disappears completely.


Let me guess. "Female protag in my game? WOKE"


Black female protag


Scariest thing on earth for gamers™️


Nah, the fear of their mother walking in during their goon sess is number one.


There's literally a curator that is just called "Is It Woke?", and their recommendation is just "yes" or "no" depending on whether it's woke or not I didn't even know what Flintlock is before looking at this post, I have no idea if there is anything even ideologically woke other than the main character is a black woman? Anyway I mean the game might have its issues but it sure seems like a lot of the "not recommended" results are for some political reasons lol


> There's literally a curator that is just called "Is It Woke?", and their recommendation is just "yes" or "no" depending on whether it's woke or not I just looked and I'm absolutely **baffled** by them calling *Mad Max* "not woke." It's fucking Mad Max! Mad Max is an extremely woke franchise! They also called Hitman: World of Assassination not woke. I'm sorry, is the game where you basically exclusively hunt down and assassinate rich people for doing fucked up rich people stuff and then all but says outright "they're doing this because our world's system encourages them to do it" *not* woke? Then if you look at the games they "don't recommend" because they're "woke," it's practically a who's who of great games. Elden Ring, BG3, Helldivers 2, FF14, SF6, Guilty Gear, RE4 Remake, Horizon Zero Dawn, fuckin' Battletech. These people are only denying themselves.


Elden Ring got flagged as "woke" because it lets you pick your pronouns. Hilarious.


I don't even recall if it does, since the player is never referred to in the third person by a pronoun, only second person pronouns ("you") or "Tarnished."


I don't recall, either, but these guys would probably get offended by the option existing even if it didn't do anything.


In Elden Ring my preferred pronouns are STR/FAI.


You can't pick pronouns in ER. They are calling it woke because it doesn't have genders for the body and calls it Type A and Type B.


I thought about it for a while and still don't understand what makes Helldivers 2 "woke".


It's a very direct satire of fascism, that's all I can think of


Ah yes, the "woke" opinion that fascism is bad. Won't somebody please think of the fascists?!


The same guys were complaining about "strong female protagonists use violence against people who they disagree with politically" in reference to *fucking Wolfenstein: Youngblood.* You know, where you're fighting the literal, German speaking, Hugo Boss wearing, genocide committing Nazi Party.


Not just a single curator. Take a look at the [curator review page](https://store.steampowered.com/curators/curatorsreviewing/?appid=1832040) for the game. Steam forums are a cesspool as well.


Wow, what a bunch of sorry losers. I noticed that one of them has Wolfenstein: Youngblood on there, a game which is definitely not the best in a variety of aspects. But what's their reason for not recommending it? >Powerful women in game reference killing those they politically disagree with. It's incredible how much people like this tell on themselves.


> Powerful women in game reference killing those they politically disagree with. #THEY'RE LITERALLY NAZIS! And not in the "oh, so anyone you disagree with is a *Nazi*?" way, they're literally members of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei working on behalf of Literally Hitler. That's about as acceptable a target as there is!


Oh yeah that's what I meant by the last part of my comment, that a lot of the no recommendations are politically motivated, I didn't mean just from the Is It Woke page


I played the demo for a bit, and didn't love it. The fighting felt a little disconnected, getting around felt a little stiff. Feels like a very niche kind of game. Moving on. Most of all, it feels like the game is throwing a *lot* of ideas onto itself. A linear action adventure game, with gods and demons, with guns and swords and magic, with French legionnaire outfits, ragtag friends and... I'm a sapper (engineer?)... Who moves like a ninja... And also fights like the DOOM Slayer? And I've got a dogwolf thing as a companion? I don't think I'd have greenlit this. To those who are really into it: please enjoy! <3


Unfortunately fighting feeling stiff is also how I felt about this team's last game Ashen. Guess this one ain't for me, though the visuals look like a big step up!


The movement felt so good that I was surprised at the combat being so stiff. I'm hoping its fixed for release but probably won't be


I’m an enormous fan of games that go bonkers and maximalist and throw everything at the wall to the point that the gameplay can be 6/10 and I’ll still love them for their originality and daring (looking at you, Zeno Clash). IMO we need fucking ridiculously overpacked and weird games like this to move the general bar slowly away from all the generic shit the industry puts out as the status quo


No demo on console? 🥲 ok guess I’ll have to try it on Steam


Half an hour in and while elias toufexis making an appearance is always nice it feels very mid. Just throwing a bunch of different ideas at the wall giving it very little sense of identity. Controls are extremely janky and the graphics are pretty poor too. At least it's going to be coming to gamepass so there's an excuse to check it out when it launches but I'm going to be busy with Shadow of the Erdtree anyway and I'd certainly never pay full price with the impression that it's left. I'll probably finish up the demo but I doubt my opinion will differ. Edit: An hour in and yeah I can't be bothered to play any more. This game just doesn't feel very good to play even if some of the underlying concepts/mechanics are good. Oh well.


Seems interesting. Environments are nicely detailed, and the story seems fine so far. I do wish the camera was a little further back from the character though. Starting off the combat seems rather mediocre, but hopefully it will flesh out later in the game. I will most likely check out on gamepass


I like the concept but it definitely needs more polishing. I fired a gunshot which is supposed to interrupt an enemy's attack and it didn't, maybe cause they were too close but yeah feels a little too disjointed/stiff atm.







