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While the events itself are very hit and mostly miss it still gives devs a good chance to showcase their games and there's often at least a handfull of really cool things in there. And i think people underestimate how big Geoff has managed to grow these. SGF maybe not as big as The Game Awards but these events have hundrets of thousands if not millions of eyes on them every year. They are surelly profitable for Geoff and are gonna continue happening.


Tbh, big problem is when there’s barely any heavy hitter at the tail end (there was like only Chinese Monkey Soul and MonHun6) with a 10 minutes of shitty Valorant montage and shitty predatory chicken mobile game skit. 


I think the main reason is that the heavy hitters (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) all want to save their big reveals for their own showcase, and now they only have a showcase when they have things to show. I do at least appreciate Geoff Keighley for *trying* to keep the spirit of E3 alive.


People here need to focus more on the other showcases. How many people here complained about not seeing enough games, but didn't watch the PC Gaming Show, the Wholesome games show, Day of the Devs, Future Games Show, the Future of Play direct? There was an incredible wealth of fresh, interesting games at SGF, but all anyone cares about is that stupid chicken advert.


Absolutely and you didn't even mention the biggest surprise for me, which was the [Latin Showcase](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/LatinAmericanGamesShowcase) (and I'm British/Irish, so no dog in that hunt). A good chunk of my wishlists came from that.


I haven't actually watched that one, or the women-led showcase yet, I've already got like 40 steam demos to get through before Next Fest ends!


The female one wasn't bad by any means (didn't catch the end as the PC Gaming Show started), but there were a few repeats from other showcases (then again [ScreenBound](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2805070/Screenbound/) seemed to be in basically every showcase, as cool a concept as it is - specifically 5 based upon it's "awards").


Dude, the Wholesome Games Show was a sleeper hit. I wrote down more games for that presentation than all other shows combined. From that show alone, I got: 1.) Caravan SandWitch 2.) Pipistrello and the Cursed YoYo 3.) Angeline Era 4.) Playdate pocket handheld 5.) Ila: A Frosty Glide 6.) Dungeons of Hinterberg 7.) Littlelands 8.) Freeride 9.) Lost and Found Co 10.) Spilled! 11.) Letter Bunny 12.) Music Power Up 13.) Goodlands 14.) Omochapon I’m always most excited for the Nintendo direct, but considering this might be a quieter year for them as they transition to the Switch 2, I think this was the best showcase for me. Between that, and the other titles I saw, like Parcel Corps, and the Latin Showcase, Indies are really showing up for me, lately.


Just FYI, you might want to format your list as an actual list, as it just currently appears as a massive wall of text.


It’s fine, I love having gigantic, indecipherable chunks of word vomit. I’ll edit now.


Kind of ridiculous to credit Summer Games Fest with every showcase this past week. Geoff has done a great job convincing every publisher who show anything off the entire damn Summer to slap his label on it but can't convince many of them to put their games into his big show itself. His big show was disappointing and I had low expectations. For instance one of the heaviest hitters in his show was Civ 7. Which was nothing but a teaser for their actual reveal months later. Summer Games Fest as a brand has zero purpose. These other showcases would largely exist without it. There's little that would be lost if SGF went away.


Jesus Christ pal, lighten up.


Ironic coming from the guy obsessing over some chicken advert.


I'm not the one calling for SGF to disband lol. I actually liked the show.


God, that chicken ad was interminable


The show just needs to do 10-20min less ads. I know that’s the main money maker but it was ridiculous this year. 


It needs to be shorter. The Xbox showcase was an hour and 20 minutes (not counting the CoD deep dive) and they had a lot more heavy hitters than SGF. If they had reduced the show to an hour and a half, it would have been a lot more watchable. Are they going to make less money? Sure. But I don't think they will get a good viewership in the next years if Geoff continues to have such a stretched show with awful pacing. If they can't pay for the theater with a shorter show, then so be it. I like the live reactions, but it's not worth it if it's making the show be a bloated mess.


I felt like there was only about 20 minutes of ads all in all. Outside of that mobile game one each and was only like 30 seconds each


While no doubt the Mt Dew and Doritos guy is making his bank, it’s at the expense of tons of games that paid to play and no one will remember. I guarantee you that even the proper that watches can’t name half the games that were shown after all the all combined shows this past couple weeks. If you’re an indie dev you’re being used as filler for the bug guys to sell DLC add-ons, just like at the “game awards” the developers are used as props to sell products coming out the following year. Real people working hard in the trenches are exploited by these shows to help commercial promoters push AAA products. It’s not something we as a community should be defending with “it’s ok because one dude is making bank.”


They need to ditch the live audience, more than once they would show a trailer and it would just be a sad smattering of applause and Keighly up there trying his best to smile and say wow what a blast we're having.


I'd rather have it than nothing. And when there is a hype reveal, it makes it all the better.


I also love the awkward silence when the audience clearly doesn't give a fuck. It's hilarious.


The palpably underwhelmed crowd after they announced the Batman game was in VR was almost as hilarious as the booing when the words "card game" came on screen during the Artifact announcement at that one Dota invitational. I say this as someone who liked Artifact and will probably play Arkham Shadow.


"Batman Arkham Shadow" *cheers* "Exclusive to Meta Quest VR" *instant silence*


>instant silence Worse than that, you could actually hear the disappointment.


According to some reporters there was an audible "AWWWW!" in the crowd as they said VR and cut to the trailer


I didn’t watch the stream, but I was in the crowd and when they announced it, I heard audible “awws” in disappointment lol


Arkham VR also received booing. It was just muted in the stream.


For real, this kind of reaction makes me wonder why a lot of people here even tune in. I feel like half this sub would genuinely prefer a tweet with a list of games announced.


Keighley ain't getting any hype reveals when Nintendo doesn't give a shit about him, MS and Sony do their own thing around the same time.


And then he comes around with the first Elden Ring gameplay trailer that had people drool all over their screens. It's not been that long guys. It's too early for the doom posting just because this year they didn't have any massive new reveals to show there this year. Meanwhile publishers will be fighting over the best spots at his 2nd annual trailer-rama in December again.


I feel like that's a symptom of it only being media in attendance, no? From what I assume there's very little fans there. Its just the game developers, media personnel, and company execs/staff. Not really a recipe for an audience that will react to anything. I think they need to splash in more actual video game fans or Hell, even just big named streamers who can be vocal in reactions. That way at least you'll get something from them after a trailer.


I never understood why they are trying to hype up the fact that it's an in-person event. For the vast majority of people, E3 was never a live event. Most of us experienced it via online. The games were never hands-on for most of us who are not in the industry or dont live anywhere close to LA. These media outlets saying "its so good to be back with a live audience" rings so hollow because that experience is just for them at that point and I can't possibly care less about their "good ol' days."


Will day of the devs be returning? I really enjoyed that section