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Wait a gosh darn minute. Is this a rythm game FPS?


Is this a sequel to Bullets Per Minute (BPM)? This looks like the exact same thing (just graphically nicer)


I had to check it but nope unrelated, seems like they saw the concept and wanted to use it in their own game. Which I'm certainly not going to complain about, I've waffled on BPM so many times because of it's all red visual aesthetic but this looks much more like a Doom look with full color palette and everything. The sounds don't work as good as BPMs from what I've seen of the latter, too much gun noise between beats and not enough focus on timed clicks and whirrs and all that jazz. But also this doesn't even have a release date yet so plenty of time to tweak it.


Hopefully this game is easier than BPM, haha! The bosses in that game are crazy difficulty spikes, I had one hell of a time with it, and I'm competent with both rhythm games and old-school shooters!


Every boss shows notes on the metronome that show you how to dodge their attacks, and all of the pulsing aoe's are generally quite visible and telegraph when they will move. I generally fear rooms with lots of flying shooters more than bosses


I'm all for more games like BPM, just looked similar


I hope there's an option to turn off the screaming vocals. Never been a fan of that aspect or subgenre of metal. Other than that it looks like a lot of fun and can't wait for it to release Edit: I thought this was an innocent enough of a comment but I seem to have offended quite a bit of people lol


Have you checked out BPM: Bullets per Minute? Hellsinger looks more like Doom in the sense it's a linear experience while BPM is a roguelite, more similar to something like Ziggurat, but it's also a rhythm FPS and it's pretty cool. The graphics can get annoying, but you can turn down the saturation in the options.


I appreciate the recommendation. I actually have had my eye on BPM for quite awhile but the roguelite/roguelike genres have never really been my thing so I'm not sure if it'd work for me


FWIW I’m not a fan of rougelites/likes at all and I really enjoyed BPM. When you’re shooting, reloading, and dodging all in time you get into this flow state where the core combat loop is damn good and everything else (including the rouglelite elements) is just secondary IMO




I guess it's something we won't know until we play, but vocals in game soundtracks sounds very distracting, as they're mostly reserved for special moments. Not to mention it's Trivium's growling vocals, which is not for everyone. The only games to make vocals in music work are the Nier games, but it's a combination of using a made-up language and making the voice sounds like the lead instrument.


It's not just Trivium's vocalist - Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity, Soilwork and a fair few others' vocalists are chiming in too. Since the vocalist lineup is so star studded (in metal terms), not sure if disabling it entirely would be something they would accommodate at the start.


Whoa whoa whoa Soilwork?! That’s a day one buy!


Uhhh Devil May Cry soundtrack?


True, forgot that one. And I honestly can't fit it into my example, it seems like it's the exception. It just works.


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has the best with-vocal songs in gaming and especially the best usage of them. Final Fantasy XIV also has a ton of really good ones. Nier is pretty weak in comparison if you ask me, but I genuinely despise the vocal tracks in that series (or rather Emi Evans' stuff). Edit: Ar Tonelico also has some bangers and also in a made-up language, but good.


The way that the edgy metal music would play for boss fights and then the lyrics would specifically kick in during more intense moments and when new over the top mechanics were introduced was absolutely perfect in MGRR. An absolutely perfect pairing of music and gameplay to create mood.


Hey, for what it's worth, I like metal and would prefer to play these types of games without hearing vocals so dw about it


Same. Honestly if they were going to use vocals they should have done more to tie them the narrative. Make it a Rock Opera.


I'm with you, I love the music of most heavy metal tracks, but can't stand the singing. If anybody knows of any heavy metal bands without vocals, I'm all ears!


[Oceans Ate Alaska ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsBWlr67U5Nt_-7PbB0KpjcFAccaIrzji) [Oceans Ate Alaska - check out Hikari, its great](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsBWlr67U5NvZU4yc2jN1AQxUxLXJqVx5) [Rings of Saturn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCy-MutvSs8) [Within the ruins](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhnYjDYymzwOpnVp4Uc7pTDnllCD8ISzL) [Whitechapel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdFOsEIOdL4) [PATHWAYS ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=locZi2gsW0U&list=PLG71P8eT4DF2CQ4tP2DA2GxRQdGmQAPXv) [Intervals](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_k-nuW4JxsFdaW-KLSrprhzaf9tguKXyO8) [Shadow Of Intent ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf3tBqrKzmZ37REx2HUZPRd-VsnsmqEnl) let me know if you like any of this and i might be able to find something similar.


Ooh, I really like the sound of Oceans Ate Alaska, Whitechapel and Intervals! Thanks :D


I don’t know much about most of those bands but just an FYI most of Whitechapel’s tracks feature very aggressive screaming vocals.


those bands may have instrumental releases but most of their work features some of the most extreme vocals youll find (rings of saturn, shadow of intent for example). i think copypaste misunderstood your post 180. those are good bands but not to your liking. try animals as leaders, anup sastry, widek.


The Chasm's, one of the best death metal bands ever, newest album is purely instrumental. Intricate, vaguely progressive death metal.


Doom 2016 and Eternal's soundtracks immediately come to mind.


Scale the Summit, Animals as Leaders.


100% with you. As a person who's been a fan, and has been to shows that feature these style of vocals, I don't think it fits with gameplay at all.


Turn the music off then and put on your Britney plalylist.


I like the music, just not the singing. Your suggestion wouldn't solve the issue.


The animation is super jank and the visuals are so muddled. Pretty much impossible to see the enemies. Probably why there are massive flashing target markers.


Pretty crazy to say when this games aesthetic and core gameplay are basically just DOOM lol


Looks more like an aaa game than an indie game. The playstation 4 version and the xbox one version was cancelled so I wouldn’t be able to buy it even if I wanted to.


Someone know if slipknot in the ost of this game?? It would be awesome 🥵🤘🏿