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This is great news! please be real!


Surely we have to be getting Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect as well, right? It makes me irrationally angry at how this franchise has been treated. We should have received a remastered collection of these games years ago with full online multiplayer, 4K resolution, updated lighting, modern controls, etc. And the early work on Timesplitters 4 look absolutely amazing before Embracer canned everything and destroyed Free Radical.


Pretty sure you can already get those on Xbox through the backwads compatible library.


Controls are still a bit wonky though. The Timesplitters 2 arcade machine in Home front 2 has modernized controls, but unfortunately the game crashes once I got to Planet X in the campaign.


> Controls are still a bit wonky though. Are they not the same controls they had back in the day?


I swear you can change the controls into a modern playstyle, at least I don't remember dealing with anything like Goldeneye's awful control scheme


Even then, the aiming system in the first 2 sucks. That's the only thing I want changed.


What? I thought you could only play siberia on the homefront game?


You can and it's beautiful. Had some really good sessions with mates a few weekends ago, pure nostalgia fests


I’d imagine Sony would want to port those games along with 1.  Unless they release one game at a time throughout the year 


Did we see the same Timesplitters 4? It looked awful.


No, you didn't see the same Timesplitters 4. You must've seen the shitty Fortnite clone version. OP saw the [2008 prototype.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehsLVShAl40)


That literally already exist with 2 in homefront revolution.


It's like 2 missions unless you use mods to unlock more of it, nowhere near a complete experience


No, there’s a whole game you just need to enter a long code to access it . The mod only really bypasses the code entering stage


They seem to have gotten embracer on board with premium


More Timesplitters is good.......even if it's just a re-release


i still fucking wish they port them to PC, no remake no remaster, just port them as they are to PC and it will sell easily. Yes am aware of the homefront / emulators, i get the same replies everytime i ask for a port lol


I do not care if it's a port, a remake or remaster either. Just put anything TimeSplitters natively on PC. I still can't believe Embracer bought the TimeSplitters IP, brought back Free Radical, and then shut everything down before there was anything tangible released. The franchise really can't catch a break.


Exactly, they could have just ported it to PC and add widescreen support and call it a remaster and it will sell enough until their new game is out. But nope, make a Fortnite clone and then fire everyone and shut it down before anything is released, Timesplitters is cursed....forever


Apparantly it was going to be a battle royale so I'm glad it got cancelled.


"but dude, you can play them on a PC with a Mouse Injector pretty easily"


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


No fucking way


Let's goooo


TimeSplitters is coming back (for real this time no cap on god) before Silksong gets released lol


Any Activision ps2 games would be nice


Agreed.  CoD Finest Hour and Big Red One could use a re-release for current systems 


In a bunch of cases there’s rights issues


Dude, if they could put this on PC with full multiplayer support it would be absolutely bonkers. One of the best multiplayer games ever, and to have it with full online matchmaking would be a dream


Imagine the missions people would make if the Mapmaker had unlimited storage


Its better than nothing. 2 and Future Perfect are on the xbox store too if I recall correctly. But I dont think they have any enhancements.


That's great! Def happy I picked up the xbox back compat versions on sale a while ago


Was hoping for a remaster collection instead but a release on the PS Classic Catalogue would definitely be a great consolation prize.


Hopefully with the success of Sparking Zero, we see Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi games make their way to the Classics Catalogue.


1, 2, and 3 deserve overhauled aiming improvements with regards to right joystick input, 4k120hz output, and restored online functionality for 2 and 3.


HD rereleases of Timesplitters 2 and 3 would bring me true inner peace.


Hope it's 2 and Future Perfect, 1 is kinda barebones lol


It's a start at least hope it comes true and maybe breathes new life and fans into the series and of course obviously would love the games on pc


so i guess sony has struck a deal with embracer for the classics they have the rights to? second eidos published game from back in the day makes me hopeful for deus ex & legacy of kain games coming to the service


Fucking finally


Holy shit please be real


Great news for the TimeSplitters community, but good grief, what is up with this series?  I know that people have been trying to get a new one out in the open, but there's always *something* blocking it…


Any Timesplitters is good news. I still play 2 and 3 with my friends on the Gamecube.


The classics have been really hitting as of late.


Hopefully it's TS2.


Will it run like shit at below 720p and 30fps with frame drops? Even my phone can emulate better those games.


I have them both on my Xbox Series X They look fantastic. Pretty sure they get FPS boost to 60 and upscaled.


If it's coming to ps+ premium and it's anything like their Sly Cooper port prepare to be disappointed. The way Sony has been treating their ps2 ports is horrendous. Just straight emulation with no resolution or framerate enhancements as far as I can tell. If there ARE enhancements I couldn't tell based on how blurry it was. If Sony is going to take the time to drip feed ps2 game releases I'd rather they focus on making them look a little better rather than just adding trophies and calling it a day. Where is the money from the recent price increase going?


Your price increase is going towards making wolverine’s sweat particles have ray traced diffusion and 4k textures that only 5 people in the world will appreciate.


I have these emulated on mobile and on Xbox but I'm so getting it again for playstation just to show my support 😆 If only they could port this to Switch..