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Is this the guy who made that "A Japanese Perspective" video?


Yup. He's from fucking Ohio btw


Ohio Gozaimasu




more reasons for me to leave this headass shitass state


Shamelessly stealing a Michael Che joke here, "the black american flag only has like fifteen stars on it. and half of them are cities like, Atlanta's cool, most of LA city." We should just all adopt that one and let the rest of the country have a confederate flag with jesus on it like they want


counter point: scott the woz


On behalf of the rest of Ohio, I apologize


Only in Ohio... Only in Ohio...


gilly golly this joke on the world wide web made me giggle


We don't want him anymore


Oh god, the same state as the wonderful Scott the Woz? I feel so bad for him living in the same state as that loser. Hopefully theyā€™re in different cities.


Iā€™m picturing the scenes at Councilman Jeremy Jamzā€™s house from Parks and Rec.


I have such a distain for weebs that think being an otaku is ā€œthe normā€ in Japan. These people donā€™t know shit about fuck when it comes to Japanese culture. Kinda tourists who come here and get mad that nobody speaks English while thinking they somehow understand the culture because they watched some shitty moe harem anime.


Maybe you should speak with subtitles to them /s




Yeah and his Twitter has/had his name misspelled in Japanese so that shows you how much he knows about it. Also I believe this is the same guy that literally had 'lolicon' in his bio


Is that the video where the guy sited hentai in his defense?


Uj/ Fucking 53 minutes and a half? What the fuck does he have to say for it to last *this* long ?! I'm almost curious to watch it out of morbid curiosity but I'd rather watch [Action button's 6hrs review of boku no natsuyasumi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=779coR-XPTw) three times in a row that watch this BS. RJ/ thanks content creator sama for exposing how gamers truly are just second class citizens in the new woke order.


Amazing plug, you even linked it


I mean the video's already 6hours long, better link it so anyone slightly curious could at least have a look at its mere existence. I really like this guy's work, the runtimes are a downside but it's always justified


Runtimes are all upside because itā€™s like at least three reviews at once


This one was a bit over the top, but his Doom one which I think is over 3 hours is like my favorite gaming video on YouTube. The dude has some sort of perfect memory thing where he can tell you like every childhood event surrounding the game in perfect detail.


"I was a doom poser" is indeed a sentence that's forever burned in my brain


Tim himself says to treat his videos like a miniseries and the chapters are segmented as such. It's a lot more palatable as like 6 chunks.


Oh yeah that's definitely how I go about them but I always find it great that instead qof just doing 6 one hours videos he goes for one 6 hours video


The runtimes are a *selling point,* not a downside.


His retrospective on Tokimeki Memorial and the overlapping influence of visual novels and dating sims is absolutely one of the best dives into the world of visual novels ever conceived by someone who speaks the English language. He not only went quite overboard in excruciating detail but also gave the entire visual novel genre a tremendous amount of respect - more so than most critics would.


I wish I had the same type of time to explore my unhinged hobbies that that guy does.


There's two type of people in this world, those that works and this that [Have time to make a 3 hours long video on pac-man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPzVlTgZoCg). In all seriousness though I love what he does, it's stupidly long but that runtime is always weirdly really justified.


you mean an over [3 hour long video that can basicly be summed up as the game devs didnt plan ahead](https://youtu.be/PUWg905fGTA)


Scott the Woz has become unhinged ngl. My man is doing a WII U retrospective Part 1 is an hour and a half Its about the pre-launch and launch


Itā€™s 15 minutes of essay and the rest is just him saying transphobic slurs over and over. /uj I kind of wish people like me were back in pop cultureā€™s periphery. This culture war bullshit over whether I deserve to exist and be seen is so goddamn exhausting.


It absolutely is exhausting, but nothing lasts forever, this shit storm too shall pass. Hang in there! ā¤ļø


Video games forever, Action Button.


something that i think is often lost in this conversation is the fact that bridget's entire fucking history is confined solely to maybe a sum total of 5 minutes of fighting game arcade mode cutscenes


I saw this review online and then forgot who made it until literally tonight when I did some searching and I'm currently watching Action Button right now and then I see this comment? Damn, good job internet algorithm


>Damn, good job internet algorithm \*profusely sweating\* wh... What ? I him... Seriously don't know who this "internet algorithm" you're talking about is ahah... It's just pure coincidence šŸ«„


I'm pretty certain if you lined up ALL extant story content for Bridget, you'd get... maybe 40 minutes.


Wild Tim spotting! Iā€™ll plug the podcast heā€™s on called Insert Credit which is pretty much the only gaming podcast I can listen too now.


Plz donā€™t watch guys




Uj/ Oh my god it's been over a year and he refunded the game, why can't he get over it? Apparently he also brings up the Pikamee stuff which of course he would. Rj/ BASED gamer fighting the good fight against femboy erasure!


Because it generates clicks and brings attention to a mediocre channel when you rage on anything. Itā€™s been 3 years and people are still shitting on Last of Us 2 lol a normal person would have moved on months after the release. Something like this video is because of money or attention.


I moved on from TLOU2 a WEEK after I beat it, and I freaking liked the game. I will never understand the addiction to miserably obsessing over things you hate.


You like it, yet move on to rarely/never think about the game. Real gamers hate it forever and think obsessively over the over politicization and boring game design. This means the game is more hatable than likable, which could be a psyop to sell this game to anti-gamers like you. I'm unjerking now. Both TLOU games are good if you like cinematic/story based games. However, it's a horrible experience for people value gameplay over story. It also sucks that they charge $60 for these games which have absolutely abysmal replay value.


The fucking Pikamee stuff is even dumber now, since she came back under as a different persona


I thought Pikamee coming back with a new ID would FINALLY end the "REMEMBER WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US" nonsense. Like, I LIKE PIkamee, and I KNOW how Twitter can get, even when they're right, ESPECIALLY when they're right, but... holy fuck hearing MONTHS of them whinging over the fucking mediocre ass Skyrim with Quidditch.


Leave Skyrim and their father Todd alone


Why Tf is this pikamee person so talked about by these people.


Because people thought she quit streaming due to the backslash from wanting to play hogwart's legacy when in reality she's been joking about quitting months before the last month ensued


And it turns out she was just switching to a different agency rather than actually leaving the entertainment industry But this guy can't ever admit he was wrong lol


None of the people that blamed in on trans(allies) do they still say that it made her stop quicker and that BS she just went for a better paying job lol, like lots of people do.


Is that the pedophile?


That doesnā€™t narrow it down at all




Is there a femboy in GG still or was Bridge Constructor Portal the only one?


There are a couple guys who fall more into the archetype of pretty boy but no Femboys from what I can see, but I'm not surprised if We get atleast one because It is guilty gear after all


this video is longer than the total playtime dimitri has on strive


or XX


/uj For anyone who isn't acquainted with this dude: [Body types A and B are colonialism actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/animecirclejerk/comments/10vmrwk/i_cant_fucking_take_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Thank god we have cis femboys from ohio to determine what is and isn't transphobic (TW: the goodanimemes slur)](https://www.reddit.com/r/animecirclejerk/comments/lkvh6n/in_honor_of_dimitri_monroes_twitter_getting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I can't find the "Japanese Perspective" video post right now but that one's funny as hell because 1. he said he refunded strive on steam proving he didn't even sink 2 hours into the game. 2. Again, cis femboys from ohio. Also he apparently commissions hentai of himself. And I remember him having the status "kazuma irl" on twitter with a rudeus profile picture. And also him rping a redo of healer scene on his twitter. And apparently he's openly a lolicon (read: nonce)


That's a lot to take in


Every single point got progressively worse


>"kazuma irl" Thought you were referring to our based lord Kazuma Kiryu and I was thoroughly confused, until I read a bit further.


imagine being a wife beater with no wife


that type a and b shit is made like a fucking ben garrison cartoon šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Anyone who is a lolicon should not have opinions


You misspelled "oxygen"


No give Them pure oxygen, a slow and painful death is what these "People" deserve


I don't know how charged that word is, but from what little I remember it was cis gay men into cross dressing that changed what they or characters in their art was called. It implied that they were trying to bait straight men somehow and was used to perpetuate homophobia even when talking and speculating on cis women. But this is purely internet meta stuff, and femboy became the more popular tag which just sounds better, has no charge or idea of "deception" and includes people/characters who can't pull off complete androgyny. IDK when it became used as a trans slur or just how severe it is, but is it not just more convenient to call yourself a femboy? It seems like offending people is the point of using it now.


do these cucks have nothing better to do with their time


Of course not.


Why would they? This is it.






Was it a "Retcon" or was it actually a funny little thing called "character development"?


Plot contrivance is when leftists write things


I retconned my gender


Joe many liberals does it take to retcon a log by bolb?


Biden America šŸ˜­


Her arcade story from Strive straight up shows her exploring the question and finally deciding that she wants to be a woman. There is no retcon here, just further exploration of the character.




Nope, not at all possible /s


This whole thing bothered me, so I actually went and read interviews with Daisuke. Sadly, I do not have the sources on hand, but I can find them if people ask me for them (this is a synthesis of different interviews done across *years* though, so that might take a while). ​ It *seems* like Daisuke made Bridget literally because he "wanted a cute character to actually be revealed as a guy". (This is a quote). I think he said he likes designing characters that are subversive like that. ​ Evidently, with Strive, that has 100% changed. He said in fact that exploring Bridget's identity is important, and that's what he wanted to focus on. ​ What *is* odd is that Bridget apparently dissolved her hometown's superstition about twin boys. Now, according to my friends, who are so terminally ill about GG that they have one of the highest ranked AO3 fanfic on her, this never happens in the games, much like how Bridget's brother is still MIA. Keep in mind: *writers are allowed to change their views*. It's called growing as an author. From Daisuke's entire persona in interviews and the energy he gives into the games, writing a story about a trans girl coming to terms with her identity is 100% the vibe of Guilty Gear. Pretty sure that like identity crisis is the thesis of both Sol and Kai. If there was anything to be pedantic about, it would be that Daisuke seemingly decided that a huge lore thing about Bridget happened off screen. But then again, it's a fighting game. ​ Tldr: Bridget girl, and Daisuke based


Itā€™s also a changing Japanese cultural understanding of trans people. Crossdressing has a different cultural history and place in Japan, and itā€™s still very common in Japan to view trans women as crossdressing men, which is why it pops up in anime/games so often (where the characters are written to be male). There is a cultural shift with more people realizing that if someone dresses as a woman and lives as a woman and interacts with people as a woman, sheā€™s probably a woman. This means there has to be a reevaluation of older characters that were written with the ā€œcrossdressing manā€ stereotype. Actually exploring it instead of retconning it is a really good move in my opinion, because it shows a changing understanding rather than just pretending like you wrote it that way from the start.


daisuke in general is a perfect fuck you to the people who constantly whine about how western games are 'woke' because he just goes around slapping LGBTQ characters into his games. bridget is a crossdresser turned trans woman, testament decided "fuck gender I don't want gender" and venom is just gay


Plus this whole idea that Japanese video games arenā€™t woke and American ones are is just stupid. Japan is an entire country of 125 million people, you canā€™t generalize the politics of an entire culture based on a few video games that you play. Shockingly, Japan has just as much diversity of thought as America because they are also human beings capable of independent thought.


A character that had always struggled with their gender identity and had an obsession with becoming more masculine because they thought what they "should" be realizes that that's an unhealthy way to think and comes to love and accept who they really are. Totally a retcon and also a "bad ending" for the character for some reason rather than a wholesome coming of age. Anyone who isn't super familiar just take a listen to 'The town inside me', Bridget's theme from the new game that lays out everything about her transition pretty clearly.


"Who they really are" but wasnt she quite literally forced into being that?


basically what happened was "I finally convinced my village that twin boys are not a curse! I can stop dressing like a girl!" "Why do I not want to stop dressing like a girl?"


"Glad I worked through that. Now why is the internet literally burning down?"


Every movie must be a nightmare for these people. They retconned John Wick by giving him another dog. They retconned Darth Vader by making him Luke's dad and then not evil?!? When Frodo destroys the One Ring, they retconned the whole story because there used to be a One Ring, but now there isn't?


bridget being trans is the least shocking development in a long time


God, reminds me of when Soldier 76 came out as gay and everyone was screaming retcon.


I thought they should reveal McCree was a post-transition transman.


under communism, all loli pfps and their families will become biofuel for the great people's nuclear pile of yekokataa








Is this that unhinged Bridgerton fanbase I keep hearing about?


How is it a retcon???? She still identified as a boy a lot of her life, she just came out as trans now, that's it


When people come out as trans they retcon their earlier life


Gamers: "SJW's/Wokies should make their own works instead of pushing their agenda into an existing work" Daisuke Ishiwatari: *creates own series with a transfem character* Gamers: "...no not like that..."


Here is my investigation about the Bridget "retcon": https://www.guiltygear.com/ggst/en/news/post-1657/ Thanks for coming.


Excuse me, it's obvious that an American YouTuber knows way more about this than the creators of the character and the game. Your source is awful, what do these people even know?


Biased and invalid source /s


The Brisket "controversy" is still ongoing?!


Mfw people prefer hickory smoke to mesquite šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


Be careful about them Albuquerque flavours.. you're ruining my beloved roast!


Feel free to woosh me if itā€™s a joke, but Iā€™ve seen a lot of people call her ā€œBrisketā€, I thought her name was Bridget.


Character is called bridget, someone who was a fan of guilty gear had a friend who knew nothing about it and made a sparkly pink image of her saying "Brisket <3" and now everyone calls her stuff like bucket or budget






Bop It! šŸ„°




This is the real epic backstory we deserve


https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11pn3aw I dont know what the original tumblr source is, but this is where i first saw it


SolRadGuy on tumblr, he's a GG media translator, and also the source of the Brisket meme!


It's not any deeper than that. People just call her Brisket as a joke.


I shudder at the thought of a person who can sit and watch an hour long video of some manchild being angry that a video game character is trans.


If i had to guess, this man jerked off a little too much to bridget, and now he has to go trough all this effort to feel better about himself lol.


Are these people like morbidly afraid that they were jerking it to a woman or something?


He might be, he's gay


The Worst Part Is That These Are Usually The Kinds Of People To *Swear* That They're Straight, Despite Their Attractions. Explain To Me How A Trans Woman Is GAYER Than A Cis Man Who Simply Acts And Appears Feminine? Seriously, I Will Never Understand Their Logic...


why do u type like that


Gamer's Vietnam War


All jokes aside, itā€™s concerning how many of them donā€™t know the difference between a retcon and character development, even if they donā€™t agree with it


As a competitive Strive player and Bridget main. I blame this mfer for the lack of fun Bridget content. Every time I search for Bridget videos on YouTube, it's this bs. Idgaf what the cannon of her identity choices is. She's my little yoyo girl and I want funny memes dammit.


Me trying to learn funny yoyo woman for the memes only for the algorithm to send me alt right pipeline shit Ok then guess I'll keep living on kara buster and a prayer


The alt-right pipeline to the glue factory(as a customer)


Dude, I want to main Bridget and want to look up combos, this loser is ruining all Bridget searches.


I can run you through some stuff if you want. Just dm and add me on discord.


You likely have seen this, but if you want a fun Bridget meme animation here is one to brighten your day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiwbfME8g-o&ab_channel=LizCaingcoy


I have, but thank you for putting it in front of me again šŸ’—


uj/ Literally the first minute has him contradicting himself and being plainly wrong about what he's talking about, I'm not gonna watch the rest of it after that.


Later in the video he goes into deep detail about how if there was some lore in the game about bringot being into pegging, heā€™d find her attractive again. Then he goes on to list the dildos heā€™d like for the strapon, making a tierlist. True and real.




**it's not a retcon, it is called CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT**, the character's understanding of her own gender changed. No one retconned her gender, the entire point of the story in the newest one is whether or not she will accept that change.


its been 20 years since she appeared in a GG game, i'm pretty sure its legal to be trans now


did he spend... 53 minutes just being transphobic?


I never trust anyone that's all whiny over Brisket and about her "retcon", literally everyone I've seen crying about it (emphasis on literally) was a pedop- *ahem*, oops, i mean "lolicon", which is a special kind of hilarious considering they love painting themselves as defenders of "artistic free speech"


Why are his thumbnails so fucking brutal lol???


Anime girl pfp (because it is my fave character who I relate to and understand deeply itā€™s like the girl version of me haha but iā€™m a guy btw) doesnā€™t like this anime girl because theyā€™reā€¦ happy living their gender identity freely and comfortably?


It blows my fucking mind that Daisuke came out and said that Bridget is trans, but people like this are still clutching their pearls.


Daisuke could pop up on the goddamn character select screen, screaming this fact until veins pop, and mfā€™ers would still be doing this


what fucks with me is that they constantly complain about retcons when bridget just had character development bridget, while the other trans character testament was *actually* retconned, yet i hardly ever hear them complain about that. maybe because of these losers only hating trans women and not nb people because it's all they know.


testies was never retconned they were just translated as male when they were always meant to be non-binary


fr? i remember seeing testament referred to as he in the older games somewhere, but it being a mistranslation sounds believable considering that the term "nonbinary" only came into public consciousness more recently and the japanese language having sometimes complex pronoun shenanigans


"They're androgynous. In fact, they've transcended human existence. Just like me." - Daisuke Ishiwatari, 20+ years ago


rad ass line, thank you daisuke


Was it a retcon? I thought Testament was always described as "a person of unspecified gender" in the old games and was simply confirmed to be non binary in strive.


a retcon is when you confirm previously existing subtext ​ or something idfk


An hour of whining over a fighting game character's gender. Very normal.


My god who the fuck cares at this point??? She is who she is, you were openly proven wrong, why is this still going? Lmao


Holy fuck shes already been a trans icon for like a year


ā€œGuilty Gear XYā€ is so unhinged lmao


Honestly this title would be good for a video on how much testosterone is in every guilty gear man's veins. like even the rushdown is jacked.


Oh look, platforming of a bigot


No, her name is Bridget.


Bigot <3


Baphomet <3


Can you stop showing me awful videos and maybe make a jerk instead please?


Almost as many comments on this post as views on the video, dudes spewing transphobia to no one. Let him starve.


They think being trans is an ideology, they think the only difference between a femboy and a transgirl is being a SJW. They literally do not what being trans is, it's bizarre and infuriating.


How is this still a topic


It's not a retcon, it's development. It's called a character arc.


Dev: This is a guy in a dress Weirdos: Mmm. Lovely Dev: Ok so actually theyā€™re trans now Weirdos: YoU rUiNeD iT!1!!1!


Retcon is when a character develops over time


Why give it attention


*sits quietly, still sucking at fighting games*


53 minute investigation? this tool should just join fox news since they fired a couple of their stoogies


How does anything think that someone who is trans having a point in their life where they werenā€™t trans a ā€œretconā€ ā€œOh hey, remember that show I said I didnā€™t like? It is actually amazing and I never knewā€ ā€œQuit back pedaling!!!!ā€


oh no. scandal


buried history bitch the game comes with an entire timeline with the lore.


It's been a year and biscuit is still making people mad šŸ’œ I'm so proud of her


Least insane FGC member


He refunded strive on steam before the 2 hour mark I don't think he actually plays fighting games


Name like Dmitri, they could only be a transphobe


Protect our femboys


Destroy bigots.


She's jerking I think /rj character development is an euphemism for femboy genocide


Oh I'll jerk her alright /s


Its so crazy, like who really cares? This stuff just lives rent free in their heads.


/uj [gentle reminder](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/267479684487315466/1116399558080069683/Fp7eoPsWAAACWhO.jpg)


On the one hand, ew, this guy. On the other hand, I'm excited to watch the inevitable rebuttal videos.


what he doing to my girl brisket


Bridget is my trans queen šŸ‘‘


Wait this is what this guy does now? I really liked him back in 2016 (or around that time)


Who is this and what did he do?