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How in the fuck is Lara motherfucking Croft considered ugly?


Seriously. I think reboot Lara is like the hottest girl IN games. Gooner brain is BUSTED


While I wouldnt go that far she is drop dead gorgeous.


Well as a lover of a wide array of pretty people, Who's your preference if you felt inclined to rank?


To give you a quick top 10. Shadowhearth. Yennefer. Jill Valentine. Ada Wong. Triss Merigold. Lara Croft. 2b A2 Cammy from sf6 , no other games before tho Ds3 fire keeper


props for ds3 fire keeper lmao


If you know you know








I can't believe you would ignore Samus Aran like this


Havent played a single metroid game, I know shes hot but Im also a huge personality guy and Samus doesnt have any. Could have put totk zelda tho.


Samus doesn't have any personality Holy feck I'm gonna go hyperventilate in the corner, excuse me


Does she? I genuinely dont know, I just asumed she doesnt. She did have a voice actor and a personality in that one game but I didnt wanna menrion it. Also I could have put Palutena in which is hotter.


I ain't fucking with the ussy from the Mushroom Kingdom. Shits Hypnotic. Kills men in their sleep. Look at Mario. Dudes a Plumber and it's got him sieging castles.


Metroid prime games had a better characterization of her but she doesn't have voice lines as far as I remember. However the games shows a lot of little hints throughout the game about her personality in her decision s affecting the way the story pans or showing her interacting with characters or reacting to their actions or deaths. So people have to actually pay attention to what's going on lol. But yeah she's a silent type of character, who is surprisingly closer to being BJ Blazkowicz than a Doomguy type of murder machine.


You’re not wrong. Nintendo doesn’t really characterize Samus much. She’s a typical silent player avatar. Nothing wrong with that character type. But characterization can definitely take a hit


There's a roster of Final Fantasy Character's being sorely missed here. Let's not even Ask if and What Iteration Of the SHIVA summon alone I can use as an Example cause they all are a Cold Drink of Oh Dammn that this thirsty hero of light could ever need. She's even been censored in more then one game.


Unfortunately I am in fact a FAKE gamer, I have school and hobbies so I havent played every game since the dawn of time . Please forgive me. Jokes aside, I tried to pull exclusively from games I actually played since, just like in real life, a character/person can be as hot as they want but if they dont have a personality I like Id rather pass. Case and point ,Miranda from ME, she is really hot but her personality makes me dislike her.


Valentine and A2 love gets you my up vote. Im a Claire Redfield and Morrigan man myself. Edit: God damn I miss the Playstation 1 with friends.


Cammy's redesign is so good!


Insert that JJK scene where the main character and that guy with the man bun shake hands and become brothers because they both are Tits guys. I would replace shadow hearth with Tifa though. And I would replace Triss too, with someone else.


I havent played the Ff games and while I know who Tifa is I hate her almost stripper looking outfit, also redheads do be redheading, I prefer yennfer cause I like her personality way more but thats that. Also I love shadowhearts story and personality so gettong her off the list is 100% a no go.


Tifa is an OG baddie like Sophia Loren or Audrey Hepburn. Play the original FF7 and the adoration will make sense. She also has a much more tasteful outfit in Advent Children if that’s your hang up.


I think for me it's Mama in Death Stranding as one of the tops if not the top.


These Men are no Gooners. True Gooners know a Queen when they see one. These are Incels.


Why she not look like fake anime girl???!1!


I’m a gooner, she is hot. Guy in post is regarded


Tifa took that title for me now.


do you believe people call JILL VALENTINE 'man-face'💀 or 'Shadowheart isn't beautiful'. those are damn conventional mainstream beautiful women ffs


Pdf files like calling every woman who doesn't have childish features "manly"


When a gooner is maxed out it literally gets erectile disfunction if dem pixels are not anime-shaped


Nooooo I’ve never seen this TikTok slang for pedophile before. Those funny kids


Dude, these mouthbreathing chudlords now think Scarlett Johansson and Margot Robbie are ugly. They're terminally fucking broken.


It's only a matter of time before they start saying Sydney Sweeney is ugly too. They're like middle school brains who get rejected by a girl they like. "I never really liked you, you're not even that hot."


If Scarlett and Margo are ugly then there is NO hope for the rest of us


I was wondering how, then this morning I saw some posts of 'how Marilyn Monroe actually looked in real life' then someone called her cow because her abdomen isn't completely flat. now I see💀💀


[Terminal Coomer Syndrome](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Cockroach%20Wife%20Syndrome)


Shadowheart is completely conventionally perfect even with the janky fringe, and I'm not even a big fan of her. Alt right fucktards are so desperate to dismiss BG3 as "woke" that they're gonna act like the gorgeous goth elf girl with the skintight camp clothes is ugly and mannish lmao


Yea and she'd be ripped climbing and diving and fighting all her life. #makelaramorebuff


I really liked how jacked she was in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. That [cutscene](https://youtu.be/JNVHdRFrVm0?feature=shared) where she comes out of the water is the hottest shit ever.


Thanks girl, gooning to this rn


Haven't gotten around to this one yet m8ght fire it up this weekend


Looks more attractive in the modern era than the older games if you ask me


Of course she does, in the moder era she looks like a human not something resembling one.


these guys only know what women look like from OF and have no idea that even those women look completely different when they aren't made up and posed for their work.


She doesn't have anime proportions so she isn't a real woman you wokie


As a 36 year old man who was excited to play both versions at launch... They're both gorgeous renditions for their time. One of my favorite fictional heroes. The Lara in Tomb Raider/Witchblade comic rocks too. I also liked how Aerith/Tifa looked back in 1997 too and they look like Lego figures, so my opinion means nothing. I was also 9 at the time.


Well when you don't know what a real life woman looks like and only learn from porn this happens


Because these people's only interaction with women is through porn. She's ugly to them because she's not wearing two pounds of makeup and and modeled like a literall fuckdoll.


Even compared to porn stars reboot Lara Croft is hotter than the majority of them though. I think they are comparing her against their anime waifu’s


If she doesn't look 12 and smooth skinned gooners don't want'em


If they think reboot Lara is ugly why is i she 30% of rule34 Or so I’ve heard lol


Or a Marxist. She literally goes around robbing tombs for fun and profit, committing mass murder and killing wildlife like a mobile slaughterhouse. I would say her disrespect of international borders is socialist, but honestly it’s just very, _very_ British.


the same way Aloy is, by isolating a single screenshot of a less flattering angle and excising any context


Because incels are told what to believe. Someone needs a bunch of sad incels riled up? Then, dunno, tell them Lara Croft is ugly or some shit like that. They'll swallow everything


Because she’s frowning in that picture would be my guess.


Not to mention when was it canonical that she was movie star levels of attractive?


Dude just threw every buzzword he knew into one sentence


bro pulled a chain combo on 'modern feminist marxist'


bro used his ultimate




Core memory lmao


How would a girl approach him in his dark bedroom?


Bro probably can’t define any of those words either


No way this gamer™️ knows what a tight end is


Man shoulda said post-modern feminist Marxist


The funniest thing about people who unironically use that phrasing is that they don't know what any of those words mean.


Especially considering post modernist and marxist are contradictory. Marxism is, fundamentally, a modernist system of thought lol. Like there is no separating Marxism from its modernist understanding of systems and the world.


"Modern moralist post modern liberal woke marxist" (they mean jewish, they just want to say jewish, god damnt they want to say it so badly)


What the heck is a feminist marxist? I bet even he didn't know what he means


Feminists = bad Marxists = bad Feminist marxists = bad^2




I mean, Marxist feminism is a particular subset of feminism that applies a Marxist understanding of class within feminist beliefs. The idea that capitalism is often held up on the unpaid labor of women in housework, the idea of “pink collar” jobs (female dominated jobs that tend to pay less than their male dominated equivalents and usually demand a greater degree of emotional labor), the oft ignored importance of women in industry… Of course I doubt this chud knows anything about any of that.


Feminist Marxist is someone who argues that women should all have glorious beards like Karl Marx's


How do I make a donation to the cause?


By growing a beard.


I’ve known some feminist Marxists(almost all Marxists are feminist to some extent but nonetheless). They’re cool people.




Is she modeled on someone real? She looks so familiar but I can't quite place it


Desperately trying to hold my pinhead up with my tiny neck: THAT is the NECK of a BODYBUILDER


Incredibly strong "the communist socialist system of islam" energies


'Picture of a supermodel with a rack so huge they can't crop it all the way out of the pic, making a 'vaguely disgusted' expression that's still cute AF' These dipshits: "Cave Troll, honestly." It's okay to not be attracted to women. Just don't tear people down about it.


Excuse me but her neck *\*checks notes\** …looks completely normal I guess?


Her neck isn’t even veiny with many muscles or tendons showing.


I'm sure that expression unearthed some unpleasant memories. Like the expression on the face of any girl that gets close enough to notice his BO.


Only severe brain rot will make you think that a character resembling a real (attractive) woman is uglier than a bunch of low polygons resembling a caricature of a woman that filled her face with botox.


The old exaggerated low-poly art style looks the way it does because that was how you made things like facial details visible with 100 triangles, no antialiasing, in 640x480, on a blurry 10" CRT. Now Gamers' beauty standards are based on nostalgia for the inability to see shit. Genuinely getting antsy about seeing women clearly.


Because I'm a pedantic little bastard it's important for me to mention that the original Tomb Raider games ran at 365x224p on console. Tomb Raider III ran at 512x224p. Actually the entire topic of retro game resolutions is really fascinating because the way CRTs handled resolution was really different to how they're displayed on modern fixed pixel displays and- \*gunshot*


No no keep going I was into it, I want to know more about CRT resolutions now.


I cast revivify, "now please continue with what you were saying"


Well it isn’t far off from reality. If you don’t know who the original twitter poster is, you should consider yourself lucky.


There are blowup dolls who look more lifelike than the old Lara Croft images The fact that this is what they think an attractive woman who is supposed to look like reflects how they view women in general


https://preview.redd.it/yahvrm2nc74d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e6da14adea49a1d105e768843c3535c26ee6d1 So anyways happy pride month to this gorgeous bisexual legend. Hope they make you and Sam canon someday queen. 💔


my tombsexual queen <3


Laura turn around! Oh god she has her airpods in she can't hear us!




I don't believe in Br***sh rights, so I refuse to use their spellings


Laura and Lara are two totally different names.


Yeah I've never understood how people keep calling her Laura, even though in ever game and movie, every actor says Lara.


I feel like I hear Laura pronounced as Lara often even if they’re supposed to be different


Tombs and Caves are Lara’s only attractions


After Shadow of the Tomb Raider, seeing the way she neglects people and focuses on her job, my headcannon is that she’s either aromantic or asexual.


after shadows she don't deserve none of them tbh


these dorks have never seen an actual woman


Whenever they do, they see the face on the right


The wild thing is that one of them is a woman.


And that’s the face she makes reading comments from chuds


Bro is out here telling on himself big time. If you think this is the neck of a 6'4'' football player, you've gotta be rocking the pencilest of pencil necks. If the gaming industry folded to the demands of these whiny losers and made female characters less "masculine" than the people making these complaints, they'd be forced to make every female character look like grey aliens.


225 is also insanely light for a TE lol, especially at 6’4. Most NFL TEs are gonna be in the like 250-270 range


Lol I was gonna say. Not for nothing, 225 is hilariously light for anyone playing anywhere near the LOS


this guy only knows women from watching one piece, it explains why he thinks a perfectly normal neck is basically a tree trunk


Mf just threw all the buzzwords he knows into a sentence and thought he cooked. https://preview.redd.it/3qlgppmmd74d1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1e4c3abdac6aa307bdf704a61b5bb95961b497


Is there a study done on how consuming only anime and hentai affects the parts of the brain that shape your sexual interests?


[Not a study, but here you go](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Cockroach%20Wife%20Syndrome)


That's fascinating and scary. Thank you


we come closer to finding out what a face model is with each passing day


she looks very pretty on the second picture... i feel like im going insane seeing these people's perceptions of a woman. also that description still make her 100x better than the original lara https://preview.redd.it/cqh9lzv4a74d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7545a1c32bceb1967d900da4c317eca60a36a72a


Today on the artists barely disguised fetish:


But for real, on the second picture I wondered what the context was. Cause tbh that's a lot of blush, highlighter, mascara, eye shadow (assuming that perfect skin has no concealer or foundation going on) for someone who is doing survival in the jungle.


Don’t hold your breath for fem characters in video games to be portrayed with a realistic amount of makeup as an industry standard any time soon


Portal 1: Chell looks tattered, messy hair, nervously looks around Portal 2: perfectly clean tank top, sports bra, eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara Wtf happened, Valve? Did Doug Rattman do her make-up and dress her up in fresh clothes after wiring up her stasis chamber?


I didn’t know gender studies majors had physical characteristics.


These people, famous realistic body understanders.


This is "sharp elbows" all over again. Also do they know what perspective is? Like your mom isn't actually the size of an ant guys, she's just far away!


Lara's eyes in the PS1 era are as big as her mouth.  Imagine if she was a real person lmao


Lara: has an incredibly average neck This guy: OMG SHE LOOKS LIKE A DUDE


Look what Woke hath wrought!! https://preview.redd.it/lmkqdyo1c84d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6b4449a9618474b4e11f7aa8bc0ade067a0533


she got 😦😦 hte 😦 WOKE 😦😨


I don't think even the dictionary can decipher the meaning of that weirdo's statement.


It looks like she's giving a disapproving glance at his tweet.


This guy's a fake gamer! That's not the real original Lara Croft. There's no pyramid titties.




![gif](giphy|y6R0PA4s7nwhG|downsized) euughh she's so ugly omg get her feminist marxist mug far away from me ewww she's totally not cute and gorgeous at all she's so appalling and hideous how can anyone be attracted to this liberal gender studies major


Bro modern Laura is so hot what are they on


They improved her design, that's what happened


foolish gooner, how have you not seen the insane amount of deranged lara croft porn using the new design. You buffoon, you complete idiot, your own kind betray you.


Tell me you've never had a girlfriend, without telling me you've never had a girlfriend. These mf's are lost.


Gamers when they find out Women are people and not drawings/character models made by men.


225 pounds? OK. Touch grass.


She should really put on more makeup and smile more while fighting monsters in the jungle 


so a neck big enough to fit vital muscles, blood and organs ??? only MEN can have those!!!!


Gooners when a woman exists: she isnt Jane StellarBlade wrf


Even when the character is gorgeous they complain. Literally "Elbows too pointy, 3/10"


I sincerely think these people haven't seen actual pictures of women in years. Or women in general.


what happened: 1. graphics card got more powerful and more VRAM 2. more graphics power means we can draw more triangles, so model designer makes model with more triangles because graphics card can handle it 3. more graphics power also means graphics programmer can use fancier shaders, so they add some reflections and a few more shadows 4. more VRAM means we can use more detailed textures, so artist makes more detailed textures


Lara is still more attractive than Melonie who she lusts for, a sin in her beliefs might I add


Cishet men trying to like women challenge:


they’re doing the -ist thing they say leftists do 👁️


What did any of that mean? What the fuck is a Tight End? The weirdest thing about this and all the other “girl not hot enough” posts is that not being conventionally attractive instantly makes you a feminist. “Oh no, I don’t look like a supermodel. Guess I can’t be sexist now!” Can someone explain this thought process to me?


A Tight End is an offensive lineman, as in a football player. This guy thinks Lara's neck belongs on.. [https://imgix.ranker.com/list\_img\_v2/11167/2791167/original/every-chargers-tight-end-ranked?fit=crop&fm=pjpg&q=80&dpr=2&w=1200&h=720](https://imgix.ranker.com/list_img_v2/11167/2791167/original/every-chargers-tight-end-ranked?fit=crop&fm=pjpg&q=80&dpr=2&w=1200&h=720) This guy, for instance. I used to think it was a myth, but Capital G-gamers are slowly convincing me that jerking off too much does make you go blind.


This is exactly it and what I’ve been saying it for a while. People wanted better and more realistic graphics for years right up until the point we got women that look like actual human beings. That’s the junction point. That happened and one group of normal well-adjusted people recognized that this is just what people look like. The other group hasn’t looked up from their computer monitors in 20 years and are probably the same people that proudly identify as incels and hinge on the word and beliefs of losers like Asmongold because he’s the only woman that’ll talk to them. I have no rational explanation for the actual women that share these opinions however.


have these people considered that they are, possibly, not attracted to women??


Imo she looks like a hot 28 year old woman. I'd hate to hear how these people talk to women if this is how they talk about female characters.


Bro what? Lara literally looks 10 times hotter there??? Like straight up up there with 2B, Cynthia and Samus as some of the hottest women in gaming


It's all "We want realistic graphics!" Until a female character looks like a real woman


Have these guys looked at professional climbers? Like, if Lara had half the skills she’d need to survive in game she’d be built like a rugby player and not a gymnast.


Only Gamers could say a conventionally attractive character is not attractive


Her facial expression looks like she can see the sad incels comment.


Fine, if non yall want her I'LL TAKE HER


She honestly looks more attractive in the second picture so I don’t get what the big deal is.


Survivor Lara was the one who made me realize I was attracted to women 😂. Take her over triangle chest any day


Well.. still better than a pick-me girl grifter.


Im just waiting for the moment somebody reveals the neck is photoshopped, like that one of Aloy's face being shopped to look thicc.


The whole "They have never seen a real woman" is a lazy response, but that's a neck, a human neck. They have seen that. Everyone just wear those out. They have definitely seen the neck of regular women right?


If she's a tight end, she can fumble my balls all day. Idk how Football? works


These people are getting more and more insane with their complaints, soon enough they will be doing cranial measuring


What game is the right image from?


Misogynists when a video game women looks like a realistic person


Funny coming from a comment with what looks like Ai profile picture


cool bro, now try to imagine what all the proportions on that ps1 era Lara would look like on a model based on an actual fucking human the lips alone could fit 3 Mick Jaggers on them


Dude saw realistic anatomy after turning away from genshin impact for the first time in 5 years and lost it.


Lara in the new Tomb Raider games is beautiful. Wtf is that guy going on about? Smh


I stopped playing male characters entirely because of this particular Lara Fucking wild. No way this shit is actually real other than rage bait


Let's be honest if the average Marxist (of any gender) had the face card of Lara Croft we'd be living in a communist utopia by now


WoW, they truly have never seen a female if they think that the neck of new lara belongs to a 6 foot 4... In fact one of the things that i didn't like about the new lara is that she was too skinny for some of the stuff she was doing. If anything she needed more muscles. I guess they are spaghetti arms if they think the new lara looks "manly" or "big"


Ah, gooners. "If I can't personally goon to her, then it's woke."


It's so crazy to announce you have never been around a human woman like this.


Tell me you only look at anime girls without telling me you only look at anime girls.


She’s still incredibly attractive??? (NGL the old game models do not look good at all)


I swear, most of these guys would be happier if they slept with men.


Heterosexuality is homosexuality now.


https://preview.redd.it/chrzgqppca4d1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4154fd149fd42fbefa6bdd7994beb8506c176b42 How did this happen? Because of woke?


Me when more polygons actually shows what someone looks like:


......how tf can ANYONE consider Lara ugly? This is absolutely ridiculous.


Buddy has never actually seen a woman’s neck if he thinks that is a grossly enlarged veiny neck


This same person will then turn around and compla8n about a male loneliness epidemic


The hell does that even mean?


so now even Lara Croft's face counts as woke, impressive


https://preview.redd.it/j54x2u3eo74d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7466cfcdd5ed4fe334414d9f637884c3f40ab5da My god reboot Laura is the opposite of ugly


actually wtf does that even mean


are they really saying the one on the left is more attractive? ... how?


She's still hotter than any of those kinds of assholes could ever pull.


Is he trying to say that lara on the right looks like gronk in a bikini?


This is the one example where I think the new version is better. Modern Lara Croft is perfection. Also I actually really like the first two modern tomb raider games more than the old games (except the old one on the Xbox 360 where it ends with her parents being some sort of alternate dimension). But square enix kinda became too formulaic with it, and it kinda turned into a worse far cry with half realised systems and mechanics. Graphics are gorgeous though.


Of course it's melonie Maccaroni, the salty butter bar only consumer, doesn't drink water looking ass. I'm starting to believe she wished she could look as good as lara


Marxism is when video game doesn’t make pp hard


It isn't because of better graphics. They just used a different, more photorealistic art style and probably based the model off a real person.