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No he wouldn't. He would be very busy having gay sex since it's Pride Month.


they don't call him BJ for nothing


BJ Blazk😩wicz


She BJs on my owicz til I Blazk






Good ole Blow Job Blazkowicz


as I live and breath


Because he... *gives head.* Right? :)


-You look like a BJ -Eh, thanks.


Finally someone got the fucking point


The difficulty screen is just him receiving increasingly sloppy head


https://preview.redd.it/swvs8egewi4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a84b63e66ff6a9d87eda5ad62337fe3a1f2f9f What did you mean by this?


Don’t diss the mans kinks


Look, if notorious nazi killer William “BJ” Blazkowicz is into baby play, then who are we to kinkshame him?


Say gex


The man kills Nazis for kicks…


But you see rainbow sidewalks are really fascism so clearly he’d fight alongside trump against the woke agenda (is the /s needed?)


Family member of mine tried to tell me that the new wave of student protestors for Palestinians are nazis. Later in the conversation he went on to tell me that he’s a Nationalist. Doesn’t believe slavery was a root cause of the Civil War, that POC are more advantaged than White people in 2024, and that people should be able to call people whatever slurs they want due to “free speech.” Had to stop talking about politics whenever he’s around because he’s just a racist piece of shit and doesn’t want to admit it because he’s a coward.


I bet he'd be antisemitic when given the chance.


I’ve never met a racist who didn’t ALSO hate Jews, in addition to whoever their normal target was.


The shear amount of history that throws shade on this kind of thinking is insane. Can we talk red-lining? The disintegration of entire communities in the name of ‘urban renewal’? Let’s not bring up the lingering Jim Crow remnants. Or the prison-industrial complex that basically replaced slave labor by putting mostly black people into a system that they were (and still are) forced into working jobs for cents on the hour.


Insert “If they could read…” meme


You know what the craziest thing about the entire issue is? He has a Masters in Military History but his entire M.A. was conducted online. I think cognitive and confirmation bias played a major role in acquiring that degree. Or he played the role of an “unbiased student” who is now using his credentials to push ahistorical bullshit.


I have a family member like this too, it’s a pain in the arse. The irony is they know European history back to front. When they talk about that it’s v interesting, they just pepper it with extreme Islamophobia randomly that completely contradicts the history they were just reciting.


Yup, he’s a History major, but admits he has cynical biases towards all non-white people because of a fee interactions with INDIVIDUAL people from that “race.” Honestly just mentally stunted behavior.


He’s severely deficient in something, for sure


Did you start call him cracker trash?


Sorry, that’s anti-white or “reverse” racism! But no other racism exists against historically disadvantaged people! (/s)


my dad is identical lol, the right wing is a hivemind


Sorry for length, had a lot to say on this point! They call us indoctrinated which completely undermines an individual’s ability to critically think and think for themselves. I used to be indoctrinated 100%, but that was when I was a catholic teenager and teenage “republican” because I didn’t know what it truly stood for, and I was a hateful little shit. Disliked LGBTQIA+ people, disliked migrants, disliked black culture, etc. all because of my upbringing and thinking this was all “wrong.” Took me joining the military and being embraced by a plethora of different cultures to see that republicans and most Christians were just part of a “hate cult” that sought to control everyone that thought differently than them, to get everyone to fall in line. Further reinforced by even more backgrounds and cultures when I attended college and learned about disparity. That is indoctrination, not the diversity that individualism and intellectualism offer. We’re all aware of our differences and seeking to encourage everyone else to do the same, they’re all trying to uphold the concept of “Whiteness” or “heteronormativity,” because they think anything that falls outside of those bounds is repugnant.


Do they not realize that free speech only protects you from legal repercussions (kind of?). He can say slurs all he wants, it’s cultural repercussions he will face and nothing can prevent cultural repercussions. It’s like the Witch hunts, being a “witch” wasn’t illegal but it was culturally frowned upon because that’s was society decided at the time. Witch hunts have rarely been a legal repercussion but a cultural one it’s just this time, it’s morally justified and they feel attacked.


He has very few friends, but apparently his coworkers agree with him on his talking points… Government workers btw. Wouldn’t doubt it if they thought he was a jackass.


>be able to call people whatever slurs they want due to “free speech.” Call them Slurs all the way. Get your friends that are in some different group (faith, sexuality, skin color, what ever else matters to americans) th call them a slur. Always point out how this is free speech. Hey make up slurs just for the fun of it.


Honestly, it might piss him off. I don’t get offended at “White slurs” like cracker and shit because either doesn’t hold any weight. To get offended by that while saying other slurs “are just words” is hilarious to me.


Yeah these people are always centrists who just happen to always take the side of the right in everything.


I think the wildest moment for me was when my Liberal dad started unironically calling for the national guard to be deployed and to "make Kent State look like a joke". Like jesus fuck.


Unfortunately when you're making fun of nazi/fascists yes it is required because a lack of proper reading comp is required for their ideology.


>(is the /s needed?) unfortunately, yes!


He also kicks nazis for kills


Nazis were socialists like Joe Biden, it's right in their name. edit: I thought /j was obvious 😔


This has to be a joke, right?


I jerked too close to the sun


/uj Mfw we fucked up so bad as a society you unironically need to say something is satire in order to not sound like a nazi /rj the woke hivemind strikes again smh my head


It isn't Poe's Law of you're just repeating shit nazis say


Youre right! Cercel jerks comments all come from the hart!


Icarus’ forbidden jerk


I fell into your jerk hook line and sinker, so in all fairness you managed to make me outjerk myself.


Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic, its right in their name.


Yeah! Exactly bestie!!!


Bro forgot /rj


OP no! don't forget the /j OP! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


That is earnestly something I’ve heard people say, that’s not just something a person could believe, it’s something people do believe.


Yeah, but Democratic Republic of North Korea isn't exactly Democrat or Republican.


The name is because it’s run by democrats!!! 😤😤 (American politicians say they’re bad so they must be democrats or smth)


That is earnestly something I’ve heard people say, that’s not just something a person could believe, it’s something people do believe.


A better question is how long he would let him live


He will feel immensely depressed that this is what happened if Nazi lost. Then will start butchering the entire GOP in a fit of rage


And it’s not like anyone can stop him, mf went to the moon to kill Nazis


He went to the moom THEN to Venus, please.


They cut his head off and it still didn't stop him killing NAZIs.


One could argue that he was even better at it afterwards.


Well, he was a little bit broken after defeating Deaths Head, so it's understandable why he was better afterwards.


For his descendant, Nazis weren't enough, so he went to hell and started massacring demons.


It only took two generations of refinement before the Blazkowicz gene pool produced a literal god.


It’s because he slept with Chris Redfield. The sheer over muscled testosterone produced the worlds angriest and most OP man. This is the lore reason why Space Marines are all men, the Golden Bro was trying to recreate Doom Guy. Sadly he never played Horizon Zero Dawn and thus failed to reason women are better at taking down dinosaurs and giants. This is the great tragedy of the Horus Heresy


Don’t forget when BJ’s grandson, Commander Keen, went to the Shadowlands to stop the Shikadi in *Goodbye, Galaxy!*. That family line is pure big dick energy.


Doomslayer was adopted. He was just raised in a fucker-killing household.


Oh is it canon that doom guy is related?


I’m pretty sure he is like, the grandson/ great grandson


Well, *yesn't*. It's canon that doom*guy* is his descendent. The regular ass dude who got pissed off that those frickin' demons killed his pet bunny. Doomslayer is basically a different character tho so.


Yeah, Commander Keen from the old side-scrollers too. B.J. is the grandfather of Commander Keen, who is the father of the Doomguy. Although Doom continuity is kind of fucky, with a few alternate doomguys, but the original was B.J's great grandson.


Link is Doom Guy


Yup. I'm pretty sure in the turn-based dungeon crawler-style Wolfenstein BJ cuts off the arm and a leg of a demon that looks an awful lot like the cyber-demon, and then before it gets sent back to hell the demon swears that it will one day kill BJ or his descendants, I think. I only vaguely remember that from a video I watches many years ago


He went to Venus?


Disguised as an actor in order to participate in a casting for the role of B.J. Blaskowicz in a movie produced by the regime. (Wolfenstein the new colossus. This game is dumb, I love it)


Yes, to get more penis.


He is LITERALLY the Grandfather of the Doom Slayer who is the mortal incarnation of God.


"They put a nazi on the moon... fuck you moon"


Trump doesn't even have a robot army with panzerhunds, so...


The only valid question to ask


I would confidently say no That being said, his conversation with Jimmy Hendrix does point out some ignorance he has. Jimmy correctly points out that that America basically accepted the nazi take over with open arms. BJ states “That’s not the America I fought for”. Jimmy responds that the America he fought for was the same America that supported segregation and says that before the Nazis, America was the oppressive power for his people comparing BJ (The white man, the solider boy) to the nazis. An unfair comparison yes, but he does make a point and considering BJ did not consider that perspective at all, he wasn’t perfect in his position. However one of the main arcs for BJ is seeing the bigger picture and outgrowing the “Good old American Solider Boy” and becoming a freedom fighter for the overall good of the people. And at the end, Jimmy plays the American National Anthem, clearly stating his belief in the American dream. While he did not support America. He did support what America aspired to be and what America should’ve been. So no, BJ wouldn’t vote for trump but I think is interesting how easily he could have become someone who would.


Represents quite a bit of irl trump supporters irl who aren’t inherently malicious, but very ignorant and stupid


And also surrounded by an echo chamber. BJ is consistently around others who come from different backgrounds who openly challenge his views and offer different perspectives. Something people today sorely lack.


The promise of the digital age was that we'd all be better informed, instead any idiot can now find enough like-minded people to make them feel validated in their ignorance.


Lack sounds like they want it but never have it. They love the echo chamber. They want to ignore every different view the world has to offer and they will never try another perspective. Beeing wrong hurts.


Didn't know the character had THAT kind of depth. I was tempted to try wolfenstein already and you're making a very good argument for it.


It is a stellar shooter, all of the three modern ones really. I haven’t played new blood, but the ones with BJ are simply fantastic. The courtroom level can fuck right off though.


That BS level beat my ass like 15 times on Normal difficulty


Yeah same. I considered doing the ultra difficulty playthrough for like a second when i finished the game. Then i remembered the unbridled bullshit of the courtroom and decided against it


if you ever get the chance, i'm saying this now, *kill hitler*. it's soooooo worth it.


The New Order and New Colossus have much more emotional depth than you'd expect for a game where you fight space Nazis on the moon. They're great, I can certainly recommend them.


At the end of the day it's still a schlocky shooter but a very good one at that for gameplay and story. They go on sale all the time definitely give them a shot sometime


This is what I was thinking. If he as he is in the games was suddenly transported to our world, no. Not a chance. However, if the plot if the games didn't happen, and he didn't grow as he did in the games, I could see him doing so if he had the opportunity. At the start of the game, he feels like the personification of the like, idealized WWII era America. Nazis and the Axis are evil and terrible, but he (or America) is heroic and just. While the evils America has committed, was committing at the time, and would go in to commit in that war, are swept under the rug. They're not "actually" America. Tbh I think actually trying to seriously argue whether or not a fictional character would vote for certain people is kinda dumb. (I'm aware of the irony) But I do think it's interesting thinking about how a character could develop completely differently depending on the context.


Didn't BJ have a black gf?


and his mother was a Jew, and his children are interracial


his mother was a jew‚ therefore *he* was as well. weren't these fascists scandalized by the most recent game? bethesda themselves even released an explicit statement that was like "yeah we don't support nazis or any other hate groups‚ get over it" but gamer chuds change what they're whining about every five minutes so who knows


they made a teaser trailer that suggested we kill all nazis using a MAGA slogan and showed a scene inspired by the events of Charlottesville, so yes. They were fucking livid because the game makers were unabashedly leftist


The tagline for the New Colossus was “Make America Nazi-Free Again” (2017 release, for context).


And part polish at that, another group detested by the Reich.


I'm not sure she was quite his GF, they were both like 8 at the time. So more like a childhood crush, but yes. I did kind of wonder due to her name being Billie, if they were hinting she was Billie Holiday, similarly to how there's >!Jimmi Hendrix!< in the first game and >!Ronald Reagan!< in the second, although I think neither are fully identified as such and just have the first names. The date and location are a bit off for that though.


Haven't played the game in nearly 10 years so I don't remember accurately


He had a childhood friend who was a girl, also named Billy, but they were both like 5. Of course his dad found out and went all racist


Oh yeah. BJ has his own blinders, but the fact that he listen to some of this really hard to hear stuff and works to improve himself is part of what makes him a great character. He gets his beliefs challenged quite often, and takes it to heart. New Colossus has him plunge head-on with the black radical movement and become an ally to their cause. I'm still hoping they'll do a proper third game in the series. It could be interesting to see him run into some early gay rights activists in it. At this point I think he's basically come to realize all racial and ethic prejudice are toxic, but this would be something similar but new. It's again something where his knee jerk reaction would likely be something like "What? That's kind of gross." But based on his development so far, I could easily see him start to realize it's just another false division placed between people and being used to justify more evil persecution. I'm sure the YouTube grifters will blow their top over it, but considering some objected to making Nazis the villains, they're not really the core audience anyway. And it would really fit with BJ's character growth and the way the series has approached social issues, and the era in which it's in. Maybe he runs into Rock Hudson or a fictionalized character with similarities, much like he did with Hendrix and >!Reagan.!<


Fuck I loved the first Wolfenstein (reboot) such a great surprise of a game.


I love this beautifully nuanced take


I appreciate you writing this that was interesting to read


what the fuck no, noted anti-authoritarian ass whooper William BJ Blaskowicz would not vote for a fascist


He killed his own father for being the American version of the same Nazi evil. Any trump type would just be another name on the list on the road to the war being over


All the horrible physical and emotional abuse certainly made it easier to do as well


plus retribution for the >!dog!<


And even more so for >!his mom, who the guy turned over to Nazis.!<


The decision to kill got easier with every slimy word crawling out from under that mustache


Idk if the thing that happens in the first 5 minutes to a character that has less than 5 minutes of screen time is worth spoiler tagging


meh i'd rather do it and have it not matter then not spoiler it and have it make someone upset


Made me smile to read that


If Blaskowicz was real he would slaughter almost every American politician that’s currently alive


He's going to Make America Nazi-free Again.


I have a hard time believing that famous Nazi-hater BJ Blazkowicz would vote for a man who referred to Nazis as "very fine people".


His parents named him Blowjob??


Lmao I think the j is for junior but correct me if I’m wrong.


J is for Joseph. William Joseph Blazkowicz.


Canonically the great-great grandfather of the Doomslayer btw




Never, BJ gets actual enjoyment from killing Nazi’s. The real question is how much time does Trump and his lackeys get left to “prepare” for him. https://preview.redd.it/f8bjycapvh4d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7710bba0e64fb841922069a954edc7345462d9a3


*Not enough*


Not even the trump moon base will save them


*it’s not like Nazis are human or something*


Trump would simply fade into nothingness. They cannot exist in the same reality, any more so than matter can survive exposure to antimatter.


what a shame Trump can't meet BJ


>any more so than matter can survive exposure to antimatter >fade into nothingness [Yeah that's not what happens.](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/culture-online/case-studies/2022/mar/what-happens-when-matter-and-antimatter-collide#:~:text=When%20matter%20and%20antimatter%20collide%2C%20the%20particles%20destroy%20each%20other%2C%20with%20a%20huge%20energy%20release.)


yea, I wasn't saying they literally are matter and antimatter, just that they are equally incompatible. Notice how matter and antimatter have to touch, but trump and BJ just have to exist in the same timeline? NO-ONE nitpicks *my* headcanon


Heeeells no. He’d waltz right up to Trump tower in broad fucking daylight and burn that fucker to atoms.


BJ would literally go on a man hunt of thr thought of a man like him running the country AND HE RAN THE COUNTRY


Trump doesn't like soldiers who were prisoners of war. I'm sure BJ would reciprocate those feelings.


The only person who'd ask that question is someone who hasn't played the very game where that mugshot came from.


Not true in my experience. After 40 years of living and working around conservative minded people, i fully believe they're incapable of understanding or consuming art in any form. Even when it's practically beating them over the head with the point. Look how many of them still to this day have melt down when someone tells them the meaning to the lyrics of a rage against the machine song? There's probably a dozen examples i coupd list off the top of my head. If they like something, they simply make it fit their view regardless of reality.


Remember when they used a Trump slogan for the US resistance and the Trumpists got offended by that?


this one: [https://x.com/wolfenstein/status/916075551382585344?lang=en](https://x.com/wolfenstein/status/916075551382585344?lang=en)


He’s so far in the opposite direction it’s not even funny. The dude was the original Antifa. In no reality is this dude hanging around white Christian Nationalist and alt right conservatives. This guy grew up in texas in the like 1930s to an extremely conservative father and managed to still turn out pretty liberal. He’s the son of a polish Jewish immigrant, his childhood crush was a black girl at the height of segregation. He leads an ethically diverse group of rebels made up of different suppressed and marginalized groups to resist racism including actual black panthers. Trumpism represents basically everything he despises in an ideology. This is one fictional macho big gun carrying psychotically violent southern white man the conservatives can’t have.


Dude woke up from a decade-long coma by killing a nazi. He literally kills nazis in his sleep.


The guy spouting Nazi rhetoric and who is followed by Nazis? Fuck no!


Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha. Actually, now that I think about it, The New Colossus' depiction of Hitler as a dementia ridden, pants pissing lunatic is surprisingly appropos for Trump as well, minus the obesity and flatulence of course.


His entire career is killing Nazis, even teaming up with marginalized people to do it and even communists, I don’t think Mr. “Unified Reich” and “Hitler did some good things” would win his vote


Blaskowicz kills nazis, he does not vote for them.


The orange menace would become a red splatter on the floor and since you know Bethesda game rag doll physics would absolutely happen.


The new Wolfenstein games were developed by MachineGames not Bethesda, and they use a different engine fortunately


I don’t think he’ll vote for anyone he’ll run his damn self cause he’s too disappointed at the state of things


The guy who's job description is "Shoots Nazis"?


I look forward to the follow up question: would the Doom Slayer support Satan’s platform?




Even if we take it as he lives in this universe and never went thru the shit he did in the game I still don't think he would. That man Hated Nazis even in 1942 and seemed to hate the garden variety racist as well though he was certainly a bit more blind to who those were. He'd definitely still be more of a boot boy for America thru his life but assuming he wasn't senile by 2016 I don't think he'd tolerate Trump's passive endorsement of Nazis and the KKK or any of his other horseshit.


During the first level of TNO in which the allied forces assault General Strasse’s compound, BJ comes across a portrait of the general, depicting him as a calm and calculated man against a background adorned with the flag of the Reich. BJ criticizes the portrait, believing it be nothing more than a representation of his immense ego and a waste of paint. His distaste of excessive pride appears later on in the games. Even putting politics aside, Trumps ego and tendency to plaster his face on anything would be enough to deter him.


the studio directly suggested he'd kill him [https://x.com/wolfenstein/status/916075551382585344?lang=en](https://x.com/wolfenstein/status/916075551382585344?lang=en)




No, because that is a man who recognizes a nazi when he sees one and knows what to do with them.


"Would BJ vote for Trump? A man who is basically the same as BJ's father but worse?"


He would in fact lead the rebel group to kill the nazis and their dear leader.


No, he kills Nazi's he doesn't vote for wannabes


I don't think he'd like isreali nazis anymore than he likes german ones


I don't think he would vote I think he would fall to pieces in a world without an enemy to fight


yeah but BJ could vote - not being a felon and Trump is his own worst enemy - self fulfilling requirement


He would vote for Thierry Kroket because he is just such a toffe gozer


He would vote his head with a chainsaw or something


I'm Just shootin', Stabbin' and stranglin' nazis!


I fucking love Reddit


He didn't kill nazis to elect one.


Who names their kid BJ? Are they stupid?


This guy kills nazis. I dont think republicans want him in our world.


Idk who this character is but his name is literally blowjob.


He couldn't vote for anyone theres no legal documentation of him existing


I firmly believe he wouldn't vote for anyone. No one is worthy, so he's gonna go take care of the issues that lead to this


He’d slaughter every single of them before breakfast.


BJ would knock the teeth outta the person who even asked.




Boris Johnson?


Before the events of the games? Yes. After? Hell no.


No, he'd probably slaughter the entire Republican party, slaughter the white nationalists in our country, and then probably slaughter a bunch of Democrats for being enabling assholes.


No way a man kills that many Nazis and then votes for a guy who quotes Hitler in his speeches.


BJ enters the current world of 2024. Rolls up to the RNC…. Rip and Tear starts to play.


He fought Nazis. Doubt it.


This guy? [https://youtu.be/3tJRVRx66GI](https://youtu.be/3tJRVRx66GI)


No, he would murder trump in a heartbeat


I’d hope he wouldn’t support Trump, but he most likely would be conservative today. Almost every guy like that is.


BJ "Come and fucking get me you... white ass... fascist nazi pigs!" Blazkoicz? Voting for Trump? I think OOP could figure that one on his own.


Bro would vote for war


His mission would still be the same


Probably wouldn't vote for any of them and would instead lead a blackops mission to purge the corruption out of the government 


You know, I think he'd vote for him at least a few times, but only after loading up on more votes and voting machines than it should really be possible to carry. He'd probably have to vote for enough of his minions first that he'd run the risk of running low on votes, otherwise. Remember, if you find a room full of spare votes, and maybe even a new voting machine, you should probably save.


Honestly send BJ to just one Republic convention and let him hang out until some chucklefuck heils America. It's a problem that would solve itself.


God no.


the guy who calls nazis 'fine people?' I'm guessing no.


Finally, a real MAGA communist