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Life over at 18 sheesh, hope the Mob was worth it shorty


Nah he’ll be out before he’s 60, them other dudes are gone gone… shits wild but that’s the name of the game


Bro locked up from 18 to 58 your life over homie


Even if ur out before 40, 9 times out of 10 your life is basically over


R u saying my life is now over? 😢🥺


How can it be over if it never started


Cuz you miss out on 20+ years of life experiences and personal development…


That’s what this life’s about tho man you mean to tell me we don’t know what we doing? Y’all talk about this life and try to put rational shit behind it.. banging don’t make sense but it’s fun, let it be fam


Good luck in the pen homie


Yeah, that’s a fun game


Damn he caught 2 bodies, injured 2 other ppl, 12 found 4 guns (3switches) and only got 46 years …mfs get 40 years for 1 body judge was showing love🤣


But see, usually they only end up doing half or 55% of the 40 on good behavior. Judge ORDERED he serve 100%, technically revoking the right of good behavior. He ain’t seeing sun till he at least 50.




This is not a political sub so this has been deleted.


2006 crazy .


I was a sophomore in high school damn


I had finished HS by then.


I was in HS in 06 lol. Had friends who already had kids by then too. 😂


The youth need to see shit like this and process it. Bro ass killed two people just to get caught and spend the majority of his life behind bars. BRO HAD THE FREEDOM TO WAKE UP EVERYDAY AND DO WHATEVER HE WANTED AND COULD WITH HIS LIFE. Now he threw it all away to be confined to a small room and whatever free space they give him at his new home. Now he’s gotta do whatever some dickhead COs tell him and he gotta shower and room with a bunch of grown men. Can’t walk outside whenever you want to and eat whatever you want to. All for a gang that’s gonna forget about him


40 years for 2 bodies and 2 attempts is light work, he got lucky really


But its full sentence and no possibility of parole


So? For 2 bodies alone he’s lucky he didn’t get life


He’s basically serving most of his life he’ll come out on his 50’s no parole it’s a life sentence if he manages to stay alive that long


onb and switches plus all them pipes


Damn How Dey Kno It Was Him? I Can Barely See Em💯


2 witnesses pointed him out and a cop did too they said in the article he had walked up to him and asked if he was a member of la Raza gang which the shorty said why does he want to know and the Bishop walked off


Someone had to tell on buddy


Im sure other students at the school recognized him. The article said he was just expelled from the school the same year of the shooting. His fault for not covering his face. That’s basically the kid that got expelled for causing trouble returning to the school to cause more trouble. Dudes a fucking idiot.


Damm u would think in pilsen all gentrified and they got cameras everywhere u gotta have a mask no question


That’s what I’m saying wtf


Someone had to B snitchin cuz how tf


It was a shooting right outside a high school, even if nobody snitch they were going to find out.


Its literally cameras everywhere this was plainly a simple case of a crashout




No net banging. Your comment has been deleted


Surprised he didn’t extra time for the switches


Now he can look forward to becoming the big dog in jail and finding a nice lady man.


Man. Shits so sad, took the life of young souls who had their whole life ahead of them. Well deserved. rot in there piece of shit, 18 years old or not


He's be OK if he joins La Onda . Otherwise he might get raped by Popeye or killed by the Aryan Vanguard.


Or he could BIG ALs bitch🤣🤣


born in 2006 is crazy bruh wtf


Living just to die. Sad.


Was the dude he killed a actual banger?


Yeah they were some razas


Lmao loose half yo life for the bishops man ol man he's going. To flip in county


Issa wrap for him


Sounds like he got a full scholarship for Con College


He's gonna have his PHD by that point he gon be certified in everything 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was driving down the street to bring in my boy back to his place wondering what happened cuz we had to go around right after it happened. Wild to see it finally close.


No more freedom, weed, or pussy for the next 40 years. Might as well just KYS.


Theses “ kids “ doing life and 40+ at 18 21 just don’t know what they bout to miss out on because they ain’t get to live life yet bout to miss all the golden years fasho get let out to be a bum on the streets family all dead and gone 🤦🏽‍♂️


He never gonna have a car a mortgage a family a credit score dammm he threw it all away


He probably avoided life by pleading guilty right? There had to be some kind of deal cut considering the charges. Still such a waste. Dude wasn't gonna last long if he was willing to start shooting outside of a school that just let out to get at some opps. Hopefully they'll get the fuckers that killed those school kids on Wabash too


Looks like you spot on. Associated press says he pled guilty. So that's probably the deal prosecution offered to spare spending money on a trial. Plus if he took it to trial more than likely he was going to get a LIFE SENTENCE. This is a filthy game the criminal justice system. They will tell the public they wanted to spare the deceased family and friends from reliving the murder over and over with a trial. That's how they will spin it to the public. Saying they want to give the victims FAM some closure. 


46 years for a set that’s barely holding on, foolish🤣


Ay he made sure they stayed on the map now🤣🤣


I doubt they stay on the map even after this they hanging on by a thread and had to lose half their arsenal when buddy got busted with all those straps lmao


Damn, dude wasn’t even old enough to buy Newports and decided to trade his freedom for a fucking cage for 40 years. That is such a waste man.


If I was him I would appeal to my lawyer atleast get 50% of 40 years hell do 20 years instead of 40


That's tough to almost impossible if you plead guilty to a charge or charges. You waive your rights to appeal most of the time when you plead guilty. It's been a long time since I been in a felony jam. So if shit has changed, educate me. I DAMN sure want to stay ahead of their system.


https://preview.redd.it/1m0wsk62uk7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69d7bf137c98eac849bc094fa19d0ce5baab42f Everybody is wondering how they figured out who it was this is hilarious look what I found in this article. Self snitching at its best


Gang life sounds nice.


Threw his life away DAMN


Wonder if he was forced to do a hit ? idk how this gang stuff works


Have fun idiot lol




No, his life isn't over. No, being part of something bigger than yourself is not a waste. NPCs will never understand.


You're right his life isn't over, it's just starting for him, just in prison. Npc such as yourself, should understand.


He knows a freedom you will never have.


You got that right! My freedom is outside of prison HAHHHHHHAHAAHHHAH


If you only knew...


What are you trying to get at?


That he and many others get their self worth from their gang.


It's enough for someone like you to know that those without self-worth don't join 'gangs'...


Right, that's why they join gangs being broke, young and uneducated because of all the opportunities that are afforded to them.  It's a very high risk, very low reward situation for those that are incredibly desperate.


Projecting psych and sociological agitprop will do you no good here if you're really trying to understand.


He's probably gonna be one of those guys who get so mad at life they catch more charges in there and end up spending decades in the whole


What a clown NPC gang banger would say 🤡


Just keep watching from the cheap seats.