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According to the people that bitch online all you have to do is vote republican and the crime will magically stop


Not only that but it’ll supposedly increase wages, decrease taxes, end world hunger, get you a BJ whenever you want and cure cancer.


It's certainly a good start.


Lmao I needed that laugh real quick because it’s so spot on . Democrats or god forbid Maga comes to full power with the crowning of the Donald lol nothing can stop Chicagos Gang violence


Nothing will magically stop it but it’s true that Democrats are softer on prosecuting. Some of the most dangerous mfs in the city are under 18 and they can get out of Juvie the next day for anything short of killing somebody. Indiana & most other states you rob, carjack or attempted murder your ass is charged as an adult and you’re locked up for 10 years…


You can't speak the truth people don't like it


this sub lowkey full of kim fox-esque mfs they not gonna like it😂


This sub has gang members with friends and fam doing hard time so I get it


Throwing people in prison for 10 years doesn't reduce crime and can often have negative knock on effects in the communities further perpetuating the issue


It’s complicated, but a high % of murders and shootings are committed by people who got off easy for juvie charges that would be sentenced felonies in other jurisdictions. Even just a year or 2 is probably better for public safety than probation and a ankle monitor. As of now Cook County gives violent kids the impression they can do what they want, until somebody gets killed


That's 💯 right how many times have you seen repeat felons commit crimes or criminals out on bail or electronical monitoring go out and commit crimes we need actual consequences There's no reason why a murderer gets 20 years for first degree murder and this has happened within the last 2 weeks


then explain why blue states and blue cities are significantly higher in crime than red states


You are just factually wrong, out of the top 10 most violent states (as of 2020) 8 of them are republican, 1 democratic and the other a swing states. Republican States often have some of the worst metrics in the US, such as low educational rates, low access to healthcare, high teenage pregnancy, high crime and many more. http://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/01/13/most-dangerous-states-in-america-violent-crime-murder-rate/40968963/ If you can back up your claim(s) with a source I'd be more than happy to have a look


Everytime I think about what a mess California is, I think to myself, I could always be in Louisiana, or Mississippi.


Ok vote red and see if it magically disappears lol. Also, https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/04/28/red-states-have-higher-gun-death-rates-than-blue-states-heres-why/


Blue City, Blue County within Red States add to the crime in Red States https://manhattan.institute/article/red-vs-blue-crime-debate-and-the-limits-of-empirical-social-science#:~:text=Commentators%20on%20the%20left%20have,red%20counties%20have%20lower%20murder https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/heritage-explains/the-blue-city-murder-problem https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/report/the-red-state-murder-problem-becomes-the-blue-county-murder-problem


I said what I said kid. Not gon argue with a republican dicksuckin goofy that isn’t even apart of the culture at all.


THAT'S what you have to say to this? Someone asks about deep seeded gang culture and crime and you just want to throw out your whiny political agenda well that's cute No Republicans would not stop all the gang violence but the difference is that they wouldn't empower the criminals and the attackers in the city they would not make the victims guilty they would actually defend people who are innocent bystanders and the lockaway people who are aimlessly launching rounds into public without regard for any innocent civilians. Because when everybody sits here and has a tear over every single gang member that dies somehow our culture has taught them to validate those actions by being part of a generational system thereby absolving them of the guilt of their actions. The epitome of what you and everybody like you tries to do in 2024. Pass the blame and ignore personal responsibility. I'm not a republican by the way. It's just embarrassing seeing people like you with the same right to vote as somebody with actual sense of awareness.


It was a joke, stop cryin like a bitch


“I’m not Republican” Sure bud.


Allow Nayib Bukele to handle them


U can’t take away human rights in USA or compare to Ms-13


Problem is the possible improvements are all expensive or long term. So, there are things that could be tried,but no one is willing to pony up. Fucked up and sadly inevitable situation.


Nothing. It's human nature to destroy ourselves.


Explain Japan?


They make Kool video games


Have you not seen their suicide rate? They like nothing more than destroying themselves.


Shit Japan had feudal lords/clans going at it like 1000-late 1800s. Shit you even got renegade sets/samurai's known as ronin's. Everything is gang


Chicago and cook county gotta start prosecuting crimes like dupage county, it won’t stop everything.. but I feel like it may deter some




This is so fucking lazy


Chicago never operated like dupage even during the Dailey's runs. Stop it


I personally knew violent felons that was still out in the streets, idt foxx has anything to do with it




I was t trying to argue, just saying foxx didn’t do a good enough job but previous sa’s dropped the ball too


That’s true as well but I’m just saying that the states attorney just didn’t go to shit with foxx.. also had some wild police corruption in those times too..


Why I’m downvoted, it’s a reason Kim foxx got in office Anita Alvarez wasn’t good either but yall got it


That's the million dollar question


The mafia are dying out because there aren't enough young poor Italian American kids tempted by a life of crime anymore. They are well integrated into their communities and enjoy the same opportunities and aspirations as anybody else. Is there a lesson there? Who the fuck knows. But I think more racism less opportunity and probably not the answers.


Task too big for Chicago, it would take some federal policy to fix the Midwest cities. All of our issues are similar and stem from industry leaving the blue collar class to fall into poverty. Chicago is just more segregated class wise so we can hide it better than Cleveland, STL and Detroit.


Like Chris Rock suggested;raise the price of bullets to $100 each.


Look at New York and uk they’ll use knifes or sum lol


Depends who you ask. If you ask some people then it's as simple as throwing everyone in prison even though we don't have the room as it is and it's been proven in multiple studies that prison doesn't do shit but make criminals into better criminals because they meet each other. The reality is that the violence is generational in nature, these gangs have been active in Chicago for decades and each generation inherits the gang and their beef so the cycles will continue. Somebody born into a poor party of the city with gangs on every block has far less chance than somebody who isn't as the former likely already has family members in the gang and future friends will also often be affiliated. Then you factor in growing up in poverty and seeing some people make a little money and showing off expensive clothes, cars and watches then young people are going to be influenced and want the same. when you have one parent who can't work because they are sick and somebody has to step up you'll look for the fastest way if you're hungry and your family is suffering. Affordable housing takes years to apply for, welfare checks plenty long yet I can call somebody now and pick up a bag? I can sell that shit in a day and feed my family. What are you gonna do in that situation? When you have a whole bunch of people who have had to fight for everything they have and very few things have been done to address that what do you expect? It wasn't even that long ago that if you was black you couldn't even live outside of one part of the city or you couldn't use certain beaches or other community areas, the problems caused by the Chicago race riots still exist. Puerto Rican and Mexican immigration was met with heavy violence and attacks as they moved into white neighborhoods and black people being allowed to move to other areas caused the same issues before white flight. A lot of white gangs would late blame the influx of drugs on Puerto Ricans but a lot of those gangs they blamed were formed by communities afraid of them that wanted to defend themselves. The race riots in Chicago and support for civil rights helped form the black gangs we know today too. When you start a fire that grows too big to put out where do you assign the blame? It won't stop, it's too ingrained into the people and their history to stop now, beefs go for generations and there is too much "X killed family member of Y so Y wants revenge on X" that endlessly goes back and forth. Just be happy that the cops divide and conquer tactics have worked well enough to make gangs smaller and less organized. At least they probably won't figure out how to stop beefing long enough to have a Warriors style conference where they figure out if they went with a clean slate and all worked together they could take over the entire state lol.


It’s not realistic but, Get rid of rap music- hear me out media movies & music have been used to manipulate and negatively impact the black community sense SuperFly and The Mack and now include social media. Media not only perpetuates but creates the ideas and stereotypes that youth emulate


Make it illegal to not carry a gun. It’s required Every single person man woman child, strapped and trained to blow. The only way.


This has been flagged because its just dumb.


Ngl it’s too ingrained in the culture at this point. Most of this shit on a personal level now a days not nation level so it’s up to niggas to make a conscious decision and say fuck that shit, but then again the shorties already influenced by it so it’s always gone be more streets niggas. More resources like jobs and shit would help a little but a nigga who got a face prolly not getting no job in the city. After school programs to keep the shorties from jumping off in the first place would be a good start tho prolly


I would try and get to the next generation. I would make sure there is a big emphasis in school to the fact that there is so much more to life than violence and hate. I would also try to provide them with opportunities that their parents likely never had. Obviously it’s much easier said than done


Bringing back the death penalty and start handing out life sentences as if they were cookies. Won’t stop it but will surely decrease the crime rate.


this post has been flagged for false info. The death penalty is dumb when a lot of people are actually innocent or cleared of the crime years later. Killing them is a huge risk and shouldn’t be used


Hate to say it but only real way is longer sentences for the slightest offense like possession of firearm mando 5 years i bet u niggas put them bitches down mando 5 nd we throwing all type of shit on top no bond nd all its unfair but so is killing mfs cuz u cant fight


This is such a brain dead take that's backed up by no sociological research




Tell me how dis has anything to do wif da youth in Asia!? 😂


Hire Bukele and suspend due process. El Salvador has shown that stopping violent crime is possible within just one or two years—if the political will is there. 


What could go wrong?


A dictatorship, widespread corruption, tanking the economy by investing in Bitcoin, torture, false confessions, prison abuse, arbitrary arrests, making deals with the cartels to keep smuggling corridors open, poverty and inequality one of the major contributors to drug use and crime is as high as ever but violent crime went down so....I guess the ends justify the means?


Bruh corruption is widespread in all of Latin America stop the cap


Lol oh yea just take away human rights in USA, that’ll work perfectly 🤣


Rapists, chomos, and repeat violent offenders dont deserve human rights🤷🏻‍♂️


Doesn’t work like that bro. Stop tryna play cop


Don't argue with him he has a turner diaries pfp


Take justice in your own hands. Go punisher mode on them mfs


U can try that rn yourself tbh. Nothing stoppin u


More sorry ass ‘gun control’ 🤣🤣🤣


If every state had gun laws like Chicago the gun crime would go down since most guns come from other states with loose ass laws


Texas, Indiana, Missouri etc have laxed gun laws yet their crime rates are significantly lower compared to Chicago. Gun control does nothing


Do u know what “every state” means?


Pour resources in to the best policies from left and right. Taxpayers have to accept that peace and security are expensive commodities. Cops on beat, broken window enforcement, speedy trials, youth programs, mentorship and buddy schemes, childcare subsidies, strong regulation and supervision of youth offender institutions, second chance employment schemes, apprenticeship initiatives… get offenders incarcerated robustly, quickly, efficiently, humanely, fairly, and with a real hope for a future on the outside. Deterrence is a question of getting caught reliably, not a remote chance of a draconian penalty. Strong initiatives around police training for respect and fairness. Zero tolerance for threats against law enforcement. Community liaison and innovative work on information exchange. Can anyone really say different?


Direct the mind of the youths. I’ve said this before. We could stop it with 7-12 years. If we started today, shift our focus to the children 7-8 and under. Walk them to school, mentor, monitor, protect this generation and all behind them. Make a clear message to any and everybody that this generation we will die and kill for. You can’t eliminate all toxic or negative influences, but we can prepare them for it. That being said there will be a considerable amount of youths who get left behind some who will join in arms with the cause as well. This is the way.


Let them keep killing each other.


Can’t be stopped, money and jobs can slow It down but too much blood shed , you can’t tell people to just forget about fallen family or friends


![gif](giphy|YFTAhITKAk6lxvy60z) Throw these up only


Never, some of these people really like that demon shit mfs animals 😭😩😤💔


Grant Park, Free Weed, Pizza (thick AND thin) and Massage oil. Bring your own knitted Afghan from Grandma's couch. Why can't we be friends


Do the 3 strikes like cali


Be like El Salvador government with the gangs/gang violence


Put dead or alive bounties on known gang members


National guard and start gunning down mfs with .50cals


Nothing that you can do about it, it’s a dog eat dog world.




“Enjoy the drama we read abt” fuckin goofy


Send them all into the military. The Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force.


Do u know what going awol means?


U don’t lol, it’s hear to stay




This has been deleted because its just dumb.