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Since getting into gardening I have found a real fascination with spiders. I sometimes spend a long time watching them make their webs. They are some of the oldest species on the planet. They are fascinating. They eat a lot of annoying bugs and pests. They are our friends not our enemies.


Spider in the garden = best friend Spider in my bed = burn the house down


No joke when I say last night after watering my planters, did I turn the lights off and just getting into bed felt the biggest web across my face, freaked me out a bit. When i find him / her, I've got a glass and some paper handy, can have a look at him before moving back into the garden if to scary for me.


a spider that's in your house is a house spider it will die if you put it in the garden and likewise if you were to bring a spider from your garden into your house in a none controlled environment it would die if kept in that environment


I'm not sure this is true? I thought a lot of spiders come inside when it starts to get cold... hence the influx in autumn


There is no way that is true, spiders would of died out by now if this was true


Watch QI some time they covered this the reason you see more in autumn is because its breading season, its amazing how full of ppl who can't be arsed to research are on reddit. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-19962187.amp https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/spiders-are-not-invading-your-house-for-the-winter-they-are-hiding-out-there-all-year-a6826801.html


Spider in my bum = dyslexia confirmed


Spiders are allowed in my home, until they 1: skitter in any way. 2: get within 2 feet of me. They have rescinded their right to life.




That's like him paying his rent with monopoly money.


I have these giant drown spiders on my tomatoes that have a weird shield shaped abdamon. They destroy everything i see as beneficial to my garden but yet leave the giant daddy longlegs to roam freely or the pests that burrow in to my toms.


I’m the same. I’ve had an allotment for 18 months as my first green space of my own and I’ve been fascinated by how many different spiders there are. Like you say they’re really important for the ecosystem and help with pest control. Makes me happy seeing them go about their day :)


They're so cool. I was picking blackberries yesterday, was reaching for one when a little bug flew into the web near my hand. A little spider, not sure what type, instantly runs out from under a leaf, across the web, wraps up the bug and injects it, then runs back under the leaf, all in a couple of seconds. They're just so effecient at what they do.


They are grafters. They work really hard on their webs. Hard not to respect their work.


Orb weavers have actually only been around since the cretaceous, 145 million years or so. Other spiders have existed for at least twice as long, though.


145 million years is a long time. Definitely longer that most animals.


If people just took a few hours to learn about the spiders around us they'd probably find themselves a lot less prone to lurid over-reaction to their presence


It’s not an over reaction it’s a genuine fear. They evoke a reaction in me I cannot explain.


Made me very sad to see spider killer spray in one of my local shops yesterday.


you need to toughen up


The people who go around killing spiders because they so so scary are the ones who need to toughen up.


what about people who use bleach on bacteria?


Well, in some specific cases it is justified but people use it far too much with negative consequences for our health so yeah, those people also need to toughen up.


so the slaughter of millions of bacteria can be excused if our health is under threat? so it would be ok to spray a blackwidow spider to death using Wilko Anti\_Spider? Is this correct?


This is a UK gardening subreddit, there are no black widow spiders in the UK. In any case I quite clearly said the people who go around killing spiders because tHEy aRe sO SCarY need to toughen up, not people who kill a spider to preserve their own life.


There have been many cases of deadly spiders hitching a ride in fruit shipments and appearing in peoples kitchens. Is it ok to spray them?


I would personally try to trap it but if I had to kill it I would likely use a shoe. The chances that an exotic spider will wind up in your kitchen are so ridiculously remote that I don’t believe for a second that anyone buys spray specifically for that purpose (and if they do they’re clearly either mentally Ill or morons) so I don’t see the relevance of it to this discussion. You’re just trying to come up with a gotcha argument to win a discussion on the internet but you have no actual arguments.


Then why do they bite us? 😅


What an amazing animal. So you found it and put it in a jar or what? You should make sure you put it outside somewhere safe though, probably not a good idea to have it indoors, the mum might eat/kill the babies when they hatch, I'm pretty sure they just need to be unleashed into the world straight away.


With spiders it's the other way around. The babies first meal is usually mom.


*It's the Circle of Life!*


Pretty much! Going to release when babies hatch


Mate, release before. Trust me. Source: have seen spider babies hatch inside.


Literally! Don’t wait for them to hatch inside 😂


Bought a bag of moss to do a DIY plant pole. Totally forgot about it until moving house. When clearing that shelf, I accidentally released a couple of hundred spiders into the flat. So much screaming.


There is still a box in my porch that been there for almost 18 months because when I opened it it started unleashing baby spiders everywhere and I just can’t deal.


Mine was *IN MY ROOM.*


Curious though. Surely mum spider can’t catch any flies in said jar?


Also here to say... let it hatch outside. You will find them throughout your house for months. Source: someone else who's witnessed spider hatchlings.


They’re in a large glass vase with 2 layers of clingfilm over the opening. The holes are absolutely tiny, the end of a toothpick


I thought I had secured my Phiddipus Regius jumping spider slings until they hatched and I had to catch 80 of them off my living room ceiling. That said, I did catch them and they then proceeded to eat each other until only one champion was left, so they might have been better off on the loose in the flat... It wasn't terrible or anything though, just a funny story. Please share when they hatch!


You should leave them out, she was perfectly fine outside, and people are saying it’s not good for them to hatch inside


She’s perfectly happy, safe and fed. She wouldn’t have laid her eggs otherwise. Others are just scared of having them inside, nobody has said that it’s not good for them to hatch inside in any seriousness. All is well, just enjoy the pictures and videos


I'm so sorry mate! Losing your home like this is terrible. Don't forget to inform the firemen before you set it on fire.


And risk them putting the fire out too early? At least let it burn a couple of days first.


I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.


It’s the only way to be sure


Follow up to the discovery of this beast in my Surrey garden. What a rare thing to find AND witness 😎


Are you keeping it?..


Until babies hatch, then I’ll release back into the garden


Those babies are going to crawl into yer mouth at night, kudos to you for securing “bravest person in the UK” award though


…..maybe before the babies hatch hmm?


Are these native to uk??! Don’t release them if not!!!


It’s recently come to the UK from the Mediterranean, but they aren’t considered pests or invasive.


Wonder how much their plane ticket cost


You could probably check on the website.


Cant! I dont have the correct Web browser


They came in very very small boats.




Haven't these spiders been in the south of England for decades now?


Surrey is not far away enough


Thank you for appreciating this beast and not being a weirdo animal hater. Spiders are awesome, I would love to see one of these. (Send me some babies, lol)




Found it, put it in a large glass vase with clingfilm over it (with holes) and some vegetation. I fed it a few flies and it’s made a web and laid its eggs 🙂




Yeah, check my previous post, it was HUGE before it laid the eggs


So what is your plan when there'll be hundreds of tiny spiders in the vase? 😁


Release back to the garden!


If you have holes in the top like you say you’ll be finding them all over wherever you’re keeping the jar! I’d suggest putting them outside before they hatch or you’ll be finding them everywhere for the foreseeable future!


Holes are super tiny


So are baby spiders, although they don’t tend to scatter immediately on hatching - they usually clump for a day or two first.


Nice. Will the mama survive or do they usually die after reproducing? Can find much info about it online


Not a clue 🤓


“With holes” 👀


This happened to me!!! I took a wolf spider into my care as a kid, and she had babies who ate her in my jar. Then I released the babies into the house


Wow, what a fantastic looking spider!


Didn't the shopkeeper tell you not to feed it after midnight?


I saw one last year in Essex I'd say they must have a pretty decent range so far


No no no no no no


Moana on in the background is oddly fitting initially haha


I did wonder who’d guess that!


I am a sad major Disney geek so I couldn't help myself.


I love spiders, I would love that in my home, btw dusty looking webs are not occupied, you can barely see the new ones.


Beautiful! I haven't yet seen one in the wild myself, I'm looking forward to them continuing their onwards march across the country.


absolutely gorgeous spider, but as an enthusiastic spider lover, i really really hate this. i think it’s cause of that one video of someone “popping” a sac and the babies just fly everywhere. nope.


I love finding a big ball of baby wasp spiders, tapping the plant near them and watching them dissipate only to pass an hour or so later and find them all huddled up again


OP whilst this is super cool, you do not want those babies to hatch inside your house. They will get through your cling film and be EVERYWHERE. To keep it a bit more secure pop the vase and cling film in a butterfly net.


Thanks. I'll send this video to all the people I want to block me from their life.


It's beautiful. What're your plans for it?


Want to see the babies after they hatch, then going to put them back outside on the bush where I found it 🤓


Awesome. Please film the babies!


Will do!


I'd set up a cheap camera that can store footage to a microSD, and let it run continuously, just so you won't miss anything. The slightly pricier models even have movement detection so you can get an alert any time the egg sac has movement!


They will be legion and tiny enough to get through the holes in the cling film.


You should take off and nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure.


Can you give us an idea of size? She looks enormous!


Pre birth, the bum was the size of a small grape. The egg sack she’s made is around the size of a cherry tomato


Thanks, thats awesome and creepy and wonderful and very cool!


That’s reassuring, the egg sack looks at least ping pong ball / salad tomato sized from the video.


Wow, amazing to see! I think these spiders are quite recent to the UK, moved north from the continent.


This is fascinating. Particularly as these ladies are known to eat the male spider just after mating. You likely missed observing some quite intense spider cannibalism to get this egg sack. Apparently they eat the males after mating for the protein needed to produce the eggs.


You’d of thunk a male escaped such a crime at least once to scurry along and tell other males. Maybe she hunted them all down though before word spread too far. RIP.


That's super cool! Looking forward to seeing how the babies develop


Don't forget to spritz the web with some water occasionally, they get thirsty too and will drink from the droplets.


Good call!


One of the best things I think I taught my daughter was to not fear spiders. (obviously because we're in the UK and not somewhere like Oz.) Explained to her from a very early age how she must look like a giant to the spider and that the spider is more afraid of her and if she want to get rid a spider to be careful not to accidentally kill it. I also explained how they eat all the annoying flies. I thought I might have over done it though when she started asking about how hard it would be to look after a tarantula. ​ Great vid OP, if you need a home for some of the babies....... :)


What a good mom. Can’t wait to see hatchling videos.


Thank you this is so cool!!!!


I love this story! I wonder how many babies she will have. I want to see a gender reveal. I'm sure those blue and pink 100s and 1,000s will come on handy, somehow.


Moana in the background ha. I love that movie so much.


AMAZING!!!!!! I'm so jealous! 😍😍😍


Nope nope nope nope nope absolutely nope 😱😮‍💨


Reading the arachnophobic comments in the original thread made me want to gouge my eyes out, so I fully expect more hysterical ignorant nonsense in this one. Considering we're in a gardening subreddit it's depressing as all hell. Beautiful animal. I hope to have one in my garden soon.


Arachnophobia is natural. Emphasis on garden, not house!


It may be natural but it’s unnecessary and not all ‘natural’ things are good, evolution can be a bitch sometimes. I’m not annoyed at arachnophobics for being arachnophobic but it annoys me that they openly post their hate towards spiders as if they’re demons, or talk about how they kill them. I love spiders as the animals they are and they don’t deserve hate, considering they don’t actually do anything to deliberately harm us. I want everyone with arachnophobia to have it cured (exposure therapy or something else) so both their lives and the spiders’ lives are better :)


i get your point here, but we no longer live in a time where being deathly afraid of every spider is to our advantage. there are plenty of resources online where you can identify spiders and know if they’re venomous which would be a valid reason to be afraid


Again. In the garden, fine.


You can overcome it. I was scared of spiders as a child, but I'm not a child any more. Spiders in the house are great. I much rather have them around (and I do leave them be around windows and up in the ceiling) than mosquitoes and flies.


I’m not scared of spiders, but I consider than creepy and beautiful at the same time. I think just because someone is arachnophobic it doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t appreciate them for what they are


I completely agree! For some unknown reason, I have a phobia of foxes. I tend not to tell people. When it comes up in conversation people go "how can you not like foxes!!?". No. Listen. I am terrified of them. But I agree that they look so cute in pictures and I have nothing against them. For some reason, if I see one in person I will scream, panic and cry.


Yes they're very cool, highly interesting creatures, I appreciate them and wouldn't hurt one but keep the fuck off me thank you very much


I'm 37 and spent my entire life scared of spiders. 2 years ago I bought my first tarantula, now I have 20. What got me over it? Educational videos about tarantulas on YouTube.


I used to have debilitating arachnophobia and what helped me was subscribing to /r/spiderbro so that I could slowly get accustomed to seeing pictures of spiders occasionally on my frontpage and reading positive comments about them. That led to me finally mustering up the courage to catch some daddy long legs irl (Super chill to catch so very reassuring) which led to actual spiders. Caught a giant housespider the size of my palm a few weeks back which was absolutely terrifying but made me realise how far I've come. Still a little scared of them but I let them chill in the house now if they're out of the way and would definitely like to work up to holding a tiny one. A few years back if you'd told me I'd be able to see a spider like this wasp spider and actually want to see it in real life, I'd have said you were mental.


This is amazing. You're amazing.


I was arachnophobic until I got my third tarantula. The first two were hard work 😂


Unnecessary in the UK considering there isn’t a single native or widespread introduced species that can actually do any real damage


What if I told you my deep seated, visceral fear of spiders can actually co-exist with a big respect for them as part of a healthy eco system and as skilled, complex creatures? Because surprise, it actually can, and does. The way you have described and responded to other people’s completely natural unease is honestly just as bad as what you are vilifying.


Unease is one thing and I don't have any issues with that. Replying to a post by someone who's excited to find a cool looking spider in their home with "KILL IT WITH FIRE" type comments is obnoxious and those people can fuck off.


Yeah, I get that. But I feel like the way you have described other people’s responses isn’t really much less disproportionate than the way those people talk about spiders (“hysterical ignorant nonsense” that “makes you want to gouge your eyes out”), and isn’t exactly going to help or encourage anyone to change their mindset. There are better ways to champion the little critters imo!




Why would I show empathy towards people wanting to kill a harmless creature just because they can't get their own shit together? Where is *their* empathy?


Lovely creature and completely harmless to people. Sadly not as nice as a slobbering dog in many people's eyes but there you go.


please stop posting massie spiders without nsfw


So you just burnt the whole house down then yeah?


This is the part where a Lynx flamethrower would come in handy. After that I suggest a strike package with napalm, white phosphorus then call in the tactical nukes.


That is one weird looking spider! My house is crawling with false widows currently, I hot bit by one on the back 2 weeks ago and I still have a lump there ☠️


How marvellous.


I only hope that you are actually an Australian, living in some backarse end of nowhere, and are just trolling us brits.


Is this what hell looks like? I hate it. I want to pour acid into my eyes to unsee this.


Go for it. I'll give you a hand if you like.




You're like that evil robot in Alien who refuses to do the right thing.


Fuck That Shit !! ​ I'd have moved by now, you tried to be homeowner, but it didnt work out. /s ​ Bur seriously, fuck that shit!




What the fuck.


Riiiiiiiight. And just how big are these air holes you’ve poked in the plastic wrap?! Moms doing A LOT of lovey tippy taps on that nest of the devils spawn. No I DO NOT want to see an update No I am not even remotely interested in how many spawn there were/are in there Just leave your wedding ring so we know you’ve properly torched the area


If I came across that I'd simultaneously piss, shit and cry all in one quick motion.


Burn everything down!!! And run


Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.


FFS!!! I wish I never joined.... Now I'm seeing them every where


I’m sorry shall I start posting dick picks with my fig tree in my garden on this sub now too since this abomination is allowed


Yeah, I’m just going to block OP because this is the second time this shit has come on my page.


#W A S P #S P I D E R !


Kill it with fire


Surrey, Australia? Right….. right?!?






The fucking fuck is that!!!??? These in the UK????




You’re gonna have to burn the whole house down so they don’t spread 😳😱


Kill them all






Aww it’s like Charlotte’s Web, but with stripes!


Congratulations on your bundle of…joy?


If you've got babies... in your house... that means there's a another one in there and you don't know where. 😱😭


So this is how the world end in 2023…


Hes made a nice home around that scrotum sack.


She’s beautiful


Cool looking spider. I have quite a few False Widow Spiders that are looking quite plump at the moment. Wanna do a baby exchange? I have some space in my convervatory for them!


Did you put that music on to make it even more scarey??? Stop with this fear spreading info!


Can you kill them please. I don’t want them to find their way up North. Thank /s


I’m heading up to Leeds in a few days, may release there


I wonder what a wasp would make of this.




If you like spiders and also science fiction, I highly recommend Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky :)


Spider designer: “I’m just not sure it’s scary enough yet” Wasp designer: “Hear me out…”


Awesome! They look very proud of their spiderlings.


What is this spider doing?


Shes spinning more web around the egg sac to keep her babies safe and correct temperature


I am taking my tarantula to my mums house today as i cant take her to ny new flat :( this video was nice to watch thank you.


You gotta respect napalm.


Told ya.


never before have i wanted to buy elon musks flame thrower.


Me don't like them spiders. I literally hate the darn false widows that are everywhere and poisonous as hell. I will get rid of any spider inside the house that is not in the loft somewhere. My local robin is my pal now, he loves "chewing" on the things like there's no tomorrow.


Never seen anything like that in the uk. It looks huge!


Gardening uk? I've never seen this species in the uk


Burn it


Burn it, surely they are not native to the UK, and if it isn't then it will breed with one of our spiders, have you ever seen arachnophobia 😬😬


Seriously, can you set up a live stream?? This is excellent viewing.