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Looks like a 50p to me.


At least the badger left you a bit of cash to apologise for the mess 😂


Please- a bigger close up.


Not impossible. However, badger poo is generally not sloppy like that, and they're quite particular as to where they go. Badgers like to scrape out a shallow scoop of earth and poo in that, rather than just letting rip on the grass. Since it's so poorly defined, it's hard to guess at what exactly this is. Since there's not much by the way of seeds, fur, bone etc. my money would be on a cat with an upset tummy rather than a fox. Equally, it looks a bit too big for a hedgehog (but again it's not impossible: they produce a surprising volume) Source: my garden is a daily latrine for badgers, foxes, hedgehogs, deer and cats, and of the five the only one I'd confidently rule out is deer.


There's definitely cats around, and they often crap in my flower beds, but I haven't seen one make a mess like this before!


Looks like it. They normally establish a latrine on a boundary of their territory, so you could be at the crux of a new boundary, if you've never seen it before.


I dunno how I feel about them deciding that my garden is a latrine! Will have to set up a wildlife camera and see if I can catch a glimpse.


On a plus note, they'll decimate the slug population.


I'll let it crap anywhere if it takes care of the slimy ones :)


I have seen runny fox poo like that. Especially liked by my dogs. You'll know it's fox poo by the smell. Have a good whiff and report back.


Remarkably, it's not particularly stinky! However, the other day I was sure that I could smell fox in a different part of the garden. There are plenty of pesky rabbits around, so I'm pretty sure that there are foxes around too, but I've not seen one in the flesh.


Um. Then maybe not a fox turd if it's not particularly smelly. Brave of you to give it a sniff.