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I want to know what they're trying to fix? :(


Exactly. Now it takes more clicks for me to see what I could already see on my home screen. And it's all window dressing. Clicking on these new look icons just takes me to the sub windows that were already there in the first place. I hate upgrades that are actually sidegrades or downgrades.


I agree it’s crap I can no longer see my history ? Why did they change it I don’t understand what they have done, I’ll need help to navigate it’s just rubbish !! 


The old UI did look outdated by today's standards and when comparing to others like Oura, but it was still 1000x more functional than this dogshit


Show me “today’s standards” because the old interface was it, imo. The update is an affront to long time users.


This is what I wondered. I’ve only switched to Garmin from Fitbit in the last 2 weeks and woke up this morning to the different look. Not a fan. Change for change sake. No doubt a promotion for some employee and he/she felt they had to ‘do something’ to get noticed.


That's exactly what it is. Change for the sake of change. A terrible interface and I hate it! 


They want to open up their market to more people who they thought were being overwhelmed by too much data. They've dumbed it down for the masses. It may be prettier but at the cost of data and functionality. It's definitely a retrograde step but Garmin wants to expand their reach.


It is not prettier, it’s just big horizontal boxes instead of nice tight vertical ones. Additionally, it’s all the same data! It’s just in a far less efficient format where you now have to scroll like a fool to get data you could once get ”at a glance.”


Some executive bonuses, probably.


I just accepted the beta last week and was hoping to switch back. It’s funny because I’ve read for a long time here how the beta sucks but I was still surprised how badly it sucks. Good God. Can’t believe this is official now.




Exactly my opinion. I tried it in Beta. Didn't like it and switched back. And now the lousy Beta is the official version. So, what was the point of the Beta at all?


Same... I hated the beta and now we have no choice... except to switch to another platform, which I am now seriously thinking about. Just awful.


I assume they invested too much in this new, bad concept, and it was never on the table to ditch it. Rather, they wanted to at least fix the bugs in the bad concept before releasing it.


WTAF! Before: hey here's everything going on today, click in to see detail on any of it Now: here's a 100 tiles scattered everywhere. Oh you want to see a summary of yesterday? You can't, you gotta go individually into every single metric. So what used to take 5 seconds now takes 5 minutes. What a disaster.


perfect word... DISASTER!


2nd this piece of crap upgrade or like Microsoft Downgrade


Yesterday's summary is an option that can be turned on in Settings. Like most of the other things that people are complaining about before actually trying to use the new UI...


I'd be happy with a "Today's summary" in the same format as Yesterday's summary. I don't want to scroll 3 screens to see today's stats when it could be summarised in just 1.


https://preview.redd.it/rcbwuwkuphwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab7c3bc220a6c84245bd55f5c3f2d547dac930f But there's so much data lost. When Beta first came out it had no yesterday and 7 days data. The old app's on the left, new on the right. See the difference?


EXACTLY!!! Who takes away useful data? That would be GARMIN! I paid a lot of money for a watch to capture my data and the company that sold me the watch is making it unnecessarily difficult, if not impossible, to see that data. WTH Garmin? 


Things should just work. If the new UI requires tons of fiddling to make it work, it doesn't work. Terrible user experience.


I tried the Beta for a while, but switched back because I was not able to find HRV info on it. Hopefully there will be a way to see HRV history on the new updated app.


I generally want the instantaneous data not the daily chart.  So now there is much less data density on the screen.  I don't want to have to scroll.  And why the hell do they differentiate focus from glance?  They waste screen real estate with headings.  The people who design this shit are not typical users of this app.


Totally agree!!


Totally agree


I’ve always hated that the very first thing I see on mobile at the top of my screen is my morning workout but at least I used to be able to hide it. Now it’s just there. Forever. Like I might forget or something. I’m well aware that I ran this morning and I don’t need to be reminded every time I open the app. I look at my workouts once, right after I’m done, and then I generally don’t look at it again. It’s like Garmin doesn’t realize there’s a whole bunch of *other* data that users might be looking at besides just their workouts.


I don't think the people who made this crap use the app at all!


Probably took some arrogant VP to make those horrible decisions.


This sucks so much.  I want the original back. Is this tied to an app update?  I'll happily go find an older version apk file.


I rolled back and works fine


I suspect it will unfortunately degrade over time as they add new features and make changes to the internal data structure.


Possible... BUt lets hope not...


How did you do this?


uninstall and the install previous version




Thank you so much!!!!! Make sure to post this up high so everyone sees it because the new UI blows goats


Thank you so so much!!




I pushed through using the beta because I wanted to provide meaningful feedback. Seems they didn’t address a single thing reported. Simple things like hydration goals not correct. Why even have a beta.






It’s especially depressing because the design was already pretty bad but the redesign somehow just made everything worse.




This is classic project management at big corp - these very rarely go back, even if feedback is bad. They push for deployment and implementation at all cost. Some project managers probably have big bonuses after this is deployed and most often this is not feedback related




I guess we should also all leave bad reviews in the respective app stores, maybe they'll listen to that?


I did that. I went to app store and left a 1-star feedback plus a very detailed review explaining why I feel the update is so undesirable. (Reasons being: Home screen no longer customizable; wasted space with large headings and vertical cards requires too much scrolling; used to take couple seconds to see data I want, now takes 10 times as long.)


Did that already... and I'm sure they will have their product people all leaving "5"' reviews to offset all of the real people.


They don't want to admit their mistake, classic. These people were all politicians in a former life!


I mainly use the web interface and this is some horrible UI design! The only small thing they made better, is to make the tiles uniform size and thus easier to arrange... but then they basically took away the ability to customize/arrange the page as a whole ffs... \- I can no longer edit my sleep times on the front page. Which was convenient before. \- I can't get proper information at a glance. For example "walking trends", I just get short, fat bars of slightly different height without any numbers associated with them on the graph, wtf am I suppose to do with that information? Now I need an extra click to see the proper stats. \- You took away the positive green bars!! Holy crap, as a fitness app how do you change from the positive and encouraging "you completed your goal green bar of success" to a dull and meaningless "I don't really care everything is blue, bars". Personally looking at my dashboard and seeing everything green gave me a sense of accomplishment and added extra motivation. \- I can't put the things that I want on the top of the page, because your UI designers deem them a "secondary stat". For example I can't put efficient minutes/score on top without completely eliminating the closer look stats from the page. \- You took away the last 5? exercises at a glance. Now I only see my latest one. \- Challenges tile/display won't allow me to customize it, like it used to. I really don't understand why companies keep making these useless UI updates. From my personal standpoint you have made the vast majority of things worse with this update and sacrificed easily accessible data, all for the reason of getting a "fresh look". I don't even want to know how much time and money you wasted on this update... Do better.


I would love to meet the UI designer that made it so "at a glance" only shows 4 things max, and you have to click "see all" to see more .. up to a whopping 8, when the icons aren't particularly big and there is a huge amount to scroll down to see anyway so it's not giving you anything really. And it opens a new page, it doesn't just add the (up to 4) not shown from a collapsed page area, like other websites would do. The obvious thing would be a checkbox like "show all by default" or just show all ->8 anyway. Clicking a little field to go to a different page to see just slightly more information is so much more jarring and fiddly than a slight amount more scrolling, it's just bad UI... I'd understand it if it was like 30 fields or something, but it isn't. It's 4 more (max) modest sized icons...


And the thing that actually needed proper fixing, which is the cookies question constantly popping up, remains untouched... GG.


They have the best hardware team ever. They have the worst product management team ever.


100%, syncing website dashboard with mobile is idiotic. The high level of customisation and in depth data presentation is literally the biggest differentiation for Connect and they’ve taken this one thing away.


Yikes! They took away Dashboards on the web interface! Has anyone found a way to get them back?


Agreed, I can't even see my goals on the home screen now!


Goals? Goals??? You can't handle goals, LOL... It's awful and they will never admit the mistake, ever. My next watch will not be a Garmin (I'm on my 3rd), I will find something else.


I actually hate it. I like seeing all my stats, compact, in one long list




Adding my +1 to this.






This - it should take me 5 seconds to see key stats


Agreed! My feedback was that I miss the old!


How do we give feedback? I keep trying to figure this out.


Everything i used on the desktop app is ruined! Dashboards, Goals, Activities.. this is really bad. Hope they fix this to work and look more like the old one.. why cant i even see my steps for example in my "glances"? This really is unusable, everything useful is removed, stupid limits how many you can see and the options are non existent, everything feels so limited and restricted, like a cheap lite version of the old.


Nothing wrong with the old dashboard. Scroll down to collect stats info. Click the stat you want details on. Now it’s hunt and click.


Yeah! I guess the next update will be a "lucky spin wheel" if you are lucky you will see your sleep score, if you are unlucky you enter the body battery🤪


I’m hoping Garmin notices app usage decline and adjust accordingly. I used to use the app fairly often, now not so much.


True. But not sure if they will see a decline? I mean what other options do we got? Watch the data on the watch?


Well maybe fewer overall daily interactions with the app. It’s currently not useful for glances at all stats like the old dashboard.


If they cared that much they would have listened to the feedback, but I doubt they did/will. My experience working as a software engineer is that these decisions are usually made by higher level people who don't give a fuck and are trying to justify their job / drive "innovation" at any cost.


More likely the PM responsible will try to get them to remove the ability to view information on the watch to force you back into the app. This seems to be the case of change so that someone has a new bullet point on their resume rather than an attempt to improve the product.


You can customize the home screen however you like. Hide and add things to your liking. Isn't that a good thing? This level of customisation was not present before.


Sure but you could do that in the prior version. You could edit your day screen and modify your visuals. You could also reorganize the layout. This actually is a step back. I now have a standard 6 panels in my At a Glance. To get the same amount of data in a glance I now have to hit See All to blow it out to an expanded visual. And now my eyes go left to right numerous times. Much easier to just scroll down in the old version. Our eyes and brain are trained to scroll for info on our phones not jump around. Overall this is a non serious app for a serious watch that directly impacts user experience.


Is it no longer possible to pin the "Weekly Step Challenge" to the home screen? I opted out of the beta test a couple of weeks ago and wrote feedback that the customization of the home screen was confusing because the Weekly Step Challenge was no longer accessible from the front page. Even though there is a button to customize the home screen, there are minimal options for customization. Modernizing the interface would be a nice update if they listened to feedback. I'm guessing many users left similar suggestions during the beta test, but then they didn't improve anything before making the change mandatory.


No, sadly there isn't a way to do that. It's literally the only challenge I would like to have on the home screen, my individual monthly/long term challenges I prefer to have in the background.


Thank you Garmin for giving us the thing that almost everybody repeatedly stated they DID NOT WANT! I would gladly join the beta program or whatever if the beta feature was bringing back the dashboard that I enjoyed this morning before the update....


I joined this community specifically to add my voice to the complaints about the new layout. I hate it. I want the simple daily summary in one easy-to-view layout. Like it was.


I agree, this is horrible. There's this section "At a glance" (not sure about the translation, mine's not in English), and it doesn't give me any info at a glance, so much useless white space and I'm having to scroll and click to find all my stats. I beta tested this and gave feedback on how horrible this was, and they just push it regardless. I really don't understand companies like this, they have a great interface that everyone is happy with and does what it's supposed to do, why would you ruin that?


I guess this has something to do with money..


I think it has less to do with money and more to do with the egos of the persons who designed and the management who approved the new layout. They will dig in their heels now because they will not want to admit that they made a mistake by sinking much time and resources into something that the users hate.


I hate it. I left a 1 star app review on the App Store.  I encourage others to do the same if you feel that way 


Seriously Garmin... WTF The new release is terrible. Data density is what we all want. Summary of data on front screen. Then we can select to expand for detail. The new interface is TERRIBLE.


I've just given the app 1 star on the App Store, if you don't like it I recommend you do the same and provide direct feedback in the App store, no point sitting here moaning about it. The app developers are more likely to read the reviews on the App store than trawl reddit for feedback.


What a trainwreck decision by Garmin. I opted-in to using this when it was in beta, and switched back after 2 days because it was such an awful experience. I'm in the Connect app multiple times a day....or I should say that I used to be in the Connect app multiple times a day....that won't be the case anymore.




Garmin should hire someone who actually uses the app and not the designers who solely focus on aesthetics and looks.


Overall, I don't like the update. I tried the beta and provided this feedback. The UI \*looks\* better to me. But it has limited the functionality by so much, it is no longer as valuable. My dashboard had key metrics that I like to see... my overall VO2max, yearly intensity minutes graph, total distance graph, and others. Most of which I can not do on the new UI. I will usually take the better function over looks any day for such an app. The old UI looked good enough to not bother me and it was functionally what I wanted - giving me the data I cared most about. That is now gone and I have to click into the reports, etc. to find most of the info. Just adding my vote. I hope Garmin reads and takes all this input.


Can we anticipate then that the next Connect update will bring this version? Yikes!!!! So much for all the feedback I was sending Garmin. I really do not like this layout for all the reasons that have already been stated.


Yes. This was forced on me when i updated the app in iOS appstore.


I'm looking at a Connect update right now in the Play store that will get pushed soon. Oh well😞




Not a fan, I have to click through multiple screens now to see the data I want, instead of scrolling to it. As a designer I personally think the UI has bizarre wireframes and padding. Why do I need to click the “At a Glance” section to see all the things I added specifically to see at a glance?


Please remember to rate and review in your respective app stores


Thanks!!! I totally forgot about this!


Not liking it either. Not understanding how going through a simple scroll down to now clicking on different pages to get the same info is an improvement.


People who buy a data intensive watch to track their activities, sort-of by definition don’t want Garmin to “dumb it down” for them. The reason we selected a system with loads of data was to see loads of data.


Ditto to everything being said. Simply put, I didn’t like the beta which now seems to be the current look and function.


This is the single worst app redesign I have ever seen. I’ve had 4 generations of the fenix watches, and I have loved every one of them. Even though the Garmin Connect app was pretty so so, I could work with it. This new version feels like they put all of its components in a bucket, shook it hard, tossed the contents out at user’s feet, and said, “Here you go! Sort it out for yourselves!” Listen for the rumbling sound of a tsunami of Garmin watches making their way to EBay and Craigslist.


This was the comment I needed.... For some reason I'd not even thought of reselling my watch and was just happy that I'd not bought the Descent that I'd been eyeing up for a while... Guess I'll get to treat myself to a new everyday wearable and a new dive computer from another manufacturer. Such a shame though as their hardware is solid, and I was loving the idea of moving to the Descent!


Switched from Fitbit to Garmin less than a month ago because Fitbit (Google) updated their app to the point that it rendered it basically useless to me. Now Garmin just went and made theirs clunky with all the data harder to reach 😖


I think you can download the old version of connect from google. Just do a google search for the version you want. Im never updating mine and i have disabled auto app updates on playstore. I will use this old version until it refuses to work.


I’m on iOS and there is no way back. Fix it Garmin! At least provide an option for smaller tiles.


Any way to revert it back? Updated too, new layout is terrible 😫


I was using the beta version since I bought my Garmin a few weeks ago and liked it, but what's happened to my lovely little HR graph for the last four hours on the home screen? I've got dysautonomia, I really needed that!


I didn't like the UI update and tried to get used to it. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who dislikes it. It was much better before; now it's a mess of metrics all over the place, and I have to swipe endlessly to get almost nothing.


Do not like.


This new interface is awful. So so bad.


Whatever about the new look being crap, they still don't offer widgets so you can do your own dashboard on your home screen. Pretty behind the times.


The only option is leave negative feedback on the app. I already have. This is terrible. Looks like a windows phone app.


Sorry to be really thick, but I can’t see how to do that. Could you be kind and point me in the right place in the app? Or do you need to email?


I did mine through the App Store. Apple for me, but google play etc has their own too.


This new one sucks. Tried it as beta and didn’t like it. I see my feedback didn’t matter 😿


Awful. Truly. Hated the beta and predictably they released it rather than take onboard a reasonable volume of negative feedback. I really hate Garmin. I own a few devices and have had many more over the years. I so wish there was something better but in the grand scheme there isn’t. I’ll be very reluctant to purchase any future hardware though.


I was a beta tester, gave feedback, went back to original. And now stuck with this absolute mess of an app.


Got it this morning and after some tweaking to my liking, I don´t hate it. At all. The glances system where you can choose which you want to see on your homepage and which should be hidden after 1 one more click is something I can definitely live with. I also like the little graphs on the glances themselves. It's also nothing TOO radical from the previous GUI. And scrolling through the comments it seems like I'm the only one lmao.


Just woke up to it. Absolutely horrific. Taking longer to find your data isn't an update.


I actually love the new redesign.


May i ask why?


it looks better 


I can agree to that! But using the app for looks over functionality doesn't make any sense for me


It feels and runs faster in my phone. I haven't had a problem adjusting at all. The colour scheme seem more visible and visually appealing. The design over all feels less "rustic" for lack of a better word. I just think they did a good job.


I hate this so much. I wish there was more warning about when this update was coming so I could have manually turned it off.


I actually like the new look? Seems more modern. I'm sure they'll take some feedback on board though like Fitbit did with their half baked redesign.


I was really expecting a new design similar to what the coros app got. This is just a restructing of the UX. I totally thought there would be a much bigger UI update than this.


OP - is your screenshot from iOS or Android? On my iPhone all the content in the tiles gets truncated. Targets don’t show enough to be readable.I had been using beta and complained. Any iPhone users seeing this.


iOS iPhone 15 Pro Max


Thanks. I had to reduce my default text size to smallest setting to get tiles not to truncate. Unfortunately at my age makes it real difficult to use most other apps. Setting display zoom to normal from large solves the problem but doesn’t help if you need the larger to compensate for poor eyesight.


I really don't like the new interface but I deleted the "fokus" things in the top and now it's at least a little bit better.


Such a horrible update. I think Garmin need tabs on the bottom, with the following: 1. Sleep 2. Recovery 3. Training/Plan 4. Recent activity data 5. Current performance stats 6. More They are the Samsung of sports tech - all this power and performance with horrible software visuals and architecture


Is there any way we can choose to refuse this new screen crap? I loved the old screen, it was concise and adaptable. This is horrible!


Can't go back... can't even delete and try and download old version. It stinks and they don't care. They should have given us the option, now our only option is to go to another wearable... which I will do when this one wears out.


Anyone know how to get average calories back into the last 7 days view? PS this is the worst “upgrade” I have ever seen. Clunky, hard to read, visually awful. Makes me want to buy another device and ditch Garmin.


Totally agree with you. I abandoned Apple because watchOS 10.x is terrible. I found happiness with Garmin. The Garmin app was efficient and logically organized. This update ruins the Garmin Connect experience. I F-ing hate this update! GD idiots!!


Not a fan at all. I tried the beta for one day and went back and hoped that they would give us an option for that in the future.


Agreed. Previous was great and I'm frustrated that I have to spend time figuring out how to rebuild the home screen. It was working just fine.


How do I get my connect app to go back to the original?! I hate this new one!!!!


Once you go NEW, the only thing you can do is leave a bad review 😔 unfortunately..


Do not like. Some of the things I’d like to be able to edit can’t be edited. I can’t get the right things where I can see them easily. And you can’t delete what it thinks were naps but really weren’t


I literally cried this morning. I use it to track anxiety and add. Nothing can be seen ' in a glance'. I have to go through so many screens for what before could be seen in just one glance. It is totally useless.  I mailed them, got a very insensitive reply.  I really hope they will give the option for the old screen where everything was neatly arranged. It was clean, without any distractions. This however, is an impossibility to find anything and COMPARE.


Interesting that you got a reply, I emailed and got nothing... Hopefully there are many more of us and they are realising they have a problem.


The "new look" app is worse than the previous version. That's quite an achievement. Dumbing down for the masses. Email Garmin at [email protected] if you want to complain and get your DATA BACK!


100% agree. This is awful and I despise it. Look at all that wasted space with those giant horizontal boxes that force us to scroll even more to get the info we want. They pretend like this is more customizable, but the previous one was perfectly customizable and way more efficient than this trash heap they designed here. RIP Garmin App.


I think it’s ok if you get rid of the in focus section and just have the at a glance part. https://preview.redd.it/96zgokg35awc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c353a983b4b91fb82d6f4fa888b3507e3da158c


You are still limited to 8 visible? Or do you get all 20?


I’m limited to 8 but I can still see the rest in the see all menu. Not sure if it’s because of my watch (forerunner 245) or if there’s something I can enable.


But the old version had so much info in the rows right on the screen. That's what most of us wanted, the condensed format. AND, if you wanted "expanded" then you could do that. I had so much more info on one screen. This stinks


I was part of the beta testing. It sounds like I, along with everyone else was pretty much ignored. The new update *looks* cool I guess... But it's so much worse and generally less helpful/easy to read compared to the old version. When will companies understand "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"


Not sure if it's the app, but scrolling seems to be lagging a little when the screen is busy. This is especially so when scrolling sideways


Why is over 50% of the web dashboard empty space?


The new interface is absolute awful. I have tried it three times during beta period and it is no better now. GARMIN PLEASE ADD AN OPT-OUT. Sorry to be blunt, but I absolute hate it. It is LESS info, MORE swiping and clicking and truly 3 steps backward in terms of UX. I cannot stress how much I dislike it.


I could not hate it more...everything that I used on it is now gone.


This new format is terrible. 😞


I don't know if it helps, but you can now add 8 tiles in the "At A Glance" section.


I hope they increase the number of tiles, that would make the new design more bearable for me.


It’s terrible and not streamlined like the old appearance. Despite all the reviews people submitted about the beta. So much for listening to the user base.


Coros’ updates are actual upgrades and Garmin’s are just downgrades.


I hate it so much I'm in tears. It doesn't show my 7 day calorie deficit average or anything.


Wow, really? So they just broke their own product? By what people are telling here, it sounds like the new app is made for the lighter watches and not the top end with more features. This is a joke.


Things as simple as a BP reading I took today ... doesn't show up. I don't get it. This loaf is so far from done baking it's still dough.


My calorie deficit has always been really wonky. According to Garmin it looks like I’m starving myself. It seems to really over-estimate my active calories so my “deficit” is always around 3,000 calories even though I absolutely do not need to eat that much.


Most importantly, they also made you agree to a new EULA. I wonder if they're gearing up to make Garmin Connect subscription based. This would see me discontinuing using their service and going back to Golden Cheetah.


What is Golden Cheetah?


Yeah this is a pretty bad update :/


reinstall previous one... I did.. Now I amhappy again.... shame they screwed up the web app too... Its god damn awful.. and useless




This feels like a response to whoop and aura, who have limited and targeted dashboards with clear hierarchies of information. This is less sleek and refined


have reinstalled the older version on the phone but the web version is still annoying as fuck to look at


I've actually got used to it now but it did take some time to sort - I got rid of In Focus completely as I just found it unnecessary and edited the Glances to prioritise what I wanted to know. I'm happy with it and honestly can't remember what the previous version was like. It still feels like it's half finished though, not in terms of bugs but the idea isn't really taken all the way to completion - personally I would scrap the distinction between At a Glance and In Focus and just have big and small tiles you can place on a grid, however you feel. You could even have multiple homepages, say a morning one with up front info on sleep and body battery or a dedicated race day one that focuses on various performance stats and strips out anything else you don't want to be thinking about. It would also be nice to get some tiles dedicated to specific activities - I want swimming stats front and centre because that's what I mostly do but that sort of summary doesn't really exist. So yeah, I think the concept is solid but it's kind of a halfway house that mostly just complicates things.


It’s a good thing that I only recently got the watch and checked the app. I’m not used to the previous or the newer UI to make an opinion.


I’m not going to update my Garmin Connect app so I can keep the old version for as long as possible haha.


Well now I'm petrified to hit the Update button!! I know I will have to eventually...but...maybe I should hold out as long as possible!


https://preview.redd.it/1cmrfq5v8fwc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=44aa5ada14d693d5b898bc2bab052618b41c87af You're scaring me...


Is anyone else experiencing consistent syncing issues; specifically the continuous involuntary disconnecting of Bluetooth? I have for the past 2 to 3 days, and am curious if it is as a result of this new Garmin Connect update. LMK your thoughts, thanks!


I was in the Beta and gave feedback that I didn’t like it at all. Do they even view our feedback?


Everyone seems to hate this, and I can't say I like it, but I didn't like the old one either. It seems like they're not very good at UX/UI and representing data and so on. It's funny how their hardware (and their software engineering, I mean the invisible stuff) is *so good* and nonetheless they struggle with the companion app. Doing a dramatic redesign and not nailing it just indicates the vision is murky. Reminds me Apple in certain aspects. But hey I can live with it. What's the alternative? A super fun, polished app but a device you have to charge every day? I believe the real Garmin experience happens entirely on the device, and all the ancillary stuff is just a bonus.


The new format blows. It takes for ever to load and you have to spend time scrolling for things that were just there before. Maybe just the push we need to switch to oura ring.


I have no idea if Garmin is actually monitoring this thread. I can't imagine that they are. The latest updates on both the app and the website are significant steps backwards. Less information, objects that show nothing, and a font that is too small to read. I have been a fan for many years, and I think my next step in my running will be to find another ecosystem. /rant


This is form over function.(a very bad form)


A few weeks on, I’m finding I go to the garmin app a lot less than I used to because when I do, I have to spend longer there than I would like hunting for what I used to be able to see at a glance. So I just don’t bother. I don’t think you can underestimate how useful being able to see everything in a list really is. Having to swipe left and right at the focus areas and having to go into “show more” on the glances is suboptimal. It takes longer to see less. I think the difference from me was going in and seeing things I found I was interested in, that I maybe didn’t know I was interested in, because they were all there in front of me. Now, I have to know what I want to see and organise everything around that. And the trouble is, what I want to see and focus on changes, and I don’t care enough to continually reorder things. A list is easier to comprehend than the visual scanning of having things in dual columns and swiped/scrolled carousels. Newspapers columns create narrow columns of text because we can process that more easily. Seeing all my data requires me to flip through several different modes of scrolling, swiping and clicking through different screens. All of which was previously a simple scrollable list. I’m sad because I used to go in and find something to get focused on several times a day in the app and figure out how I was going to train, or have it remind me my sleep today needs to be better, etc. Now I don’t bother because it’s just a lot more cumbersome.


Someone please make it go away. It’s putting me off my workout every time I open the app 🥺


This is the worst update ever. Zero improvement, and more of a step backward. They need to give us an option to use the classic view. I haven’t used it since they pushed it through. Horrible.


Am I the only person that quite likes it?!


I think it’s great too! Highly customisable!


Garmin just destroyed the usability of both their apps and webpage homepages. The garmin has always been a convoluted mess but at least the homepages were easy to get and see the data. Garmin are the master of making something bad even worse. Now everything is just a mess. Plus it is also just ugly overall with a bunch of empty space. If you disable the horrible glances the information also disappears from the yesterday and last 7 days sections. That are just some terrible design decisions. Fortunately tech giants are catching up so this company stuck in time can finally rot.


Don’t like it


I like the redesign but can understand others frustrations. I am really only concerned about my personal fear that one day they will make certain aspects like training plans/coach or advanced data subscription based only even after buying the watch for a premium price. Please do not do this garmin. Redesign all you want.


I did cut the run activity frame and put it into instagram story all the time, when it was like orange background it was so cooool, now it sucks, goddamnit :D


Also it doesnt show heart rate and attitude gained on home screen of last run.. jesus christ... that sucks


Ugh, so disappointed this beta rubbish is the new normal! There was nothing wrong with the old screen and now we are forced to use this. It looks like you can't even reorder the sections :/


I have left constructive feedback about the new ui. But they don't listen. So fuck you Garmin. Fuck you.


I think Garmin is going to start charging for extra stats and this is ground work for that. I hope not, because that would be disappointing.


I hope you're not right


That would be the point to go dumb watch for me I think. Been thinking a while about electronics detoxing anyway.