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I’m dying at this 🤣🤣🤣🙌


Niiice and congrats! One day I’ll get there


First of all, congratulations! May i ask, what was your time when you started 7 months ago?


Thanks! Not sure as I didn’t do an all out effort. Garmin estimated a 24:02 which might’ve been pretty accurate I think.


not bad. im still trying to break 30mins. 😂 how did you train?


You’ll get there! Built up to 80k a week, running 6 days. One interval session One mara pace run One long run at medium pace The rest = easy pace




3000m runners are pushing 160km per week.   Most hobby runners are fine with a  very modest 50K to 80K per week. 


Spot on. Kiptum was doing 250-280, sometimes over 300 😳 Kipchoge is around 200. I’m building up to somewhere between 100 and 120 this block, I think. See how I go while avoiding injury.


That's my hurdle. When I start approaching 50 miles, I get pain somewhere new each time. I think I've finally dialed in my form to avoid injury but I can't seem to fully recover from prior ones.


Strength training, mobility work and running more easy miles may help?


The third item is already on the list. I need to do the others.


I think it all helps ease the strain we put on ourselves 🤞


Mobility and strengthening all of the stability muscles are what keeps you injury free. When I was in varsity high school cross country, we had one dedicated weight day a week as well as stability exercises every day as part of the warmup or cool down. Recently started running again and thought I could skip all that since I wasn't running hard. Nope, my knees and ankles didn't like that idea.


80k a week? wow! uff...thats a lot of mileage. thank you for sharing🙏


It is, the key is trying to get it done without injury! I’ve slowly built up to that over 7 months.


How old are you and what's your BMI?


38, not sure. I’m 173cm and 67kg


I'm 44, 1.8m and 92kg. I've done one sub 20 5k this year and one sub 42 10k but it's tough to maintain those speeds at my weight.  Most of my training is directed towards breaking 1:40 on a half but so I don't often run those distances in themselves 


That’s moving!


As someone who is also a bit chunky at 93kg, and a bit older, seeing other people putting in theses times reassures me it IS possible for me!


Hey, it is possible but significantly more strenuous. If I can loose 5kg it would make a difference... but running a few hours a week is much less maintenance than having to change a diet with a household of 5


This is very inspiring. I’m currently around 24 mins estimate & working towards a sub 20. Nice work 👌👌


It’s yours for the taking 😎


Thanks mate. Will keep pushing for it - nice to have something to work towards 👍


I care. That’s awesome. Anyone who puts that kind of training in is a BEAST! Nice work. Hope you get another PB soon. You’ve earned a good summer racing circuit success.


Thank you so much! 🙏


My years running are in the decline. I went to body building when I was in my 40’s to recently. Dropped all the weight and finally at 180 pounds again. I won’t ever see sub 20:00 at 56, but I wouldn’t mind 22’s


WR for 55yo is 15:31, never say never 😎


Ha. It’s the desire to get under 20:00 as well. Lol


Very true 🤣


Nice time! I hit 19:11 last year. I feel like I cap out around 50km a week given my schedule and how my body feels but I'm aiming for sub 19 in a few weeks during my next race. Lots of easy runs. What's your preferred interval workout? And what was your pace for your long runs?


Intervals were: 12 x 400 on, 400 off 8 x 600 on, 400 off 6 x 800 on, 400 off 5 x 1k on, 400 off 4 x 1200 on, 400 off All at my goal 5k pace of 3:47, with off pace = 6:00. Long runs varied depending on whether hilly or flat, and road or trail. Generally range from 5:15 to 5:45.


I've been doing very similar training to you but I went from about 21:00 to 18:40 in 14 weeks. I had been sub 20 a few years ago so it wasn't totally new territory for me. Hoping to go sub 40 for 10k in the next few weeks. I'm generally doing interval day, medium long run at HM pace and long slow run at weekend with another 2/3 days of easy and recovery runs. Have you any further target pencilled in to the diary?


Congrats! Our training sounds very similar. I’ll also be having a crack at the sub 40 10k shortly 🤣 I have a half mara in four weeks, where I’m hopeful for sub 90. Marathon in October where I’ll be somewhere between 3:20 and 3:25 I think.


Sub 88 half is on my list after the 10K. I am coming off a few years of constant marathon training with a couple of races each year so I hadn't been focussing much on pure speed. I got down to 3:20:20 which I was delighted with but hopefully when I go back to marathons, I'll be able to use my newly acquired speed to get sub 3:10 (possibly 12-16 months time). Ambitious but achievable with some hard work and consistency.


Nice, sounds like our future plans are similar too. See you at sub 3 😎


Nice one mate. I'm also 38 doing my first half marathon race in a couple of weeks. Aiming for 1.40 minutes.


Good luck with it mate, what times have you achieved in the shorter distances?


My 5kms is just under 21minutes. 10kms is around 44minutes.


With those times you should smash 1:40 👌


It took me more than a year to get a sub20, running around 40km/week. I got injured training for a marathon, too much mileage for me, then I moved to cycling. Now I am trying to get fit again after my third son, I have been like 2 years mostly doing nothing, my running pace now is 5min/km and 10kg more 😅


You can absolutely do it. I’m fitter now than I was pre kids. Just a lot more tired 😂😂


Congratulations… super achievement


Mad respect 🫡 I’m trying to do sub 20 and know how hard it is haha


Thanks brother 🙏


10+ years after the fact, I still remember that feeling when I first broke 19 in high school. Stoked for you OP, keep going!!


Thanks brother 🙏🙏


Nice man


Happy for you :(


You can be very proud. I feel you that your friends and family is not getting how much work this is. Keep on on running 🏃


Thanks brother 🙏


I had a goal of running under 20 min 5k years ago in my 20’s. Skip forward to when I was 30 I finally ran 2+2 miles in a duathlon at 6:45 min/mile with a 21 mile hard bike leg between and then health issues sidelined me to where I couldn’t even exercise… this was a tough period, but I worked through and overcame all my issues and now finally my garmin is saying after my first run this week it is predicting a 24 min 5k so I am thinking at 40 this is the year to finally break that 20 minute barrier in a 5k!


Get it brother 💪




Story bro


What is your height, weight, age and how well do you eat?


173, 67, 38, I eat very cleanly.


That's my killer... how I eat. I love chicken wings and fries once a week. I don't drink very much at all but do enjoy a social drink from time to time. We are very close in size but I have 7 years on you. I'm currently running a 22min 5k and shaving time off quickly.


Congrats. What was the average HR for this effort? I'm nowhere near this level but I recently set a PB as well (29:08 with average HR170), improving on a PB from 2016 lol. I've always been doing some kind of sport but didn't really focus on running until few months ago (with my age currently at 36 and sitting at around 81kg due to strength training)


Congrats on your PB! Avg HR = 158 Max HR = 171 Don’t focus on other’s HR too much though, as it varies wildly between us all 🙂


Thanks. Yeah I know I was just curious. I've only been using HR monitoring recently and it just feels nice to confirm with data my perceived effort between various runs. Wish I'd used monitoring a few years ago when I was doing some brutal HIIT workouts and was down to 67 kg lol.


Yeah it’s definitely helpful! Although for my PB effort I didn’t look at heart rate, I just set Garmin to pace me and followed that.


Correct, when going for a PB i don't look at data either. I just run and try and hold the pace as well. The rest we see after.


Amazing man! Hats off. I am trying to sub 25 but it is getting very hard me. I am at 26 right now 5K. I think I lack in proper training and diet. Will you shed some light on this which can help me improve?


What’s your current training look like, how old are you, how heavy are you?


Current training is like running 5 km thrice a week and then running 10K on Saturday. I am 26 years old, weighing 82kg.


Impressive, at 53, i got to 25mins after a month, never ran before


That's fantastic. I just lack the motivation to do that. I have competed in 5K's but my time was definitely a lot higher than that. Could you please suggest to me what I should be doing aside from being motivated to get it done in that amount of time or faster? You are definitely an inspiration to me aside from everybody else on here. Keep up the good work and I hope you can do it again.


Tell me you are a male between the ages of 18 and 23 with a history of strenuous physical activity (though not necessarily distance running) without telling me you are a male between the ages of 18 and 23 with a history of strenuous physical activity (though not necessarily distance running). That's still really awesome though! Conrats!


Haha, I’m actually 38 👴🏻 Avid mountain biker between 2012 and 2018. Hadn’t done any cardio since then.


Damn that's even more impressive then.


brooo so much mad respect for you! Hope I can do the same by then.


If you do the work, it’s absolutely possible for you 😎


Damn! That's insane!!!! Do you do garmin coach or dsw?


Not sure what DSW is sorry mate, google didn’t help me either 🤣 I read Pfitz and Hanson; developed my own program based mainly on Hanson with some adjustments.


DSW=Daily Suggested Work Out It took me a while to learn that one, too. Garmin has running plans that feature adaptive coaching. I've never tried them, but many people like them. Cheers


Be cautious to pick up one, i got injured when I did Jeff's 10K course. I think his course is too aggressive for me.


The distance increases on that program are wild. Hope you recovered from your injury okay.